"What I’ve Learned From Collecting Stories of People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News"


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
An essay by writer Luke O'Neil that expounds on the recent phenomenon of FOXNEWS radicalizing it's viewers.

From the article...

No matter where the stories came from they all featured a few familiar beats: A loved one seemed to have changed over time. Maybe that person was already somewhat conservative to start. Maybe they were apolitical. But at one point or another, they sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person — someone difficult, if not impossible, to spend time with. The fallout led to failed marriages and estranged parental relationships. For at least one person, it marks the final memory he’ll ever have of his father: “When I found my dad dead in his armchair, fucking Fox News was on the TV,” this reader told me. “It’s likely the last thing he saw. I hate what that channel and conservative talk radio did to my funny, compassionate dad. He spent the last years of his life increasingly angry, bigoted, and paranoid.”


Dozens who responded to my piece talked about the sad lonely twilight of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives, having been spurned by, or having disowned much of their families over political disagreements. Older people, recent studies have shown, are much more likely to share misleading information online, but the anecdotes I was hearing seemed to indicate this behavior wasn’t limited to the internet. Young parents wrote that they don’t want to bring their children to visit aging Fox-brainers. “The worst is when my children go to spend time with their grandparents and come home with Fox News talking points coming out of their mouths,” one told me. “I have to decontaminate them every time.”


Another person told me that Rush Limbaugh sent his father on the path to isolation before eventually mainlining Fox News on a regular basis. Eventually, out of the blue, his mother filed for divorce. “He was crushed, couldn’t understand why, and took comfort in drinking while watching his friends on TV. She is happier than I have ever seen her and he is sad and angry living in the basement of a rented house, still watching The Five, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, etc.”


A lot of the stories echoed that turning point. There was something about Obama that seemed to make a lot of previously apolitical or moderate family members lose their minds. Gosh — what could it have possibly been?

The entire article: What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News

It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.
An essay by writer Luke O'Neil that expounds on the recent phenomenon of FOXNEWS radicalizing it's viewers.

From the article...

No matter where the stories came from they all featured a few familiar beats: A loved one seemed to have changed over time. Maybe that person was already somewhat conservative to start. Maybe they were apolitical. But at one point or another, they sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person — someone difficult, if not impossible, to spend time with. The fallout led to failed marriages and estranged parental relationships. For at least one person, it marks the final memory he’ll ever have of his father: “When I found my dad dead in his armchair, fucking Fox News was on the TV,” this reader told me. “It’s likely the last thing he saw. I hate what that channel and conservative talk radio did to my funny, compassionate dad. He spent the last years of his life increasingly angry, bigoted, and paranoid.”


Dozens who responded to my piece talked about the sad lonely twilight of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives, having been spurned by, or having disowned much of their families over political disagreements. Older people, recent studies have shown, are much more likely to share misleading information online, but the anecdotes I was hearing seemed to indicate this behavior wasn’t limited to the internet. Young parents wrote that they don’t want to bring their children to visit aging Fox-brainers. “The worst is when my children go to spend time with their grandparents and come home with Fox News talking points coming out of their mouths,” one told me. “I have to decontaminate them every time.”


Another person told me that Rush Limbaugh sent his father on the path to isolation before eventually mainlining Fox News on a regular basis. Eventually, out of the blue, his mother filed for divorce. “He was crushed, couldn’t understand why, and took comfort in drinking while watching his friends on TV. She is happier than I have ever seen her and he is sad and angry living in the basement of a rented house, still watching The Five, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, etc.”


A lot of the stories echoed that turning point. There was something about Obama that seemed to make a lot of previously apolitical or moderate family members lose their minds. Gosh — what could it have possibly been?

The entire article: What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News

It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.

Wow. When you have to justify people disagreeing with you to some boogeyman brainwashing, it just shows how either 1)shallow you are, or 2) how weak your mental support for your own views are.

The person who wrote this should look in the mirror, I would bet dollars to donuts it's their own inability to interact with people not as orthodox as they are that caused the splits, not Fox News.

But if it takes a boogeyman to help them ignore their own insecurities and issues, then so be it.
Wow. When you have to justify people disagreeing with you to some boogeyman brainwashing, it just shows how either 1)shallow you are, or 2) how weak your mental support for your own views are.

