What, then, does Judaism teach about Satan?

I am sure you know that the Talmud is studied in Aramaic-

nonsense. No one was speaking or studying anything in Aramaic at the yeshiva.

I am intrigued-----what Yeshiva was that? I have never encountered a yeshiva
in which people study the Kabbalah in ------??? Jesuit latin. a CHASSIDIC
YESHIVA---no less......

Intrigued are you? LOL.. Could you please try to be a little more of a convincing phony? .. I can't keep typing with a straight face anymore trying to not notice your smooth and very clever line of questioning...

keep your day job. You really do suck at acting.
I am sure you know that the Talmud is studied in Aramaic-

nonsense. No one was speaking or studying anything in Aramaic at the yeshiva.

I am intrigued-----what Yeshiva was that? I have never encountered a yeshiva
in which people study the Kabbalah in ------??? Jesuit latin. a CHASSIDIC
YESHIVA---no less......

Intrigued are you? LOL.. Could you please try to be a little more of a convincing phony? .. I can't keep typing with a straight face anymore trying to not notice your smooth and very clever line of questioning...

keep your day job. You really do suck at acting.

I am retired------why do you lie about your "yeshiva experience" ??? It is
I am sure you know that the Talmud is studied in Aramaic-

nonsense. No one was speaking or studying anything in Aramaic at the yeshiva.

I am intrigued-----what Yeshiva was that? I have never encountered a yeshiva
in which people study the Kabbalah in ------??? Jesuit latin. a CHASSIDIC
YESHIVA---no less......

Intrigued are you? LOL.. Could you please try to be a little more of a convincing phony? .. I can't keep typing with a straight face anymore trying to not notice your smooth and very clever line of questioning...

keep your day job. You really do suck at acting.

I am retired------why do you lie about your "yeshiva experience" ??? It is
I never said I had a yeshiva experience. I said no one was studying anything in aramaic at the yeshiva. Why don't you tell me where these Aramaic speaking Hasidim in brooklyn are.

You know it isn't a very intelligent strategy to misrepresent what I said when everything was written down.
I am sure you know that the Talmud is studied in Aramaic-

nonsense. No one was speaking or studying anything in Aramaic at the yeshiva.

I am intrigued-----what Yeshiva was that? I have never encountered a yeshiva
in which people study the Kabbalah in ------??? Jesuit latin. a CHASSIDIC
YESHIVA---no less......

Intrigued are you? LOL.. Could you please try to be a little more of a convincing phony? .. I can't keep typing with a straight face anymore trying to not notice your smooth and very clever line of questioning...

keep your day job. You really do suck at acting.

I am retired------why do you lie about your "yeshiva experience" ??? It is
I never said I had a yeshiva experience. I said no one was studying anything in aramaic at the yeshiva. Why don't you tell me where these Aramaic speaking Hasidim in brooklyn are.

You know it isn't a very intelligent strategy to misrepresent what I said when everything was written down.

how would you know what people were doing in a yeshiva if you were not
there? Your statement "...no one was studying anything in aramaic at the yeshiva." IMPLIES that you were in the Yeshiva. People study in Aramaic
in every yeshiva------not only is the Talmud written in Aramaic----parts of the bible are written in Aramaic-----and a few of the prayers read in synagogues
are IN ARAMAIC -------as you know
nonsense. No one was speaking or studying anything in Aramaic at the yeshiva.

I am intrigued-----what Yeshiva was that? I have never encountered a yeshiva
in which people study the Kabbalah in ------??? Jesuit latin. a CHASSIDIC
YESHIVA---no less......

Intrigued are you? LOL.. Could you please try to be a little more of a convincing phony? .. I can't keep typing with a straight face anymore trying to not notice your smooth and very clever line of questioning...

keep your day job. You really do suck at acting.

