What the Chauvin trial reveals.

If Floyd was wealthy, they would not have tried to arrest him at all.
I doubt he would have passed a counterfeit bill. just saying. you all act like chauvin was driving around looking for Floyd. so disingenuous. If Floyd doesn't create the chaos, there'd have been no chaos. I don't push the fault of one onto others ever.

Floyd created the entire experience. on him and only him.

What chaos?
I saw no chaos.
I saw Floyd being passive.
I only saw the police being abusive and hostile.
The $20 bill was never even substantiated as counterfeit, nor would that allow for Floyd to be arrested.
you missed the entire video then. sorry to hear that. then you aren't qualified to discuss this.

No, the majority of the video shows Floyd calm and cooperative.
When they try to stuff him sideways into the backseat of the little SUV, there is some sort of concern that ends with them taking him back out, but I saw no struggles, kicking, etc., from Floyd, etc., EVER.
And over a questionable $20 is definitely NOT necessary.
you're far too late to let Floyd know that.

Floyd has nothing to do with it.
The POINT is the police never should have arrested him.
It was insufficient cause for an arrest.
Nothing was gained by the arrest, and merely writing him a ticket to appear over the bill would have been sufficient.
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Do cops pick on Latinos? Asians? Jews? Nope. Just blacks. And it doesn't even have to be in a hood. It could be a black guy living in the white suburbs. The cops treat them differently/worse.

Just blacks? Really? No other minorities, just blacks.

It's whatever serves Sealy's political agenda. For example, the Hispanic Zimmerman was according to Sealy "white" because he killed a black. If the cops had killed Zimmerman, then Sealy would be screaming they killed a Hispanic.

Cops killed an armed black man Jacob Blake and it was the cops fault. Then in DC the cops killed an unarmed white woman and it was the white woman's fault.

Sealy is a racist. He says he's pro black, but when a black tries to leave his Democrat plantation, Sealy and his gang of thugs show them that the Democrat party is the party of racism, slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation and blacks are still their property.

One thing Sealy does not care about are all the blacks killed by blacks because he hasn't figured out how to exploit that.

Sealy is a sick, manipulative fuck
Hispanics aren't complaining that cops are abusing/murdering them. As long as they don't have an accent they are treated just like you are by the cops.

Again you are taking a tiny percent of police interactions and projecting it across the board because you are a racist and you are exploiting blacks.

White guy (like Sealy) says ...: Whites are racist, racist, racist!

And you're then wanting party favors for it. Your white ass is actually calling other whites racist because they are white, and you want free shot for it for YOU

You misunderstand.
All people are racist.
We should expect all people to be racist.
That is not relevant.
Because what we expect and demand is not that people not be racist, but that they do not allow their racism to manifest in deadly actions.
And yet it it clear police are committing deadly actions so often, that is it not just racism, but a deliberate disregard of the rights of poor people, and a desire to terrorize poor people.
This could only happen if they are a whole are trained to deliberately violate rights of poor people.

First, you don't know what racist means. It means you believe certain races are inferior, like Sealy thinks blacks are inferior and he exploits them for his racist views.

To say everyone is racist is crap. To say we all have preconceptions is true. You couldn't get dressed in the morning without generalizing and extrapolating.

And saying "daily" across a nation of 330 million people is pointless. People are also killed by bees "daily." It's a big country.

The vast majority of all police interactions between all races are uneventful. That is what the statistics tell you. But talk to any white leftist and all we get are you're white, you're a racist! Then they demand free shit for their white ass for it

We are all racist inherently.
It does not mean you think one race is somehow superior in inherent talents.
It means you CARE about one race more than the others.
It is like we CARE about our own family, tribe, race, etc., MORE than the others who are more distant.
Slavery was not about thinking one race was superior to any others.
Romans bought Greek slaves because they thought the Greeks were superior in intellect, knowledge, etc.
Racism is about empathy and caring, not superiority.
And no race cares about other races as much as they care about their own.
That is embedded in our DNA, and races would not exist if that were not true.

And yes, I see racism and discrimination against the poor all the time.

I don't give a shit about the definition of racism that you made up. I'm going to go by the actual definition
The POINT is the police never should have arrested him.

