Do Dems or Repubs grasp Science?


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
The lack of grasp of science is startling, even sometimes among scientists themselves.

A.) Global warming is real, absolutely, being man made is at least partially correct.
Dems tend to overstate, and Repubs tend to underestimate Global warming.

B.) Abortion, they think a collection of Cells aren't life, but that they found Life on Mars from ancient times single cell organism.

C.) Racial hierarchy. Pretty much 99% of Americans get this wrong due to political agenda, "Feelings" White guilt, Political correctness, and Individualism.
There is absolutely no proof, nor evidence of Racial equality.
Quite the opposite, the ideals of Racial equality are foolish, and in steep contrast with Evolution.

D.) Republicans often don't believe in Evolution, or Natural Section, while Democrats think Evolution lead to racial equality.

E.) Genetic disabilities, especially in terms of mental illness, Republicans especially, and even some Democrats seem to think it's a choice, obviously not.

F.) Gayness, it's obviously according to the data overwhelmingly biological, Republicans, and even a good deal of Democrats, and Scientists seem to go against real data, to say it's a choice.
Democrats believe men can be magically turned into women, and vice-versa by surgical legerdemain. That alone is enough to conjure buckets of laughter toward them.
Democrats believe men can be magically turned into women, and vice-versa by surgical legerdemain. That alone is enough to conjure buckets of laughter toward them.

Do all Democrats believe the exact same things, or is there variance?
The lack of grasp of science is startling, even sometimes among scientists themselves.

A.) Global warming is real, absolutely, being man made is at least partially correct.
Dems tend to overstate, and Repubs tend to underestimate Global warming.

B.) Abortion, they think a collection of Cells aren't life, but that they found Life on Mars from ancient times single cell organism.

C.) Racial hierarchy. Pretty much 99% of Americans get this wrong due to political agenda, "Feelings" White guilt, Political correctness, and Individualism.
There is absolutely no proof, nor evidence of Racial equality.
Quite the opposite, the ideals of Racial equality are foolish, and in steep contrast with Evolution.

D.) Republicans often don't believe in Evolution, or Natural Section, while Democrats think Evolution lead to racial equality.

E.) Genetic disabilities, especially in terms of mental illness, Republicans especially, and even some Democrats seem to think it's a choice, obviously not.

F.) Gayness, it's obviously according to the data overwhelmingly biological, Republicans, and even a good deal of Democrats, and Scientists seem to go against real data, to say it's a choice.

Well I like going against science and enjoy attempting to cross breed as much as possible.

Yes, climate change is real but natural and man made are part of it...

First three months of a pregnancy I say the life is just starting, so I can live with abortion but after that the child must be to the point it will not survive or the mother was raped, incest or will die...

So I am open minded to a point and being gay is not a choice...

Being a boy wanting to be a girl is mental illness and should be treated that way...
Democrats believe men can be magically turned into women, and vice-versa by surgical legerdemain. That alone is enough to conjure buckets of laughter toward them.

Do all Democrats believe the exact same things, or is there variance?

There is variance, but that is one of their collective claims.

If you support those who believe that should be a mandated norm, you're stained.
Democrats believe men can be magically turned into women, and vice-versa by surgical legerdemain. That alone is enough to conjure buckets of laughter toward them.

Do all Democrats believe the exact same things, or is there variance?
Those that are not marching in lock step with the Democratic Party line are quickly attacked and re-educated.
Apologies to anyone caught in the middle but just calling it like it is... when it comes to science, Democrats know that Republicans are racist misogynists, and Republicans know which bathroom to use.

Looking at things from the raw standpoint of science itself, it is important to remember that science is based on empirical findings of evidence. Somethings that are observational work very well this way. Sciences that rely on language for the substance of definitions generally does not fare well under man’s discovery because it is too easy to color findings with political or ideological bias.
Generally Democrats and Republicans get much wrong because if the influence of the ballot box. It is always important to note that observational science cannot be simply swapped in for historical events that predate observation because of the possibility of certain rules changing or being negated- I look at it like this- the best science allows for what actually happened... to have happened.

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