What those idiots did INSIDE THE CAPITAL building today set back conservative ideals for years.

Agreed. This was a disaster for conservatives.
Consider what this looks like to RINOs, independents, people who were apolitical, and the rest of the world. This was a national embarrassment.
What matters is that we have learned from this. We got away lucky. Europe obviously went through much worse for much longer.

The next one will be far more intelligent, articulate and crafty than this buffoon. At least now we'll be a little more ready for it.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
Grampa....conservative values in politics does not exist much at all. As a Republican voter I just want to stop the bloodletting and a nation that keeps moving to the left into the abyss. The left has lost control of their own. Many of their voters do not even know what they are ushering in.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

No grumps...what you saw yesterday at the nation's capitol is the bedrock conservative idea: might makes right. Its the foundation for all of the actions made in the name of conservatism and the right wing. If you're not able to win legitimately, threaten and attack and try to intimidate your opponent.

This was Michigan in May at the State Capitol:


This was yesterday at the Nation's Capitol:


What you saw yesterday is what you guys are now....thugs. It is what Trump has turned you into.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

No grumps...what you saw yesterday at the nation's capitol is the bedrock conservative idea: might makes right. Its the foundation for all of the actions made in the name of conservatism and the right wing. If you're not able to win legitimately, threaten and attack and try to intimidate your opponent.

This was Michigan in May at the State Capitol:

View attachment 438592

This was yesterday at the Nation's Capitol:

View attachment 438594

What you saw yesterday is what you guys are now....thugs. It is what Trump has turned you into.

A other idiot who believes the Boston tea party set back American founders for certain.

When an election is stolen, Americans walking on a property that is paid by our far too big tax payments is the least we can do. Bare minimum...

These same people often believe that violent riots were find in the name of a drug addict. No one believes your fake concerns.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

What 'conservative ideals'? Grabbing women by the pussy? That Mexicans are rapists? Demanding that secretary of States 'find' more votes for your candidates months AFTER elections? Fiscal responsibility? Government transparency? LMAO.....'family values'? Personal responsibility? 'Law and order'?

Your ilk have been taking a prolapsed Taco Bell shit on virtually everything you claimed to believe for 4 years.

All Trump did was reveal the gaping chasm between the empty rhetoric your ilk gave lip service to and the values they ACTUALLY cherish. What we saw today as the purest representation of 'conservative values'.

American ideals.

Freedom, the rejection of free shit, the aims for greatness instead of short time hedonism. The abolishing of parasitism and legalized theft.

Everything worthwhile the conservatives have completely failed in conserving. And so they are replaced with something that can accomplish the task.
Just think, soon you may be censored or arrested for disagreeing with the DNC.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things.

The only difference was, none of them were shot dead.

Just imagine if one of those Antifa nuts on the Left were shot dead as they were unarmed. The media would still be talking about the fascism of the police, and just imagine if they were black as well.

All this shows is, any protest by the right can be easily derailed by a few out of control people and then demonized by the press.

Conversely, Antifa and BLM can burn down an entire city as their protest is declared righteous by the press.

This is all about the media really. Nothing else.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things.

The only difference was, none of them were shot dead.

Just imagine if one of those Antifa nuts on the Left were shot dead as they were unarmed. The media would still be talking about the fascism of the police, and just imagine if they were black as well.

All this shows is, any protest by the right can be easily derailed by a few out of control people and then demonized by the press.

Conversely, Antifa and BLM can burn down an entire city as their protest is declared righteous by the press.

This is all about the media really. Nothing else.

They burned down an entire police department.

Not a word from these people who are now oh so concerned.

Fraud and shill will always be a fraud and shill. An anti-American one at that...

They are heroes. It's plain, simple and evident to all. And because they were supremely effective and will be even more effective in the future, the left is very pissed.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things.

The only difference was, none of them were shot dead.

Just imagine if one of those Antifa nuts on the Left were shot dead as they were unarmed. The media would still be talking about the fascism of the police, and just imagine if they were black as well.

All this shows is, any protest by the right can be easily derailed by a few out of control people and then demonized by the press.

Conversely, Antifa and BLM can burn down an entire city as their protest is declared righteous by the press.

This is all about the media really. Nothing else.

They burned down an entire police department.

Not a word from these people who are now oh so concerned.

Fraud and shill will always be a fraud and shill. An anti-American one at that...

