What Presidential candidate, or possible candidate do you support based solely on personality?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
On just personality, who I can stand watching talk on tv and the like, and nothing else, I like Chris Christie.

I can't stand watching most politicians speak, it seeming so artificial and rehersed, but Christie, even if he's giving a speech has a much more natural-sounding way of speaking.
None. The whole idea of supporting a candidate based on Emotion or personality is ridiculous so far as I'm concerned. Gender and issues/platform are the only real determining factors so far as I'm concerned.
Ronald Reagan. Well, back in the day I beleive that a Huge amount of his success politically was dud to his personality.
It was easy to fall for reagan.He was hard to not like with his charming personality.Too bad we have been brainwashed for so long on what a great president he was when he was in fact the most corrupt we ever had at the time contrary to what we are told.anytime i post the facts about it,the trolls on here refuse to look at the evidence.
It was easy to fall for reagan.He was hard to not like with his charming personality.Too bad we have been brainwashed for so long on what a great president he was when he was in fact the most corrupt we ever had at the time contrary to what we are told.anytime i post the facts about it,the trolls on here refuse to look at the evidence.
I've also heard that 911 was an inside job.
Ash, from Army of Darkness/Evil Dead. Or Obama, because he's not Bush even if all his policies are. Man I hate Bush.... But that Obama sure seems cool as fuck. Like I really look up to a super skinny guy that studders non stop and has no fucking idea what he's doing on the golf course but he never gives up the possibility to play, even when the economy is in the gutter and military spending is still out of control under a Democrat.
It was easy to fall for reagan.He was hard to not like with his charming personality.Too bad we have been brainwashed for so long on what a great president he was when he was in fact the most corrupt we ever had at the time contrary to what we are told.anytime i post the facts about it,the trolls on here refuse to look at the evidence.
I've also heard that 911 was an inside job.

No, evil = Republican =)
None. The whole idea of supporting a candidate based on Emotion or personality is ridiculous so far as I'm concerned. Gender and issues/platform are the only real determining factors so far as I'm concerned.

Not familar with US elections then are ya? ;) Little BUT personality is how people vote. :)
The man said personality. Bernie is a personable as a maple tree.
To you. I thoroughly enjoy listening to the man on TV. I have several I want to smash in the face when I hear them babbling and ranting...Paul,Cruz,Palin,Walker,Christie...all scumbags and assholes.
On just personality, who I can stand watching talk on tv and the like, and nothing else, I like Chris Christie.

I can't stand watching most politicians speak, it seeming so artificial and rehersed, but Christie, even if he's giving a speech has a much more natural-sounding way of speaking.

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