What the state says and what the people saw.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
After an election where the winning side waited to see the vote count for the incumbent and then calibrated fraudulent votes to overcome the lead in key swing states, some might wonder how this could have happened in the world’s largest democracy. The answer hides in plain sight.

America’s democracy is not in the possession of the people, it is state-owned and leased to the People’s Republic of China. The Confucius hordes have been spreading money around Washington for decades, they have penetrated our colleges and universities and they wield control of our media that would make Stalin and Lenin drool with envy.

The outgoing president challenged and exposed the state by highlighting its relationship with a Billion-strong, gold-bearing enemy that wants to replace America as the preeminent economic leader of the world. In 2016 he led what was essentially an unanticipated uprising of the people against a government that had sold them out for future considerations when the Chinese yuan ultimately replaces the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The people-friendly insolent president upset the timetable of the state sellout by waking up the citizens to the fact that government had abandoned them.

US intelligence agencies, partnered with cooperative state media, fabricated an Orwellian scorched-earth landscape littered with the barbed wire of false investigations and phony accusations of enemy collusion financed by odious opposition research by domestic and foreign operatives to hobble the administration for all four years of its existence. It even contaminated American football, the country’s most popular televised sport, to tar and feather the president with the cultural Molotov Cocktail of White Supremacy.

Orchestrated state violence became what can only be described as CIA street theater while businesses burned, and people actually died in the service of the great lie that the people’s president was worse than Lucifer personified. The state went to high extremes to survive even condoning convenient censorship of opposition by social media platforms.

The Capitol incident was the inevitable result of the barefaced theft of an American election, but even that event was almost certainly infiltrated by US intelligence to gin up the violence. It had the fingerprints of false flag strategy all over it which will likely come out in the future.

What the state says and what the people saw was as far apart as light is from dark. The Third World has made it here and China smiles.

The stupid never will end will it? 65 cases, reviewed by DOJ, DHS, federal prosecutors, leaders of both parties conferred clean election, three recounts in Georgia and no change except for the winner, only fraud found to be done by a Republican voting for his dead Ma...The retractions by media outlets that keep saying the same shit as you and here you are, after three hundred threads on the same subject you start another one with nothing new to add...China has a rising tide because Trump played isolationist.
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The stupid never will end will it?

Not likely to end so long as schools are allowed to indoctrinate rather than educate.

The biggest threat the left is "the virus". People are teaching their (surviving) children at home rather than packing off to you mind-numbing indoctrination centers. In a generation The Democrat Party will be but a cautionary memory.
After an election where the winning side waited to see the vote count for the incumbent and then calibrated fraudulent votes to overcome the lead in key swing states, some might wonder how this could have happened in the world’s largest democracy. The answer hides in plain sight.

America’s democracy is not in the possession of the people, it is state-owned and leased to the People’s Republic of China. The Confucius hordes have been spreading money around Washington for decades, they have penetrated our colleges and universities and they wield control of our media that would make Stalin and Lenin drool with envy.

The outgoing president challenged and exposed the state by highlighting its relationship with a Billion-strong, gold-bearing enemy that wants to replace America as the preeminent economic leader of the world. In 2016 he led what was essentially an unanticipated uprising of the people against a government that had sold them out for future considerations when the Chinese yuan ultimately replaces the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The people-friendly insolent president upset the timetable of the state sellout by waking up the citizens to the fact that government had abandoned them.

US intelligence agencies, partnered with cooperative state media, fabricated an Orwellian scorched-earth landscape littered with the barbed wire of false investigations and phony accusations of enemy collusion financed by odious opposition research by domestic and foreign operatives to hobble the administration for all four years of its existence. It even contaminated American football, the country’s most popular televised sport, to tar and feather the president with the cultural Molotov Cocktail of White Supremacy.

Orchestrated state violence became what can only be described as CIA street theater while businesses burned, and people actually died in the service of the great lie that the people’s president was worse than Lucifer personified. The state went to high extremes to survive even condoning convenient censorship of opposition by social media platforms.

The Capitol incident was the inevitable result of the barefaced theft of an American election, but even that event was almost certainly infiltrated by US intelligence to gin up the violence. It had the fingerprints of false flag strategy all over it which will likely come out in the future.

What the state says and what the people saw was as far apart as light is from dark. The Third World has made it here and China smiles.

Around a few score of frivolous suits in Court and right winger still have nothing but right wing fantasy.
The stupid never will end will it?

