What Kind of Person is Supporting Trump?

White is the preferred race in this nation.
That's why we have only had white presidents?
Correct, as Obama is as much white as he is black.
Not according to most people, black and white. Not that I agree but there are "whiter" people than obama. So your theory needs work.
Are there "blacker" people than Obama?

Let's say my mom is French and my dad is Greek. Am I as much French as I am Greek?
I don't really give a fuck. I was pointing out how stupid your statement was that white is the preferred race by mentioning obama. It doesn't matter if there are more purebred blacks, only that there are more white blood than obama has. If you can't understand your own point don't blame me.
Is Obama not the first president ever who isn't very nearly 100% anglo?
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

The gullible, naive, xenophobes, narcotized...........

You would NEVER see some article put out in the LAslimes that says : the uneducated and worthless black people are the ones supporting Hillary and Bernie.

and that a liberal, like the OP, would put this out and not see a damn thing wrong it. I guess they've used up all that compassion and tolerance they have for all people. disgusting

I think it was Trump who said he loved the poorly educated, and there's a reason for that alleged love.

I see Stephanie's branch of the Republican Party, the Ku Klux Klan, are supporting Trump to the bitter end. They want to send all their kids to the middle east to play soldier in Trump's minion army and come home in body bags. They want to build a wall and place all brown people in concentration camps. They want to force young women to give birth to babies that will either die in poverty or grow up to be poorly educated and the next generation of cannon fodder. They want to build monuments to the Christian God on government property and take all homosexuals to the city gates and stone them to death. Trump supporters are scary people.

You forget that we also want to torture people by tying them up and pouring acid in their eyes, subject children into child labor in 12 hour shifts, and pushing old ladies in wheelchairs off of cliffs.
Child labor has its points. As soon as a child is old enough to pull off an armed robbery, they should be working.
That's fucking stupid. A child should be in school learning.
.....Funny how you think you're not voting for an elitist when you're voting for a freakin' New York billionare! You rubes!

Personally, I'm taking a Republican ballot on Tuesday, voting Trump, and will then write my own name in on the November ballot. My vote on Tuesday is less for Trump than against the establishment Republicans who don't have the first idea what Conservatism actually IS. Trump talks it but wouldn't walk it. The rest won't even talk it.

I agree with you...but then that is one less vote to stop hilary....and no matter how bad Trump may be...he is not evil.....hilary will be barak x100.....
Not evil? He has no problem with Putin killing journalists, he praises Putin because he did that, he praises kim Jong un, he wants to loosen libel laws so he can sue media he does not agree with. He has no empathy. The man is a ego driven psycho path. He likes you until he doesn't like you anymore then you are his enemy. He even said he could shoot somebody and his supporters would still follow him. This man is the epitome of evil.

And hilary actually did things that are evil.....she helped her husband get away with rape and sexual assault and helped sell government secrets to the Chinese.....

Trump is not even on her scale of evil........
I don't see him as evil at all. He uses situations to accommodate his own policies or deals. Perhaps he has a lot to learn in politics in general, but he is not corrupt as Hillary or the DNC is, or perhaps the GOP establishment as I am beginning to think.
Deflect again. He uses companies and people to get whatever satisfaction for him. He is the definition of a pyschopath. There is no reasoning with him. He does what he wants all the time, because he has money. If you want to deflect then remember that at the time hillary was did these "evil" things trump was behind the clintons supporting them and well after. Now he doesn't like clinton. Surprise surprise. He is against most constitutional principles first amendment is what he wants to change.
9 week fetuses aren't babies.
Over two months? Who says?
Me. They are not human beings because of their extremely low level of brain development. At that point they are a human embryo or fetus, but not a human being. The woman should have every right to terminate a pregnancy at that point for any reason whatsoever. The embryo/fetus at that point has absolutely zero rights, and absolutely zero reason to have any rights.
I agree that liberal women should be encouraged to abort all their children. I might even be persuaded that Margaret Sanger was correct. Black people can be persuaded to abort themselves into extinction.
Personally, I'm taking a Republican ballot on Tuesday, voting Trump, and will then write my own name in on the November ballot. My vote on Tuesday is less for Trump than against the establishment Republicans who don't have the first idea what Conservatism actually IS. Trump talks it but wouldn't walk it. The rest won't even talk it.

