What kind of a country is modern Ukraine?

"More comfortable"? for who?

Average salary in Toluatti - $350/mo
Average salary in Chicago - $6200/mo

What else do you need to know?

Actually, average salary in Tolyatti in 2022 was 53500 roubles/mo, which means $600/mo (after paying taxes), and average annual salary in Chicago was $110,000, which means $9000/mo (before paying taxes). Compare the cost of living, prices in Burger King, free medicine, cheap energy, crime rates and so on...
If the Nazies come - there will be nothing to fix inside Russian Federation itself.

Do you have any clue how completely insane you sound?

Not sure what fucking Nazis you are talking about, but what is it about those supposed Nazis that Russians can't DEFEND AT THEIR BORDER?

If you are calling anyone that doesn't like Russians as Nazis, then all your bloody war in Ukraine doing is BREEDING THEM for generations to come. Ukranians hate Russian invaders no less than they hated Fascist and Nazi invaders during WWII.
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Actually, average salary in Tolyatti in 2022 was 53500 roubles/mo, which means $600/mo (after paying taxes)


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Actually, average salary in Tolyatti ...$600/mo....average annual salary in Chicago....$9000/mo

Compare the cost of living, prices in Burger King, free medicine, cheap energy, crime rates and so on...

...you seriously think living is 15 times cheaper in Russia?
Do you have any clue how completely insane you sound?
And who said that the Russians are sane people? And do you actually think, that the Russians see Americans, Europeans or Ukrainians as sane peoples?

Not sure what fucking Nazis you are talking about, but what is it about those supposed Nazis that Russians can't DEFEND AT THEIR BORDER?
Man, it's XXI century. You can't just build a big wall on the border and feel yourself safe. In the matter of fact, walls per se never worked (neither in Medieval China, nor in Ancient Britain). And the best defense is a good offence. That's why we are fighting against our own enemies anywhere in the world.

If you are calling anyone that doesn't like Russians as Nazis, then all your bloody war in Ukraine doing is BREEDING THEM for generations to come. Ukranians hate Russian invaders no less than they hated Fascist and Nazi invaders during WWII.
It mostly depends on your definition of the term "Ukrainians". And no. The absolute majority of ethnic Russians and Russian-speakers in the eastern and southern regions of former Ukraine doesn't hate their brothers from Russian Federation. Ukraine is not "Russian Vietnam" or "Russian Afghanistan". Ukraine is "Russian Canada" or even "Russian Confederacy".
America can't allow Canada join Shanghai Pact by any means, because Canada is vital for the America's safety. Therefore, even though annexation of Canada could cause some problems (including some kind of guerilla war) those problems are insignificant comparing with possible deployment of the Russian nuclear missiles there. And absolute majority of Canadians can accept that now they are living in the USA.
From other point of view, we see one nation divided by the political and economical goals and strategies. Political and business elites of the one part (mostly agricultural) wants to become an agricultural appendix of Europe, and other (mostly industrial) wants to be actually independent center of force. One side believes that a certain type of people can be abused and discriminated and other side believes in the equal rights for all human beings.

From the American point of view Quebec guerillas can be a threat, but this threat is incomparable with the potential threat of the Russian&Chinese tanks, bombers and nuclear missiles in Manitoba. Therefore, if there is a choice between US-Canada war and allowing Canada to join Shanghai pact, there, in fact, is no choice.
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...you seriously think living is 15 times cheaper in Russia?
It depends. Tolyatti is a relatively poor, but nice and comfortable place. Many locals prefer it to Moscow. And Moscow, according some UN experts, is the best city in the world.
And who said that the Russians are sane people? And do you actually think, that the Russians see Americans, Europeans or Ukrainians as sane peoples?

Man, it's XXI century. You can't just build a big wall on the border and feel yourself safe. In the matter of fact, walls per se never worked (neither in Medieval China, nor in Ancient Britain). And the best defense is a good offence. That's why we are fighting against our own enemies anywhere in the world.

It mostly depends on your definition of the term "Ukrainians". And no. The absolute majority of ethnic Russians and Russian-speakers in the eastern and southern regions of former Ukraine doesn't hate their brothers from Russian Federation. Ukraine is not "Russian Vietnam" or "Russian Afghanistan". Ukraine is "Russian Canada" or even "Russian Confederacy".
America can't allow Canada join Shanghai Pact by any means, because Canada is vital for the America's safety. Therefore, even though annexation of Canada could cause some problems (including some kind of guerilla war) those problems are insignificant comparing with possible deployment of the Russian nuclear missiles there. And absolute majority of Canadians can accept that now they are living in the USA.
From other point of view, we see one nation divided by the political and economical goals and strategies. Political and business elites of the one part (mostly agricultural) wants to become an agricultural appendix of Europe, and other (mostly industrial) wants to be actually independent center of force. One side believes that a certain type of people can be abused and discriminated and other side believes in the equal rights for all human beings.

From the American point of view Quebec guerillas can be a threat, but this threat is incomparable with the potential threat of the Russian&Chinese tanks, bombers and nuclear missiles in Manitoba. Therefore, if there is a choice between US-Canada war and allowing Canada to join Shanghai pact, there, in fact, is no choice.

Yes silly it is XXI century, civilized world long left behind imperialist land grabbing.