The person who wrote this should look in the mirror, I would bet dollars to donuts it's their own inability to interact with people not as orthodox as they are that caused the splits, not Fox News.

But if it takes a boogeyman to help them ignore their own insecurities and issues, then so be it.
You must be a speed reader dude...WoW...I'm IMPRESSED!
An essay by writer Luke O'Neil that expounds on the recent phenomenon of FOXNEWS radicalizing it's viewers.

From the article...

No matter where the stories came from they all featured a few familiar beats: A loved one seemed to have changed over time. Maybe that person was already somewhat conservative to start. Maybe they were apolitical. But at one point or another, they sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person — someone difficult, if not impossible, to spend time with. The fallout led to failed marriages and estranged parental relationships. For at least one person, it marks the final memory he’ll ever have of his father: “When I found my dad dead in his armchair, fucking Fox News was on the TV,” this reader told me. “It’s likely the last thing he saw. I hate what that channel and conservative talk radio did to my funny, compassionate dad. He spent the last years of his life increasingly angry, bigoted, and paranoid.”


Dozens who responded to my piece talked about the sad lonely twilight of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives, having been spurned by, or having disowned much of their families over political disagreements. Older people, recent studies have shown, are much more likely to share misleading information online, but the anecdotes I was hearing seemed to indicate this behavior wasn’t limited to the internet. Young parents wrote that they don’t want to bring their children to visit aging Fox-brainers. “The worst is when my children go to spend time with their grandparents and come home with Fox News talking points coming out of their mouths,” one told me. “I have to decontaminate them every time.”


Another person told me that Rush Limbaugh sent his father on the path to isolation before eventually mainlining Fox News on a regular basis. Eventually, out of the blue, his mother filed for divorce. “He was crushed, couldn’t understand why, and took comfort in drinking while watching his friends on TV. She is happier than I have ever seen her and he is sad and angry living in the basement of a rented house, still watching The Five, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, etc.”


A lot of the stories echoed that turning point. There was something about Obama that seemed to make a lot of previously apolitical or moderate family members lose their minds. Gosh — what could it have possibly been?

The entire article: What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News

It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.

Wow. When you have to justify people disagreeing with you to some boogeyman brainwashing, it just shows how either 1)shallow you are, or 2) how weak your mental support for your own views are.

The person who wrote this should look in the mirror, I would bet dollars to donuts it's their own inability to interact with people not as orthodox as they are that caused the splits, not Fox News.

But if it takes a boogeyman to help them ignore their own insecurities and issues, then so be it.

Maybe they just can't stomach Socialists, Apparently you don't go around due to the fact that like most Socialists you refuse to listen to dissent no matter how logical it is if it doesn't promote the "Utopian dream" of Socialism . Or they just don't want to be surrounded by stupid ideas from equally stupid Politicians and Their cult followers on the Left. Obama was a Turd that floated into the White House, Then proceeded to try and dismantle America, and the Constitution. That's what changed their outlook, mine included! You disparage Fox news when the MSM has Been wrong all along and Fox was the Only Outlet that got it right. Why no interest from MSM about FISA Abuse and illegal surveillance of a Political opponent by The Oba ME DOJ and FBI/ DNC.-:anj_stfu: Hypocrites
Wow. When you have to justify people disagreeing with you to some boogeyman brainwashing, it just shows how either 1)shallow you are, or 2) how weak your mental support for your own views are.

The person who wrote this should look in the mirror, I would bet dollars to donuts it's their own inability to interact with people not as orthodox as they are that caused the splits, not Fox News.

But if it takes a boogeyman to help them ignore their own insecurities and issues, then so be it.
You must be a speed reader dude...WoW...I'm IMPRESSED!

Once you get through the first few paragraphs it looks like any other bubble person not understanding people disagreeing with them.
An essay by writer Luke O'Neil that expounds on the recent phenomenon of FOXNEWS radicalizing it's viewers.

From the article...

