What those idiots did INSIDE THE CAPITAL building today set back conservative ideals for years.

The stain is on America and the Republic. The duopoly is not responsible, but it is totally complicit. The guilty are the voting public that refuses to do its job. Sedition and criminal acts of rebellion on the part of this tiny minority (who, as Lenin did in calling his minority group "majority", call themselves "patriots") must be met with stolid measures.
Conservative ideals are steadfast and principled. Liberal ideals are the ones that change with the wind.

Yesterday's events may garner some apathy for conservatism, maybe a little antagonism, for a season, but conservatives stand by their ideals.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

One can safely bet the farm that Donald Trump will not be making an attempted comeback in 2004!!! The latest DC show turned disastrous as predicted. More blood & bodies on the street. When the constituency splits or fractures as what has happened to our American society it can only end in two scenarios; dissolve the union or end up in the tragi-comical situation of the HMS Titanic. America had been manipulated into a civil war a long time ago that never ended. Now we as American citizens finally get to see the end of the age old civil war as it turns into the most uncivil war one can imagine, @ least the survivors(?) will be able to see the end of it... then the rebirth of it just to play all over again(humanity resides in a cyclic realm).

GMU, I can tell by your post here that you are down in the dumps as you are not your general feisty self but bitter, but you are not alone. As you probably already realize the problem is not just right/left politics or Biden vs Trump or anti this or anti that or pro that or pro this power & control(PC) rhetoric, for the problem is US not just Americans but humanity in general. The truth of it all is, it is in mankind's nature to destroy themselves. It's been like this from the beginning. American's are not an exception to this rule. Once divide & conquer sets in it's all over for BOTH sides, I mean we just AGAIN witnessed American's killing American's like how much lower can folks go in a society than murdering their own people???

We have ONE(1) advantage today that our predecessors lacked back in time. That advantage is called message boards! Folks can share info SAFELY(no heated physical violence) to cultivate cognitive response in a more positive way, IF folks quit sniping @ one another & use the MB's to enlighten one another which we ALL NEED to do. We have the means & we have the PEOPLE to do so. USMB is not like the Y/A stifled PC dominated zombie land MB. That's because our USMB actually has intelligent moderators that possess common sense with enough volume to realize that a PC message board is nothing but a resonating chamber for power & control(PC) elitists.

You did a FINE job of doing what I am proposing for us ALL to do with this post you posted. I can sense both your anger & sorrow in your post but you did not strike out @ anyone or political body with anger but instead you told the TRUTH of the matter. You exposed a problem(s), expressed your anger but left the post OPEN for response. That told me that you are trying your best to reach out for both support & also how to correct a problem. You are doing it right for your post INVITES others to respond to your post with POSITIVE discourse. Excellent post GMU!
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

Only if we let the left frame the narrative on it.

Who am I kidding, it's already happened.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
Nobody in that building yesterday was anything close to a conservative. Cucks representing their various strains of absolute authoritarianism, whether dressed in a suit with a member pin on their lapel or dressed as a Visigoth raider.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
Nobody in that building yesterday was anything close to a conservative. Cucks representing their various strains of absolute authoritarianism, whether dressed in a suit with a member pin on their lapel or dressed as a Visigoth raider.

This straight talk is a pleasure to hear. Many conservatives would be well advised to start conserving something and stop cucking for nothing.
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things

And I condemned them for that as well.

They did not.

And so you have no need to cuck and condemn the justified protests.
Can you just fuck off with this ridiculous cuck bullshit.

If you're so god damn eager to set things right you can pack your bags and your guns and get down to DC and make good on your stupid hot mouthbreather bullshit.

I think its hilarious that one moment yall call them antifa, then the next you call them patriots. Sounds to me like yall want to play both sides of the fence. Thats called having a lack of principles/beliefs/morals.

I have made it VERY CLEAR that I am talking about those INSIDE the capital.
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things

And I condemned them for that as well.

They did not.

And so you have no need to cuck and condemn the justified protests.
Can you just fuck off with this ridiculous cuck bullshit.

If you're so god damn eager to set things right you can pack your bags and your guns and get down to DC and make good on your stupid hot mouthbreather bullshit.

