What MUST Be Done About Islam


What's not to love? Go celebrate your love of Muslim MCR at a concert or something fun......
One cannot ban religion in America. It was founded by people afraid of those like you who might try.

You missed #1.
Can't be done. Islam is a well-established religion in America and was here before there was an America. It will be here after as well.

Waco had a version of their own religion, and we annihilated them.
Gun-running is not a religion.
One cannot ban religion in America. It was founded by people afraid of those like you who might try.
Islam isn't a religion. And even if it was, it cannot exist in the USA, because it is in violation of the Constitution's Supremacy Clause (Article 6, Section 2, part 1)

So Islam is ALREADY banned in America - as are all other supremacisms (other than the Constitution itself)
The day after the Manchester massacre, radio talk show host Michael Savage asked >> "What would you do to stop Islamic terrorism in the United States ?"

Maybe I can't get through on the radio, but I can post my answer right here in USMB. These are the things we MUST do in the US, and all other countries.

1. Declare Islam to be >> not a religion (as Italy and other countries have done).

2. Declare Islam unconstitutional and banned (by the Supremacy Clause)

3. Close all mosques, Islamic centers, etc.

4. Eliminate all vestiges of Islam (Korans, footwashing basins, prayer rooms, minarets, etc)

5. Ban the name Mohammed (all spellings) from birth certification.

6. Enact and enforce Muslim immigration/travel ban.

7. Deport all Muslims on FBI watch list.

8. Ban the Muslim Brotherhood and all MB front groups (see "Muslim Mafia", page 235 for US Justice Dept. list)

9. Close down all Muslim Brotherhood front group offices (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc)

10. Stop schools from banning protectionist books and videos (ex. Obsession: Radical Islam in Tarpon Springs, Florida)

11. Get all Muslims out of the US government.
Nah. How about we apply the rights mass shooting logic.

Immediately following these events is not the time to make emotional and brash policy decisions.

One cannot ban religion in America. It was founded by people afraid of those like you who might try.

You missed #1.
Can't be done. Islam is a well-established religion in America and was here before there was an America. It will be here after as well.
Complete falsehood.
You might want to read up on the history of this nation.
I have read the history, and nowhere does it mention Islam except in left wing lying propaganda.
Nah. How about we apply the rights mass shooting logic.

Immediately following these events is not the time to make emotional and brash policy decisions.

You are NOT right. I've been making all these statements ever since the 9/11 attacks. ANd they are not emotional or brash. Read the Constitution.
One cannot ban religion in America. It was founded by people afraid of those like you who might try.

You missed #1.
Can't be done. Islam is a well-established religion in America and was here before there was an America. It will be here after as well.
Complete falsehood.
You might want to read up on the history of this nation.
I have read the history, and nowhere does it mention Islam except in left wing lying propaganda.
I see, so you ignore history because it doesn't confirm your bias? Good to know that actually.
You missed #1.
Can't be done. Islam is a well-established religion in America and was here before there was an America. It will be here after as well.
Complete falsehood.
You might want to read up on the history of this nation.
I have read the history, and nowhere does it mention Islam except in left wing lying propaganda.
I see, so you ignore history because it doesn't confirm your bias? Good to know that actually.
Your trolling follows the regressive ROE that I have so masterfully identified to the letter.
One cannot ban religion in America. It was founded by people afraid of those like you who might try.

You missed #1.
Can't be done. Islam is a well-established religion in America and was here before there was an America. It will be here after as well.
Complete falsehood.
You might want to read up on the history of this nation.
I have read the history, and nowhere does it mention Islam except in left wing lying propaganda.

Unfortunately Mr. Mike, the founding fathers did make provisions for the Mohammadens to worship, as long as they obeyed our laws.

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