They are heroes. It's plain, simple and evident to all. And because they were supremely effective and will be even more effective in the future, the left is very pissed.
What pisses the Left off more than anything is the acknowledgement that half the country rejects them.

The goal here is to stop the protests so that publicly it appears that the nation is united.

I suppose if they can sabotage enough protests like this, it could be accomplished with help from the press. Just start passing laws against the right wingers labeling them all unarmed terrorists I suppose.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things.

The only difference was, none of them were shot dead.

Just imagine if one of those Antifa nuts on the Left were shot dead as they were unarmed. The media would still be talking about the fascism of the police, and just imagine if they were black as well.

All this shows is, any protest by the right can be easily derailed by a few out of control people and then demonized by the press.

Conversely, Antifa and BLM can burn down an entire city as their protest is declared righteous by the press.

This is all about the media really. Nothing else.

They burned down an entire police department.

Not a word from these people who are now oh so concerned.

Fraud and shill will always be a fraud and shill. An anti-American one at that...

They are heroes. It's plain, simple and evident to all. And because they were supremely effective and will be even more effective in the future, the left is very pissed.
What pisses the Left off more than anything is the acknowledgement that half the country rejects them.

The goal here is to stop the protests so that publicly it appears that the nation is united.

I suppose if they can sabotage enough protests like this, it could be accomplished with help from the press. Just start passing laws against the right wingers labeling them all unarmed terrorists I suppose.

That's one more reason why the protests are required - to make it absolutely clear that we want nothing to do with the illegitimate government and won't be accepting their increasing stupid bullshit - which is of course anti-American and unconstitutional - but communists never care about that so it is up to Americans to defend our rights.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

No grumps...what you saw yesterday at the nation's capitol is the bedrock conservative idea: might makes right. Its the foundation for all of the actions made in the name of conservatism and the right wing. If you're not able to win legitimately, threaten and attack and try to intimidate your opponent.

This was Michigan in May at the State Capitol:

View attachment 438592

This was yesterday at the Nation's Capitol:

View attachment 438594

What you saw yesterday is what you guys are now....thugs. It is what Trump has turned you into.

A other idiot who believes the Boston tea party set back American founders for certain.

When an election is stolen, Americans walking on a property that is paid by our far too big tax payments is the least we can do. Bare minimum...

These same people often believe that violent riots were find in the name of a drug addict. No one believes your fake concerns.

Concerns? About what? America is fine. The GOP? Probably not so much going forward for the forseeable future. You have a lot of republicans disgusted with people like you (and for good reason). And you have a lot of disgusting people who used to be proud Republicans. I'll let you guys figure it out. Liberals should close ranks behind Biden and strike while the iron is hot.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things.

The only difference was, none of them were shot dead.

Just imagine if one of those Antifa nuts on the Left were shot dead as they were unarmed. The media would still be talking about the fascism of the police, and just imagine if they were black as well.

All this shows is, any protest by the right can be easily derailed by a few out of control people and then demonized by the press.

Conversely, Antifa and BLM can burn down an entire city as their protest is declared righteous by the press.

This is all about the media really. Nothing else.

They burned down an entire police department.

Not a word from these people who are now oh so concerned.

Fraud and shill will always be a fraud and shill. An anti-American one at that...

They are heroes. It's plain, simple and evident to all. And because they were supremely effective and will be even more effective in the future, the left is very pissed.
What pisses the Left off more than anything is the acknowledgement that half the country rejects them.

The goal here is to stop the protests so that publicly it appears that the nation is united.

I suppose if they can sabotage enough protests like this, it could be accomplished with help from the press. Just start passing laws against the right wingers labeling them all unarmed terrorists I suppose.

That's one more reason why the protests are required - to make it absolutely clear that we want nothing to do with the illegitimate government and won't be accepting their increasing stupid bullshit - which is of course anti-American and unconstitutional - but communists never care about that so it is up to Americans to defend our rights.
So I guess you'll turn down your $2,000 stimulus check...right?
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things.

The only difference was, none of them were shot dead.

Just imagine if one of those Antifa nuts on the Left were shot dead as they were unarmed. The media would still be talking about the fascism of the police, and just imagine if they were black as well.

All this shows is, any protest by the right can be easily derailed by a few out of control people and then demonized by the press.

Conversely, Antifa and BLM can burn down an entire city as their protest is declared righteous by the press.

This is all about the media really. Nothing else.

They burned down an entire police department.

Not a word from these people who are now oh so concerned.

Fraud and shill will always be a fraud and shill. An anti-American one at that...

