what the fuck is wrong with arriana huffingron?


Active Member
Apr 20, 2007
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why cant this whore speak english without an accent? she has been here in america long enough. we need to deport her. she is a threat to america.
rosie and arrianna, two lesbos with no brains.
why cant this whore speak english without an accent? she has been here in america long enough. we need to deport her. she is a threat to america.

We should deport her because she is a threat to America because she continues to speak with an accent. Okay. It makes since to me.

a real mental giant this thread starter is
looks like liberals will defend the french no matter what.

we need to make camps for liberals because they obviously pose a danger.
Doesn't she belong to the PDA - Progressive Democrats of America. They are way left of left.

This woman is crazy.
why cant this whore speak english without an accent? she has been here in america long enough. we need to deport her. she is a threat to america.

What an interesting idea. To hell with rights and freedom. Anyone we don't like, we kick out. The only problem I see with this approach is, what happens when the majority decides YOUR accent is wrong?
I speak american. i dont have an accent. i speak the normal way. sounds like u might have a bit of an accent.
I speak american. i dont have an accent. i speak the normal way. sounds like u might have a bit of an accent.

You know there are doctors that can help with that delusion your suffering? As for an accent, most people have regional accents.

But to your complaint.. provide some reference in the Constitution or in Federal Law that dictates what "accent" is permissable in this country? Name the head of the Accent police? Explain which of numerous "American" accents are acceptable and which will result in loss of citizenship and deportation?
I speak american. i dont have an accent. i speak the normal way. sounds like u might have a bit of an accent.

I speak with an incredibly thick Chicago accent (think: Bill Swersky's Superfans from SNL..."daaa bears")...should I be deported?

What about the ugly Boston accents or Southern accents, which many of your beloved Republicans speak with.
She didn't use to be so extreme in her views. Before her husband came out and left her for a man she was actually reasonable, rational, humorous, and kind of hot. Now, not so much.
Of course she's crazy. Her views are idiotic and she is a dumbass. Doesn't mean we need to deport her, though.

I agree but I like to think that it would be a good idea to deport your ass but I wouldn't want to violate your rights just because you are stupid enough to respond to the fucking moron as if you are having an intelligent conversation when in reality he is just a dick. Of course your having a conversation with him makes you a dick too.
why wont liberals debate the topic of this thread, which is why they hate america?

imagine if al gore had been able to steal the election.

imagine if the party of carol mosley braun / mark foley / joe lieberman / etc aka the democraps had to account for the reign of terror they have unleashed on our childrens and our nation.
Debate the desire by you to deport people because you don't like their accent? The destruction of the 1st amendment because you don't like "foreign" sounding accents?

If you want to debate Al Gore I suggest you start a thread for that purpose.
I agree but I like to think that it would be a good idea to deport your ass but I wouldn't want to violate your rights just because you are stupid enough to respond to the fucking moron as if you are having an intelligent conversation when in reality he is just a dick. Of course your having a conversation with him makes you a dick too.

Wow, thanks for the intelligent reply.
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