What Trump said recently about climate change........


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
"This very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit has got to stop. Our planet is freezing, record low temps,and our GW scientists are stuck in ice" — @realDonaldTrump.

And one of his first decisions for cabinet post........

Trump chooses climate change hard-liner for energy advisor

BTW.....check out the comments in the DailyKos column by clicking the above link........if you want to laugh your balls off.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Watching the progressive mental cases take the big knobby up the ass........the level of comedy is touch to match in my lifetime!!
At least we will now be warm and have ample cheep electricity for decades to come.. and as cooling sets in were going to need it over the next 60 to 90,000 years..
I'll enjoy watching you fags in 20 or 30 years realize that you fucked up big time.

It will give me joy

you dickhead.........Im in my box 30 years from now. Ask me if I care?

And fags? s0n........you debate on here like a snot nosed limpwristed kid who needs a smack upside the head! Ghey.....

enjoy the ride in the coming weeks.............. :boobies::boobies:The fags are winning!!
Well, by God, you may be in your box, there may be a chance that I will not be. And my grandsons will still be around. Perhaps the fact that 'Conservatives' put no value on the environment that their descendants will live in tells us about their morals.
I'll enjoy watching you fags in 20 or 30 years realize that you fucked up big time.

It will give me joy

Do you really believe that matthew...have you been that thoroughly duped?
Well, by God, you may be in your box, there may be a chance that I will not be. And my grandsons will still be around. Perhaps the fact that 'Conservatives' put no value on the environment that their descendants will live in tells us about their morals.

Oh the righteous indignation...are you one of those paid anarchists out in the pacific northeast expressing sour grapes because your criminal candidate didn't get elected?

We have no effect on the global climate but if you feel that we do, feel free to provide one single piece of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence supporting your claim.

All your grandkids will be talking about is how crazy old grandpa was one of the duped who actually believed that CO2 caused warming.
I'll enjoy watching you fags in 20 or 30 years realize that you fucked up big time.

It will give me joy

Like this is really fucking up?


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