They are heroes. It's plain, simple and evident to all. And because they were supremely effective and will be even more effective in the future, the left is very pissed.
What pisses the Left off more than anything is the acknowledgement that half the country rejects them.

them all unarmed terrorists I suppose.

306-232 Scoreboard.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things.

The only difference was, none of them were shot dead.

Just imagine if one of those Antifa nuts on the Left were shot dead as they were unarmed. The media would still be talking about the fascism of the police, and just imagine if they were black as well.

All this shows is, any protest by the right can be easily derailed by a few out of control people and then demonized by the press.

Conversely, Antifa and BLM can burn down an entire city as their protest is declared righteous by the press.

This is all about the media really. Nothing else.

They burned down an entire police department.

Not a word from these people who are now oh so concerned.

Fraud and shill will always be a fraud and shill. An anti-American one at that...

They are heroes. It's plain, simple and evident to all. And because they were supremely effective and will be even more effective in the future, the left is very pissed.
What pisses the Left off more than anything is the acknowledgement that half the country rejects them.

them all unarmed terrorists I suppose.

306-232 Scoreboard.
At least 74 million American are opposed to the Left, the most votes any GOP President has received.

That is what pisses them off. They must destroy them at any cost.

My guess is that their children will be the real targets. Through academia and the media, they will win many of them over through intensive 24/7 propaganda, but if not, shrug.

They don't need our consent to rule, they merely prefer it. It makes the job so much easier.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things.

The only difference was, none of them were shot dead.

Just imagine if one of those Antifa nuts on the Left were shot dead as they were unarmed. The media would still be talking about the fascism of the police, and just imagine if they were black as well.

All this shows is, any protest by the right can be easily derailed by a few out of control people and then demonized by the press.

Conversely, Antifa and BLM can burn down an entire city as their protest is declared righteous by the press.

This is all about the media really. Nothing else.

They burned down an entire police department.

Not a word from these people who are now oh so concerned.

Fraud and shill will always be a fraud and shill. An anti-American one at that...

They are heroes. It's plain, simple and evident to all. And because they were supremely effective and will be even more effective in the future, the left is very pissed.
What pisses the Left off more than anything is the acknowledgement that half the country rejects them.

them all unarmed terrorists I suppose.

306-232 Scoreboard.
At least 74 million American are opposed to the Left, the most votes any GOP President has received.

That is what pisses them off. They must destroy them at any cost.

My guess is that their children will be the real targets. Through academia and the media, they will win many of them over through intensive 24/7 propaganda, but if not, shrug.

They don't need our consent to rule, they merely prefer it. It makes the job so much easier.

They are running into the problem that the propaganda is so obvious and so obviously anti-American that people no longer fall for it.

It's difficult to root for people who want to lock you inside your own home, while themselves having no such intentions.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.

What 'conservative ideals'? Grabbing women by the pussy? That Mexicans are rapists? Demanding that secretary of States 'find' more votes for your candidates months AFTER elections? Fiscal responsibility? Government transparency? LMAO.....'family values'? Personal responsibility? 'Law and order'?

Your ilk have been taking a prolapsed Taco Bell shit on virtually everything you claimed to believe for 4 years.

All Trump did was reveal the gaping chasm between the empty rhetoric your ilk gave lip service to and the values they ACTUALLY cherish. What we saw today as the purest representation of 'conservative values'.

Conservative at this point is little more than a synonym for sedition.
This may come as news to someone as seemingly stupid as you but conservatives and Republicans have existed far longer than Trump has been alive.

It's so incredibly narrow minded to frame EVERYTHING around one man.

They have been losing for 50 years straight, not fulfilling their duty.
The principles remain the same and there are a few in DC but not enough.
And Trump isn't one of them.

Again, what principles? Your ilk have already shown us they could give a fiddler's fuck about anything they claimed to give lip service to.

The constitution? Your ilk wiped their ass with it. Family values? Those got grabbed by the pussy. Fiscal responsibility? Trump's run up the deficit way faster than Obama. Foreign policy leadership? We're an international laughing stock. The world saw an attempted coup today. Security? We're looking at 360,000 dead Americans. Law and order? Please.

What's left that you haven't already abandoned in exchange for empowering a hapless dipshit who has been an unmitigated failure?

Every young person I know had today burned into their mind as the true face of 'conservatism'. And no one is going to give a shit what you have to say when you finally stop sucking Trump's dick and distance yourself from him. When it counted........your ilk showed their true authoritarian colors.

