What the founding fathers didn’t know.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

When the founding fathers wrote the constitution in 1776 the did not know that in 2011 we would be living in a whole new world with different set of problems. A population explosion plus 20 million illegal aliens. A welfare system to take care of our elderly, poor and disabled since we no longer take care of our own and chickens and corn do not pay the bills. We did not pay foreign countries to be our friends.

The constitution of the 1700s cannot deal with the problem we have today. The constitution is like the old covenant that GOD had with the Jews that become obsolete because a new covenant was needed. We need a new constitution to deal with a new set of problems.

The reason we have so many problems today be because we try to apply the 1776 constitution to today’s problems and it don’t work. There are most who are stuck in 1776 and want us all stuck with them and stand in the way of progress.

The constitution was written by a group of old white men for white men and not even white women and blacks were not even considered.
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When the founding fathers rote the constitution in 1776 the did not know that in 2011 we would be living in a whole new world with different set of problems. A population explosion plus 20 million illegal aliens. A welfare system to take care of our elderly, poor and disabled since we no longer take care of our own and chickens and corn do not pay the bills. We did not pay foreign countries to be our friends.

The constitution of the 1700s cannot deal with the problem we have today. The constitution is like the old covenant that GOD had with the Jews that become obsolete because a new covenant was needed. We need a new constitution to deal with a new set of problems.

The reason we have so many problems today be because we try to apply the 1776 constitution to today’s problems and it don’t work. There are most who are stuck in 1776 and want us all stuck with them and stand in the way of progress.

The constitution was written by a group of old white men for white men and not even white women and blacks were not even considered.

unborn children weren't considered either. Of course they thought that barbarism was a thing of the past.

When the founding fathers wrote the constitution in 1776 the did not know that in 2011 we would be living in a whole new world with different set of problems. A population explosion plus 20 million illegal aliens. A welfare system to take care of our elderly, poor and disabled since we no longer take care of our own and chickens and corn do not pay the bills. We did not pay foreign countries to be our friends.

The constitution of the 1700s cannot deal with the problem we have today. The constitution is like the old covenant that GOD had with the Jews that become obsolete because a new covenant was needed. We need a new constitution to deal with a new set of problems.

The reason we have so many problems today be because we try to apply the 1776 constitution to today’s problems and it don’t work. There are most who are stuck in 1776 and want us all stuck with them and stand in the way of progress.

The constitution was written by a group of old white men for white men and not even white women and blacks were not even considered.

I can barely see my screen for all the flies swarming around this steaming pile of horseshit.

When the founding fathers wrote the constitution in 1776 the did not know that in 2011 we would be living in a whole new world with different set of problems. A population explosion plus 20 million illegal aliens. A welfare system to take care of our elderly, poor and disabled since we no longer take care of our own and chickens and corn do not pay the bills. We did not pay foreign countries to be our friends.

The constitution of the 1700s cannot deal with the problem we have today. The constitution is like the old covenant that GOD had with the Jews that become obsolete because a new covenant was needed. We need a new constitution to deal with a new set of problems.

The reason we have so many problems today be because we try to apply the 1776 constitution to today’s problems and it don’t work. There are most who are stuck in 1776 and want us all stuck with them and stand in the way of progress.

The constitution was written by a group of old white men for white men and not even white women and blacks were not even considered.

Horse Shit it is.


What the founding fathers didn’t know.

When the founding fathers wrote the constitution in 1776 the did not know that in 2011 we would be living in a whole new world with different set of problems. A population explosion plus 20 million illegal aliens. A welfare system to take care of our elderly, poor and disabled since we no longer take care of our own and chickens and corn do not pay the bills. We did not pay foreign countries to be our friends.

The constitution of the 1700s cannot deal with the problem we have today. The constitution is like the old covenant that GOD had with the Jews that become obsolete because a new covenant was needed. We need a new constitution to deal with a new set of problems.

The reason we have so many problems today be because we try to apply the 1776 constitution to today’s problems and it don’t work. There are most who are stuck in 1776 and want us all stuck with them and stand in the way of progress.

The constitution was written by a group of old white men for white men and not even white women and blacks were not even considered.

The Constitution was completed in 1787, the Bill of Rights in 1791, not 1776.

This is among your more ignorant and idiotic posting, which is saying something.

It’s also remarkable how the radical right seems to have no idea the Supreme Court exists at all.
The reason we have so many problems today is not the constitution but the people who we elect and the citizens themselves. Where are the people who can lead us. They do not run because they will be vilified by the news media for something they did as kid or their life will be x-rayed down to the minute detail. We tear down our potential leaders to the point where only a few will take the plunge, and then it comes down to money and political backers not ideas or plans to lead us into the future.