No matter where the stories came from they all featured a few familiar beats: A loved one seemed to have changed over time. Maybe that person was already somewhat conservative to start. Maybe they were apolitical. But at one point or another, they sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person — someone difficult, if not impossible, to spend time with. The fallout led to failed marriages and estranged parental relationships. For at least one person, it marks the final memory he’ll ever have of his father: “When I found my dad dead in his armchair, fucking Fox News was on the TV,” this reader told me. “It’s likely the last thing he saw. I hate what that channel and conservative talk radio did to my funny, compassionate dad. He spent the last years of his life increasingly angry, bigoted, and paranoid.”


Dozens who responded to my piece talked about the sad lonely twilight of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives, having been spurned by, or having disowned much of their families over political disagreements. Older people, recent studies have shown, are much more likely to share misleading information online, but the anecdotes I was hearing seemed to indicate this behavior wasn’t limited to the internet. Young parents wrote that they don’t want to bring their children to visit aging Fox-brainers. “The worst is when my children go to spend time with their grandparents and come home with Fox News talking points coming out of their mouths,” one told me. “I have to decontaminate them every time.”


Another person told me that Rush Limbaugh sent his father on the path to isolation before eventually mainlining Fox News on a regular basis. Eventually, out of the blue, his mother filed for divorce. “He was crushed, couldn’t understand why, and took comfort in drinking while watching his friends on TV. She is happier than I have ever seen her and he is sad and angry living in the basement of a rented house, still watching The Five, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, etc.”


A lot of the stories echoed that turning point. There was something about Obama that seemed to make a lot of previously apolitical or moderate family members lose their minds. Gosh — what could it have possibly been?

The entire article: What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News

It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.
Must have been a big sale on straw at the farm and fleet center.
An essay by writer Luke O'Neil that expounds on the recent phenomenon of FOXNEWS radicalizing it's viewers.

From the article...

No matter where the stories came from they all featured a few familiar beats: A loved one seemed to have changed over time. Maybe that person was already somewhat conservative to start. Maybe they were apolitical. But at one point or another, they sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person — someone difficult, if not impossible, to spend time with. The fallout led to failed marriages and estranged parental relationships. For at least one person, it marks the final memory he’ll ever have of his father: “When I found my dad dead in his armchair, fucking Fox News was on the TV,” this reader told me. “It’s likely the last thing he saw. I hate what that channel and conservative talk radio did to my funny, compassionate dad. He spent the last years of his life increasingly angry, bigoted, and paranoid.”


Dozens who responded to my piece talked about the sad lonely twilight of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives, having been spurned by, or having disowned much of their families over political disagreements. Older people, recent studies have shown, are much more likely to share misleading information online, but the anecdotes I was hearing seemed to indicate this behavior wasn’t limited to the internet. Young parents wrote that they don’t want to bring their children to visit aging Fox-brainers. “The worst is when my children go to spend time with their grandparents and come home with Fox News talking points coming out of their mouths,” one told me. “I have to decontaminate them every time.”


Another person told me that Rush Limbaugh sent his father on the path to isolation before eventually mainlining Fox News on a regular basis. Eventually, out of the blue, his mother filed for divorce. “He was crushed, couldn’t understand why, and took comfort in drinking while watching his friends on TV. She is happier than I have ever seen her and he is sad and angry living in the basement of a rented house, still watching The Five, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, etc.”


A lot of the stories echoed that turning point. There was something about Obama that seemed to make a lot of previously apolitical or moderate family members lose their minds. Gosh — what could it have possibly been?

The entire article: What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News

It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.
There is nothing more radical than a bunch of psychopathic racists claiming the other side is crazy.
An essay by writer Luke O'Neil that expounds on the recent phenomenon of FOXNEWS radicalizing it's viewers.

From the article...

No matter where the stories came from they all featured a few familiar beats: A loved one seemed to have changed over time. Maybe that person was already somewhat conservative to start. Maybe they were apolitical. But at one point or another, they sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person — someone difficult, if not impossible, to spend time with. The fallout led to failed marriages and estranged parental relationships. For at least one person, it marks the final memory he’ll ever have of his father: “When I found my dad dead in his armchair, fucking Fox News was on the TV,” this reader told me. “It’s likely the last thing he saw. I hate what that channel and conservative talk radio did to my funny, compassionate dad. He spent the last years of his life increasingly angry, bigoted, and paranoid.”