I agree with you...but then that is one less vote to stop hilary....and no matter how bad Trump may be...he is not evil.....hilary will be barak x100.....
Not evil? He has no problem with Putin killing journalists, he praises Putin because he did that, he praises kim Jong un, he wants to loosen libel laws so he can sue media he does not agree with. He has no empathy. The man is a ego driven psycho path. He likes you until he doesn't like you anymore then you are his enemy. He even said he could shoot somebody and his supporters would still follow him. This man is the epitome of evil.

And hilary actually did things that are evil.....she helped her husband get away with rape and sexual assault and helped sell government secrets to the Chinese.....

Trump is not even on her scale of evil........
I don't see him as evil at all. He uses situations to accommodate his own policies or deals. Perhaps he has a lot to learn in politics in general, but he is not corrupt as Hillary or the DNC is, or perhaps the GOP establishment as I am beginning to think.
Deflect again. He uses companies and people to get whatever satisfaction for him. He is the definition of a pyschopath. There is no reasoning with him. He does what he wants all the time, because he has money.

He also has a cell phone and a pen. :banana::banana:
You would NEVER see some article put out in the LAslimes that says : the uneducated and worthless black people are the ones supporting Hillary and Bernie.

and that a liberal, like the OP, would put this out and not see a damn thing wrong it. I guess they've used up all that compassion and tolerance they have for all people. disgusting

I think it was Trump who said he loved the poorly educated, and there's a reason for that alleged love.

I see Stephanie's branch of the Republican Party, the Ku Klux Klan, are supporting Trump to the bitter end. They want to send all their kids to the middle east to play soldier in Trump's minion army and come home in body bags. They want to build a wall and place all brown people in concentration camps. They want to force young women to give birth to babies that will either die in poverty or grow up to be poorly educated and the next generation of cannon fodder. They want to build monuments to the Christian God on government property and take all homosexuals to the city gates and stone them to death. Trump supporters are scary people.

You forget that we also want to torture people by tying them up and pouring acid in their eyes, subject children into child labor in 12 hour shifts, and pushing old ladies in wheelchairs off of cliffs.
Child labor has its points. As soon as a child is old enough to pull off an armed robbery, they should be working.
That's fucking stupid. A child should be in school learning.
That's where they should be. Since they aren't by choice, there is no reason why they should not be used productively.
9 week fetuses aren't babies.
Over two months? Who says?
Me. They are not human beings because of their extremely low level of brain development. At that point they are a human embryo or fetus, but not a human being. The woman should have every right to terminate a pregnancy at that point for any reason whatsoever. The embryo/fetus at that point has absolutely zero rights, and absolutely zero reason to have any rights.
I agree that liberal women should be encouraged to abort all their children. I might even be persuaded that Margaret Sanger was correct. Black people can be persuaded to abort themselves into extinction.
More stupidity.
oh stuff it. you snobs are the worst of all mankind in my book. your noses are so high up in the air you block the sun off your face.

low and slimy and that includes the author of the garbage and the LASlimes for putting it out
Ever noticed wgat direction Trump's nose is pointed when he's not speaking.

Funny how you think you're not voting for an elitist when you're voting for a freakin' New York billionare! You rubes!

You're not understanding the problem conservatives have with elitist snobs.
Oh I get it. But then you go and vote for elitists who sort of pretend not to be


Conservatives have no problem with CELEBRATING people who are successful.

Or even turning to them as leaders.

What pisses us off is the condescension we get from the Left Elitists.

The majority of the people in the entire world think you're stupid bigots. Don't lay all the blame for that deserved condescension on your fellow countrymen who happen to sit left of you on the political spectrum.
The majority of people on Earth are smarmy assholes like you? I call bull!
You would NEVER see some article put out in the LAslimes that says : the uneducated and worthless black people are the ones supporting Hillary and Bernie.

and that a liberal, like the OP, would put this out and not see a damn thing wrong it. I guess they've used up all that compassion and tolerance they have for all people. disgusting

I think it was Trump who said he loved the poorly educated, and there's a reason for that alleged love.

