What really happened to the USS Liberty?


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Best full account still not censored...

We know the lies.

We've read the transcript.

Who ordered the hit and why....

You duped yourself?

The entire plot in chronological order.

Frame stooge LHO
Install zionist fascist VP LBJ
Escalate vietnam
Manufacture weapons
Put weapons on boats
Sail boats to israel
Allow israel to steal weapons meant for US troops in 'nam
Israel ready for 67 land grab with stolen US weapons

Problem - USS Liberty sent to investigate reports of zionist fascist concentration camps in occupied territories

Solution - have IDF sink USS Liberty, blame Egypt, and start WW3 by nuking Cairo (ancient slave revenge against Egypt masters)
lets see israel bombed an american ship knowing damn well it was american

and did it to keep secrets...the uss liberty was basically spying on israel and listening to their issues with pows
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because in America everybody loves an outraged and indignant president who will use the full force of the military at the slightest provocation, even a government-planned false flag attack

well that' hard to argue.............~S~
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It was a deliberate attack that was allowed by LBJ, and no friendly fire. The initial strafing blew out the ensign, and the vessel was clearly marked with the usn hull numbers. They knew who they were shooting at. The crew raised a 13 ft by 8 ft flag next and it was shot full of bullet holes. The Israelis dropped napalm on the ship and machine gunned the lifeboats, and meant for the ship to sink. As an aside, John McCain's father, Admiral McCain was put in charge of damage control and spin doctoring and was very successful. Congressional Record, Volume 150 Issue 130 (Monday, October 11, 2004)
"There were several investigations conducted into the incident by the U.S. Navy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, the U.S. House and Senate, the NSA, and the Israeli government. All investigations into the matter similarly blamed lack of communications and found no reason for anyone involved to face criminal charges"

-- U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry Archived 19 December 2006 at the Wayback Machine Court of Inquiry for USS Liberty attack, Record of Proceedings, 18 June 1967
It was a deliberate attack that was allowed by LBJ, and no friendly fire. The initial strafing blew out the ensign, and the vessel was clearly marked with the usn hull numbers. They knew who they were shooting at. The crew raised a 13 ft by 8 ft flag next and it was shot full of bullet holes. The Israelis dropped napalm on the ship and machine gunned the lifeboats, and meant for the ship to sink. As an aside, John McCain's father, Admiral McCain was put in charge of damage control and spin doctoring and was very successful. Congressional Record, Volume 150 Issue 130 (Monday, October 11, 2004)

McCain is ZPF

Zionist people fraud

Jew pretending to be christian
"There were several investigations conducted into the incident by the U.S. Navy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, the U.S. House and Senate, the NSA, and the Israeli government. All investigations into the matter similarly blamed lack of communications and found no reason for anyone involved to face criminal charges"

-- U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry Archived 19 December 2006 at the Wayback Machine Court of Inquiry for USS Liberty attack, Record of Proceedings, 18 June 1967

Zionist fascists investigate zionist fascist act of war

Zionist fascists cover up

Media ditto

Same for 911
because in America everybody loves an outraged and indignant president who will use the full force of the military at the slightest provocation, even a government-planned false flag attack

well that' hard to argue.............~S~

"He is not a priority"

W on "Osama"
Zionist fascists investigate zionist fascist act of war

Zionist fascists cover up

Media ditto

Same for 911

Just curious... in your mind, is there ANYTHING that isn't run by Jews?

LBJ was a paper pusher officer in WW2. He recommended himself for the Silver Star (and it was approved) for riding in a plane over enemy territory. His involvement in JFK's assassination is yet to be addressed by historians. The alleged Tonkin Gulf Crisis was faked in order to send U.S. Troops to Vietnam and he set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. The USS Pueblo is still docked in North Korea when it was captured during the LBJ administration. Just when it seemed that the North Vietnamese were finally defeated after the failed Tet offensive, LBJ threw in the towel and gave the V.C. breathing room. The media managed to forget about the Pueblo and the Liberty and the Tonkin Gulf crisis because LBJ was a loyal democrat and they blamed the era on Nixon.
LBJ was a paper pusher officer in WW2. He recommended himself for the Silver Star (and it was approved) for riding in a plane over enemy territory. His involvement in JFK's assassination is yet to be addressed by historians. The alleged Tonkin Gulf Crisis was faked in order to send U.S. Troops to Vietnam and he set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. The USS Pueblo is still docked in North Korea when it was captured during the LBJ administration. Just when it seemed that the North Vietnamese were finally defeated after the failed Tet offensive, LBJ threw in the towel and gave the V.C. breathing room. The media managed to forget about the Pueblo and the Liberty and the Tonkin Gulf crisis because LBJ was a loyal democrat and they blamed the era on Nixon.

