In recent months, the discussion on whether the time has come to stop or at least freeze the war in Ukraine has visibly intensified. When contemplating various scenarios of how this could be done, pundits in both the United States and Europe focus on security guarantees and economic assistance that should be provided to Ukraine or on leverages the West could apply to persuade Kyiv to agree to an inescapably painful would-be agreement.
A lot less attention is paid to possible trade-offs that could be demanded from or negotiated with Moscow. It seems that Western diplomats and analysts, sensing the war fatigue in their respective societies, presume that a similar sentiment exists in Russia, or rather, in the Russian leadership.
To think so would be a mistake. The moment to assume that the Kremlin might be ready to seek a peace deal, if it has ever existed, has long since passed. At this point, Vladimir Putin looks confident that time is on his side. His calculus can, of course, still prove to be wrong, but for now, this is the basis for his decisions.
There are two fundamental sets of arguments that likely drive Putin’s thinking.
The first one is that Russia has preserved, and in some areas even increased, its capacity to wage war, including a war of attrition. In the autumn of 2023, Russian troops seized the initiative and currently are advancing. True, casualties are significant. But this is no novelty: this is how both the imperial and the Soviet armies fought for centuries.
Russia has maintained the necessary numbers of manpower, and Western economic sanctions have had a very limited impact on the Russian economy. Again, Russia’s resources are not endless, but for the time being, the Kremlin has enough money to finance the war, to pay salaries to soldiers or compensations to their families in case of a soldier’s death, and to make sure the defense industry will be able to function.
Russia’s budget deficit at war is smaller than that of many Western countries at peace.
Inside Russia, only a minority opposes the war. For the majority, it is extremely difficult to abandon their positive attitudes. It is worth reminding that 86 percent of Russian citizens welcomed the annexation of Crimea in 2014. Whereas support for the full-scale war against Ukraine has been lower, people are unwilling to accept the loss of the Crimean Peninsula. The “rally-around-the-flag” effect played a role in Putin’s reelection as president in March 2024.
Last but not least, Russia does not feel internationally isolated. It engages with the so-called “Global South,” with China playing the leading part in enabling Russia to continue the war. Countries like Iran and North Korea have become important suppliers of weapons, ammunition, and, in the latter case, also manpower.
The second line of argumentation is that Putin needs to achieve an unquestionable victory not only over Ukraine but, by extension, also over the West.
Looks to me like a DMZ, brah. :dunno:
Definitely not, Siberia Sam. :itsok:

Where would Russia get their corn from then?
That must be your attempt at being funny, missed the funny part though. Isn't popcorn American way of wasting time and gaining weight? Where to laugh, mother fucker?
That must be your attempt at being funny, missed the funny part though. Isn't popcorn American way of wasting time and gaining weight? Where to laugh, mother fucker?
Fuck off, Ivan. I'm not laughing. Fuck You. :slap:
Russians can't afford popcorn, bitch.
What happened? Trump’s canceling faggots and there's not enough personnel now to staff the DMZ? I see. Well then, there's popcorn you can afford. Buy yourself a bucket, take it easy!
Show me Russian microwave popcorn.
We can't afford it. Will "kinzhal" in the ass do?
(Kinzhal is a dagger, in case you forgot.)
I never knew, but I doubt your dagger will make it past flying high velocity copper jacketed lead.
Or even a metal pipe in my hands. I'll crown your ass King of The Stupid. :D
Clang! How many lumps do you want?
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I never knew, but I doubt your dagger will make it past flying high velocity copper jacketed lead.
Or even a metal pipe in my hands. I'll crown your ass King of The Stupid. :D
Clang! How many lumps do you want?

What metal pipe, asswipe? The only thing that your hands are adjusted to is your dick when you're jerking off at your cartoons where those copper jackets fly. Reality is our dagger in your rear.
The west invested trillions in Russia after the Iron Curtain fell. It was all stolen or nationalized.
Some things need to be Nationalized and any corruption happened when Yeltsin allowed Oligarchs and Western unfettered free market extremists loot Russia, Putin stopped that bullshit and that is why the Empire hates him, they never had a problem with Yeltsin because he was falling about in a alcoholic haze while Russia had it's pocket picked by filth like Browder and his local Oligarchs, that's why Putin keeps being elected most Russians know he saved the Country, get over it and worry about your Country.
What metal pipe, asswipe? The only thing that your hands are adjusted to is your dick when you're jerking off at your cartoons where those copper jackets fly. Reality is our dagger in your rear.
Bihh...STFU b4 I whoop your ass with a beet.

I'll beet your ass! Ol' Sellivan partner m'fer.

Yeah, you thought I didn't know. :auiqs.jpg:
If the Ukes are getting beat as badly as we are hearing i would imagine terms of surrender or a coup would appear.....~S~
Bihh...STFU b4 I whoop your ass with a beet.

I'll beet your ass! Ol' Sellivan partner m'fer.

Yeah, you thought I didn't know. :auiqs.jpg:
Speak with words, cocksucker. The interjections you use in the close circle of your pedo environment is not exactly a language.

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