Dozens who responded to my piece talked about the sad lonely twilight of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives, having been spurned by, or having disowned much of their families over political disagreements. Older people, recent studies have shown, are much more likely to share misleading information online, but the anecdotes I was hearing seemed to indicate this behavior wasn’t limited to the internet. Young parents wrote that they don’t want to bring their children to visit aging Fox-brainers. “The worst is when my children go to spend time with their grandparents and come home with Fox News talking points coming out of their mouths,” one told me. “I have to decontaminate them every time.”


Another person told me that Rush Limbaugh sent his father on the path to isolation before eventually mainlining Fox News on a regular basis. Eventually, out of the blue, his mother filed for divorce. “He was crushed, couldn’t understand why, and took comfort in drinking while watching his friends on TV. She is happier than I have ever seen her and he is sad and angry living in the basement of a rented house, still watching The Five, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, etc.”


A lot of the stories echoed that turning point. There was something about Obama that seemed to make a lot of previously apolitical or moderate family members lose their minds. Gosh — what could it have possibly been?

The entire article: What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News

It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.

Typical. If you can't understand or refute something, denigrate it.
An essay by writer Luke O'Neil that expounds on the recent phenomenon of FOXNEWS radicalizing it's viewers.

From the article...

No matter where the stories came from they all featured a few familiar beats: A loved one seemed to have changed over time. Maybe that person was already somewhat conservative to start. Maybe they were apolitical. But at one point or another, they sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person — someone difficult, if not impossible, to spend time with. The fallout led to failed marriages and estranged parental relationships. For at least one person, it marks the final memory he’ll ever have of his father: “When I found my dad dead in his armchair, fucking Fox News was on the TV,” this reader told me. “It’s likely the last thing he saw. I hate what that channel and conservative talk radio did to my funny, compassionate dad. He spent the last years of his life increasingly angry, bigoted, and paranoid.”


Dozens who responded to my piece talked about the sad lonely twilight of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives, having been spurned by, or having disowned much of their families over political disagreements. Older people, recent studies have shown, are much more likely to share misleading information online, but the anecdotes I was hearing seemed to indicate this behavior wasn’t limited to the internet. Young parents wrote that they don’t want to bring their children to visit aging Fox-brainers. “The worst is when my children go to spend time with their grandparents and come home with Fox News talking points coming out of their mouths,” one told me. “I have to decontaminate them every time.”


Another person told me that Rush Limbaugh sent his father on the path to isolation before eventually mainlining Fox News on a regular basis. Eventually, out of the blue, his mother filed for divorce. “He was crushed, couldn’t understand why, and took comfort in drinking while watching his friends on TV. She is happier than I have ever seen her and he is sad and angry living in the basement of a rented house, still watching The Five, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, etc.”


A lot of the stories echoed that turning point. There was something about Obama that seemed to make a lot of previously apolitical or moderate family members lose their minds. Gosh — what could it have possibly been?

The entire article: What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News

It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.
Bill of rights was made up by Fox News ?? What??
It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.

It's a prion disease - akin to mad cow - that eats brains. You can gather first rate evidence on here every day. The most relevant part of the syndrome - second only to increasingly failing reasoning capacity - is anosognosia, the complete absence of insight into their condition, which renders the condition beyond remedy. They actually think they "found" something on Fox / Breitbart / InfoWars / etc. that confirms what their rotting brains had been fantasizing about for months or years, and their racism and paranoia work as receptors clinging to the bits of propaganda like nothing anyone has seen before. Then, they actually believe they learned and "know" something, and actually confuse the turds falling out of their mouth with "facts".

It's unsightly.
An essay by writer Luke O'Neil that expounds on the recent phenomenon of FOXNEWS radicalizing it's viewers.

From the article...

No matter where the stories came from they all featured a few familiar beats: A loved one seemed to have changed over time. Maybe that person was already somewhat conservative to start. Maybe they were apolitical. But at one point or another, they sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person — someone difficult, if not impossible, to spend time with. The fallout led to failed marriages and estranged parental relationships. For at least one person, it marks the final memory he’ll ever have of his father: “When I found my dad dead in his armchair, fucking Fox News was on the TV,” this reader told me. “It’s likely the last thing he saw. I hate what that channel and conservative talk radio did to my funny, compassionate dad. He spent the last years of his life increasingly angry, bigoted, and paranoid.”