The Constitution may have flaws and there are ways to fix them but is there a better model out there? Is the British government better or the French or the Russians? No matter what is written upon a piece of paper it is the people who determine whether a government can govern and govern effectively. Until the people wake up and get involved (50% do not vote) in the process nothing will change.

When the founding fathers wrote the constitution in 1776 the did not know that in 2011 we would be living in a whole new world with different set of problems. A population explosion plus 20 million illegal aliens. A welfare system to take care of our elderly, poor and disabled since we no longer take care of our own and chickens and corn do not pay the bills. We did not pay foreign countries to be our friends.

The constitution of the 1700s cannot deal with the problem we have today. The constitution is like the old covenant that GOD had with the Jews that become obsolete because a new covenant was needed. We need a new constitution to deal with a new set of problems.

The reason we have so many problems today be because we try to apply the 1776 constitution to today’s problems and it don’t work. There are most who are stuck in 1776 and want us all stuck with them and stand in the way of progress.

The constitution was written by a group of old white men for white men and not even white women and blacks were not even considered.

The Constitution was not written in 1776...it was written in 1787.
A few other insignificant dates:

1775-83- American Revolution
1789- Washington becomes first president
1835-Colt introduces the first revolver
1836- Battle of the Alamo
1861-Civil War breaks out
1917- US enters WW1
1941- Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
1956- Elvis Presley releases Heartbreak Hotel
1969- Armstrong, Aldrin land on the moon
Looks like someone slept through civics class. The Founders left us the power to amend the Constitution.

Additionally, our union is based off of voluntary consent or it is supposed to be. However, Jackson and Lincoln didn't care too much for that ideal. Nonetheless, having the power to secede would also give states more power to be responsive to their citizens needs if the federal government goes awry.

When the founding fathers wrote the constitution in 1776 the did not know that in 2011 we would be living in a whole new world with different set of problems. A population explosion plus 20 million illegal aliens. A welfare system to take care of our elderly, poor and disabled since we no longer take care of our own and chickens and corn do not pay the bills. We did not pay foreign countries to be our friends.

The constitution of the 1700s cannot deal with the problem we have today. The constitution is like the old covenant that GOD had with the Jews that become obsolete because a new covenant was needed. We need a new constitution to deal with a new set of problems.

The reason we have so many problems today be because we try to apply the 1776 constitution to today’s problems and it don’t work. There are most who are stuck in 1776 and want us all stuck with them and stand in the way of progress.

The constitution was written by a group of old white men for white men and not even white women and blacks were not even considered.
What the Founding Fathers did know......
-that people would be dealing with a whole knew set of problems in 2011. The Covenant did not have an amendment system that's been working successfully for over 200 years now. The Constitution has been amended for the purpose of benefiting women and blacks. And politics nowadays are way to divided and partisan to agree on a new constitution. I mean we can't even raise the debt ceiling because Republicans are will not compromise. And by the way, it was drafted in 1787..
The constitution was written by a group of old white men for white men and not even white women and blacks were not even considered.

Fortunately, they included a mechanism for changing the Constitution. The problem, we've become lazy and no longer want to use it.

From what I see, what's being disputed isn't really the details of the Constitution - it's with the whole concept of constitutionally limited government. Modern distaste for the Constitution isn't with the ways it in which it limits to government - which can be changed - but with the fact that it limits government at all. So, rather than modify the Constitution to allow for specific new powers, we've sought to 'reinterpret' it, to water it down and nullify the restrictions it places on government.

That's at the heart of our bitterly divided political situation. When government is reasonably restrained, it's not such a problem if the current regime doesn't share all your values. But when government can do virtually anything, it's crucial.

When the founding fathers wrote the constitution in 1776
the did not know that in 2011 we would be living in a whole new world with different set of problems. A population explosion plus 20 million illegal aliens. A welfare system to take care of our elderly, poor and disabled since we no longer take care of our own and chickens and corn do not pay the bills. We did not pay foreign countries to be our friends.

The constitution of the 1700s cannot deal with the problem we have today. The constitution is like the old covenant that GOD had with the Jews that become obsolete because a new covenant was needed. We need a new constitution to deal with a new set of problems.

The reason we have so many problems today be because we try to apply the 1776 constitution to today’s problems and it don’t work. There are most who are stuck in 1776 and want us all stuck with them and stand in the way of progress.

The constitution was written by a group of old white men for white men and not even white women and blacks were not even considered.



PS-While they couldn't possibly have known what specific problems we would be facing, they prepared for that, by making the constitution a living document. In my opinion that's the most ingenious aspect of the constitution.
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