What would MLK say?

As the King holiday is upon us, it is once again time to reflect on Dr. Kings life and what it meant. What it really meant, not the one sentence those on the right haves made his life out to mean. Some on the right would claim that King would oppose BLM based on the government propaganda they chose to believe about them.

But King's main point was-


View attachment 444059

Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American Rhetoric

We have not seen that flood from the mighty stream yet. And no matter what a few sellouts think, this is the reality in which blacks and ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR live in. We are now into the third decade of the 21st century, it is time for us in America to stop pretending and stop lying to ourselves about reality in order to make a specific group of people feel good or comfortable. Either we all feel comfortable or no one does until this mess ends. America has not reached the point of judging people of color by the content of our character. When you read whites complaining about affirmative action while always making claims about the less qualified person of color, that is an example of how the contwnt of character is ignored.

When people talk about blacks being on a democrat plantation, this claim is not based on content of character. When blacks echo white racist beliefs and defends white supremacy it is an example of immoral character and not a black person living the belief in content of character.

I was alive when King lived and saw how he was hated by whites. To hear white “conservative” republicans tell it, King was widely accepted and loved by the white community. King was called everything whites call blacks who oppose white racism continuing today. I know because I heard them saying it. King was loved so much for his dignity, non-violence and responsibility that “conservative” whites claim to champion that a white man ended his life using ultimate violence. And now whites want to try telling us what King stood for. Ain't that about a.........

This type of lunacy believed by a section of the white community created a fictional, docile, sellout King. King took bullets and gave his life fighting to end white racism. A great man once said,” No man has a greater love than is, that he lay down his life for his friends.” King did that. That was the content of his character.
I thought MLK's dream was that people be judged by the content of their character not the color if their skin.

It seems to me that all that matters today is the color of one's skin
That's all that ever mattered. It's why whitres have 15 times the wealth of everybody else.

Kings dream was the end of white racism. Whites like you love trotting out that line when whites get held accountable for the racism they continue to exhibit.

There is no scientific basis for the concept of race the fact that people still cling to the idea that races are anything but a man made concept we will never progress towards a society where race doesn't matter

Sorry but that's ridiculous. There are biological differences between the races. Not only is it obvious even to a small child, It is in your DNA and in your bone structure.

read and learn

Open your eyes and stop being a pussy. Or are you really gonna sit there and tell me you can't tell the difference between an african tribesman and a chinese peasant?

And yet those 2 people have insignificant genetic differences.

The heart from a Chinese peasant will not be rejected if surgically implanted into an African tribesman.

Read the article and learn something

I can do without the politically correct pseudo science. Let's get real. You said there's no scientific basis for the concept of race. Can race be determined by DNA and bone structure or no? Is biology no longer a science?
National Geographic is a respected magazine and if you ever read it you would know their articles are well researched and include footnotes to all evidence cited

But go ahead and remain ignorant if you want . It's no skin off my back

There's a lot of money that goes into studies to "disprove race". It's a political agenda not one based in the pursuit of actual truth. Actual race science that goes against the narrative is censored because it reveals certain truths that PC numbnuts just cannot allow to see the light of day.

You still haven't answered my question. Can race be determined via DNA and bone structure?

All that can be determined genetically is that you have genes that affect the amount of melanin your body produces.

and environment has the most effect the evolution of skin color.

There never has been a pure White, Black or Asian Race and in fact ALL humans are genetically traced to Africa and the differences we see between people are more a result of environment and the fact that people were breeding within these different environments.

How much do you want to bet there are white people in your family tree? On average Blacks in the US are all at least 30% White so you're not even a member of the Black race as you define it you are like all of us a mix

This is science, this is anthropology, biology and genetics.

Race is a social construct

I'll bet you 100 bucks there are white people in my family tree. I am white, after all. So is my entire extended family haha. Anyway, maybe you're unaware but nowadays with a simple cotton swab you can send your DNA to be analyzed and a week or two later receive a detailed report about your ethnic ancestry.

Race is not a social construct. It is the product of tens of thousands of years of humans adapting to vastly different climates, diets and lifestyles. Race is so much more than skin deep and the proof is in the pudding: certain races tend to excel at sports more than others. But those are not the differences we're worried most about. Differences in temperament and intelligence are the most scary. That's why true science regarding race is now verboten.

Where is your science to support your claims.

Geneticists and anthropologists disagree with you. So guess who I'm going to believe.