I am retired------why do you lie about your "yeshiva experience" ??? It is
I never said I had a yeshiva experience. I said no one was studying anything in aramaic at the yeshiva. Why don't you tell me where these Aramaic speaking Hasidim in brooklyn are.

You know it isn't a very intelligent strategy to misrepresent what I said when everything was written down.

how would you know what people were doing in a yeshiva if you were not
there? Your statement "...no one was studying anything in aramaic at the yeshiva." IMPLIES that you were in the Yeshiva. People study in Aramaic
in every yeshiva------not only is the Talmud written in Aramaic----parts of the bible are written in Aramaic-----and a few of the prayers read in synagogues
are IN ARAMAIC -------as you know

I told you I never joined, I told you I studied in my spare time, and I told you I went to CBGB'S instead. How can you accuse me of lying about going to some yeshiva?

And the Talmud has been translated into many languages, English included. Duh

' So what.

I know the reasons given for making and wearing tefillin. There is nothing too mysterious or too difficult to comprehend or see about the error in thought and practice.

Its obvious, a sin as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

Trying to find a flaw in some off hand remark of mine will never obscure how ridiculous the reasons given in the oral law for making tefillin are and most certainly won't make anyone who straps a box on their heads as if thats what God wants them to do, look less ridiculous.

remember the flying scroll? Its probably time for a long overdue rethinking of the tradition of circumcising the flesh of the foreskin of babies penises according to the wisdom of people who OBVIOUSLY did not understand the meaning of the words or subjects about which they were so dogmatic..

Damn. God must really have a wicked sense of humor....
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So Hobe are you saying you are Jewish since you spent time with the chasids ?...


CBGB's? You know the Ramones, & Lou Reed
were Jewish, and David Johansen half Jewish. But you admiting you aren't Jewish
and admiting Christians replace the Judaic God with Jesus are not Jewish and they replace Torah with the NT therefore Jesus can't be Moshiach nor can any of the Christs making up his image. For Jesus to be Moshiach he'd have to
A) be a man and not an image of a man.
B) you and Christians would have to be Jewish in the Torah's ethos and at least trying to follow Noahide laws.
Since you and they are not Jewish then Jesus is not Moshiach or you'd be Jewish.
If he's not Moshiach then hecs the first fallen imposter thief, making me that Michael you so love to hate which is what Luciferians do, hate, accuse, adversary, hinder, destroy, destruct, lie and folly. Hence called the sons of darkness (lies, ignorance and folly).

By the way you told Irosie not to bare false testimony yet you do that all the time.
You even insinuate that I studied Talmud, and yet I never ever picked up the book and here we find out you did. *LOL*
I am intrigued-----what Yeshiva was that? I have never encountered a yeshiva
in which people study the Kabbalah in ------??? Jesuit latin. a CHASSIDIC
YESHIVA---no less......

Intrigued are you? LOL.. Could you please try to be a little more of a convincing phony? .. I can't keep typing with a straight face anymore trying to not notice your smooth and very clever line of questioning...

keep your day job. You really do suck at acting.

I am retired------why do you lie about your "yeshiva experience" ??? It is
I never said I had a yeshiva experience. I said no one was studying anything in aramaic at the yeshiva. Why don't you tell me where these Aramaic speaking Hasidim in brooklyn are.

You know it isn't a very intelligent strategy to misrepresent what I said when everything was written down.

how would you know what people were doing in a yeshiva if you were not
there? Your statement "...no one was studying anything in aramaic at the yeshiva." IMPLIES that you were in the Yeshiva. People study in Aramaic
in every yeshiva------not only is the Talmud written in Aramaic----parts of the bible are written in Aramaic-----and a few of the prayers read in synagogues
are IN ARAMAIC -------as you know

I told you I never joined, I told you I studied in my spare time, and I told you I went to CBGB'S instead. How can you accuse me of lying about going to some yeshiva?

And the Talmud has been translated into many languages, English included. Duh

' So what.

