What those idiots did INSIDE THE CAPITAL building today set back conservative ideals for years.

Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

Norm mcdonald destroying the horse shit establishment narrative in one fucking tweet

Norm Macdonald


I loved when the violent terrorists made sure to respect the velvet ropes in Statuary Hall.
4:37 PM · Jan 6, 2021

Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.

It is astonishingly stupid to think anyone not closely affiliated with the Deep State has a chance in any election going forward.

Or........you guys ran a vulnerable, unpopular candidate that just lost.

Trump did not lose when only legal votes are counted.

Unpopular candidate... Biden is already cancelling his inauguration because he has zero support, yet i supposedly 20% more popular than Obama. No one believes the bullshit. However pathologically weak people will accept any manufactured narrative and eat it like a champ from their Luciferian masters.
"Set back conservative ideals"! And the planes that flew into the towers set back the number of available airliners!
What are you people thinking?!? This is worse than 911. So-called Americans attacking the Constitution and a sitting Congress directly! Fort Sumpter was less. Everyone arrested must be punished to the maximum. Those encouraging them lose any claim to patriotism or respect. Those defending this are beyond the pale. Traitors sometimes die for their trespasses. That is history.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.

It is astonishingly stupid to think anyone not closely affiliated with the Deep State has a chance in any election going forward.

Or........you guys ran a vulnerable, unpopular candidate that just lost.

Trump did not lose when only legal votes are counted.

Unpopular candidate... Biden is already cancelling his inauguration because he has zero support, yet i supposedly 20% more popular than Obama. No one believes the bullshit. However pathologically weak people will accept any manufactured narrative and eat it like a champ from their Luciferian masters.

Suck it!
The Boston tea party set back American founders at least five decades.

- Conservative, the definition of a person who utterly keeps failing to conserve the most successful, brilliant nation in the history of mankind, surrendering it to a bunch of Luciferians, free shit worshipers, and 3rd worlders.
What those idiots did INSIDE THE CAPITAL building today set back conservative ideals for years.

Agreed. This was a disaster for conservatives.

Consider what this looks like to RINOs, independents, people who were apolitical, and the rest of the world. This was a national embarrassment.

Who cares what traitors believe.

To an American people accomplishing something even if it is only taking back their own paid for property is welcome change. The whole nation is feeling less cucked and more empowered before. Maybe the cucks have power to say no to their wive's black boy friend soon.

I wonder how these cucks view the BLM burning of cities and murdering of dozens and dozens of people. Since they invert everything on its heads, they probably believe murdering people for the drug addict is heroic.

Americans believe, and have always believed that protesting illegitimate authority is heroic. The Boston tea party was no embarrassment - it was the defining feature. It is good to see American discourse make a come back.
What those idiots did INSIDE THE CAPITAL building today set back conservative ideals for years.

Agreed. This was a disaster for conservatives.

Consider what this looks like to RINOs, independents, people who were apolitical, and the rest of the world. This was a national embarrassment.

Who cares what traitors believe.

To an American people accomplishing something even if it is only taking back their own paid for property is welcome change. The whole nation is feeling less cucked and more empowered before. Maybe the cucks have power to say no to their wive's black boy friend soon.


You've accomplished something...

Mixing your idiotic positions with racism and illiteracy.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
o NOW protesting is bad!!!!!
fuck that shit
they didn't attack INNOCENT people at restaurants
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
Those who have spent the last several years filling these people with rage and paranoia should be held accountable.

You know as well as I do that these people did not get this way on their own.
What those idiots did INSIDE THE CAPITAL building today set back conservative ideals for years.

Agreed. This was a disaster for conservatives.

Consider what this looks like to RINOs, independents, people who were apolitical, and the rest of the world. This was a national embarrassment.
I am an independent and it looks to me like Democrats are huge hypocrites since they have been condoning riots for months. But now are acting like hysterical twats.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

Oh I disagree. Everyone knows that election was stolen. Trump supporters did a stupid thing but nothing was blown up or burned down. No one was hurt outside of that woman who was killed. They were fed up and who can blame them.

If Trump runs in 2024 he will win and you can bet the Reps will get the House and Senate back in 2022 because people will be sick and tired of the Biden/Harris shit show and what it has cost them in tax dollars.

If Biden does what he says he will do believe me, everyone will want to see his backside. I've seen the list of things he wants to do and with a Dem House and Senate nothing will stop him. That list is a doozy and will cost the tax payers in this country loads.
What those idiots did INSIDE THE CAPITAL building today set back conservative ideals for years.

Agreed. This was a disaster for conservatives.

Consider what this looks like to RINOs, independents, people who were apolitical, and the rest of the world. This was a national embarrassment.
I am an independent and it looks to me like Democrats are huge hypocrites since they have been condoning riots for months. But now are acting like hysterical twats.

Yup. They completely ignored Portland, Seattle and Indi. Those people were rioters who looted, killed and burned businesses to the ground and the Dem's ignored it all. Now they are screaming because the protesters were Trump supporters. Hypocrites one and all.

Oh and lets not forget the MSM talking heads lamenting about anyone entering the Govt buildings protesting and how that should never be done. Why not?? Lets people know we the people are sick and tired of the bullshit coming out of DC.

We all know that election was the most fraudulent election in this countries history yet none of the officials wanted to do a damned thing about it. Hope Trump runs in 2024, he will get my vote.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

This is why I could never support Trump, he wasn’t a conservative and did nothing but stir the pot. The election was a fraud bs is just that and he fed people, that have been ignored for decades, the line and they bit. I think Republicans survive this, however fiscal conservatism is a victim of social conservatism and is dead. What happened today has hurt America and the repercussions will be felt for a long time.

The protesting is fine, the violence and the rioting are as wrong as they were over the summer. People need to get a grip. I saw political leaders for the first time in many years come together and provide some leadership, let’s hope that now continues because for the last 30 years we have had no political leaders on either side, just stubborn assholes that believe their way was the only way. Let’s hope this sparks change.

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