Dozens who responded to my piece talked about the sad lonely twilight of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives, having been spurned by, or having disowned much of their families over political disagreements. Older people, recent studies have shown, are much more likely to share misleading information online, but the anecdotes I was hearing seemed to indicate this behavior wasn’t limited to the internet. Young parents wrote that they don’t want to bring their children to visit aging Fox-brainers. “The worst is when my children go to spend time with their grandparents and come home with Fox News talking points coming out of their mouths,” one told me. “I have to decontaminate them every time.”


Another person told me that Rush Limbaugh sent his father on the path to isolation before eventually mainlining Fox News on a regular basis. Eventually, out of the blue, his mother filed for divorce. “He was crushed, couldn’t understand why, and took comfort in drinking while watching his friends on TV. She is happier than I have ever seen her and he is sad and angry living in the basement of a rented house, still watching The Five, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, etc.”


A lot of the stories echoed that turning point. There was something about Obama that seemed to make a lot of previously apolitical or moderate family members lose their minds. Gosh — what could it have possibly been?

The entire article: What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News

It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.

Wow. When you have to justify people disagreeing with you to some boogeyman brainwashing, it just shows how either 1)shallow you are, or 2) how weak your mental support for your own views are.

The person who wrote this should look in the mirror, I would bet dollars to donuts it's their own inability to interact with people not as orthodox as they are that caused the splits, not Fox News.

But if it takes a boogeyman to help them ignore their own insecurities and issues, then so be it.

Yes, shoot the messenger. That’s what Fox News tells you. Everyone is lying, but them.

Every survey ever conducted has shown that FOX News viewers have little to no idea of what current events have occurred, and what knowledge they do have, is wrong. FOX viewers know less than viewers of satirical comedy news shows.

A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'

Of course no one on FOX will share these little nuggets with you fools.
An essay by writer Luke O'Neil that expounds on the recent phenomenon of FOXNEWS radicalizing it's viewers.

From the article...

No matter where the stories came from they all featured a few familiar beats: A loved one seemed to have changed over time. Maybe that person was already somewhat conservative to start. Maybe they were apolitical. But at one point or another, they sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person — someone difficult, if not impossible, to spend time with. The fallout led to failed marriages and estranged parental relationships. For at least one person, it marks the final memory he’ll ever have of his father: “When I found my dad dead in his armchair, fucking Fox News was on the TV,” this reader told me. “It’s likely the last thing he saw. I hate what that channel and conservative talk radio did to my funny, compassionate dad. He spent the last years of his life increasingly angry, bigoted, and paranoid.”


Dozens who responded to my piece talked about the sad lonely twilight of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives, having been spurned by, or having disowned much of their families over political disagreements. Older people, recent studies have shown, are much more likely to share misleading information online, but the anecdotes I was hearing seemed to indicate this behavior wasn’t limited to the internet. Young parents wrote that they don’t want to bring their children to visit aging Fox-brainers. “The worst is when my children go to spend time with their grandparents and come home with Fox News talking points coming out of their mouths,” one told me. “I have to decontaminate them every time.”


Another person told me that Rush Limbaugh sent his father on the path to isolation before eventually mainlining Fox News on a regular basis. Eventually, out of the blue, his mother filed for divorce. “He was crushed, couldn’t understand why, and took comfort in drinking while watching his friends on TV. She is happier than I have ever seen her and he is sad and angry living in the basement of a rented house, still watching The Five, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, etc.”


A lot of the stories echoed that turning point. There was something about Obama that seemed to make a lot of previously apolitical or moderate family members lose their minds. Gosh — what could it have possibly been?

The entire article: What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News

It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.

Mr. Fake Negro, had Hillary won, would Fox News even be on the airwaves?
An essay by writer Luke O'Neil that expounds on the recent phenomenon of FOXNEWS radicalizing it's viewers.

From the article...

