What the Rittenhouse trial resembles

What you don't get is that the upper class and the middle class already pay too much in Taxes.

I get that the upper class pay very little in taxes.

You need to learn the truth by examining what is 'effectively' paid in taxes after all the kickbacks, exemptions, loopholes, and cozy deals with the politicians are taken into consideration.

But I don't think you're ready for that yet.

However, several besides you are at least becoming involved in a conversation over why America's working people are being cheated out of a piece of the Americn pie. AZrail has mentioned some surprising revelations for a person of his political ilk!

Biden's efforts could be having an effect on the people's heads, even though it's been watered down to too little, too late.

So I suspect they will re-elect Trump again, who will spirit any gains away and back into the the billionaires' pockets.

get with the program truly.
What you don't get is that the upper class and the middle class already pay too much in Taxes. Our government has a spending problem. Trump and Pelosi, now Biden weren't/aren't spending their money.
If they tax any bracket more, it'll just be more they have to spend on the already BS things they're spending money on.
I think you're just a whisker too smart to believe that yourself.
You and a lot of people like you just have to be coming to an understanding of how you've been taken to the cleaners.

In fact, America's working people are completely disorganized and don't even understand which political party to run to for help.
That's because neither is going to do what is needed.
The D party successfully destroyed any hope they may have represented from within when the smuggled in Joe to oust Bernie.
I get that the upper class pay very little in taxes.

What you don't get is that the upper class DOES pay a lot in taxes. Even with all the tax loop holes, there's still a HUGE amount of taxes getting paid by the rich. You liberals use some stupid percentage excuse that makes it look like the billions they pay in taxes, isn't "their fair share." And it's bullshit.
You need to learn the truth by examining what is 'effectively' paid in taxes after all the kickbacks, exemptions, loopholes, and cozy deals with the politicians are taken into consideration.

But I don't think you're ready for that yet.

I'm ready for you liberals to just STFU about things that trigger you so easily. Canada probably doesn't have a lot of billionaires because their taxes are so high.
So you guys may just be jealous that the USA has SOOOO many more billionaires and millionaires.

Here's a clue for you, lefty, we like I billionaires and millionaires. The money they keep in our banks, goes to help small businesses get loans. It helps our middle class buy houses. They pay their credit card bills, which allows single moms buy Christmas for their children.
So if they keep a large portion of their fortune in tax free havens, they still keep enough money in this country to help keep the economy going.
So go screw yourself, lefty.
And please, just stop with the moronic liberal talking points. Liberal politicians and special interests put those talking points out for no other reason that to divide people. To make people resent the upper class.
It's straight out of the communist playbook.

Biden's efforts could be having an effect on the people's heads, even though it's been watered down to too little, too late.

That's the lefts way. Promise big things. But give them small things. And in the process, take away a lot, to give them a little.
So I suspect they will re-elect Trump again, who will spirit any gains away and back into the the billionaires' pockets.

get with the program truly.

You know, it's comments like that, that makes me think you really don't pay any attention to what the left actually does. Only what they say. 90% of the time, they're two complete opposites. Even though you just admitted that what Biden proposed, isn't what he delivered. Same with them all.
A decade or so ago, Bernie Sanders was promising to "Audit the Fed." He was the chairman of that committee, he had enough co-sponsors and support to get it done. But at the last minute, he baulked and watered it down so that there was NOTHING left to actually audit the fed. What it boiled down to was a tap on the wrist. A shit show or historic proportion.
It's the same with the ACA and all these other supposed great things the left is going to do.
A decade or so ago, Bernie Sanders was promising to "Audit the Fed." He was the chairman of that committee, he had enough co-sponsors and support to get it done. But at the last minute, he baulked and watered it down so that there was NOTHING left to actually audit the fed. What it boiled down to was a tap on the wrist. A shit show or historic proportion.
It's the same with the ACA and all these other supposed great things the left is going to do.
Well we can at least agree that the left has failed.
Will you be back tomorrow crying the blues over bad government or some variation of that?
You 'do' at least get it!

You know, it's comments like that, that makes me think you really don't pay any attention to what the left actually does. Only what they say. 90% of the time, they're two complete opposites. Even though you just admitted that what Biden proposed, isn't what he delivered. Same with them all.

I've paid attention and I agree with what you're saying. How ironic that we just end up in agreement!