Not likely to end so long as schools are allowed to indoctrinate rather than educate.

The biggest threat the left is "the virus". People are teaching their (surviving) children at home rather than packing off to you mind-numbing indoctrination centers. In a generation The Democrat Party will be but a cautionary memory.
Only indoctrinated right wingers say that instead of being grateful for modern broadband times and learning as much as they want on the Internet.
The stupid never will end will it? 65 cases, reviewed by DOJ, DHS, federal prosecutors, leaders of both parties conferred clean election, three recounts in Georgia and no change except for the winner, only fraud found to be done by a Republican voting for his dead Ma...The retractions by media outlets that keep saying the same shit as you and here you are, after three hundred threads on the same subject you start another one with nothing new to add...China has a rising tide because Trump played isolationist.
It depends on whether you believe the deep state or not. The tragedy is, if the deep state does something you agree with then it is okay and honorable. Whatever the even on Jan. 6 was, the tone of the politicians changed as compared to all of the riots the last year.
The stupid never will end will it?

Not likely to end so long as schools are allowed to indoctrinate rather than educate.

The biggest threat the left is "the virus". People are teaching their (surviving) children at home rather than packing off to you mind-numbing indoctrination centers. In a generation The Democrat Party will be but a cautionary memory.
Funny thing is, they were saying the same stupid shit forty five years ago also.
The stupid never will end will it? 65 cases, reviewed by DOJ, DHS, federal prosecutors, leaders of both parties conferred clean election, three recounts in Georgia and no change except for the winner, only fraud found to be done by a Republican voting for his dead Ma...The retractions by media outlets that keep saying the same shit as you and here you are, after three hundred threads on the same subject you start another one with nothing new to add...China has a rising tide because Trump played isolationist.
It depends on whether you believe the deep state or not. The tragedy is, if the deep state does something you agree with then it is okay and honorable. Whatever the even on Jan. 6 was, the tone of the politicians changed as compared to all of the riots the last year.
How many BLM riots were directed at Congress to aid and abet an usurper of a man losing office?
After an election where the winning side waited to see the vote count for the incumbent and then calibrated fraudulent votes to overcome the lead in key swing states, some might wonder how this could have happened in the world’s largest democracy. The answer hides in plain sight.

America’s democracy is not in the possession of the people, it is state-owned and leased to the People’s Republic of China. The Confucius hordes have been spreading money around Washington for decades, they have penetrated our colleges and universities and they wield control of our media that would make Stalin and Lenin drool with envy.

The outgoing president challenged and exposed the state by highlighting its relationship with a Billion-strong, gold-bearing enemy that wants to replace America as the preeminent economic leader of the world. In 2016 he led what was essentially an unanticipated uprising of the people against a government that had sold them out for future considerations when the Chinese yuan ultimately replaces the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The people-friendly insolent president upset the timetable of the state sellout by waking up the citizens to the fact that government had abandoned them.

US intelligence agencies, partnered with cooperative state media, fabricated an Orwellian scorched-earth landscape littered with the barbed wire of false investigations and phony accusations of enemy collusion financed by odious opposition research by domestic and foreign operatives to hobble the administration for all four years of its existence. It even contaminated American football, the country’s most popular televised sport, to tar and feather the president with the cultural Molotov Cocktail of White Supremacy.

Orchestrated state violence became what can only be described as CIA street theater while businesses burned, and people actually died in the service of the great lie that the people’s president was worse than Lucifer personified. The state went to high extremes to survive even condoning convenient censorship of opposition by social media platforms.

The Capitol incident was the inevitable result of the barefaced theft of an American election, but even that event was almost certainly infiltrated by US intelligence to gin up the violence. It had the fingerprints of false flag strategy all over it which will likely come out in the future.

What the state says and what the people saw was as far apart as light is from dark. The Third World has made it here and China smiles.

What the state said and what the people saw was people like you murdering a Capitol policeman.
And the infiltrators are being hunted down like dogs.
The stupid never will end will it? 65 cases, reviewed by DOJ, DHS, federal prosecutors, leaders of both parties conferred clean election, three recounts in Georgia and no change except for the winner, only fraud found to be done by a Republican voting for his dead Ma...The retractions by media outlets that keep saying the same shit as you and here you are, after three hundred threads on the same subject you start another one with nothing new to add...China has a rising tide because Trump played isolationist.
It depends on whether you believe the deep state or not. The tragedy is, if the deep state does something you agree with then it is okay and honorable. Whatever the even on Jan. 6 was, the tone of the politicians changed as compared to all of the riots the last year.
You seem to believe the fantastical right wing. Isn't that worse?
After an election where the winning side waited to see the vote count for the incumbent and then calibrated fraudulent votes to overcome the lead in key swing states, some might wonder how this could have happened in the world’s largest democracy. The answer hides in plain sight.

