What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery Jackpot?

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Sex, drugs, and Rock & Roll



First I would buy a test kit that can tell if the cocaine is cut too much. If it's not, buy an 8 ball in Vegas and spend a week or two gambling, swimming, eating, fucking and taking in some Vegas shows.

I remember when I did coke at first it wasn't cut much and over time the dealer kept cutting it more and more until you purchased some, went home and did it and got nothing off of it other than a plugged up nose.
2 girls at the same time. And I think that’s possible because chicks dig guys with money
I'm 50 and my girlfriend is 28 so I can attest to that.

Do you really want 2 girls looking at you all disappointed after you finish too quickly? It's bad enough with 2 eyes looking at you that way now you want 4? LOL.
2 girls at the same time. And I think that’s possible because chicks dig guys with money
I would try to find 2 or 3 girls to be my personal assistants. Of course I don't want to proposition them to have sex for money so these would be girls I've already fucked. Yes they knew I was rich before they fucked me but that's ok. I just don't want to have to interview girls for the job and say sex is part of the deal. So I would only hire women I've already had sex with already. So I would ask them if they want to continue doing their shitty job or be my assistant for more than they make at their current job. If they accept the job we celebrate with sex. So sex is always a part of the deal, but it's not what they are being paid for. They really would be my assistants. Wash my cars, cut my lawns, make my airline and hotel reservations, run errands, laundry, cook, go with me to sporting events, concerts, weddings,

I would never marry but I'd pay each of them well. They'd never have to spend any money while they work for me so all the money they make just goes into their savings. So when they get old or fat they have some walking away money.
2 girls at the same time. And I think that’s possible because chicks dig guys with money
How big is the jackpot? I would go on a shopping spree, buy a new car, new house, then save and invest the rest.
I love when people say "Money wouldn't change me."

Well, yeah, but the first thing it would do would be change the length of my driveway.

$300 million??

First, I'm taking the lump sum. Let's call it $240 million after taxes.

I'd pay off my two homes, as well as my brother's. Mom's home is already long paid for.

I need a bigger boat. 51' gets a bit cramped with both me and my hot Puerto Rican girlfriend on board.

I'd buy a Prevost motorhome with a toy trailer, as well as one of those Mercedes Sprinter campers for shorter outings.

I'd get me a gold bidder's badge for every Mecum auction for the next year.

Build a bigger garage.

I'd probably sell one, if not both, of my businesses. I turn 59 next month and need to start thinking about living a life of uncompromised leisure.

My daughter and her fiance' want a big home in the mountains in Washington state. I'll see to it that they have that, as well as eight figures in their bank account. My daughter's 35 and doesn't know if, when they're ready to have kids that she'll actually want to. They've spoken about adopting siblings, which I think it pretty cool, so I'll see to it that, from a financial standpoint, there are zero concerns.

I'd set up college funds for my niece and nephew, who lost their Dad at age 49.

Shit, I could sit here all day and do this. A couple of weeks ago, one winning ticket was sold in Jacksonville. I think the jackpot was in the neighborhood of $300 million.

One ticket.

Mind boggling...
Get a huge property, may be in the mountains, but also with access to the sea.... full of grown trees ...like a big forest......living in a cottage ......and have animals roam free there.....like a Sanctuary.......have Peace, have Love have Happiness ....

And after that I can die in bliss,:up:
Please tell me that you would also completely cut off from the internet.

I think that right off I would move to a rented condo or nice apartment for a year while I figured out where and what I would want to buy. I wouldn't want to upgrade to a large house and property because I don't think I would see it very often. I would be doing a lot of traveling.
My father just missed $12 million by one number. So he only won $2500.
That's a bunch of bullshit, right there. That payout should be $600,000+ for 5 out of 6, if 6 out of 6 gets you $12 million.
If it were Mega you would get a million but that's because it's almost impossible to get 5 on Mega.

5 numbers - $1 million​

five different numbers from 1 to 70 (the white balls) and onenumber from 1 to 25 (the gold Mega Ball)

How to Play Lotto 47. Players select six numbers from 1-47

So you have to pick 5 numbers out of 70. My dad was playing a game that is easier to win.
First, I would set up the Superior Harmony Integral Trust to claim the winnings.

I would also negotiate with Hasbro and Gail Gygax to buy the rights to all pre-3rd Edition versions of Dungeons and Dragons and all of Gary Gygax's notes.
In Michigan everyone grows indoors ...
You think everyone in Michigan is a stupid fucking pothead?
Is that what you got out of what I wrote? Fucking idiot. Let me clarify for the stupid people here like unky. Everyone who grows in MI, grows indoors. I bought some shit grown outdoors recently and it's shit. Can't control when it's sunny or when it rains outdoors but indoor you can control those things.

Is that what you call people who smoke marijuana? Pot heads? Whatever gramps. A lot of wrestlers smoke pot. No calories.
I'm not a constant player because the odds are so horrible, but the fact remains, you can't win if you don't play, and someone is going to win, and even though the odds are so bad, you're odds of winning are the same as everyone else's.

The Mega Millions is up to $314M, and that's usually when I get interested and play. So, question is, what would you do if you won that much money?

For me, I think the smartest thing to do as far as family is concerned is give them a one time lump sum to pay off whatever, and then set up a trust fund for them so whatever else you decided to give them would at least earn interest.

Far as myself, I'd immediately go full bore looking into ways to make money with money. I wouldn't just sit back and do nothing thinking I was going to live off it for the rest of my life. I'd want that money to last in my family forever.

There is an Island for sale between St. Thomas and St. John in the US Virgin Islands for $13 million unimproved.
I would have enough money to buy the island, power it, and add a desalination plant for fresh water.
A nice, but modest home, and facilities could easily be added, as it is roughly four square miles in usable surface area.

The rest, I would use in business, investments, establish Enduring College Scholarship Trust Funds, and Advanced Mentoring Programs
for certain occupations in specified fields of study ... Mostly Marine Biology and Advanced Pharmaceuticals.

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First, I would set up the Superior Harmony Integral Trust to claim the winnings.

I would also negotiate with Hasbro and Gail Gygax to buy the rights to all pre-3rd Edition versions of Dungeons and Dragons and all of Gary Gygax's notes.
I would give all my money to SpaceX and they'd burn through it with one launch. LOL

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