The reason the police never should have arrested him is that they had no evidence he was deliberately harming anyone.
The fact the clerk claimed a $20 was bogus not only is insufficient to warrant an arrests, but Floyd could have unknowingly been passed a bad bill by someone else, which is then NOT a crime.
There was no reason to arrest him.
Fake currency is so common now that it is just a $100 fine.
It is not a criminal charge.
Nothing was gained by the arrest, and merely writing him a ticket to appear over the bill would have been sufficient.
is that all that happens in a shoplift?

A shoplift is intentional.
There was no indication Floyd thought he did anything wrong, because he would not have stayed parked there if he had just knowingly committed a crime.
He would have left.
Odds are Floyd was innocent.
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Do cops pick on Latinos? Asians? Jews? Nope. Just blacks. And it doesn't even have to be in a hood. It could be a black guy living in the white suburbs. The cops treat them differently/worse.

Just blacks? Really? No other minorities, just blacks.

It's whatever serves Sealy's political agenda. For example, the Hispanic Zimmerman was according to Sealy "white" because he killed a black. If the cops had killed Zimmerman, then Sealy would be screaming they killed a Hispanic.

Cops killed an armed black man Jacob Blake and it was the cops fault. Then in DC the cops killed an unarmed white woman and it was the white woman's fault.

Sealy is a racist. He says he's pro black, but when a black tries to leave his Democrat plantation, Sealy and his gang of thugs show them that the Democrat party is the party of racism, slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation and blacks are still their property.

One thing Sealy does not care about are all the blacks killed by blacks because he hasn't figured out how to exploit that.

Sealy is a sick, manipulative fuck
Hispanics aren't complaining that cops are abusing/murdering them. As long as they don't have an accent they are treated just like you are by the cops.

Again you are taking a tiny percent of police interactions and projecting it across the board because you are a racist and you are exploiting blacks.

White guy (like Sealy) says ...: Whites are racist, racist, racist!

And you're then wanting party favors for it. Your white ass is actually calling other whites racist because they are white, and you want free shot for it for YOU

You misunderstand.
All people are racist.
We should expect all people to be racist.
That is not relevant.
Because what we expect and demand is not that people not be racist, but that they do not allow their racism to manifest in deadly actions.
And yet it it clear police are committing deadly actions so often, that is it not just racism, but a deliberate disregard of the rights of poor people, and a desire to terrorize poor people.
This could only happen if they are a whole are trained to deliberately violate rights of poor people.

First, you don't know what racist means. It means you believe certain races are inferior, like Sealy thinks blacks are inferior and he exploits them for his racist views.

To say everyone is racist is crap. To say we all have preconceptions is true. You couldn't get dressed in the morning without generalizing and extrapolating.

And saying "daily" across a nation of 330 million people is pointless. People are also killed by bees "daily." It's a big country.

The vast majority of all police interactions between all races are uneventful. That is what the statistics tell you. But talk to any white leftist and all we get are you're white, you're a racist! Then they demand free shit for their white ass for it

We are all racist inherently.
It does not mean you think one race is somehow superior in inherent talents.
It means you CARE about one race more than the others.
It is like we CARE about our own family, tribe, race, etc., MORE than the others who are more distant.
Slavery was not about thinking one race was superior to any others.
Romans bought Greek slaves because they thought the Greeks were superior in intellect, knowledge, etc.
Racism is about empathy and caring, not superiority.
And no race cares about other races as much as they care about their own.
That is embedded in our DNA, and races would not exist if that were not true.

And yes, I see racism and discrimination against the poor all the time.

I don't give a shit about the definition of racism that you made up. I'm going to go by the actual definition

The idea of racism requiring a belief in racial superiority is nonsense.
All races have a preference for their race regardless of whether or not it is superior.

If superior aliens came to earth, would you then prefer to benefit them over those of your own race?
Of course not.
Superiority has nothing to do with it.
Loyalty and preference is all there is to it.
Floyd has nothing to do with it.
his actions started this, it's all on him. no one held a gun against his head to hand over a counterfeit bill.

If he got the bogus bill in change from somewhere else, then he is innocent and also a victim.
I saw no proof of anything they could charge him with.

And getting back to shoplifting, would you arrest someone for stealing a 50 cent candy bar?
I would just write them a citation.
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Hispanics in Fl are notoriously racist.
Much more so than other whites.

And yet it's racist Sealy and his white ass to keeps calling Hispanic Zimmerman "white." Race for a political agenda. Show where Hispanics in Florida are doing that
Your party chooses to treat hispanics as non whites because you believe they vote Democratic. As soon as you can find an angle to win them over you'll stop that. Like you kiss Cuban's in Florida's ass because they view Democrats as Castro Socialists. And didn't we send Alian Gonzales back to Cuba where he belonged?