No matter where the stories came from they all featured a few familiar beats: A loved one seemed to have changed over time. Maybe that person was already somewhat conservative to start. Maybe they were apolitical. But at one point or another, they sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person — someone difficult, if not impossible, to spend time with. The fallout led to failed marriages and estranged parental relationships. For at least one person, it marks the final memory he’ll ever have of his father: “When I found my dad dead in his armchair, fucking Fox News was on the TV,” this reader told me. “It’s likely the last thing he saw. I hate what that channel and conservative talk radio did to my funny, compassionate dad. He spent the last years of his life increasingly angry, bigoted, and paranoid.”


Dozens who responded to my piece talked about the sad lonely twilight of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives, having been spurned by, or having disowned much of their families over political disagreements. Older people, recent studies have shown, are much more likely to share misleading information online, but the anecdotes I was hearing seemed to indicate this behavior wasn’t limited to the internet. Young parents wrote that they don’t want to bring their children to visit aging Fox-brainers. “The worst is when my children go to spend time with their grandparents and come home with Fox News talking points coming out of their mouths,” one told me. “I have to decontaminate them every time.”


Another person told me that Rush Limbaugh sent his father on the path to isolation before eventually mainlining Fox News on a regular basis. Eventually, out of the blue, his mother filed for divorce. “He was crushed, couldn’t understand why, and took comfort in drinking while watching his friends on TV. She is happier than I have ever seen her and he is sad and angry living in the basement of a rented house, still watching The Five, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, etc.”


A lot of the stories echoed that turning point. There was something about Obama that seemed to make a lot of previously apolitical or moderate family members lose their minds. Gosh — what could it have possibly been?

The entire article: What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News

It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.

Wow. When you have to justify people disagreeing with you to some boogeyman brainwashing, it just shows how either 1)shallow you are, or 2) how weak your mental support for your own views are.

The person who wrote this should look in the mirror, I would bet dollars to donuts it's their own inability to interact with people not as orthodox as they are that caused the splits, not Fox News.

But if it takes a boogeyman to help them ignore their own insecurities and issues, then so be it.

Yes, shoot the messenger. That’s what Fox News tells you. Everyone is lying, but them.

Every survey ever conducted has shown that FOX News viewers have little to no idea of what current events have occurred, and what knowledge they do have, is wrong. FOX viewers know less than viewers of satirical comedy news shows.

A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'

Of course no one on FOX will share these little nuggets with you fools.
People on Fox News lie all the time Marie Harf just said peope are fleeing Latin countries because of climate change lol hahahahab
An essay by writer Luke O'Neil that expounds on the recent phenomenon of FOXNEWS radicalizing it's viewers.

From the article...

No matter where the stories came from they all featured a few familiar beats: A loved one seemed to have changed over time. Maybe that person was already somewhat conservative to start. Maybe they were apolitical. But at one point or another, they sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person — someone difficult, if not impossible, to spend time with. The fallout led to failed marriages and estranged parental relationships. For at least one person, it marks the final memory he’ll ever have of his father: “When I found my dad dead in his armchair, fucking Fox News was on the TV,” this reader told me. “It’s likely the last thing he saw. I hate what that channel and conservative talk radio did to my funny, compassionate dad. He spent the last years of his life increasingly angry, bigoted, and paranoid.”


Dozens who responded to my piece talked about the sad lonely twilight of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives, having been spurned by, or having disowned much of their families over political disagreements. Older people, recent studies have shown, are much more likely to share misleading information online, but the anecdotes I was hearing seemed to indicate this behavior wasn’t limited to the internet. Young parents wrote that they don’t want to bring their children to visit aging Fox-brainers. “The worst is when my children go to spend time with their grandparents and come home with Fox News talking points coming out of their mouths,” one told me. “I have to decontaminate them every time.”


Another person told me that Rush Limbaugh sent his father on the path to isolation before eventually mainlining Fox News on a regular basis. Eventually, out of the blue, his mother filed for divorce. “He was crushed, couldn’t understand why, and took comfort in drinking while watching his friends on TV. She is happier than I have ever seen her and he is sad and angry living in the basement of a rented house, still watching The Five, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, etc.”