If the experts tell you down is up and up is down, would you believe them? If your own eyes cannot be trusted, what of the annals of human history? Why is it that despite being here longer than any other breed of human, native africans still live in mud huts to this very day? Are you really going to pretend that African Pygmies and Australian Aborigines are no different to Ashkenazi Jews, no different to Icelandic people? Give me a break!

As the King holiday is upon us, it is once again time to reflect on Dr. Kings life and what it meant. What it really meant, not the one sentence those on the right haves made his life out to mean. Some on the right would claim that King would oppose BLM based on the government propaganda they chose to believe about them.

But King's main point was-


View attachment 444059

Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American Rhetoric

We have not seen that flood from the mighty stream yet. And no matter what a few sellouts think, this is the reality in which blacks and ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR live in. We are now into the third decade of the 21st century, it is time for us in America to stop pretending and stop lying to ourselves about reality in order to make a specific group of people feel good or comfortable. Either we all feel comfortable or no one does until this mess ends. America has not reached the point of judging people of color by the content of our character. When you read whites complaining about affirmative action while always making claims about the less qualified person of color, that is an example of how the contwnt of character is ignored.

When people talk about blacks being on a democrat plantation, this claim is not based on content of character. When blacks echo white racist beliefs and defends white supremacy it is an example of immoral character and not a black person living the belief in content of character.

I was alive when King lived and saw how he was hated by whites. To hear white “conservative” republicans tell it, King was widely accepted and loved by the white community. King was called everything whites call blacks who oppose white racism continuing today. I know because I heard them saying it. King was loved so much for his dignity, non-violence and responsibility that “conservative” whites claim to champion that a white man ended his life using ultimate violence. And now whites want to try telling us what King stood for. Ain't that about a.........

This type of lunacy believed by a section of the white community created a fictional, docile, sellout King. King took bullets and gave his life fighting to end white racism. A great man once said,” No man has a greater love than is, that he lay down his life for his friends.” King did that. That was the content of his character.
It is a two way street.
As the King holiday is upon us, it is once again time to reflect on Dr. Kings life and what it meant. What it really meant, not the one sentence those on the right haves made his life out to mean. Some on the right would claim that King would oppose BLM based on the government propaganda they chose to believe about them.

But King's main point was-


View attachment 444059

Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American Rhetoric

We have not seen that flood from the mighty stream yet. And no matter what a few sellouts think, this is the reality in which blacks and ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR live in. We are now into the third decade of the 21st century, it is time for us in America to stop pretending and stop lying to ourselves about reality in order to make a specific group of people feel good or comfortable. Either we all feel comfortable or no one does until this mess ends. America has not reached the point of judging people of color by the content of our character. When you read whites complaining about affirmative action while always making claims about the less qualified person of color, that is an example of how the contwnt of character is ignored.

When people talk about blacks being on a democrat plantation, this claim is not based on content of character. When blacks echo white racist beliefs and defends white supremacy it is an example of immoral character and not a black person living the belief in content of character.

I was alive when King lived and saw how he was hated by whites. To hear white “conservative” republicans tell it, King was widely accepted and loved by the white community. King was called everything whites call blacks who oppose white racism continuing today. I know because I heard them saying it. King was loved so much for his dignity, non-violence and responsibility that “conservative” whites claim to champion that a white man ended his life using ultimate violence. And now whites want to try telling us what King stood for. Ain't that about a.........

This type of lunacy believed by a section of the white community created a fictional, docile, sellout King. King took bullets and gave his life fighting to end white racism. A great man once said,” No man has a greater love than is, that he lay down his life for his friends.” King did that. That was the content of his character.
MLK would say don't be a racist, ALL Lives Matter.
First, Happy MLK Day.

Second, of course, I do not know what Dr. King would say.

Third, I would guess that he would be very disappointed by today's behavior of many young gentlemen of his ethnicity.

Fourth, I do not see much improvement in their behavior in the coming decades, regardless of what policies are followed by Mr. Biden and whom he appoints to various positions.
And this is the problem with whites trying to provide opinions on this matter. You say things as if white behavior has no bearing on matters. King would probably be out of patience with whites by now. He was getting there by the end of his life when he stated that his dream had become a nightnare. So the things here is, WILL WHITES EVER CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR?

Judging from what I 've seen in nearly 60 years, no. Whites will continue holding racist attitudes then make claim about us like you just did.

I is old-----I do not remember MLK saying "My dream has become a nightmare" LINK?
What would MLK say? Same as he always said "where de white wimmen be at?"

"I need a drink"

"I doan got money. Summun bring me de tithing from dat Ebeneezer church."
What would MLK say? Same as he always said "where de white wimmen be at?"