Vietnam to the zionist fascist was all about

Running US weapons factories
Putting weapons on boats
Stealing weapons for israel

That is why LBJ did not want to win. Winning in vietnam for the cause of Zionist fascism was keeping it going....
After debating 7 and Tuvok i have the following conclusion

Many of the IDF ordered to murder USS Liberty deliberately missed.

Many israelis are good honest people.

Those IDF who missed the target stopped ww3
"There were several investigations conducted into the incident by the U.S. Navy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, the U.S. House and Senate, the NSA, and the Israeli government. All investigations into the matter similarly blamed lack of communications and found no reason for anyone involved to face criminal charges"

-- U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry Archived 19 December 2006 at the Wayback Machine Court of Inquiry for USS Liberty attack, Record of Proceedings, 18 June 1967
Those investigations were bullshit and directed by the White House.

Back in the 1990s I read everything that was published about the incident. These investigations hardly even interviewed the crew members and when they did they distorted what was said.

LBJ didn't want to piss off the very strong pro Israel lobby that was at the time giving the Democrats loads of money. He tried to sweep everything under the rug and he got help from the military and Congress doing it.

The Captain was awarded the Medal of Honor but was not given it in the White House because LBJ did want to embarrassed his "Little Buddies".

There were two villians in this tragic incident. The goddamn Israelis for purposely attacking the Liberty and LBJ for covering it up so as to keep the pro Israeli Lobby money flowing to the Democrats.
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i avoid this subject...i am a firm believer in what the men of the liberty testified too, lets just accept the liberty was bombed intentionally an focus on why would israel risk this? what would cause or need such a cover up? keep in mind...its a ship designed to ease drop...it has been said...the israelies were discussing a solution to their pow problem and were caught suggesting a final solution...first irony then the horror...

the cover up has been by both parties....simple as that...anyone who researched it knows that....and was it known to lbj...i think so...i think he agreed prior to the bombing...
Robert CAro was hired to do a hit piece on Johnson, thinking there would be all kinds of dirt on him, only to end up relying on inneundo and 2nd and 3rd hand gossip in the smear parts. None of his assorted smears are actually documented. I have all three of the LBJ bio books he wrote, and he came up with a decent history of his career that can be verified and zilch in the way of scandals and alleged 'racism' or crooked deals. In fact he documents LBJ going out of his way to get black youths their share of the job slots in FDR's New Deal work projects, and also got money for teachers' salaries at Prairie View A&M, and black high schools in the 1930's, which would not get him any votes in those days. He was one of the people who made the New Deal work and also supported pols in states like Washington, Georgia, Oklahoma, and other places, also actions that would lose him votes here in Texas. He was a self-made man, and Sam Rayburn thought a lot of him, not a man who suffered crooks and liars in the least. It was his political acumen that got the Civil Rights Acts through Congress and the Senate, also not a popular thing to do for a Texas Senator; this pissed off Northeastern Yankee liberals no end; they hated self-made men, especially those who didn't attend Ivy League colleges and weren't in the right clubs and came from south of the Mason -Dixon line; he made them look like the incompetent losers they were.
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It was a deliberate attack that was allowed by LBJ, and no friendly fire. The initial strafing blew out the ensign, and the vessel was clearly marked with the usn hull numbers. They knew who they were shooting at. The crew raised a 13 ft by 8 ft flag next and it was shot full of bullet holes. The Israelis dropped napalm on the ship and machine gunned the lifeboats, and meant for the ship to sink. As an aside, John McCain's father, Admiral McCain was put in charge of damage control and spin doctoring and was very successful. Congressional Record, Volume 150 Issue 130 (Monday, October 11, 2004)

Rubbish. Anybody can run up an American flag. It doesn't mean squat in war zone with terrorists gangs who routinely flew false flags when attacking from the sea. The Officers in charge failed to notify the Israelis we had a ship in the area; there was no 'deliberate attack'. Only morons think Israel has something to gain by attacking a U.S. ship.

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