This is the reason why I have to demand that some of the more extremely rabid must state that they disagree with what I say. It moves the discussion on to not have to continually rehash the areas of agreement.

People like M14 Shooter can't understand that. Do you? Are we going to have to first establish that we disagree on something or is that already understood?

For instance: I don't disagree on the Rittenhouse verdict. It's very close to my prediction of a suspended sentence. Develop a better understanding of the Canadian left.
Some of your Trumper buddies are more in tune with the truth when they blame politicians who are bought off by the wealthy, leaving the working people crumbs, or even less.

You're a patsy who is still buying into the American way scam of thinking you poor people just have to work harder and you'll be a billionaire too.

How sad and pathetic.
Some patsy! I'm retired and living the good life in Florida! I didn't get there courtesy of some "scam" or from government handouts! I worked hard...took risks...had failures...had successes. America has never been about giving people freebies...it became a great country because it gave people opportunities. It's STILL the land of opportunity. You just need to be motivated to make it that way!
This is the reason why I have to demand that some of the more extremely rabid must state that they disagree with what I say. It moves the discussion on to not have to continually rehash the areas of agreement.
People like M14 Shooter can't understand that.
This is a funny way of admitting you troll with unsupportable nonsense and/or outright lies in the hopes of hookinhg someone into a conversation about same, but OK.
Some patsy! I'm retired and living the good life in Florida! I didn't get there courtesy of some "scam" or from government handouts! I worked hard...took risks...had failures...had successes. America has never been about giving people freebies...it became a great country because it gave people opportunities. It's STILL the land of opportunity. You just need to be motivated to make it that way!
Even if that's true and you're not making up a story Olde, it's not the point. Poverty, quality of life, and loss of freedom in America are the real issues.

You need to produce your best 'is not, is not, is nots' for the forum.
Too bad you're not getting it, Donald! You still seem to be convinced that the US can tax it's way to prosperity.
That's you at least proposing there might be another way, and acknowledging that what needs to be done can't be done with taxation, in your opinion.
Well we can at least agree that the left has failed.
Will you be back tomorrow crying the blues over bad government or some variation of that?
You 'do' at least get it!

When the government screws up, I'll be there to talk about it. It's my view there are too many party loyalist in this country. Too many die hard Trump supporters who overlook the obvious, just to continue their support. And the same with the left.
Left and their party loyalist...........Common sense...........Right, and their party loyalist.
Being in the middle doesn't make you a moderate. Because there are too many "moderates" who lack common sense.
I've paid attention and I agree with what you're saying. How ironic that we just end up in agreement!

This is the reason why I have to demand that some of the more extremely rabid must state that they disagree with what I say. It moves the discussion on to not have to continually rehash the areas of agreement.

Some of the people you're talking with, may not have the knowledge, common sense of information needed to make a common sense decision as to why they like, dislike, approve or disapprove certain things.
Obviously, there's still morons who believe that Trump was sent from God himself to MAGA.
Then again, there's morons on the left to think that Trump is a racist.
Stupid stupid stupid on both sides.
But having the ability to see through the right/left BS means you have to dig into the details.
Many years ago, when I was trying to find a party to support, disgusted with the left for all their lies, and pissed with the right about their completely lack of conservatism (all the while still calling themselves conservative). it dawned on me, I don't fucking have to support either one of them. I don't have to settle. And that that in itself is how we stay stuck on stupid. Too many party loyalist voting for their version of "lesser of two evils." For fucks say, why vote for any evil? It's only one vote. It's not going to change the outcome of any election.
For instance: I don't disagree on the Rittenhouse verdict. It's very close to my prediction of a suspended sentence. Develop a better understanding of the Canadian left.

What do you mean you don't disagree with the verdict? You've spent more than a week bashing him. Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. I'm not stupid.
When the government screws up, I'll be there to talk about it. It's my view there are too many party loyalist in this country. Too many die hard Trump supporters who overlook the obvious, just to continue their support. And the same with the left.
Left and their party loyalist...........Common sense...........Right, and their party loyalist.
Being in the middle doesn't make you a moderate. Because there are too many "moderates" who lack common sense.

