What those idiots did INSIDE THE CAPITAL building today set back conservative ideals for years.

You guys are mentally unstable and are bankrupt of principles. You'll do whatever your blob tells you to do.

I'm shocked that you took Biden's cock out of your mouth long enough to type that message.

You've had a pretty bad last few months....you should try to accept your crushing defeat like an adult.
Losing the presidency, the house, the senate, and their values....was apparently all part of the plan.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

What 'conservative ideals'? Grabbing women by the pussy? That Mexicans are rapists? Demanding that secretary of States 'find' more votes for your candidates months AFTER elections? Fiscal responsibility? Government transparency? LMAO.....'family values'? Personal responsibility? 'Law and order'?

Your ilk have been taking a prolapsed Taco Bell shit on virtually everything you claimed to believe for 4 years.

All Trump did was reveal the gaping chasm between the empty rhetoric your ilk gave lip service to and the values they ACTUALLY cherish. What we saw today as the purest representation of 'conservative values'.

Conservative at this point is little more than a synonym for sedition.
This may come as news to someone as seemingly stupid as you but conservatives and Republicans have existed far longer than Trump has been alive.

It's so incredibly narrow minded to frame EVERYTHING around one man.

They have been losing for 50 years straight, not fulfilling their duty.
The principles remain the same and there are a few in DC but not enough.
And Trump isn't one of them.

Yes, the same principles of no principles and just resisting whatever the next insane leftist source of idiocy is.

Meanwhile, true Americans are pushing for Americanism and rejecting futile efforts to school children.

I'll take right wing buzzwords for $200 Alex.

"Americans are pushing for Americanism" LOL
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
Too bad DC capital was not burned down to ash
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

What 'conservative ideals'? Grabbing women by the pussy? That Mexicans are rapists? Demanding that secretary of States 'find' more votes for your candidates months AFTER elections? Fiscal responsibility? Government transparency? LMAO.....'family values'? Personal responsibility? 'Law and order'?

Your ilk have been taking a prolapsed Taco Bell shit on virtually everything you claimed to believe for 4 years.

All Trump did was reveal the gaping chasm between the empty rhetoric your ilk gave lip service to and the values they ACTUALLY cherish. What we saw today as the purest representation of 'conservative values'.

Conservative at this point is little more than a synonym for sedition.
This may come as news to someone as seemingly stupid as you but conservatives and Republicans have existed far longer than Trump has been alive.

It's so incredibly narrow minded to frame EVERYTHING around one man.

They have been losing for 50 years straight, not fulfilling their duty.
The principles remain the same and there are a few in DC but not enough.
And Trump isn't one of them.

Yes, the same principles of no principles and just resisting whatever the next insane leftist source of idiocy is.

Meanwhile, true Americans are pushing for Americanism and rejecting futile efforts to school children.

I'll take right wing buzzwords for $200 Alex.

"Americans are pushing for Americanism" LOL

The Americanist Americans are pushing for the most American Americanism!

Though it is a lovely demonstration of what OAN and NewsMax TV does to a person's brain.
Conservative at this point is little more than a synonym for sedition.

So, what are you going to do about it, pussy?

Watch Biden's electors be recognized and his victory affirmed despite your ilk's dipshit attempt at a coup.

And of course, enjoy control of the senate. And the house. And the presidency....is just 13 days.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

What 'conservative ideals'? Grabbing women by the pussy? That Mexicans are rapists? Demanding that secretary of States 'find' more votes for your candidates months AFTER elections? Fiscal responsibility? Government transparency? LMAO.....'family values'? Personal responsibility? 'Law and order'?

Your ilk have been taking a prolapsed Taco Bell shit on virtually everything you claimed to believe for 4 years.

All Trump did was reveal the gaping chasm between the empty rhetoric your ilk gave lip service to and the values they ACTUALLY cherish. What we saw today as the purest representation of 'conservative values'.

Conservative at this point is little more than a synonym for sedition.
This may come as news to someone as seemingly stupid as you but conservatives and Republicans have existed far longer than Trump has been alive.

It's so incredibly narrow minded to frame EVERYTHING around one man.