I see Stephanie's branch of the Republican Party, the Ku Klux Klan, are supporting Trump to the bitter end. They want to send all their kids to the middle east to play soldier in Trump's minion army and come home in body bags. They want to build a wall and place all brown people in concentration camps. They want to force young women to give birth to babies that will either die in poverty or grow up to be poorly educated and the next generation of cannon fodder. They want to build monuments to the Christian God on government property and take all homosexuals to the city gates and stone them to death. Trump supporters are scary people.

You forget that we also want to torture people by tying them up and pouring acid in their eyes, subject children into child labor in 12 hour shifts, and pushing old ladies in wheelchairs off of cliffs.
Child labor has its points. As soon as a child is old enough to pull off an armed robbery, they should be working.
That's fucking stupid. A child should be in school learning.
That's where they should be. Since they aren't by choice, there is no reason why they should not be used productively.
You mean child dropouts should work. I'm sure they do, either legally or illegally. See, gang member is a kind of profession. A stupid one. But one nonetheless.
That's why we have only had white presidents?
Correct, as Obama is as much white as he is black.
Not according to most people, black and white. Not that I agree but there are "whiter" people than obama. So your theory needs work.
Are there "blacker" people than Obama?

Let's say my mom is French and my dad is Greek. Am I as much French as I am Greek?
I don't really give a fuck. I was pointing out how stupid your statement was that white is the preferred race by mentioning obama. It doesn't matter if there are more purebred blacks, only that there are more white blood than obama has. If you can't understand your own point don't blame me.
Is Obama not the first president ever who isn't very nearly 100% anglo?
You can't save it dude. Give it up.
oh stuff it. you snobs are the worst of all mankind in my book. your noses are so high up in the air you block the sun off your face.

low and slimy and that includes the author of the garbage and the LASlimes for putting it out
Ever noticed wgat direction Trump's nose is pointed when he's not speaking.

Funny how you think you're not voting for an elitist when you're voting for a freakin' New York billionare! You rubes!

You're not understanding the problem conservatives have with elitist snobs.
Oh I get it. But then you go and vote for elitists who sort of pretend not to be


Conservatives have no problem with CELEBRATING people who are successful.

Or even turning to them as leaders.

What pisses us off is the condescension we get from the Left Elitists.

What is Trumps accomplishment that qualifies him as a "successful" person?

Ohhhhhh, right, he has "money"...

Well, I guess that qualifies, especially in a society people worship "money"

I think electing him as your "president" is not enough
Rather you should make him your "prophet"
Or even maybe your "god"....

Yeah, now that's a good idea. After all, nobody else made their nominee a prophet or a God. :afro::afro:
9 week fetuses aren't babies.
Over two months? Who says?
Me. They are not human beings because of their extremely low level of brain development. At that point they are a human embryo or fetus, but not a human being. The woman should have every right to terminate a pregnancy at that point for any reason whatsoever. The embryo/fetus at that point has absolutely zero rights, and absolutely zero reason to have any rights.
What do you consider a low level of brain development? You might want to thank your mother for not aborting you at 2 months. Or 4 months. Or 6 months.....
Correct, as Obama is as much white as he is black.
Not according to most people, black and white. Not that I agree but there are "whiter" people than obama. So your theory needs work.
Are there "blacker" people than Obama?

Let's say my mom is French and my dad is Greek. Am I as much French as I am Greek?
I don't really give a fuck. I was pointing out how stupid your statement was that white is the preferred race by mentioning obama. It doesn't matter if there are more purebred blacks, only that there are more white blood than obama has. If you can't understand your own point don't blame me.
Is Obama not the first president ever who isn't very nearly 100% anglo?
You can't save it dude. Give it up.
According to you ... but you're wrong.

So the first ever half non-anglo person was elected President. That proves anglo aren't the favored race! BRILLIANT!
oh stuff it. you snobs are the worst of all mankind in my book. your noses are so high up in the air you block the sun off your face.

low and slimy and that includes the author of the garbage and the LASlimes for putting it out
Not only that, but morons like the one in the OP are the kind that gloat about the destruction of American culture and American values cause by a flood of cheap labor imported by third world countries. What they can't explain is why anyone would support such a policy. They can't, so all they can do instead is insult people.
In an extremely well written letter to the editor in this morning's Los Angeles Times, a reader writes:

"The GOP has done this to itself. By encouraging the hateful rhetoric and anti-government vitriol of Fox News and others, the party has set the stage for Trump ..... Less educated working class whites are afraid of the demographic and cultural changes coming because it means the loss of their status as members of the preferred class. The GOP has taken advantage of this by whipping up fear and anger among them. Along comes their savior, Trump, who tells them what they want to hear.

