what? no JFK thread?

What qualifications does John J. McCloy have?
Maybe I can answer that.

But it's a big-ass conspiracy theory. :p

The theory is: Johnson and Nixon were in it together. (With some other people). They had a deal, the unholiest of deals. That's why Johnson didn't run again.

The deal went like this: the mob gets the Golden Triangle instead of Cuba. The CIA would provide logistical support to make sure the drugs flowed freely.

This is where the DEA came from. All those 'specialists', after Vietnam, needed a job. So Nixon created an agency and sent them to South America. Out of sight, out of mind - and the drugs keep flowing.

Who did Nixon pick for his Veep when he got in trouble? Gerald Ford. Of Warren Commission fame. The safest pick he could have made, if he didn't want any secrets to get out

John J McCloy, is the guy who set up the Golden Triangle. He set up the money part, and when he was at CIA he did the rest
I very much doubt that was top on the list. . .
I suggest, number one was, JFK wanted to pull from Vietnam.

Think about it.

Offends the Deep State.

Offends the MIC.

Offends the mob. "Even more".

Offends the righties.

Offends the CIA... in fact... there's just about no one it "doesnt" offend.
I suggest, number one was, JFK wanted to pull from Vietnam.

Think about it.

Offends the Deep State.

Offends the MIC.

Offends the mob. "Even more".

Offends the righties.

Offends the CIA... in fact... there's just about no one it "doesnt" offend.
I’m sure our buddy Allen III will confirm that gramps was in a murderous rage after he, Bissell, and Cabell were fired because of their botched Cuban invasion. Dulles essentially continued to run the CIA even after he was canned. He knew JFK intended to “splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”. Old blood and guts Dulles wasn’t about to allow his beloved mass murdering agency to be destroyed.

Then after the assassination AMAZINGLY killer Dulles gets appointed to the Warren Commission and runs it into the ground.
I’m sure our buddy Allen III will confirm that gramps was in a murderous rage after he, Bissell, and Cabell were fired because of their botched Cuban invasion. Dulles essentially continued to run the CIA even after he was canned. He knew JFK intended to “splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”. Old blood and guts Dulles wasn’t about to allow his beloved mass murdering agency to be destroyed.

Then after the assassination AMAZINGLY killer Dulles gets appointed to the Warren Commission and runs it into the ground.

Here's something interesting about Dulles.

In 1958, he was still bitching about money. He kept going to Ike saying he didn't have enough.

Then all of a sudden, in late 1959, the requests stopped.

And never resumed.

Here's something interesting about Dulles.

In 1958, he was still bitching about money. He kept going to Ike saying he didn't have enough.

Then all of a sudden, in late 1959, the requests stopped.

And never resumed.
Could it be they found other sources of funding for their nefarious deeds?
Nothing discredits the Warren Commission more, then when they placed a head of the CFR, and a central bankers onto it.

What qualifications does John J. McCloy have?

When JFK was trying to end the international private banking cartel, by issuing silver backed currency, and that was one of possible reasons that he was assassinated, and the establishment places one of the head international bankers ON the commission? Naturally, they won't look at any evidence which might put their predetermined conclusions in doubt.

You can't have a commission which has conflict of interest, and still be taken seriously.

Nothing at all discredits their report.
This one is also very interesting.

All these guys - Curry, Gannaway, this one, a few others - we're graduates of the same FBI training class in 1959.

Westbrook showed up at the DPD about two months before the assassination, and immediately got made a captain. The thing is, he didn't have a car. He wasn't issued a police vehicle. So he was constantly having to hitch rides from one place to another.

But he was always Johnny on the Spot. Somehow, he always made it to every JFK event, just in the nick of time.

After the assassination, he got a cush CIA job training the police in South Vietnam. (Out of sight, out of mind).
There were no Kennedy events in Dallas before ther assassination.

If it was a hush job how would you know about it?
Maybe I can answer that.

But it's a big-ass conspiracy theory. :p

The theory is: Johnson and Nixon were in it together. (With some other people). They had a deal, the unholiest of deals. That's why Johnson didn't run again.

The deal went like this: the mob gets the Golden Triangle instead of Cuba. The CIA would provide logistical support to make sure the drugs flowed freely.

This is where the DEA came from. All those 'specialists', after Vietnam, needed a job. So Nixon created an agency and sent them to South America. Out of sight, out of mind - and the drugs keep flowing.

Who did Nixon pick for his Veep when he got in trouble? Gerald Ford. Of Warren Commission fame. The safest pick he could have made, if he didn't want any secrets to get out

John J McCloy, is the guy who set up the Golden Triangle. He set up the money part, and when he was at CIA he did the rest
Thats a delusion not a theory

You have no evidence of any kind to back it up and it is contradictory
I’m sure our buddy Allen III will confirm that gramps was in a murderous rage after he, Bissell, and Cabell were fired because of their botched Cuban invasion. Dulles essentially continued to run the CIA even after he was canned. He knew JFK intended to “splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”. Old blood and guts Dulles wasn’t about to allow his beloved mass murdering agency to be destroyed.

Then after the assassination AMAZINGLY killer Dulles gets appointed to the Warren Commission and runs it into the ground.
You know nothing about the Warren Commission.

you never read the report
For one thing, Oswald was already in the Texas Theater 20 minutes before the person who shot Tippit got there. There are eyewitness accounts from both the person selling the tickets and the person behind the concession counter. They both tell the same story
Yea bullshit. If he was there that early then why did they wait until 1:40 to call the police about a man who snuck in without paying?

Let’s also not pay attention to the fact he had a gun on him, and when the cops found him he said, “Well, it’s all over now.” Then pointed his gun at the cop and pulled the trigger, but the gun didn’t fire because the cop grabbed it in time. Yea, totally innocent guy lol.
Yea bullshit. If he was there that early then why did they wait until 1:40 to call the police about a man who snuck in without paying?

Let’s also not pay attention to the fact he had a gun on him, and when the cops found him he said, “Well, it’s all over now.” Then pointed his gun at the cop and pulled the trigger, but the gun didn’t fire because the cop grabbed it in time. Yea, totally innocent guy lol.
Taking you off ignore fake ass trump supporter and Langley shill,I have taken you to school too many times to remember and have called out your bullshit lies just to watch you run off in defeat everytime mr controlled opposition.how much does your boss at Langley pay you to pose and pretend to be a trump supporter fake trump fan?

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