Diamond Member
- Aug 4, 2015
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Obama stuck his nose where it didn't belong, in Assad's business. Without it not having been proven who used chemical weapons in Syria, Obama issued a 'Red Line' to Assad. Assad reportedly crossed it....and Obama backed down in front of the world. He then humorously attempted to blame the WORLD, calling it THEIR 'Red Line', not his.
This stuck in Barry's craw. He was determined to make things right. So, he dragged the United States into the middle of Syria's civil war, between terrorists and a dictator.
Barry armed the terrorists, financed them, trained them, supplied them, and protected them in exchange for a promise of their help in over-throwing Assad. ... Except the terrorists turned out to be ISIS. And while they were screaming across the Iraqi border un-challenged, slaughtering thousands of people on their way to taking over much of the territory our military had already liberated at great cost, Barry was publicly defending them, minimizing them as a threat by declaring them to be an insignificant 'JV Team'.
Not satisfied with dragging us into the middle of a civil war in Syria, Hillary and Obama allied themselves with Al Qaeida - the same group that killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - to help them overthrow Qadaffi, the Libyan dictator we put into power and who ad just started HELPING the US fight terrorists in north Africa....like al Qaeida! Once we had helped Al Qaeida kill Qadaffi, overthrown Libya, and secured Libya as a safe haven for Al Qaeida they set up a weapons-running operation to ISIS from Benghazi.
Despite Barry declaring to the world that he had them 'contained' ISIS began perpetrating record-setting, world-stopping attacks, such as the attack in Paris - the largest attack on France since WWII. It was revealed that Obama had been protecting ISIS' black market oil production that was financing 50% of it's terrorist activities, to include the Paris attack. When the French and Russians declared they would not honor that protected target list any longer and went after ISIS' oil production Barry dropped leaflets warning ISIS the bombers were coming. (TREASON', anyone?)
So Obama and Hillary were trying to oust Assad, had successfully overthrown Qadaffi and gave Libya to Al Qaeida....except now we are still bombing and have troops on the ground in Syria and Iraq AND we are now bombing Libya again, reportedly going after ISIS.
Iraq was Liberated...and now it's not.
'No boots on the ground' but now there are.
Dragging the US into useless, BS wars in the middle east under Bush was bad, but now dragging the US into the middle of BS civil wars between terrorists and dictators is good.
ISIS, who once was good, is bad.
Al Qaeida, who once was bad is good.
Libya has been turned over to Al Qaeida, and that is okay, but ISIS in Libya is bad.
ISIS in Syria is bad but so is Assad in Libya, so who exactly are we fighting in Syria - ISAIS, Assad, the Russians, or all 3 - and for what outcome?
So AGAIN What The Hell Exactly IS Obama's and Hillary's Foreign Policy?
US opens new front against ISIS with airstrikes in Libya | Fox News
This stuck in Barry's craw. He was determined to make things right. So, he dragged the United States into the middle of Syria's civil war, between terrorists and a dictator.
Barry armed the terrorists, financed them, trained them, supplied them, and protected them in exchange for a promise of their help in over-throwing Assad. ... Except the terrorists turned out to be ISIS. And while they were screaming across the Iraqi border un-challenged, slaughtering thousands of people on their way to taking over much of the territory our military had already liberated at great cost, Barry was publicly defending them, minimizing them as a threat by declaring them to be an insignificant 'JV Team'.
Not satisfied with dragging us into the middle of a civil war in Syria, Hillary and Obama allied themselves with Al Qaeida - the same group that killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - to help them overthrow Qadaffi, the Libyan dictator we put into power and who ad just started HELPING the US fight terrorists in north Africa....like al Qaeida! Once we had helped Al Qaeida kill Qadaffi, overthrown Libya, and secured Libya as a safe haven for Al Qaeida they set up a weapons-running operation to ISIS from Benghazi.
Despite Barry declaring to the world that he had them 'contained' ISIS began perpetrating record-setting, world-stopping attacks, such as the attack in Paris - the largest attack on France since WWII. It was revealed that Obama had been protecting ISIS' black market oil production that was financing 50% of it's terrorist activities, to include the Paris attack. When the French and Russians declared they would not honor that protected target list any longer and went after ISIS' oil production Barry dropped leaflets warning ISIS the bombers were coming. (TREASON', anyone?)
So Obama and Hillary were trying to oust Assad, had successfully overthrown Qadaffi and gave Libya to Al Qaeida....except now we are still bombing and have troops on the ground in Syria and Iraq AND we are now bombing Libya again, reportedly going after ISIS.
Iraq was Liberated...and now it's not.
'No boots on the ground' but now there are.
Dragging the US into useless, BS wars in the middle east under Bush was bad, but now dragging the US into the middle of BS civil wars between terrorists and dictators is good.
ISIS, who once was good, is bad.
Al Qaeida, who once was bad is good.
Libya has been turned over to Al Qaeida, and that is okay, but ISIS in Libya is bad.
ISIS in Syria is bad but so is Assad in Libya, so who exactly are we fighting in Syria - ISAIS, Assad, the Russians, or all 3 - and for what outcome?
So AGAIN What The Hell Exactly IS Obama's and Hillary's Foreign Policy?
US opens new front against ISIS with airstrikes in Libya | Fox News