CDZ What makes a good poster?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
I was watching something on tv and there was a bit on that if one wants to effectively talk to others, usually about politics, do it without the emotions. I thought about that for a minute and that really makes sense. If you can discuss any subject (Especially politics and religion) by inserting facts and discussions of observations, do it without anger and name calling.

Can posters here manage to discuss based on facts without being emotional, playing the victim and just basically losing it?

In other words can posters be the adults in the room?
I was watching something on tv and there was a bit on that if one wants to effectively talk to others, usually about politics, do it without the emotions. I thought about that for a minute and that really makes sense. If you can discuss any subject (Especially politics and religion) by inserting facts and discussions of observations, do it without anger and name calling.

Can posters here manage to discuss based on facts without being emotional, playing the victim and just basically losing it?

In other words can posters be the adults in the room?
There was a poster here last fall who did that--challenged himself to come here and discuss things calmly and he was really smart and explained things really well--the facts, not the spin.
His name was well named.

I can do it, but some days I don't feel like it and some days it doesn't seem fair to me that you can't win against the trolls and I fight back.
Folks don't come to this place to have intellectual discussions. They mostly come to have their biases confirmed and prattle on about their political enemies.
No. Some people use logic and some use emotion. The founding fathers argued angrily even to the drastic measure of a deadly duel. Being able to distinguish important points from logic OR emotion is a talent as important as making points.
Folks don't come to this place to have intellectual discussions. They mostly come to have their biases confirmed and prattle on about their political enemies.
Not every one
I was watching something on tv and there was a bit on that if one wants to effectively talk to others, usually about politics, do it without the emotions. I thought about that for a minute and that really makes sense. If you can discuss any subject (Especially politics and religion) by inserting facts and discussions of observations, do it without anger and name calling.

Can posters here manage to discuss based on facts without being emotional, playing the victim and just basically losing it?

In other words can posters be the adults in the room?
Can they? yes
Will they? No

People post as opposed to just reading posts for the same reason people talk instead of just listening. When you are posting you're controlling the discussion, but if you're just reading posts the other person is. Lack of control means a higher likelihood of a conversation you don't enjoy, while control of the conversation all but ensures that you will like the conversation. This is of course is why posts go off topic, people want to control the discussion. When people can't control the narrative or can't create intelligent responses, they get upset and start an attack or try to change the topic. The only solution is a real moderated forum which forces posters to stay on topic and drops posters that issue personal attacks.

Although the natural inclination is to respond to personal attacks and troll bait, the best course of action is to ignore the poster.
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I was watching something on tv and there was a bit on that if one wants to effectively talk to others, usually about politics, do it without the emotions. I thought about that for a minute and that really makes sense. If you can discuss any subject (Especially politics and religion) by inserting facts and discussions of observations, do it without anger and name calling.

Can posters here manage to discuss based on facts without being emotional, playing the victim and just basically losing it?

In other words can posters be the adults in the room?

For me, I don't care what anybody's position is as long as they get to it honestly. That's all I need. But rarely get.
I was watching something on tv and there was a bit on that if one wants to effectively talk to others, usually about politics, do it without the emotions. I thought about that for a minute and that really makes sense. If you can discuss any subject (Especially politics and religion) by inserting facts and discussions of observations, do it without anger and name calling.

Can posters here manage to discuss based on facts without being emotional, playing the victim and just basically losing it?

In other words can posters be the adults in the room?

For me, I don't care what anybody's position is as long as they get to it honestly. That's all I need. But rarely get.
Thanks in part to our current president, people assume that dishonesty is acceptable as long as it's for a good cause.
I was watching something on tv and there was a bit on that if one wants to effectively talk to others, usually about politics, do it without the emotions. I thought about that for a minute and that really makes sense. If you can discuss any subject (Especially politics and religion) by inserting facts and discussions of observations, do it without anger and name calling.

Can posters here manage to discuss based on facts without being emotional, playing the victim and just basically losing it?

In other words can posters be the adults in the room?

For me, I don't care what anybody's position is as long as they get to it honestly. That's all I need. But rarely get.
Thanks in part to our current president, people assume that dishonesty is acceptable as long as it's for a good cause.
Interesting thought. Thanks .
I was watching something on tv and there was a bit on that if one wants to effectively talk to others, usually about politics, do it without the emotions. I thought about that for a minute and that really makes sense. If you can discuss any subject (Especially politics and religion) by inserting facts and discussions of observations, do it without anger and name calling.

Can posters here manage to discuss based on facts without being emotional, playing the victim and just basically losing it?

In other words can posters be the adults in the room?

For me, I don't care what anybody's position is as long as they get to it honestly. That's all I need. But rarely get.
Thanks in part to our current president, people assume that dishonesty is acceptable as long as it's for a good cause.
Right...because straw man arguments and ad hominem strikes didn’t exist before trump.

