What This Election is Really About; Will Corporations Own America or Will Its Citizens?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Rain that falls along the Continental Divide can fall a few feet apart and yet gradually trickle their way into completely different locations in the Atlantic, Hudson Bay, the Gulf of Mexico or the Pacific Ocean. This is what is known as a "watershed" that break the drainage table into different river basin systems that empty into different major bodies of water.

In 200 years from now no one will recall whether Trump said the word pussy 12 years ago in 2004. No one will recall if he had insulted POWS or made fun of a reporter.

But they will be able to say "This is when the multinational corporations cemented their control of the American political system." And this is what this election is about.

The Wall Street banks and the huge multinational corporations that have made windfall profits from exporting American jobs and importing millions of cheap foreign indentured servants (aka H1-B visa holders) these Masters of the Universe will either see their dominance of US politics cemented into permanent control for generations or they will see that grip slowly slip and Americans regain control of their own political destiny.

They have picked their candidate in Hillary Rhodham Clinton who has accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from them. And she has used the corporate crony networks to protect her from being indicted in relation to obvious set of some 20+ counts of exposing Top Secret information and other classified material to being scanned by any foreign intell operatives in the world by using her own private unsecured email server while Secretary of State.

She has take massive bribes from foreign governments while serving as our SECRETARY OF STATE, which is a huhge conflict of interest if not obvious bribery against he interests of the USA the selling of 20% of our national reserves of Uranium for $145 million to Russia being just one example. Yes, the money went into her left pocket (known as the Clinton Foundation) instead of her right pocket (her personal bank account), but it effectively amounts to the same thing as she directs how that money is spent, either given to friends in donations or spent on her pleasure jaunts around the globe and giving her daughter a $900k annual salary job.

Another example of this is her friends donation to the FBI agent that eventually headed up the investigation of her email scandal, that donation being a $500k donation to that FBI wife's campaign for office.

I could go on for ever about how this corrupt system works and how it is coming to control 100% of our media, 100% of our politicians and 100% of the government that is supposed to serve the Will of the People and not the whims of a corporate elite.

And in our moment of need comes a man who has never run for office once in his life. As a complete novice to political campaigning, he has defied the odds makers and the experts at every turn and is now within a few percentage points of defeating the Corporate Cronies in Washington DC and then going into Washington to drain that swamp of its corruption and lobbying armies of Corporate occupation. No one really thought he had a chance, but here he is and we can put him in office and break the corporate hold on our national politics for the first time that I can remember.

This election is perhaps the very last opportunity to stop the consolidation of power by this corporate elite that extends all the way in to BOTH political parties, in fact the political parties are effectively merely the two flip sides of a shadow party that that controls both parties, our media and our government.

Vote to break this Corporate Control that now threatens to choke the Will of the People out forever.

Vote for Donald J Trump for President.
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Isn't it absolutely amazing how ignorant the Police and Law Enforcement Union, the Border Patrol Union, and the 5,000 member Ice Union are for endorsing Trump and how intelligent the BLM, the New Black Panthers, the LGBT community, and Planned Parenthood are for endorsing Hillary?
If HRC is for corporations, then she is not a commie or a socialist.

The Far Right and Alt Right support Putin and Russia over America.
Isn't it absolutely amazing how ignorant the Police and Law Enforcement Union, the Border Patrol Union, and the 5,000 member Ice Union are for endorsing Trump and how intelligent the BLM, the New Black Panthers, the LGBT community, and Planned Parenthood are for endorsing Hillary?
Well, the obvious is that most Americans dont agree with Black Lies matter more than they agree with the Peace Officers that protect their neighborhoods from BLM types.

Professor Who Predicted Last Five Elections Says Trump Has 87% Chance of Winning
Norpoth’s model has correctly predicted the outcome of the popular vote for every election since 1996, including the 2000 race where Al Gore won the popular vote but George W. Bush took the presidency.

“It usually turns out that the candidate who does better in his party’s primary beats the other guy who does less well,” said Norpoth, adding that Trump’s margin of victory in New Hampshire and South Carolina compared to Clinton (who lost in New Hampshire) was crucial to his model.

The other factor is the “swing of the pendulum,” which makes it far more likely for a change of government if one party has been in power for two terms.

Norpoth said he has gone “all in” on a Donald Trump victory and is sticking with his bet.

“There are also quite a few colleagues of mine who have a prediction that Trump is going to make it,” added the professor.

Many Trump supporters are now claiming that the media narrative that the election result is a foregone conclusion is a trick designed to convince potential Trump voters to stay home on November 8.

A confidential memo allegedly obtained from Correct The Record, a Democratic Super PAC, reveals a plan to “barrage” voters with high frequency polls that show Hillary ahead in order to “declare election over,” while avoiding any mention of the Brexit vote (which completely contradicted polls that said Brexit would fail).

Emails revealed by Wikileaks show how Democratic operatives planned to encourage “oversamples for polling” in order to “maximize what we get out of our media polling.” In other words, sample more Democrats than Republicans in order to make people believe that Hillary’s lead is far greater than the reality of a tight race.