I know the reasons given for making and wearing tefillin. There is nothing too mysterious or too difficult to comprehend or see about the error in thought and practice.

Its obvious, a sin as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

Trying to find a flaw in some off hand remark of mine will never obscure how ridiculous the reasons given in the oral law for making tefillin are and most certainly won't make anyone who straps a box on their heads as if thats what God wants them to do, look less ridiculous.

remember the flying scroll? Its probably time for a long overdue rethinking of the tradition of circumcising the flesh of the foreskin of babies penises according to the wisdom of people who OBVIOUSLY did not understand the meaning of the words or subjects about which they were so dogmatic..

Damn. God must really have a wicked sense of humor....

long LONG ago ---when I was young----I conversation with a specimen
from the Seton Hall, DIVINITY SCHOOL-------are you that idiot? He, also,
told me he "KNOWS" and proceeded to try to impress me with all kinds
of bullshit --kinda reminiscent of the shit you have just spouted-----but YOU HAVE EXCEEDED that jerk in utter ignorance, stupidity, and sick propaganda in support of the AUTO DE FE. PS----you have never been in a "yeshiva" or "studied" kabbalah---------your ramblings are idiotic.
The boy was, truly, a masterpiece of garbage. He started the conversation
with a CHALLENGE on the "jewish lucky numbers" ---which he seemed to
imagine constituted "gematria"
By the way Irosie and this is ironic considering the thread we are discussing the fellow you talked to was from Seton Hall and he had everything switched around so if I switch things back Seton Hall becomes Satan Hell or since in Hebrew vowels are non existent it is Stn Hll which is the same thing so that guy' s teachings were from Satan and hell divinity school as he was teaching the opposite of Gd and the Torah ethos ...once long ago they had a fire there that is how I figured that out but the irony is you talked about it here on this thread...lol...As for Hobe if one notices he uses the missionary tactics of having a little knowledge of Judaism and he mixes it with other concepts to show how vastly superior he is and he is on the right path but when questioned and really probed he truly shows his lack of knowledge and truth and is caught up in his lie.. Maybe that is why we are told to not mix these different fruits as in the end instead of something tasty we end up with something truly rotten in our gardens even if we tend them everyday like Hobe says he does...
I have noticed Michael that many have accused you of different things for example Zaang says you are not a Jew and Hobe and Jeremiah accuse you of studying and using the Talmud but they only do that because they cannot find any chinks in your armour and so they are left grasping at straws... They say that the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over expecting to get a different result...I guess they have not learned their lessons at least a mouse going for a piece of cheese getting zapped by electricity does but heh maybe that mouse is smarter in his own way ironically.....
By the way Irosie and this is ironic considering the thread we are discussing the fellow you talked to was from Seton Hall and he had everything switched around so if I switch things back Seton Hall becomes Satan Hell or since in Hebrew vowels are non existent it is Stn Hll which is the same thing so that guy' s teachings were from Satan and hell divinity school as he was teaching the opposite of Gd and the Torah ethos ...once long ago they had a fire there that is how I figured that out but the irony is you talked about it here on this thread...lol...As for Hobe if one notices he uses the missionary tactics of having a little knowledge of Judaism and he mixes it with other concepts to show how vastly superior he is and he is on the right path but when questioned and really probed he truly shows his lack of knowledge and truth and is caught up in his lie.. Maybe that is why we are told to not mix these different fruits as in the end instead of something tasty we end up with something truly rotten in our gardens even if we tend them everyday like Hobe says he does...