Once again Sealy the white guy is screaming racist racist racist at other whites and you want to benefit for that. You say whites are racist, you are white, now give you free shit.

Exploiting blacks is what racists do. You're in the right party. The Democrat party, the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, segregation. And today, Democrats are the party who owns blacks and any black who tries to make a run for it out of the Democrat party learns that noting has changed for the Democrat party
Nonsense. The Democratic Party is a diverse party. GOP is mostly all white why is that? Why do you lose every other segment of the population?

Hell you guys suck so bad even I can’t agree with you. I’m rich, college educated, grew up poor, self made, went to school when it was cheap, no debt, no kids going to school, I’m white, male, straight, not in a union, like guns, love kids, and despite all that can’t agree with republicans.

Oh, and I lov3 how republicans try to say democrats Are the party for rich people. Yea, rich people who don’t mind paying their fair share in taxes.
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Do cops pick on Latinos? Asians? Jews? Nope. Just blacks. And it doesn't even have to be in a hood. It could be a black guy living in the white suburbs. The cops treat them differently/worse.

Just blacks? Really? No other minorities, just blacks.

It's whatever serves Sealy's political agenda. For example, the Hispanic Zimmerman was according to Sealy "white" because he killed a black. If the cops had killed Zimmerman, then Sealy would be screaming they killed a Hispanic.

Cops killed an armed black man Jacob Blake and it was the cops fault. Then in DC the cops killed an unarmed white woman and it was the white woman's fault.

Sealy is a racist. He says he's pro black, but when a black tries to leave his Democrat plantation, Sealy and his gang of thugs show them that the Democrat party is the party of racism, slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation and blacks are still their property.

One thing Sealy does not care about are all the blacks killed by blacks because he hasn't figured out how to exploit that.

Sealy is a sick, manipulative fuck
Hispanics aren't complaining that cops are abusing/murdering them. As long as they don't have an accent they are treated just like you are by the cops.

Again you are taking a tiny percent of police interactions and projecting it across the board because you are a racist and you are exploiting blacks.

White guy (like Sealy) says ...: Whites are racist, racist, racist!

And you're then wanting party favors for it. Your white ass is actually calling other whites racist because they are white, and you want free shot for it for YOU

You misunderstand.
All people are racist.
We should expect all people to be racist.
That is not relevant.
Because what we expect and demand is not that people not be racist, but that they do not allow their racism to manifest in deadly actions.
And yet it it clear police are committing deadly actions so often, that is it not just racism, but a deliberate disregard of the rights of poor people, and a desire to terrorize poor people.
This could only happen if they are a whole are trained to deliberately violate rights of poor people.

First, you don't know what racist means. It means you believe certain races are inferior, like Sealy thinks blacks are inferior and he exploits them for his racist views.

To say everyone is racist is crap. To say we all have preconceptions is true. You couldn't get dressed in the morning without generalizing and extrapolating.

And saying "daily" across a nation of 330 million people is pointless. People are also killed by bees "daily." It's a big country.

The vast majority of all police interactions between all races are uneventful. That is what the statistics tell you. But talk to any white leftist and all we get are you're white, you're a racist! Then they demand free shit for their white ass for it

We are all racist inherently.
It does not mean you think one race is somehow superior in inherent talents.
It means you CARE about one race more than the others.
It is like we CARE about our own family, tribe, race, etc., MORE than the others who are more distant.
Slavery was not about thinking one race was superior to any others.
Romans bought Greek slaves because they thought the Greeks were superior in intellect, knowledge, etc.
Racism is about empathy and caring, not superiority.
And no race cares about other races as much as they care about their own.
That is embedded in our DNA, and races would not exist if that were not true.

And yes, I see racism and discrimination against the poor all the time.

I don't give a shit about the definition of racism that you made up. I'm going to go by the actual definition

The idea of racism requiring a belief in racial superiority is nonsense.
All races have a preference for their race regardless of whether or not it is superior.

If superior aliens came to earth, would you then prefer to benefit them over those of your own race?
Of course not.
Superiority has nothing to do with it.
Loyalty and preference is all there is to it.
Couple of things just hit me.

1. Black people are just more naturally physically gifted. In general. Perhaps we bread them to be that way but the fact is, they’re better physical specimens.