It’s only in backward, autocratic, repressive Russia that the populace can be convinced that it’s ok to go into another country, get hundreds of thousands of your own people dead and wounded, all to annex some lands because supposedly some scary Nazis will come over if you don’t.

Are you even listening to what you are saying? It’s completely insane.
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Yes silly it is XXI century, civilized world long left behind imperialist land grabbing.

It’s only in backward, autocratic, repressive Russia that the populace can be convinced that it’s ok to go into another country, get hundreds of thousands of your own people dead and wounded, all to annex some lands because supposedly some scary Nazis will come over if you don’t.

Are you even listening to what you are saying? It’s completely insane.
Is it sane to send money and weapons into another country on another continent, hire local mercenaries and corrupted elites, get hundreds of thousand of local guys killed, destroy your own economy, allow hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants came into your country, put the world on the risk of a nuclear war, all to because some scary Russians want to defend their own kind from discrimination and their own country from potential attack?
Russians, at least, defend their own kind and their own country. Ukraine means nothing for America's safety.
Is it sane to send money and weapons into another country on another continent, hire local mercenaries and corrupted elites, get hundreds of thousand of local guys killed, destroy your own economy, allow hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants came into your country, put the world on the risk of a nuclear war, all to because some scary Russians want to defend their own kind from discrimination and their own country from potential attack?
Russians, at least, defend their own kind and their own country. Ukraine means nothing for America's safety.

“Defend their own kind”?

Getting 200,000 - 300,000 of your prime working age Russian men maimed or killed is “defending your own kind”?

Killing and injuring 300,000-400,000 Ukrainians, at least 20% of whom are ethnic Russians is “defending your own kind”?

Flattening entire cities is "defending your own kind"?

Destroying Russian economy by isolating it from most of developed world and making mortal enemies out of your Ukrainian brothers is “defending your country”?

Thats your idea of defending something???

Everything gets upside down when you eat Russian propaganda for breakfast lunch and dinner. Wake the hell up.
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“Defend their own kind”?

Getting 200,000 - 300,000 of your prime working age Russian men maimed or killed is “defending your own kind”?

Killing and injuring 300,000-400,000 Ukrainians, at least 20% of whom are ethnic Russians is “defending your own kind”?

Flattening entire cities is "defending your own kind"?

Destroying Russian economy by isolating it from most of developed world and making mortal enemies out of your Ukrainian brothers is “defending your country”?

Thats your idea of defending something???

Everything gets upside down when you eat Russian propaganda for breakfast lunch and dinner. Wake the hell up.
They lost much lesser than one million, but saved two million in Crimea and seven million in Novorussia. It's a pretty good balance from their point of view. They'd lost mostly young men, but protected women and children. That's a natural way of things. They lost some virtual ones and zeroes in Western bank computers, but got fruitful soil, coal, thorium, lithium, unsinkable carrier of Crimea and plenty other useful things, say nothing about reputation in the Global South.
And no, ordinary Russians don't feel that their economy is ruined. Rebranding of "McDonalds" to "Tasty and Point", or "Starbucks" to "StarCoffee" is barely a tiny inconvenience. Business may face some problems to solve, but there are great opportunities, too.
That's why they support Putin. Because he do what they want him to do.
"The French Foreign Ministry recognized the AFU strikes on Belgorod as legitimate defense"
A missile strike, using cluster munitions, on the center of the city, where it was known that there would be no one but peaceful citizens.
The terrorist convulsion of the dying Kiev regime of bloody clowns-Nazis, according to officials from the French Foreign Ministry, "corresponds to the legal right to defense".
I will not even comment, everything is clear with the French official ghouls.
But the French themselves are commenting on the strike on Belgorod on news sites quite actively. And in expressions: "This is a criminal offense, no doubt about it." "This is an act of desperation by Zelensky." "Ukraine's days are numbered." "Ukrainians shrink back, knowing that there will be an answer." In those terms, and a lot of them.
There is no hiding the truth. Ukraine in its current form is a terrorist organization. Russia is not aiming at civilians, but is consistently knocking out the Nazi infrastructure.
They lost much lesser than one million, but saved two million in Crimea and seven million in Novorussia. It's a pretty good balance from their point of view.

Idiot, what did you save them from?

Their jobs? Homes? Loved ones?



What the hell are you talking about?
Killing Nazies is much more important goal from their point of view. If Nazies come, they'll destroy much more.


This invasion is killing Ukranians and Russians not some imaginary Nazis you have in your stupid, brainwashed head!

Ukraine has mobilized it's citizens to defend their country from Ruzzist invaders, ~20% of them are ethnic Russians. THAT IS WHO RUSSIAN INVADERS ARE KILLING, when they are not killing civillians and getting killed themselves.
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A very good thread on the weird Ukrainian cannibalistic tendencies and obsession with eating Russian babies.
Filth, the germans in 1945 were saved from what?

Brainwashed dummy, Russians are the fascist invaders today that need saving from their Furor who sends his countrymen to die en mass for his imperialist ambitions and delusions of grandeur.

Ukrainians stayed in their own borders, held real elections and had no interest in invading anyone. Thats why the world is backing them and not you Ruzzist degenerates.
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Dumbass , Russians are the fascist invaders today that need saving from their Furor who pumps idiots like you full of fairy tales and sends his countrymen to die for his bloody imperialist ambitions.
This is a perfect example of someone completely uninformed.

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