what I did notice over many decades----starting in early childhood----BOTH
Christians and Muslims are OBSESSED with Judaism and sophist reasons
why "Judaism is no damned good" -----and ---Christianity or Islam (as
applicable to their respective situations) is SO MUCH SUPERIOR.
As a kid, I had NO education in Judaism----not even after public school---
"Hebrew school"----but I was an AVID reader. I did have education in
Christianity ----"SUNDAY SCHOOL"-----taken there by a concerned Christian
neighbor doing the "Christian" thing. ----and shortly thereafter --education
in ISLAM----by muslims----who were EAGER to share the "beauty of islam"
Over many decades, I also noticed that one can attend jewish "sermons"---
or "lessons" etc--------for years and hundreds of times and NEVER HEAR
Christians nor Muslims ----want to believe. So many I have encountered
seem to WANT to believe that Jews are just as obsessed with THEM ----
as they are with jews.
I have noticed Michael that many have accused you of different things for example Zaang says you are not a Jew and Hobe and Jeremiah accuse you of studying and using the Talmud but they only do that because they cannot find any chinks in your armour and so they are left grasping at straws... They say that the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over expecting to get a different result...I guess they have not learned their lessons at least a mouse going for a piece of cheese getting zapped by electricity does but heh maybe that mouse is smarter in his own way ironically.....

that which is PUTATIVELY the Talmud----shows up EXTENSIVELY in the
islamo Nazi propaganda-------it's not Hobe's fault----he actually does
believe that he knows something about the Talmud
CBGB's? You know the Ramones, & Lou Reed
were Jewish, and David Johansen half Jewish. But you admiting you aren't Jewish
and admiting Christians replace the Judaic God with Jesus are not Jewish and they replace Torah with the NT therefore Jesus can't be Moshiach nor can any of the Christs making up his image. For Jesus to be Moshiach he'd have to
A) be a man and not an image of a man.
B) you and Christians would have to be Jewish in the Torah's ethos and at least trying to follow Noahide laws.
Since you and they are not Jewish then Jesus is not Moshiach or you'd be Jewish.

For Jesus to have been the messiah he would have had to reveal the hidden wisdom and teaching in the law.

As I have shown, that's exactly what he did.

Its not about Jew or Gentile, its about understanding the will of God and doing it. or not

And there is no such thing as noachide laws. Thats a load of crap that you are trying to feed gentiles who do not know any better.

The law is a light for the nations, a light for the world.

You think you can obscure that light, keep it to yourselves, and use the knowledge to take advantage of other people.

That,my friend, is despicable.

Thats why the life promised for compliance with the law remains out of your reach.
Last edited:
CBGB's? You know the Ramones, & Lou Reed
were Jewish, and David Johansen half Jewish. But you admiting you aren't Jewish
and admiting Christians replace the Judaic God with Jesus are not Jewish and they replace Torah with the NT therefore Jesus can't be Moshiach nor can any of the Christs making up his image. For Jesus to be Moshiach he'd have to
A) be a man and not an image of a man.
B) you and Christians would have to be Jewish in the Torah's ethos and at least trying to follow Noahide laws.
Since you and they are not Jewish then Jesus is not Moshiach or you'd be Jewish.

For Jesus to have been the messiah he would have had to reveal the hidden wisdom and teaching in the law.

As I have shown, that's exactly what he did.

Its not about Jew or Gentile, its about understanding the will of God and doing it. or not

And there is no such thing as noachide laws. Thats a load of crap that you are trying to feed gentiles who do not know any better.

The law is a light for the nations, a light for the world.

You think you can obscure that light and use the knowledge to take advantage of other people.

That,my friend, is despicable.

Thats why the life promised for compliance with the law remains out of your reach.

AND....hobe------even your lingo is pulled DIRECTLY from the islamo Nazi propaganda of the 1930s and the stuff written after world war II by escapees
from the NUREMBURG TRIALS. I read your stuff as a child------I was intrigued
by the seedy little pamphlets fluttering around the Nazi enclave in which my dad
bought a little house on his GI mortgage rights. ----they were all about DA JOOOOS Of course the same sort of stuff was taught by the catechism whores
and pimps in CATHOLIC SCHOOL ------
CBGB's? You know the Ramones, & Lou Reed
were Jewish, and David Johansen half Jewish. But you admiting you aren't Jewish
and admiting Christians replace the Judaic God with Jesus are not Jewish and they replace Torah with the NT therefore Jesus can't be Moshiach nor can any of the Christs making up his image. For Jesus to be Moshiach he'd have to
A) be a man and not an image of a man.
B) you and Christians would have to be Jewish in the Torah's ethos and at least trying to follow Noahide laws.
Since you and they are not Jewish then Jesus is not Moshiach or you'd be Jewish.