I think its hilarious that one moment yall call them antifa, then the next you call them patriots. Sounds to me like yall want to play both sides of the fence. Thats called having a lack of principles/beliefs/morals.

I have made it VERY CLEAR that I am talking about those INSIDE the capital.

If you can't tell the difference between Antifa thugs, and Americans fighting for the values the country was founded on, there is no much discussion with you. Enjoy your perpetual losses. These people deserve to be locked in their own homes.

Go cuck elsewhere, we get it, you believe any unlawful means are illegitimate. That's because cuck is going to cuck and just take it when elections are stolen and the nation slides to 3rd world status.

"Oh, the leftists broke the law again and nothing happened, well I suppose I will just have to do nothing"... CUCKED!
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things

And I condemned them for that as well.

They did not.

And so you have no need to cuck and condemn the justified protests.
Can you just fuck off with this ridiculous cuck bullshit.

If you're so god damn eager to set things right you can pack your bags and your guns and get down to DC and make good on your stupid hot mouthbreather bullshit.

I think its hilarious that one moment yall call them antifa, then the next you call them patriots. Sounds to me like yall want to play both sides of the fence. Thats called having a lack of principles/beliefs/morals.

I have made it VERY CLEAR that I am talking about those INSIDE the capital.

If you can't tell the difference between Antifa thugs, and Americans fighting for the values the country was founded on, there is no much discussion with you. Enjoy your perpetual losses. These people deserve to be locked in their own homes.

Go cuck elsewhere, we get it, you believe any unlawful means are illegitimate. That's because cuck is going to cuck and just take it when elections are stolen and the nation slides to 3rd world status.

"Oh, the leftists broke the law again and nothing happened, well I suppose I will just have to do nothing"... CUCKED!
Omg you have gone full retard.
Time for a vacation since its just a broken record of juvenile name calling with you.

Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

I don't believe that's necessarily the case.

In an odd way, this incident has brought the left and the right closer to being on the same page. There's no shortage of Republicans who are damning the President for what happened. He incited the protesters and, while they shoulder the burden for the death and the damage, Trump has a lot to answer for, and both sides are demanding it.

While those on the fringes of each political ideology will certainly never "come around", those who aren't on the fringes are, I think, going to be more apt to try to work together than they will be to increase the divide.

The Capitol hasn't been under siege like that in 207 years. This was a wake up call for everyone, and I think that positive changes could easily be a result...
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

I don't believe that's necessarily the case.

In an odd way, this incident has brought the left and the right closer to being on the same page. There's no shortage of Republicans who are damning the President for what happened. He incited the protesters and, while they shoulder the burden for the death and the damage, Trump has a lot to answer for, and both sides are demanding it.

While those on the fringes of each political ideology will certainly never "come around", those who aren't on the fringes are, I think, going to be more apt to try to work together than they will be to increase the divide.

The Capitol hasn't been under siege like that in 207 years. This was a wake up call for everyone, and I think that positive changes could easily be a result...
If by positive changes you mean, more civil rights restrictions being imposed via a NEW strengthening of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act, I would agree.

That is the result I see coming down the pipe
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
Those ideals died with Ronnie. Better find another Ronnie quick .
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

Please......just go fuck yourself.
These are your people.
You have stoked and promoted the same shit that they have.
Own it, traitor.
Don't even try to distance yourself.
You're in it up to your eyebrows.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

Please......just go fuck yourself.
These are your people.
You have stoked and promoted the same shit that they have.
Own it, traitor.
Don't even try to distance yourself.
You're in it up to your eyebrows.
On the contrary. When have I called for a physical uprising/riot or civil war???

Your ideology is blinding you
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

Please......just go fuck yourself.
These are your people.
You have stoked and promoted the same shit that they have.
Own it, traitor.
Don't even try to distance yourself.
You're in it up to your eyebrows.
On the contrary. When have I called for a physical uprising/riot or civil war???

Your ideology is blinding you

Your ideology blinded YOU to what Trump has shown himself to be that which we have known all along.
You have blindly supported him and NEVER once questioned him.
You are complicit in what has happened even though it was in a passive mode, traitor.

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