Manmade climate change predictions are a bust


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
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Al Gore claimed that the polar ice would melt by 2013.
Al Gore’s science advisor (Michael Oppenheimer) said in 1990 that by 1996 the Platte River of Nebraska would be dry and the Mexican police will round up illegal American migrants surging into Mexico seeking work.
Obama’s science advisor (John Holdren) said that CO2 induced famines could kill as many as a billion people before 2020.
The father of global warming (James Hansen) said in 1986 that temperatures could rise by 7 degrees Fahrenheit by 2020 (but it only rose by 1 degree Fahrenheit)
Prince Charles said in 2009 that we have 50 days to save the planet from catastrophe.
The UN climate official (Noel Brown) said in 1989 that entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000.

The manmade climate change predictions have all been a total bust.
But, that has not stopped the Climate Change Crackpots from imposing harmful regulations.
The Democrats want to ban the manufacturing of gas powered cars in 8 years.
Our power grid can't handle the electrical load of charging 290 million cars every day.
Electric cars are not emissions free, they only displace CO2 to the power plants.
Lithium strip mining is not environmentally friendly.
Poor people will not be able to afford EVs.
The Europeans have learned the hard way that alternative energy is not enough to power a growing economy.
Our greedy corrupt Democrat Party is using climate change FEAR to plunder the Taxpayers with $Trillion Dollar$ climate change boondoggle kick-back scams.
Future scientists will look back at this time in humanity and wonder how so many people could have been fooled by the manmade global warming hysteria.
Al Gore claimed that the polar ice would melt by 2013.
Al Gore’s science advisor (Michael Oppenheimer) said in 1990 that by 1996 the Platte River of Nebraska would be dry and the Mexican police will round up illegal American migrants surging into Mexico seeking work.
Obama’s science advisor (John Holdren) said that CO2 induced famines could kill as many as a billion people before 2020.
The father of global warming (James Hansen) said in 1986 that temperatures could rise by 7 degrees Fahrenheit by 2020 (but it only rose by 1 degree Fahrenheit)
Prince Charles said in 2009 that we have 50 days to save the planet from catastrophe.
The UN climate official (Noel Brown) said in 1989 that entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000.

The manmade climate change predictions have all been a total bust.
But, that has not stopped the Climate Change Crackpots from imposing harmful regulations.
The Democrats want to ban the manufacturing of gas powered cars in 8 years.
Our power grid can't handle the electrical load of charging 290 million cars every day.
Electric cars are not emissions free, they only displace CO2 to the power plants.
Lithium strip mining is not environmentally friendly.
Poor people will not be able to afford EVs.
The Europeans have learned the hard way that alternative energy is not enough to power a growing economy.
Our greedy corrupt Democrat Party is using climate change FEAR to plunder the Taxpayers with $Trillion Dollar$ climate change boondoggle kick-back scams.
Future scientists will look back at this time in humanity and wonder how so many people could have been fooled by the manmade global warming hysteria.
Sorry but this is an epic failure on your part. You didn't take into consideration

Sorry but this is an epic failure on your part. You didn't take into consideration

No what he posted is true but what you posted is true also, it is indeed greening up because of additional CO2 in the air.
Why do you want the planet to be colder. You live in Michigan for crying out loud. You should want a warmer planet.

Warmer temperatures are always more conducive to life on earth. If farmers can grow tomatoes, peppers, and melons in Sweden or Iceland, that's good. If animals can thrive in greater parts of the world, that's good. If birds can migrate farther and to more places, that's good. More UV light means more chlorophyll. That's good.
Warmer temperatures are always more conducive to life on earth. If farmers can grow tomatoes, peppers, and melons in Sweden or Iceland, that's good. If animals can thrive in greater parts of the world, that's good. If birds can migrate farther and to more places, that's good. More UV light means more chlorophyll. That's good.
Al Gore claimed that the polar ice would melt by 2013.
Al Gore’s science advisor (Michael Oppenheimer) said in 1990 that by 1996 the Platte River of Nebraska would be dry and the Mexican police will round up illegal American migrants surging into Mexico seeking work.
Obama’s science advisor (John Holdren) said that CO2 induced famines could kill as many as a billion people before 2020.
The father of global warming (James Hansen) said in 1986 that temperatures could rise by 7 degrees Fahrenheit by 2020 (but it only rose by 1 degree Fahrenheit)
Prince Charles said in 2009 that we have 50 days to save the planet from catastrophe.
The UN climate official (Noel Brown) said in 1989 that entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000.

The manmade climate change predictions have all been a total bust.
But, that has not stopped the Climate Change Crackpots from imposing harmful regulations.
The Democrats want to ban the manufacturing of gas powered cars in 8 years.
Our power grid can't handle the electrical load of charging 290 million cars every day.
Electric cars are not emissions free, they only displace CO2 to the power plants.
Lithium strip mining is not environmentally friendly.
Poor people will not be able to afford EVs.
The Europeans have learned the hard way that alternative energy is not enough to power a growing economy.
Our greedy corrupt Democrat Party is using climate change FEAR to plunder the Taxpayers with $Trillion Dollar$ climate change boondoggle kick-back scams.
Future scientists will look back at this time in humanity and wonder how so many people could have been fooled by the manmade global warming hysteria.
Watch Adam ruins everything. Adam ruins going green. He debunks the argument cons make when they say al gore is a hypocrite for having three homes. No one person cause solve this so it’s dumb to accuse anyone of not being green when none of us are. Even when you think you’re being green, you’re not.