They have been losing for 50 years straight, not fulfilling their duty.
The principles remain the same and there are a few in DC but not enough.
And Trump isn't one of them.

Yes, the same principles of no principles and just resisting whatever the next insane leftist source of idiocy is.

Meanwhile, true Americans are pushing for Americanism and rejecting futile efforts to school children.

I'll take right wing buzzwords for $200 Alex.

"Americans are pushing for Americanism" LOL

The Americanist Americans are pushing for the most American Americanism!

Though it is a lovely demonstration of what OAN and NewsMax TV does to a person's brain.

You should listen to some more American sources if that's what you think, anti-American.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

What 'conservative ideals'? Grabbing women by the pussy? That Mexicans are rapists? Demanding that secretary of States 'find' more votes for your candidates months AFTER elections? Fiscal responsibility? Government transparency? LMAO.....'family values'? Personal responsibility? 'Law and order'?

Your ilk have been taking a prolapsed Taco Bell shit on virtually everything you claimed to believe for 4 years.

All Trump did was reveal the gaping chasm between the empty rhetoric your ilk gave lip service to and the values they ACTUALLY cherish. What we saw today as the purest representation of 'conservative values'.

Conservative at this point is little more than a synonym for sedition.
This may come as news to someone as seemingly stupid as you but conservatives and Republicans have existed far longer than Trump has been alive.

It's so incredibly narrow minded to frame EVERYTHING around one man.

They have been losing for 50 years straight, not fulfilling their duty.
The principles remain the same and there are a few in DC but not enough.
And Trump isn't one of them.

Yes, the same principles of no principles and just resisting whatever the next insane leftist source of idiocy is.

Meanwhile, true Americans are pushing for Americanism and rejecting futile efforts to school children.

I'll take right wing buzzwords for $200 Alex.

"Americans are pushing for Americanism" LOL

That is not buzzwords you moron. That is what is taking place.

Now you of course would never push for Americanism. For starters you are not an American, but second you don't believe in one of the values that made the greatest nation ever created possible.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

Conservative ideals are already dead if we can't have faith and trust in our nation's electoral system.

There's a reason they won't cooperate and provide transparent, bipartisan, audits.

You CAN have faith in the electoral system. Except you're not listening to the 8,000 or so people who lost in November, you're listening to your blob.
Thats on you.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

What 'conservative ideals'? Grabbing women by the pussy? That Mexicans are rapists? Demanding that secretary of States 'find' more votes for your candidates months AFTER elections? Fiscal responsibility? Government transparency? LMAO.....'family values'? Personal responsibility? 'Law and order'?

Your ilk have been taking a prolapsed Taco Bell shit on virtually everything you claimed to believe for 4 years.

All Trump did was reveal the gaping chasm between the empty rhetoric your ilk gave lip service to and the values they ACTUALLY cherish. What we saw today as the purest representation of 'conservative values'.

Conservative at this point is little more than a synonym for sedition.
This may come as news to someone as seemingly stupid as you but conservatives and Republicans have existed far longer than Trump has been alive.

It's so incredibly narrow minded to frame EVERYTHING around one man.

They have been losing for 50 years straight, not fulfilling their duty.
The principles remain the same and there are a few in DC but not enough.
And Trump isn't one of them.

Yes, the same principles of no principles and just resisting whatever the next insane leftist source of idiocy is.

Meanwhile, true Americans are pushing for Americanism and rejecting futile efforts to school children.

I'll take right wing buzzwords for $200 Alex.

"Americans are pushing for Americanism" LOL

That is not buzzwords you moron. That is what is taking place.

Now you of course would never push for Americanism. For starters you are not an American, but second you don't believe in one of the values that made the greatest nation ever created possible.

Americanism is storming the nation's capitol to stop official business of the government? Since when?
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

I like you gramps, but one thing I've noticed about you is you have a tendency at times to go off half cocked and overreact with hyperbolic posts like this one, making doom and gloom predictions and condemnations before the facts come out.