Does sarcasm count as an emotion?
I was watching something on tv and there was a bit on that if one wants to effectively talk to others, usually about politics, do it without the emotions. I thought about that for a minute and that really makes sense. If you can discuss any subject (Especially politics and religion) by inserting facts and discussions of observations, do it without anger and name calling.

Can posters here manage to discuss based on facts without being emotional, playing the victim and just basically losing it?

In other words can posters be the adults in the room?

For me, I don't care what anybody's position is as long as they get to it honestly. That's all I need. But rarely get.
Thanks in part to our current president, people assume that dishonesty is acceptable as long as it's for a good cause.
Right...because straw man arguments and ad hominem strikes didn’t exist before trump.

Does sarcasm count as an emotion?
The basic issue here is anonymity. It allows people to expose their character flaws and surrender to their worst instincts without apparent consequence. In the long term, however, it leads to derangement and sociopathic behavior.

On the other hand, a good poster states his opinion or belief, supports it with a rational argument, and invites comments and constructive criticism.
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The basic issue here is anonymity. It allows people to expose their character flaws and surrender to their worst instincts without apparent consequence. In the long term, however, it leads to derangement and sociopathic behavior.

On the other hand, a good poster states his opinion or belief, supports it with a rational argument, and invites comments and constructive criticism.
IMHO, most of the audience on forums such this are not particularly interested in whether the argument is rational nor whether criticism is constructive. Most important is whether the poster supports or opposes his or her belief because that determines whether they will respond with an attack or kudos.
Thanks in part to our current president, people assume that dishonesty is acceptable as long as it's for a good cause.

Assuming that your post is not dishonest, what dishonesty on the part of our current President has resulted in serious and measurable negative consequences for our country? Please be specific.
Thanks in part to our current president, people assume that dishonesty is acceptable as long as it's for a good cause.

Assuming that your post is not dishonest, what dishonesty on the part of our current President has resulted in serious and measurable negative consequences for our country? Please be specific.
His constant lying has made any negotiations between democrats in congress impossible. He lies day after day about closing the border which encouraged tens of thousands of Central Americans to head north to get across the border before it closes creating his crisis at the border.

Trump’s refusal to admit the truth of widely accepted facts corrodes political discourse and is consistent with the practice of many authoritarian leaders. The assertion of the power to define reality is destructive of democratic governance, in part because many people believe him and are not amenable to contrary evidence.

President's lie for all kinds of reasons. Often it's personal reasons such as Kennedy lying about his Addison's disease or Clinton lying about having sex. Other president's lie to protect a policy that is believed to be in the best interest of the nation such as Reagan lies about the Iran Contra Affair.

Every dictator from Adolph Hitler to Kim Jung-un has created their own reality by creating their own facts. This is exactly what Trump does and that is what makes him such a destructive force. He lies about trival details and important policies. If he wants it to be true, he states it as fact. If he wants Obama's birth certificate to be false, he just says it is. He wants China to be being paying the tariffs, so he says China will pay most of the tariffs. If he want's a million people to have attended his inauguration, he says they did. If he wants the Mueller Investigation to have cost 40 million dollars, he just says it. The democratic process can not survive in an environment is which people can not agree on the facts. As Daniel Patrick Moynihan said, "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."
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I was watching something on tv and there was a bit on that if one wants to effectively talk to others, usually about politics, do it without the emotions. I thought about that for a minute and that really makes sense. If you can discuss any subject (Especially politics and religion) by inserting facts and discussions of observations, do it without anger and name calling.

Can posters here manage to discuss based on facts without being emotional, playing the victim and just basically losing it?

In other words can posters be the adults in the room?
There was a poster here last fall who did that--challenged himself to come here and discuss things calmly and he was really smart and explained things really well--the facts, not the spin.
His name was well named.

I can do it, but some days I don't feel like it and some days it doesn't seem fair to me that you can't win against the trolls and I fight back.


I was watching something on tv and there was a bit on that if one wants to effectively talk to others, usually about politics, do it without the emotions. I thought about that for a minute and that really makes sense. If you can discuss any subject (Especially politics and religion) by inserting facts and discussions of observations, do it without anger and name calling.

Can posters here manage to discuss based on facts without being emotional, playing the victim and just basically losing it?

In other words can posters be the adults in the room?

For me, I don't care what anybody's position is as long as they get to it honestly. That's all I need. But rarely get.

Say what? You have yet to admit their is a huge difference between a democrat run city and a republican run city

Can posters here manage to discuss based on facts without being emotional, playing the victim and just basically losing it?

In other words can posters be the adults in the room?

Yeah, there are some around here like that. I try to be, but when you care enough about a particular subject or issue, it can get tough to stay unemotional in the sea of emotions that this place is most of the time. It's a worthy goal though, so I keep trying.

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