"I need a drink"

"I doan got money. Summun bring me de tithing from dat Ebeneezer church."

try not to be disgusting-----you are acting like a clown
outside of a funeral
I was very much alive when MLK was alive. I never met anyone who hated him. sellout????? because he would have advised against the filth of BLM loot, burn,
and assault policy?????
I was very much alive when MLK sent black children to confront the madman Bull Connor for no other reason then wanting publicity.

I remember that his great I have a dream speech was panned because it was plagiarized from a 1952 speech by Archibald Carey.
What would MLK say? Same as he always said "where de white wimmen be at?"

"I need a drink"

"I doan got money. Summun bring me de tithing from dat Ebeneezer church."

try not to be disgusting-----you are acting like a clown
outside of a funeral
Oh please. You are making a hero out of perhaps the least deserving. MLK was a nasty man and an evil human being. Had he not been assassinated he would have gone to prison for embezzling from the Ebeneezer Baptist Church to pay for his drinking and women.
First, Happy MLK Day.

Second, of course, I do not know what Dr. King would say.

Third, I would guess that he would be very disappointed by today's behavior of many young gentlemen of his ethnicity.

Fourth, I do not see much improvement in their behavior in the coming decades, regardless of what policies are followed by Mr. Biden and whom he appoints to various positions.
And this is the problem with whites trying to provide opinions on this matter. You say things as if white behavior has no bearing on matters. King would probably be out of patience with whites by now. He was getting there by the end of his life when he stated that his dream had become a nightnare. So the things here is, WILL WHITES EVER CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR?

Judging from what I 've seen in nearly 60 years, no. Whites will continue holding racist attitudes then make claim about us like you just did.

You have no idea what white people think. You are not one of us. You can only see issues of race through the prism of your own ignorance and bigotry.
I was very much alive when MLK was alive. I never met anyone who hated him. sellout????? because he would have advised against the filth of BLM loot, burn,
and assault policy?????
I was very much alive when MLK sent black children to confront the madman Bull Connor for no other reason then wanting publicity.

I remember that his great I have a dream speech was panned because it was plagiarized from a 1952 speech by Archibald Carey.

I have no doubt that MLK did not ASSUME the kids
would be hurt and as for your "plagiarism" fart---it is
typical of a black hearted nit picker. I so recall that jerks like you tried to known his Ph-d thesis apart too-----mean-spirited bastards
First, Happy MLK Day.

Second, of course, I do not know what Dr. King would say.

Third, I would guess that he would be very disappointed by today's behavior of many young gentlemen of his ethnicity.

Fourth, I do not see much improvement in their behavior in the coming decades, regardless of what policies are followed by Mr. Biden and whom he appoints to various positions.
And this is the problem with whites trying to provide opinions on this matter. You say things as if white behavior has no bearing on matters. King would probably be out of patience with whites by now. He was getting there by the end of his life when he stated that his dream had become a nightnare. So the things here is, WILL WHITES EVER CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR?

Judging from what I 've seen in nearly 60 years, no. Whites will continue holding racist attitudes then make claim about us like you just did.

You have no idea what white people think. You are not one of us. You can only see issues of race through the prism of your own ignorance and bigotry.

In my vaunted opinion, IM-2 is very seriously BENT by
propaganda written and spoken by RECOGNITION HUNGRY black "activists" The fad seems to me to have reached a height in the 1960s over enough dead bodies to call them TERRORISM INCITERS----but it started much earlier in the 20th century. MLK was not among the pile. I will try not to mention such notables as al sharpton (yuck)
First, Happy MLK Day.

Second, of course, I do not know what Dr. King would say.

Third, I would guess that he would be very disappointed by today's behavior of many young gentlemen of his ethnicity.

Fourth, I do not see much improvement in their behavior in the coming decades, regardless of what policies are followed by Mr. Biden and whom he appoints to various positions.
And this is the problem with whites trying to provide opinions on this matter. You say things as if white behavior has no bearing on matters. King would probably be out of patience with whites by now. He was getting there by the end of his life when he stated that his dream had become a nightnare. So the things here is, WILL WHITES EVER CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR?

Judging from what I 've seen in nearly 60 years, no. Whites will continue holding racist attitudes then make claim about us like you just did.

IM-2----you say things as if black behavior has no bearing on matters.
First, Happy MLK Day.

Second, of course, I do not know what Dr. King would say.

Third, I would guess that he would be very disappointed by today's behavior of many young gentlemen of his ethnicity.