I'll make a prediction of my own: this isn't going to have any effect whatsoever on 2024, just like the burning cities had no effect on the 2020 election. As to your other points, the right never had any "goodwill" with the MSM or the left, Biden was already going to be easily sworn in on Jan 20, the right has been vilified as domestic terrorists by the MSM 24/7 for the past decade at least, and the feds were always going to use the Patriot act to erode our freedoms and privacy. This changed nothing in any of those respects.

Lastly, it was tragic that someone was shot and killed today. Do you know the circumstances of that shooting? I'm guessing you don't, or didn't when you posted this. To put that on Trump or "the right" is a naive implication. The individuals who busted into the Capitol building were Antifa agitators and that has been reported by several outlets. The Trump supporters exercised their right to protest without violence and there is nothing to be condemned for their doing so.
Last edited:
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

I like you gramps, but one thing I've noticed about you is you have a tendency at times to go off half cocked and overreact with hyperbolic posts like this one, making doom and gloom predictions and condemnations before the facts come out.

I'll make a prediction of my own: this isn't going to have any effect whatsoever on 2024, just like the burning cities had no effect on the 2020 election. As to your other points, the right never had any "goodwill" with the MSM or the left, Biden was already going to be easily sworn in on Jan 20, the right has been vilified as domestic terrorists by the MSM 24/7 for the past decade at least, and the feds were always going to use the Patriot act to erode our freedoms and privacy. This changed nothing in any of those respects.

Lastly, it was tragic that someone was shot and killed today. Do you know the circumstances of that shooting? I'm guessing you don't, or didn't when you posted this. To put that on Trump or "the right" is a naive implication.

The Democrats will increase their lead in the House in 2022 and take the majority in the Senate. They now have a license to cheat and they will do so and get away with it as they did in 20'.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

I like you gramps, but one thing I've noticed about you is you have a tendency at times to go off half cocked and overreact with hyperbolic posts like this one, making doom and gloom predictions and condemnations before the facts come out.

I'll make a prediction of my own: this isn't going to have any effect whatsoever on 2024, just like the burning cities had no effect on the 2020 election. As to your other points, the right never had any "goodwill" with the MSM or the left, Biden was already going to be easily sworn in on Jan 20, the right has been vilified as domestic terrorists by the MSM 24/7 for the past decade at least, and the feds were always going to use the Patriot act to erode our freedoms and privacy. This changed nothing in any of those respects.

Lastly, it was tragic that someone was shot and killed today. Do you know the circumstances of that shooting? I'm guessing you don't, or didn't when you posted this. To put that on Trump or "the right" is a naive implication.

The Democrats will increase their lead in the House in 2022 and take the majority in the Senate. They now have a license to cheat and they will do so and get away with it as they did in 20'.

And by 'cheat' you mean convince more people to vote for them than Republicans did?
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

I like you gramps, but one thing I've noticed about you is you have a tendency at times to go off half cocked and overreact with hyperbolic posts like this one, making doom and gloom predictions and condemnations before the facts come out.

I'll make a prediction of my own: this isn't going to have any effect whatsoever on 2024, just like the burning cities had no effect on the 2020 election. As to your other points, the right never had any "goodwill" with the MSM or the left, Biden was already going to be easily sworn in on Jan 20, the right has been vilified as domestic terrorists by the MSM 24/7 for the past decade at least, and the feds were always going to use the Patriot act to erode our freedoms and privacy. This changed nothing in any of those respects.

Lastly, it was tragic that someone was shot and killed today. Do you know the circumstances of that shooting? I'm guessing you don't, or didn't when you posted this. To put that on Trump or "the right" is a naive implication.

The Democrats will increase their lead in the House in 2022 and take the majority in the Senate. They now have a license to cheat and they will do so and get away with it as they did in 20'.

Yup, the fate of the nation now resides out of politics.

That said, I don't think they are planning to cheat, they simply do what all the communist losers do when they can't win - change the rules. Unlike the cuckservative OP, they are willing to do what it takes while a fucking peaceful protest shows too much principle and determination for the OP. This cuckery is how nations fail and how you lose to people unsure of their own gender. Unbelievable, unmistakable cuckery.
And by 'cheat' you mean convince more people to vote for them than Republicans did?

The Democrats could figure out a way to "lawfully" name Barack Obama supreme leader for life and eliminate elections and you would support it. Right?

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