What REAL Americans want in a leader


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2020
For me to know and you not to find out.
Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.
Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.

This post is rated retarded.jpg
Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.

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AHAHAHA. Truth hurts, doesn't it?
I want Tulsi.... I wanted Ross Perot I wanted Mondale.... you cant always get watcha want

A plus for unkle Ronnie...good dude
Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.
Donald trump was only for donald trump, not the country. He even discussed declaring martial law enforced by the military and new elections to take place under military control. There isn't anything remotely like that in our constitution. This ain't Myanmar or one of trump's 3rd world sh#tholes. He wanted to use the active military to put down riots in some blue cities in the nation. The military correctly said, "not happening", so he had a non military force constituted, as they were not tied to support the constitution and had unidentifiable combat gear troops on the street acting outside the laws of federal or state statutes, snatching, with bags over there heads, thrown into non govenment license plate SUV and take prisoner for interrogation without booking, recording, a phone call to lawyer or anything and then dropped somewhere else in the city. No. Trump was and is totally Un-American and willing to use gestapo or Spetsnaz tactics. Of course he is an admirer of Vladimir Putin, right comrade?
Here he speaks with an asshole... but a REAL badass, who fended off The Great Satan Inc... to this very day. You think those evul Ruskies might have left him a box of cigars ??? HMMMMMMMMMM ?
NOBODY gets away with fucking with the US....Only him. One of the biggest assholes that ever died. MIssion accomplished !
Here's Che's grandaughter. I took the pic 10 miles from my biggest farm...zzzzzzz. Great singer
Lidia Guevara.jpg
Alzheimer Joe Bi-Dumb is not a leader, he's a fucking empty suit, just like Obunghole, Clintoon, and both Bushes. They were never advocates for America and her interests. The only two Presidents in my lifetime that ever advocated for America above all else were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. And I don't care if it offends the Left, I don't care if it offends so-called "conservatives" like Mittens, Jets , and other spineless "moderates". We need advocates for America, not the world.
We could not care less what some mealymouth Eurotrash socialist country or turd world tinpot dicator says.
So you are a perfect dupe of the greedy idiot GOP mega rich and the brainwash. Everything you know is wrong, hater dupe.
Ronald Reagan was a leader, but none of our one term presidents this past half century have been anywhere close to being leaders.
He started the giveaway to the rich and the stupid covert foreign policy that has given us the worst inequality upward mobility and the stupidest wars ever. And the worst propaganda machine ever. Great job!

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