You cons hav to understand something. Corporate America has brainwashed you and they have a technique. When Pepsi and Coke wanted to save money They went with aluminum cans. Landfills quadrupled with waste. Then they launched the litter bug campaign. Basically blaming us for polluting. When the reality is, it’s them!

So cons are right. The media is lying to us, for them! Global warming deniers. Liars.
Voters don't give a fuck about climate change....20 legislation. They know about the nutter predictions that fell flat on their faces. Know computer models a bunch of hooey.
Freeze their balls off 8 months a year.....

All adds up to....:bigbed::bigbed::bigbed:
Al Gore was right as he and many made their fortunes

GW $$$
See? This attitude came from the bottle companies and oil companies. Blame us the consumers. You need to stop doing this. We need to do this collectively. Those corporations need to change the way they do business. So do we. Not choice. Regulated.

Dont go out and buy a battery car. Drive your car as long as you can. The corporations have us leasing a new car every 3 years.
Voters don't give a fuck about climate change....20 legislation. They know about the nutter predictions that fell flat on their faces. Know computer models a bunch of hooey.
Freeze their balls off 8 months a year.....

All adds up to....:bigbed::bigbed::bigbed:
But they didn’t. Watch Adam ruins going green. They will explain. 2 degrees hotter may be inevitable. It already is causing problems 1 degree warmer. We better not get any hotter than 2 more degrees dumb fucker.
But they didn’t. Watch Adam ruins going green. They will explain. 2 degrees hotter may be inevitable. It already is causing problems 1 degree warmer. We better not get any hotter than 2 more degrees dumb fucker.

A few people are obsessed with that. They can take bows.
Most folks think it's a bunch of hooey....nothing else matters :bye1: :bye1:
A few people are obsessed with that. They can take bows.
Most folks think it's a bunch of hooey....nothing else matters :bye1: :bye1:
Only stupid people think it's a bunch of hooey. Corporations pay a lot of money to misinform them. Lie to them. Flip it so they believe it's the global warming scientists who are lying.

In this episode, Adam turns our world upside down as he reveals why the famous “Crying Indian” PSA wasn’t quite what we thought, explores the surprising history behind the concept of “litterbugs” and examines why electric cars and green produces don’t make the positive impact they’re supposed to.

The "litterbug" argument works like this. Gore speaks out against the big polluters. They go after him for having 3 homes. But the truth is, Gore can't do it alone. It's not enough for him or me or you to "do the best you can". It has to be regulated.

When Pepsi used glass bottles, our landfills were 1/4 full than they are now. I guess the way we do it now is cheaper for them but worse for the planet. So lets go back to glass bottles. It's stuff like this than can save the planet. But they started the "littlebug" campaign to put the blame on you and me and Al Gore.
Only stupid people think it's a bunch of hooey. Corporations pay a lot of money to misinform them. Lie to them. Flip it so they believe it's the global warming scientists who are lying.

In this episode, Adam turns our world upside down as he reveals why the famous “Crying Indian” PSA wasn’t quite what we thought, explores the surprising history behind the concept of “litterbugs” and examines why electric cars and green produces don’t make the positive impact they’re supposed to.

The "litterbug" argument works like this. Gore speaks out against the big polluters. They go after him for having 3 homes. But the truth is, Gore can't do it alone. It's not enough for him or me or you to "do the best you can". It has to be regulated.

When Pepsi used glass bottles, our landfills were 1/4 full than they are now. I guess the way we do it now is cheaper for them but worse for the planet. So lets go back to glass bottles. It's stuff like this than can save the planet. But they started the "littlebug" campaign to put the blame on you and me and Al Gore.

Hey I'll take the stOOpid label all long as I'm not losing. :coffee: It only matters who's winning. Fringe viewpoints are ghey.

Especially now....people have waaaaaay more pressing concerns than AGW. In fact, in 2022, most of the public could not possibly be any less interested.:bye1:

That's all I care about!:hello77:
12 straight years of winning in this forum!
Hey I'll take the stOOpid label all long as I'm not losing. :coffee: It only matters who's winning. Fringe viewpoints are ghey.

Especially now....people have waaaaaay more pressing concerns than AGW. In fact, in 2022, most of the public could not possibly be any less interested.:bye1:

That's all I care about!:hello77:
12 straight years of winning in this forum!
When you win, we all lose including yourself.

Global mean warming reached 1°C above preindustrial for the first time. It is a signal from the climate system that time is running out if we are to be able to reduce emissions fast enough so as to hold warming below 2°C, and ultimately below 1.5°C by 2100

You are stupid. But hey, most humans are.

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