Norpoth’s forecast of a Trump victory mirrors what’s taking place in the betting markets, with British bookmakers William Hill revealing last week that 65% of all bets on the market have backed Trump to win the election, a similar phenomenon to what happened before the Brexit vote, where the polls were proven completely wrong.
Jill Stein gets it.

Jill Stein: Democrats Are Masters of 'Corporate Politics'; They 'Manipulate Voters, Media, All to Serve the Elite' - Breitbart

Stein explained that the Democratic Party “rigged” the system to “disenfranchise” its own primary voters. Stein warned that any vote for Democratic candidates “perpetuates” this “corrupt system.”

“The Dems act more liberal than GOP, but their role in the system is to prevent progressives from defying corporate rule,” Stein tweeted, adding: “If you vote for a party that disenfranchised millions by rigging its own primary, that perpetuates a corrupt system.”

Stein explained that corporate media’s control over the dissemination of information has placed a “stranglehold… over our democracy.” Stein has previously explained that the corporate media is “prop[ping] up” Clinton’s campaign and has essentially enacted a media “blackout” of her own “people-powered” campaign.
Isn't it absolutely amazing how ignorant the Police and Law Enforcement Union, the Border Patrol Union, and the 5,000 member Ice Union are for endorsing Trump and how intelligent the BLM, the New Black Panthers, the LGBT community, and Planned Parenthood are for endorsing Hillary?

Isn't it absolutely amazing how ignorant the teamsters Union, the NEA teachers union, and the 12.7 million strong AFL Union are for endorsing Clinton and how intelligent the KKK, the Neo-nazis, the Westboro baptist community, and the people who bomb abortion clinics are for endorsing Trump?
Isn't it absolutely amazing how ignorant the Police and Law Enforcement Union, the Border Patrol Union, and the 5,000 member Ice Union are for endorsing Trump and how intelligent the BLM, the New Black Panthers, the LGBT community, and Planned Parenthood are for endorsing Hillary?

Isn't it absolutely amazing how ignorant the teamsters Union, the NEA teachers union, and the 12.7 million strong AFL Union are for endorsing Clinton and how intelligent the KKK, the Neo-nazis, the Westboro baptist community, and the people who bomb abortion clinics are for endorsing Trump?
Lol, Jake the Fake Starkey responded to my post.

Roflmao, I havent had that much time to waste since 2015.
The Washington DC power elite are a bad of incestuous cronies who are corrupt and stupid.

Clinton Ally Reportedly Helped Fund Campaign Of Key Fbi Official’s Wife

A top Clinton ally’s political organization reportedly gave nearly a half-million dollars to the campaign of the wife of an FBI official who would go on to help oversee the probe into Hillary Clinton’s email practices – a tangled web likely to fuel Republican complaints about the investigation.

The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday night on the connection. According to the Journal, finance records show Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s PAC gave $467,500 to Dr. Jill McCabe’s 2015 state Senate campaign. The Virginia Democratic Party spent an additional $207,788 on the campaign, the Journal reported.

McCabe, who ended up losing to Republican incumbent Dick Black, is married to Andrew McCabe – the FBI’s deputy director.

At the time of the campaign and of McAuliffe’s support, McCabe was associate deputy director. He later was promoted to deputy after the campaign ended, assuming an oversight role in the Clinton email investigation.
A vote for Trump is a vote for HRC, because she will beat him.

Vote McMullin or Johnson
If HRC is for corporations, then she is not a commie or a socialist.

The Far Right and Alt Right support Putin and Russia over America.

Actually, many Americans consider Hillary Clinton and the Liberal Democrats to be a far greater danger than are the Russians. Both represent Socialism.
If HRC is for corporations, then she is not a commie or a socialist.

The Far Right and Alt Right support Putin and Russia over America.

Actually, many Americans consider Hillary Clinton and the Liberal Democrats to be a far greater danger than are the Russians. Both represent Socialism.
Only the silly low-info ones think untrue things like that.
If HRC is for corporations, then she is not a commie or a socialist.

The Far Right and Alt Right support Putin and Russia over America.

Actually, many Americans consider Hillary Clinton and the Liberal Democrats to be a far greater danger than are the Russians. Both represent Socialism.
Only the silly low-info ones think untrue things like that.

Why? Putin is a sensible man. He doesn't seek war with the United States. Only Hillary and Obama seek to remove his ally Assaud from power and cause the Russians to intervene.
Which will not lead to war between US and Russia.

Yes, Asas is going to die fairly quickly in the near future.
If HRC is for corporations, then she is not a commie or a socialist.

The Far Right and Alt Right support Putin and Russia over America.

Actually, many Americans consider Hillary Clinton and the Liberal Democrats to be a far greater danger than are the Russians. Both represent Socialism.
Only the silly low-info ones think untrue things like that.

Why? Putin is a sensible man. He doesn't seek war with the United States. Only Hillary and Obama seek to remove his ally Assaud from power and cause the Russians to intervene.

Putin is a very practical oligarch/dictator- he pushes Russian power where he can, and imprisons or kills his domestic opposition. That you Putin fan boys admire him shows you either admire Fascism or you are ignorant.

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