For Jesus to have been the messiah he would have had to reveal the hidden wisdom and teaching in the law.

As I have shown, that's exactly what he did.

Its not about Jew or Gentile, its about understanding the will of God and doing it. or not

And there is no such thing as noachide laws. Thats a load of crap that you are trying to feed gentiles who do not know any better.

The law is a light for the nations, a light for the world.

You think you can obscure that light and use the knowledge to take advantage of other people.

That,my friend, is despicable.

Thats why the life promised for compliance with the law remains out of your reach.

AND....hobe------even your lingo is pulled DIRECTLY from the islamo Nazi propaganda of the 1930s and the stuff written after world war II by escapees
from the NUREMBURG TRIALS. I read your stuff as a child------I was intrigued
by the seedy little pamphlets fluttering around the Nazi enclave in which my dad
bought a little house on his GI mortgage rights. ----they were all about DA JOOOOS Of course the same sort of stuff was taught by the catechism whores
and pimps in CATHOLIC SCHOOL ------

Another hysterical she ass. You and Hashev would make a great couple. I heard he wears a speedo.

You don't claim that the law, the only way to eternal life, is only for Jews even though the torah clearly says it was given as a light to the nations?

There is no deeper meaning in kosher law other than the bullshit explanation about food given in the Talmud?

Islamo nazi propaganda? lol... When did Nazis ever discover deeper implications in the book of the law?

The entire Talmud itself is the product of babylonian sorcery mixed with roman hatred for your God.

The teachings of the Talmud, divert, deflect, hinder, and desecrate the meaning, purpose, and intent of God in giving life to the world through the light of the law.

The greatest enemy of the Jewish people is the enemy within.
Last edited:
CBGB's? You know the Ramones, & Lou Reed
were Jewish, and David Johansen half Jewish. But you admiting you aren't Jewish
and admiting Christians replace the Judaic God with Jesus are not Jewish and they replace Torah with the NT therefore Jesus can't be Moshiach nor can any of the Christs making up his image. For Jesus to be Moshiach he'd have to
A) be a man and not an image of a man.
B) you and Christians would have to be Jewish in the Torah's ethos and at least trying to follow Noahide laws.
Since you and they are not Jewish then Jesus is not Moshiach or you'd be Jewish.

For Jesus to have been the messiah he would have had to reveal the hidden wisdom and teaching in the law.

As I have shown, that's exactly what he did.

Its not about Jew or Gentile, its about understanding the will of God and doing it. or not

And there is no such thing as noachide laws. Thats a load of crap that you are trying to feed gentiles who do not know any better.

The law is a light for the nations, a light for the world.

You think you can obscure that light and use the knowledge to take advantage of other people.

That,my friend, is despicable.

Thats why the life promised for compliance with the law remains out of your reach.

AND....hobe------even your lingo is pulled DIRECTLY from the islamo Nazi propaganda of the 1930s and the stuff written after world war II by escapees
from the NUREMBURG TRIALS. I read your stuff as a child------I was intrigued
by the seedy little pamphlets fluttering around the Nazi enclave in which my dad
bought a little house on his GI mortgage rights. ----they were all about DA JOOOOS Of course the same sort of stuff was taught by the catechism whores
and pimps in CATHOLIC SCHOOL ------

Another hysterical she ass. You and Hashev would make a great couple. I heard he wears a speedo.

You don't claim the law is only for Jews even though the torah clearly says it was given as a light to the nations?