Some of the people you're talking with, may not have the knowledge, common sense of information needed to make a common sense decision as to why they like, dislike, approve or disapprove certain things.
Obviously, there's still morons who believe that Trump was sent from God himself to MAGA.
Then again, there's morons on the left to think that Trump is a racist.
Stupid stupid stupid on both sides.
But having the ability to see through the right/left BS means you have to dig into the details.
Many years ago, when I was trying to find a party to support, disgusted with the left for all their lies, and pissed with the right about their completely lack of conservatism (all the while still calling themselves conservative). it dawned on me, I don't fucking have to support either one of them. I don't have to settle. And that that in itself is how we stay stuck on stupid. Too many party loyalist voting for their version of "lesser of two evils." For fucks say, why vote for any evil? It's only one vote. It's not going to change the outcome of any election.

What do you mean you don't disagree with the verdict? You've spent more than a week bashing him. Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. I'm not stupid.
I'm not bashing Kyle, I'm bashing the outcome which I've predicted accurately enough to be right. You know very well that I see this as a license for Americans to kill with impunity with their guns.

That's how I see it!

If you disagree then at least we have found some area of disagreement to discuss if you care to.

No, you're not stupid. And I'm not a moron.

We don't have to take part in the shitflinging back and forth by both sides. This is my point with M14 Shooter who is completely lost as to what I believe or don't believe, and that makes it necessary to first establish his disagreement on 'something'?

If you were that confused I would be asking you to do the same. Let's move on now. I'm still really not sure where we differ in our opinions? You've even suggested that the very wealthy is the problem because of the huge income inequality. In not so many words.

You hint on 'conservatism' but you're taking it for granted that I should know what you mean specifically. You can explain that if you like?
For instance: I don't disagree on the Rittenhouse verdict. It's very close to my prediction of a suspended sentence. Develop a better understanding of the Canadian left.
CLOSE TO A SUSPENDED SENTENCE? Where in the heck do you get that idea?
Even if that's true and you're not making up a story Olde, it's not the point. Poverty, quality of life, and loss of freedom in America are the real issues.

You need to produce your best 'is not, is not, is nots' for the forum.
The real issue in my humble opinion is that America has lost it's way! We were never the country that gave things to people. We were always the country that provided opportunities for people to improve their lot in life. We were the place where AMBITIOUS people came because they wanted something better in life and knew that this was the best place to make that happen!

Now we've become the country of "participation trophies", political correctness and Affirmative Action! It's NOT a good look!
CLOSE TO A SUSPENDED SENTENCE? Where in the heck do you get that idea?
It was my prediction that Kyle would walk but I knew that there was no way he could be found not guilty of all charges. That was actually quite impossible. and so there had to be some way of making the kangaroo court look legitimate.

Then it turned out that appearances don't matter in America anymore.
It looks more like 1930's Nazi Germany every day.
It was my prediction that Kyle would walk but I knew that there was no way he could be found not guilty of all charges. That was actually quite impossible. and so there had to be some way of making the kangaroo court look legitimate.

Then it turned out that appearances don't matter in America anymore.
It looks more like 1930's Nazi Germany every day.
Did you actually predict that, Donald or are you one of those guys that SAYS you did after you were shown to be wrong about the verdict?

Stop with the silly Nazi analogies, Don...that got tired months ago and has reached the pathetic stage at this point!
I hate to accuse people of things without cause, Donald...so I went back and checked what you "predicted" and you predicted that he would be found guilty of a charge but given a "slap on the wrist" by a judge that you seemed to think was totally biased towards the defense!

I'm sorry but that's NOT the way things panned out! Rittenhouse was found not guilty on ALL counts by the jury. As he should have been. To be quite blunt...the DA should never have taken this case to trial because there was no "crime" there! This was one of the most obvious examples of self defense I've ever seen. Numerous videos made that quite clear as soon as they were played in their entirety. This was always about politics and bowing to pressure from the far left!
Did you actually predict that, Donald or are you one of those guys that SAYS you did after you were shown to be wrong about the verdict?
Yes, I predicted several times for a couple of weeks that it would be a suspended sentence.
Stop with the silly Nazi analogies, Don...that got tired months ago and has reached the pathetic stage at this point!
It's still becoming a more valid comparison to Nazi fascism. This is the kind of decisioin the extreme rightists have been waiting for, after Chauvin's deliberate murder that he staged for a public audience.

That's my opinion for now but there will soon be other signs of the approaching fascism.
Trump's nonsense on the election being stolen was one of the main eariy signs.

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