"Conservative" is just another word for sedition.

Democrats are simply stupid, indoctrinated people. They are completely immoral and don’t care ONE bit about the US. They are complete imbeciles when it comes to the economy, healthcare and national defense. We have dumbed down a couple of generations and turned them into America hating, guilt ridden spoiled rotten parasites who take absolutely ZERO personal responsibility for their own lives and want government to do everything for them. It is the natural evolution of a country that allows for both failure and success. Those who fail revolt. That is the Democratic party. Our enemies are in LOVE with the idea that Democratic Socialists are taking over the most prosperous nation in the world. That will no longer be the case in the not too distant future thanks to pollyanna, unrealistic, spoiled, indoctrinated Socialists.
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things.

The only difference was, none of them were shot dead.

Just imagine if one of those Antifa nuts on the Left were shot dead as they were unarmed. The media would still be talking about the fascism of the police, and just imagine if they were black as well.

All this shows is, any protest by the right can be easily derailed by a few out of control people and then demonized by the press.

Conversely, Antifa and BLM can burn down an entire city as their protest is declared righteous by the press.

This is all about the media really. Nothing else.

They burned down an entire police department.

Not a word from these people who are now oh so concerned.

Fraud and shill will always be a fraud and shill. An anti-American one at that...

They are heroes. It's plain, simple and evident to all. And because they were supremely effective and will be even more effective in the future, the left is very pissed.
What pisses the Left off more than anything is the acknowledgement that half the country rejects them.

them all unarmed terrorists I suppose.

306-232 Scoreboard.
At least 74 million American are opposed to the Left, the most votes any GOP President has received.

That is what pisses them off. They must destroy them at any cost.
Trump got 74M votes. The next GOP nominee may not do so well. Its doubtful, in fact.

My guess is that their children will be the real targets. Through academia and the media, they will win many of them over through intensive 24/7 propaganda, but if not, shrug.

They don't need our consent to rule, they merely prefer it. It makes the job so much easier.

Done Deal.
Get used to being a nobody...you should be good at it by now.
Yesterday was a stain that Republicans will wear for a generation
Astonishingly stupid. Trump also ensured he has no chance in 2024.
Some people got shot.
Some are reportedly dead.
MANY are now going to prison.
And Biden will now EASILY be sworn in as any resistance the gop had is now COMPLETELY GONE.
Republicans/conservatives will now be endlessly labeled terrorists on tv 24/7 for the next month.

LITERALLY NOTHING POSITIVE did or will come from this. Any goodwill the right had is now nonexistent.

And anyone on the right supporting this shit after years of denouncing it from the left has no credibility.
We will be lucky if we don't now get even more rights stripped from us as they strengthen the fucking patriot act.

And whomever killed that girl needs to join them in prison for murder.
It's nothing the Left has not done as they have stormed the state buildings across the country and "broken" things.

The only difference was, none of them were shot dead.

Just imagine if one of those Antifa nuts on the Left were shot dead as they were unarmed. The media would still be talking about the fascism of the police, and just imagine if they were black as well.

All this shows is, any protest by the right can be easily derailed by a few out of control people and then demonized by the press.

Conversely, Antifa and BLM can burn down an entire city as their protest is declared righteous by the press.

This is all about the media really. Nothing else.

They burned down an entire police department.

Not a word from these people who are now oh so concerned.

Fraud and shill will always be a fraud and shill. An anti-American one at that...

They are heroes. It's plain, simple and evident to all. And because they were supremely effective and will be even more effective in the future, the left is very pissed.
What pisses the Left off more than anything is the acknowledgement that half the country rejects them.

them all unarmed terrorists I suppose.

306-232 Scoreboard.
At least 74 million American are opposed to the Left, the most votes any GOP President has received.

That is what pisses them off. They must destroy them at any cost.

My guess is that their children will be the real targets. Through academia and the media, they will win many of them over through intensive 24/7 propaganda, but if not, shrug.

They don't need our consent to rule, they merely prefer it. It makes the job so much easier.

They are running into the problem that the propaganda is so obvious and so obviously anti-American that people no longer fall for it.

It's difficult to root for people who want to lock you inside your own home, while themselves having no such intentions.
Yep. And they are outnumbered. Hense the empty threats on the senate floor...after everyone watched them all cave for months to BLM/ANTIFA rioting ( including the SC). Their empty words mean nothing and everyone knows it at this point.

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