There is no deeper meaning in kosher law other than the bullshit explanation about food in the Talmud?

Islamo nazi propaganda? lol... When did Nazis ever discover deeper implications in the book of the law?

The entire Talmud itself is the product of babylonian sorcery mixed with roman hatred for your God.

You don't claim the law is only for Jews even though the torah clearly says it was given as a light to the nations?

rosie>>> nowhere in the TORAH does it say that the torah was
given as a "light to the nations"?

There is no deeper meaning in kosher law other than the bullshit explanation about food in the Talmud?

rosie>>> what " bullshit explanation about food in the Talmud"?????

Islamo nazi propaganda? lol... When did Nazis ever discover deeper implications in the book of the law?

rosie---I did not credit your fellow islamo Nazi catechism whores with ANY
discovery of "deeper implications in the book of the law"--<<< whatever
is "the book of the law" in your depraved mind

The entire Talmud itself is the product of babylonian sorcery mixed with roman hatred for your God.

rosie-----the above statement is far too GONE---to merit a response

You don't claim the law is only for Jews even though the torah clearly says it was given as a light to the nations?

rosie>>> nowhere in the TORAH does it say that the torah was
given as a "light to the nations"?

There is no deeper meaning in kosher law other than the bullshit explanation about food in the Talmud?

rosie>>> what " bullshit explanation about food in the Talmud"?????

Islamo nazi propaganda? lol... When did Nazis ever discover deeper implications in the book of the law?

rosie---I did not credit your fellow islamo Nazi catechism whores with ANY
discovery of "deeper implications in the book of the law"--<<< whatever
is "the book of the law" in your depraved mind

The entire Talmud itself is the product of babylonian sorcery mixed with roman hatred for your God.

rosie-----the above statement is far too GONE---to merit a response

So he drove the man out and to the east of the garden of Eden he stationed the cherubim and a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.

You don't claim the law is only for Jews even though the torah clearly says it was given as a light to the nations?

rosie>>> nowhere in the TORAH does it say that the torah was
given as a "light to the nations"?

There is no deeper meaning in kosher law other than the bullshit explanation about food in the Talmud?

rosie>>> what " bullshit explanation about food in the Talmud"?????

Islamo nazi propaganda? lol... When did Nazis ever discover deeper implications in the book of the law?

rosie---I did not credit your fellow islamo Nazi catechism whores with ANY
discovery of "deeper implications in the book of the law"--<<< whatever
is "the book of the law" in your depraved mind

The entire Talmud itself is the product of babylonian sorcery mixed with roman hatred for your God.

rosie-----the above statement is far too GONE---to merit a response

So he drove the man out and to the east of the garden of Eden he stationed the cherubim and a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.

why did you toss that unrelated tidbit into the conversation?------it does not even work according to your NEED TO DEFLECT

You don't claim the law is only for Jews even though the torah clearly says it was given as a light to the nations?

rosie>>> nowhere in the TORAH does it say that the torah was
given as a "light to the nations"?

There is no deeper meaning in kosher law other than the bullshit explanation about food in the Talmud?

rosie>>> what " bullshit explanation about food in the Talmud"?????

Islamo nazi propaganda? lol... When did Nazis ever discover deeper implications in the book of the law?

rosie---I did not credit your fellow islamo Nazi catechism whores with ANY
discovery of "deeper implications in the book of the law"--<<< whatever
is "the book of the law" in your depraved mind

The entire Talmud itself is the product of babylonian sorcery mixed with roman hatred for your God.

rosie-----the above statement is far too GONE---to merit a response

So he drove the man out and to the east of the garden of Eden he stationed the cherubim and a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.

why did you toss that unrelated tidbit into the conversation?------it does not even work according to your NEED TO DEFLECT

Why did you insert your islamo nazi deflection?

Wouldn't you rather discuss the merits of strapping a box on your head or how eating or abstaining from certain food can make a person holy?

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