"The monster is loose, Dr. Frankenstein. Your creature is going to kill you."

I couldn't agree more. Trump is easily on of the most annoying people I have ever seen. His arrogance and lack of humility are exceeded only by his rudeness and obvious lack of class. Can you imagine any presidential candidate in the last 60 years conducting himself the way Trump does on a daily basis? I was listening to the most recent Republican "debate" the other night. Can you imagine Dwight David Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy or, for that matter, Ronald Reagan, saying anything even close to the things that Trump is saying? Of course not.

Times have changed, you say? It's a new dawn for the conducting of presidential campaigns, you say? Hogwash. Have the standards for President of the United States changed? I don't think so. This man is so obviously the wrong person for the job it is not even funny - it's tragic.

"I'm for Trump because he's not afraid to tell it like it is!" Translation? "Trump is a bigoted asshole and so am I!" I feel sadness for all of those who purport to support this arrogant jerk. How they are unable to see beyond his obvious facade is beyond me.

I have mixed emotions about who will ultimately get the Republican nomination. My sincere hope is that it will be Trump, for obvious reasons. It will insure a Democratic victory in November.

Someone desperate for a change from politics as usual
There is positive change and negative change. The people of Germany wanted change in the 30s . Be careful what you ask for.
Personally, I'm taking a Republican ballot on Tuesday, voting Trump, and will then write my own name in on the November ballot. My vote on Tuesday is less for Trump than against the establishment Republicans who don't have the first idea what Conservatism actually IS. Trump talks it but wouldn't walk it. The rest won't even talk it.

I agree with you...but then that is one less vote to stop hilary....and no matter how bad Trump may be...he is not evil.....hilary will be barak x100.....
Not evil? He has no problem with Putin killing journalists, he praises Putin because he did that, he praises kim Jong un, he wants to loosen libel laws so he can sue media he does not agree with. He has no empathy. The man is a ego driven psycho path. He likes you until he doesn't like you anymore then you are his enemy. He even said he could shoot somebody and his supporters would still follow him. This man is the epitome of evil.

And hilary actually did things that are evil.....she helped her husband get away with rape and sexual assault and helped sell government secrets to the Chinese.....

Trump is not even on her scale of evil........
I don't see him as evil at all. He uses situations to accommodate his own policies or deals. Perhaps he has a lot to learn in politics in general, but he is not corrupt as Hillary or the DNC is, or perhaps the GOP establishment as I am beginning to think.
Deflect again. He uses companies and people to get whatever satisfaction for him. He is the definition of a pyschopath. There is no reasoning with him. He does what he wants all the time, because he has money. If you want to deflect then remember that at the time hillary was did these "evil" things trump was behind the clintons supporting them and well after. Now he doesn't like clinton. Surprise surprise. He is against most constitutional principles first amendment is what he wants to change.
Timothy, successful people use their companies to solidify their deals with others. A psychopath is a person with a mental disorder resulting in abnormal or violent social behavior. Now what has Trump done that is abnormal or violent?
Of course there is reasoning with him. He has changed his mind about people all during the campaign, one if which was Roger Ailes. Once they make a compromise, all is well again.
Now if you want abnormal behavior, let's talk about Hillary and her penchant for lying. I have different videos proving just that. She lies even about thinks that don't matter. Was there any problem with her landing in Bosnia like any other trip? No. But she made it out to be snipers shooting at their every move. What a brave lady she was! Hogwash. What a brave liar she is! Now, THAT is ABNORMAL!
I think we are getting to a time where I believe that an incoming president needs to take classes and learn foreign policy, government structure, economic policy, trade, and legislative proceedings, constitional law. They need to be tested on this and sit behind the current president to learn as much as they can. Studying and learning. Otherwise we are in for some serious trouble. If they can't pass the courses then they are disqualified.

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