America’s democracy is not in the possession of the people, it is state-owned and leased to the People’s Republic of China. The Confucius hordes have been spreading money around Washington for decades, they have penetrated our colleges and universities and they wield control of our media that would make Stalin and Lenin drool with envy.

The outgoing president challenged and exposed the state by highlighting its relationship with a Billion-strong, gold-bearing enemy that wants to replace America as the preeminent economic leader of the world. In 2016 he led what was essentially an unanticipated uprising of the people against a government that had sold them out for future considerations when the Chinese yuan ultimately replaces the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The people-friendly insolent president upset the timetable of the state sellout by waking up the citizens to the fact that government had abandoned them.

US intelligence agencies, partnered with cooperative state media, fabricated an Orwellian scorched-earth landscape littered with the barbed wire of false investigations and phony accusations of enemy collusion financed by odious opposition research by domestic and foreign operatives to hobble the administration for all four years of its existence. It even contaminated American football, the country’s most popular televised sport, to tar and feather the president with the cultural Molotov Cocktail of White Supremacy.

Orchestrated state violence became what can only be described as CIA street theater while businesses burned, and people actually died in the service of the great lie that the people’s president was worse than Lucifer personified. The state went to high extremes to survive even condoning convenient censorship of opposition by social media platforms.

The Capitol incident was the inevitable result of the barefaced theft of an American election, but even that event was almost certainly infiltrated by US intelligence to gin up the violence. It had the fingerprints of false flag strategy all over it which will likely come out in the future.

What the state says and what the people saw was as far apart as light is from dark. The Third World has made it here and China smiles.

Cool story. Get an editor, and I'll bet you could sell it in the fiction section of lots of book stores.
The stupid never will end will it?

Not likely to end so long as schools are allowed to indoctrinate rather than educate.

The biggest threat the left is "the virus". People are teaching their (surviving) children at home rather than packing off to you mind-numbing indoctrination centers. In a generation The Democrat Party will be but a cautionary memory.
Only indoctrinated right wingers say that instead of being grateful for modern broadband times and learning as much they want on the Internet.
"Modern broadband times" used to be a wonderful thing. Twenty years back I would dance daily just thinking of being alive at such a time. In comes a new phase of intentional measures to censor information.

The days of trusting certain search engines (primarily Google, Bing, Yahoo) to show you all available facts are gone, they are completely biased. I've done a few tests to see for myself and found that DuckDuckGo is better balanced, the other three more like a see saw weighted down on one side. That goes against our goals for transparency, our freedom of choice, and as you've stated prevents "learning as much as they want".

As a fair and honest person, I demand at least two sides of the propaganda coin or bust! All jokes aside, people deserve to know what goes on in the world, even when a political party would prefer that only their side is represented. I call foul!
The stupid never will end will it?

Not likely to end so long as schools are allowed to indoctrinate rather than educate.

The biggest threat the left is "the virus". People are teaching their (surviving) children at home rather than packing off to you mind-numbing indoctrination centers. In a generation The Democrat Party will be but a cautionary memory.
Only indoctrinated right wingers say that instead of being grateful for modern broadband times and learning as much they want on the Internet.
"Modern broadband times" used to be a wonderful thing. Twenty years back I would dance daily just thinking of being alive at such a time. In comes a new phase of intentional measures to censor information.

The days of trusting certain search engines (primarily Google, Bing, Yahoo) to show you all available facts are gone, they are completely biased. I've done a few tests to see for myself and found that DuckDuckGo is better balanced, the other three more like a see saw weighted down on one side. That goes against our goals for transparency, our freedom of choice, and as you've stated prevents "learning as much as they want".

As a fair and honest person, I demand at least two sides of the propaganda coin or bust! All jokes aside, people deserve to know what goes on in the world, even when a political party would prefer that only their side is represented. I call foul!
I agree to disagree. What can you not learn on the Internet? I use Google all the time; I learned how to use better search terms to find information when it is not readily apparent. Critical reasoning is a must since caveat emptor must apply to "free market information".

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