Fourth, I do not see much improvement in their behavior in the coming decades, regardless of what policies are followed by Mr. Biden and whom he appoints to various positions.
And this is the problem with whites trying to provide opinions on this matter. You say things as if white behavior has no bearing on matters. King would probably be out of patience with whites by now. He was getting there by the end of his life when he stated that his dream had become a nightnare. So the things here is, WILL WHITES EVER CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR?

Judging from what I 've seen in nearly 60 years, no. Whites will continue holding racist attitudes then make claim about us like you just did.

You have no idea what white people think. You are not one of us. You can only see issues of race through the prism of your own ignorance and bigotry.

In my vaunted opinion, IM-2 is very seriously BENT by
propaganda written and spoken by RECOGNITION HUNGRY black "activists" The fad seems to me to have reached a height in the 1960s over enough dead bodies to call them TERRORISM INCITERS----but it started much earlier in the 20th century. MLK was not among the pile. I will try not to mention such notables as al sharpton (yuck)

Yes. It happened when the Civil Rights movement became monetized. Instead of talking honestly about race you started seeing an entire group of race hustlers, shake down artists, and grievance peddlers that stoked division to raise money and make themselves rich.
First, Happy MLK Day.

Second, of course, I do not know what Dr. King would say.

Third, I would guess that he would be very disappointed by today's behavior of many young gentlemen of his ethnicity.

Fourth, I do not see much improvement in their behavior in the coming decades, regardless of what policies are followed by Mr. Biden and whom he appoints to various positions.
And this is the problem with whites trying to provide opinions on this matter. You say things as if white behavior has no bearing on matters. King would probably be out of patience with whites by now. He was getting there by the end of his life when he stated that his dream had become a nightnare. So the things here is, WILL WHITES EVER CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR?

Judging from what I 've seen in nearly 60 years, no. Whites will continue holding racist attitudes then make claim about us like you just did.

IM-2----you say things as if black behavior has no bearing on matters.

When blacks behave badly it's only due to centuries of racist oppression by whites. When blacks do good it is their own personal achievement.
MLK Negro was a typical hate filled ghetto monkey.

He only preached non violence because he knew that if the Negroes became militant back then the good ole White boys would have slaughtered them.

All he had to do was convince the pathetic weak minded White Guilt pukes to join them. It worked.
I won't be listening to white misinterpretations of Dr. King.

As the King holiday is upon us, it is once again time to reflect on Dr. Kings life and what it meant. What it really meant, not the one sentence those on the right haves made his life out to mean. Some on the right would claim that King would oppose BLM based on the government propaganda they chose to believe about them.

But King's main point was-


View attachment 444059

Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American Rhetoric

We have not seen that flood from the mighty stream yet. And no matter what a few sellouts think, this is the reality in which blacks and ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR live in. We are now into the third decade of the 21st century, it is time for us in America to stop pretending and stop lying to ourselves about reality in order to make a specific group of people feel good or comfortable. Either we all feel comfortable or no one does until this mess ends. America has not reached the point of judging people of color by the content of our character. When you read whites complaining about affirmative action while always making claims about the less qualified person of color, that is an example of how the contwnt of character is ignored.

When people talk about blacks being on a democrat plantation, this claim is not based on content of character. When blacks echo white racist beliefs and defends white supremacy it is an example of immoral character and not a black person living the belief in content of character.

I was alive when King lived and saw how he was hated by whites. To hear white “conservative” republicans tell it, King was widely accepted and loved by the white community. King was called everything whites call blacks who oppose white racism continuing today. I know because I heard them saying it. King was loved so much for his dignity, non-violence and responsibility that “conservative” whites claim to champion that a white man ended his life using ultimate violence. And now whites want to try telling us what King stood for. Ain't that about a.........

This type of lunacy believed by a section of the white community created a fictional, docile, sellout King. King took bullets and gave his life fighting to end white racism. A great man once said,” No man has a greater love than is, that he lay down his life for his friends.” King did that. That was the content of his character.
I was very much alive when MLK was alive. I never met anyone who hated him. sellout????? because he would have advised against the filth of BLM loot, burn,
and assault policy?????
He got murdered. So somebody hated him. He got death threats, so somebody hated him. King was BLM.You're a white racist who thinks BLM did all the drioting, when the records show that it was white supremacists doing it. Just like they dif on 1-6. And you probably fell for the BLM did it story about that too.
Yeah, his angry girlfriends and wife that he was always cheating on while away playing race hustler.

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