So it could be true that whites are just naturally smarter. But like the physical, this is something that has been bread into us plus we get better access to pre k schools and that’s nurture not nature.

2. I’m not disagreeing with you conservatives that the black communities in America are fucked up. The average city in America has around 333 violent crimes per year Per every 100,000 residents. Keep in mind that’s the average. Cities like Detroit bring up the average. So most of our cities are below 333. In detroit the number is something like 1995 per 100,000.

but, I agree with blacks 100% everything they say about systemic racism. We need more diversity programs at companies. And we need cops to treat poor Americans with the same respect they give to old white women.
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Do cops pick on Latinos? Asians? Jews? Nope. Just blacks. And it doesn't even have to be in a hood. It could be a black guy living in the white suburbs. The cops treat them differently/worse.

Just blacks? Really? No other minorities, just blacks.

It's whatever serves Sealy's political agenda. For example, the Hispanic Zimmerman was according to Sealy "white" because he killed a black. If the cops had killed Zimmerman, then Sealy would be screaming they killed a Hispanic.

Cops killed an armed black man Jacob Blake and it was the cops fault. Then in DC the cops killed an unarmed white woman and it was the white woman's fault.

Sealy is a racist. He says he's pro black, but when a black tries to leave his Democrat plantation, Sealy and his gang of thugs show them that the Democrat party is the party of racism, slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation and blacks are still their property.

One thing Sealy does not care about are all the blacks killed by blacks because he hasn't figured out how to exploit that.

Sealy is a sick, manipulative fuck
Hispanics aren't complaining that cops are abusing/murdering them. As long as they don't have an accent they are treated just like you are by the cops.

You just love to make blanket statements about racial groups, don't you?

I wonder, did you ever hear of stop and frisk? That wasn't opposed just for targeting blacks, but rather blacks and Latinos.

How about this? :
Or this? : ‘We’re suffering the same abuses’: Latinos hear their stories echoed in police brutality protests
Or this? : Why aren't more people talking about Latinos killed by police?
Or this? : It’s time to talk about police violence against Latinos
Or this? : Say Their Names: Latino Lives Lost to Police Brutality (OPINION)
Or this? : OPINION: Stop ignoring the police killings of Latinos

And it's not just blacks and Latinos, of course : The forgotten minority in police shootings - CNN

But other minorities don't have any problems with police, right? :eusa_doh:
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Do cops pick on Latinos? Asians? Jews? Nope. Just blacks. And it doesn't even have to be in a hood. It could be a black guy living in the white suburbs. The cops treat them differently/worse.

Just blacks? Really? No other minorities, just blacks.

It's whatever serves Sealy's political agenda. For example, the Hispanic Zimmerman was according to Sealy "white" because he killed a black. If the cops had killed Zimmerman, then Sealy would be screaming they killed a Hispanic.

Cops killed an armed black man Jacob Blake and it was the cops fault. Then in DC the cops killed an unarmed white woman and it was the white woman's fault.

Sealy is a racist. He says he's pro black, but when a black tries to leave his Democrat plantation, Sealy and his gang of thugs show them that the Democrat party is the party of racism, slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation and blacks are still their property.

One thing Sealy does not care about are all the blacks killed by blacks because he hasn't figured out how to exploit that.

Sealy is a sick, manipulative fuck
Hispanics aren't complaining that cops are abusing/murdering them. As long as they don't have an accent they are treated just like you are by the cops.

You just love to make blanket statements about racial groups, don't you?

I wonder, did you ever hear of stop and frisk? That wasn't opposed just for targeting blacks, but rather blacks and Latinos.

How about this? :
Or this? : ‘We’re suffering the same abuses’: Latinos hear their stories echoed in police brutality protests
Or this? : Why aren't more people talking about Latinos killed by police?
Or this? : It’s time to talk about police violence against Latinos
Or this? : Say Their Names: Latino Lives Lost to Police Brutality (OPINION)
Or this? : OPINION: Stop ignoring the police killings of Latinos

And it's not just blacks and Latinos, of course : The forgotten minority in police shootings - CNN

But other minorities don't have any problems with police, right? :eusa_doh:

Yes they do. So you agree, the police need to be reformed.

Like I said to someone else yesterday, raising the minimum wage would mostly help the black community because a very large percentage of blacks work for minimum wage. Whites not so much.