A lot of the stories echoed that turning point. There was something about Obama that seemed to make a lot of previously apolitical or moderate family members lose their minds. Gosh — what could it have possibly been?

The entire article: What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News

It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.

Wow. When you have to justify people disagreeing with you to some boogeyman brainwashing, it just shows how either 1)shallow you are, or 2) how weak your mental support for your own views are.

The person who wrote this should look in the mirror, I would bet dollars to donuts it's their own inability to interact with people not as orthodox as they are that caused the splits, not Fox News.

But if it takes a boogeyman to help them ignore their own insecurities and issues, then so be it.

Yes, shoot the messenger. That’s what Fox News tells you. Everyone is lying, but them.

Every survey ever conducted has shown that FOX News viewers have little to no idea of what current events have occurred, and what knowledge they do have, is wrong. FOX viewers know less than viewers of satirical comedy news shows.

A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'

Of course no one on FOX will share these little nuggets with you fools.

That would apply if I actually watched fox news. or went to their website.

And when it comes to those surveys, even your article link implies correlation doesn't equal causation.

But as usual, prog twats like you need to feel smarter than people you disagree with to pump up your own dried up egos.

Sad and pathetic.
It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.

It's a prion disease - akin to mad cow - that eats brains. You can gather first rate evidence on here every day. The most relevant part of the syndrome - second only to increasingly failing reasoning capacity - is anosognosia, the complete absence of insight into their condition, which renders the condition beyond remedy. They actually think they "found" something on Fox / Breitbart / InfoWars / etc. that confirms what their rotting brains had been fantasizing about for months or years, and their racism and paranoia work as receptors clinging to the bits of propaganda like nothing anyone has seen before. Then, they actually believe they learned and "know" something, and actually confuse the turds falling out of their mouth with "facts".

It's unsightly.

Anytime I read "news" stories, regardless of the source, I check with other outlets before I conclude the story's accuracy.
An essay by writer Luke O'Neil that expounds on the recent phenomenon of FOXNEWS radicalizing it's viewers.

From the article...

No matter where the stories came from they all featured a few familiar beats: A loved one seemed to have changed over time. Maybe that person was already somewhat conservative to start. Maybe they were apolitical. But at one point or another, they sat down in front of Fox News, found some kind of deep, addictive comfort in the anger and paranoia, and became a different person — someone difficult, if not impossible, to spend time with. The fallout led to failed marriages and estranged parental relationships. For at least one person, it marks the final memory he’ll ever have of his father: “When I found my dad dead in his armchair, fucking Fox News was on the TV,” this reader told me. “It’s likely the last thing he saw. I hate what that channel and conservative talk radio did to my funny, compassionate dad. He spent the last years of his life increasingly angry, bigoted, and paranoid.”


Dozens who responded to my piece talked about the sad lonely twilight of their parents’ or grandparents’ lives, having been spurned by, or having disowned much of their families over political disagreements. Older people, recent studies have shown, are much more likely to share misleading information online, but the anecdotes I was hearing seemed to indicate this behavior wasn’t limited to the internet. Young parents wrote that they don’t want to bring their children to visit aging Fox-brainers. “The worst is when my children go to spend time with their grandparents and come home with Fox News talking points coming out of their mouths,” one told me. “I have to decontaminate them every time.”


Another person told me that Rush Limbaugh sent his father on the path to isolation before eventually mainlining Fox News on a regular basis. Eventually, out of the blue, his mother filed for divorce. “He was crushed, couldn’t understand why, and took comfort in drinking while watching his friends on TV. She is happier than I have ever seen her and he is sad and angry living in the basement of a rented house, still watching The Five, Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro, etc.”


A lot of the stories echoed that turning point. There was something about Obama that seemed to make a lot of previously apolitical or moderate family members lose their minds. Gosh — what could it have possibly been?

The entire article: What I’ve Learned From People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News

It seems that practically all the USMB self-professed Conservatives and Republicans are already radicalized, and have been for some time now, however, how many of the rest of you have or are experiencing anything like this w/your loved ones?

That would be interesting to know.
What a bunch of retarded nonsense.

Evil bad Fox news made Grandpa cranky...waaaahhhhh.

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