So reforming police will mostly help blacks, but it will also help other minorities and even white guys like me who have run into dickhead cops with attitudes.

Did you see this morning a latino man was murdered by cops. It's bullshit. Has to stop.

Outrage grows as new video shows Latino man dying after Bay Area police pin him for 4 minutes

Yes they do. So you agree, the police need to be reformed.
Congress needs to be reformed, let's start there.
Michigan Legislature needs to be reformed. Our state is so gerrimandered that even though more people vote Democratic the GOP controls both houses. We have 2 Democratic Senators but yet we don't control either state house? Impossible. So the will of the people is not being served. The will of the top 1% is.
Yes they do. So you agree, the police need to be reformed.
Congress needs to be reformed, let's start there.
Michigan Legislature needs to be reformed. Our state is so gerrimandered that even though more people vote Democratic the GOP controls both houses. We have 2 Democratic Senators but yet we don't control either state house? Impossible. So the will of the people is not being served. The will of the top 1% is.
well they write the laws. if you all don't want criminals stopped from killing people you should rewrite the law and say that.
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Do cops pick on Latinos? Asians? Jews? Nope. Just blacks. And it doesn't even have to be in a hood. It could be a black guy living in the white suburbs. The cops treat them differently/worse.

Just blacks? Really? No other minorities, just blacks.

It's whatever serves Sealy's political agenda. For example, the Hispanic Zimmerman was according to Sealy "white" because he killed a black. If the cops had killed Zimmerman, then Sealy would be screaming they killed a Hispanic.

Cops killed an armed black man Jacob Blake and it was the cops fault. Then in DC the cops killed an unarmed white woman and it was the white woman's fault.

Sealy is a racist. He says he's pro black, but when a black tries to leave his Democrat plantation, Sealy and his gang of thugs show them that the Democrat party is the party of racism, slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation and blacks are still their property.

One thing Sealy does not care about are all the blacks killed by blacks because he hasn't figured out how to exploit that.

Sealy is a sick, manipulative fuck
Hispanics aren't complaining that cops are abusing/murdering them. As long as they don't have an accent they are treated just like you are by the cops.

You just love to make blanket statements about racial groups, don't you?

I wonder, did you ever hear of stop and frisk? That wasn't opposed just for targeting blacks, but rather blacks and Latinos.

How about this? :
Or this? : ‘We’re suffering the same abuses’: Latinos hear their stories echoed in police brutality protests
Or this? : Why aren't more people talking about Latinos killed by police?
Or this? : It’s time to talk about police violence against Latinos
Or this? : Say Their Names: Latino Lives Lost to Police Brutality (OPINION)
Or this? : OPINION: Stop ignoring the police killings of Latinos

And it's not just blacks and Latinos, of course : The forgotten minority in police shootings - CNN

But other minorities don't have any problems with police, right? :eusa_doh:

Yes they do. So you agree, the police need to be reformed.

Like I said to someone else yesterday, raising the minimum wage would mostly help the black community because a very large percentage of blacks work for minimum wage. Whites not so much.

So reforming police will mostly help blacks, but it will also help other minorities and even white guys like me who have run into dickhead cops with attitudes.

Did you see this morning a latino man was murdered by cops. It's bullshit. Has to stop.

Outrage grows as new video shows Latino man dying after Bay Area police pin him for 4 minutes

guilty criminals always say they didn't do anything. kind of funny you believe them. You truly have no intelligence. Again, you should get the legislature to change the law and allow criminals to commit crimes and the cops then won't get called.
If Floyd was wealthy, they would not have tried to arrest him at all.
I doubt he would have passed a counterfeit bill. just saying. you all act like chauvin was driving around looking for Floyd. so disingenuous. If Floyd doesn't create the chaos, there'd have been no chaos. I don't push the fault of one onto others ever.

Floyd created the entire experience. on him and only him.

What chaos?
I saw no chaos.
I saw Floyd being passive.
I only saw the police being abusive and hostile.
The $20 bill was never even substantiated as counterfeit, nor would that allow for Floyd to be arrested.
you missed the entire video then. sorry to hear that. then you aren't qualified to discuss this.

No, the majority of the video shows Floyd calm and cooperative.
When they try to stuff him sideways into the backseat of the little SUV, there is some sort of concern that ends with them taking him back out, but I saw no struggles, kicking, etc., from Floyd, etc., EVER.

Why would they need to pick up and stuff Floyd in the back seat if he was cooperating and not fighting?

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