What is your definition of a peoples' right to self-determination?

It's a simple matter of tribal rights. The Judaic people are native to the lands of Judea Samaria and Israel. The Invention, by an Egyptian of so called palestinians in 1967 does not supersede that fact. End of subject

All else is a spurious attempts to marginalize the tribal rights of the Judaic people

Judaic people are no more native to Palestine than Christian people. Judaism is a religion. An Inuit can practice Judaism or Christianity and would not be native to Palestine. Ancestors of the Palestinians have been native to Palestine since it was called Canaan. That their ancestors adopted different religions through the ages doesn't change who their ancestors were.

Except that their ancestors didn't just "adopt" different religions. Their ancestors were invaded, conquered, colonized. And current understanding of indigenous peoples follows the culture.
It's a simple matter of tribal rights. The Judaic people are native to the lands of Judea Samaria and Israel. The Invention, by an Egyptian of so called palestinians in 1967 does not supersede that fact. End of subject

All else is a spurious attempts to marginalize the tribal rights of the Judaic people

Judaic people are no more native to Palestine than Christian people. Judaism is a religion. An Inuit can practice Judaism or Christianity and would not be native to Palestine. Ancestors of the Palestinians have been native to Palestine since it was called Canaan. That their ancestors adopted different religions through the ages doesn't change who their ancestors were.

Except that their ancestors didn't just "adopt" different religions. Their ancestors were invaded, conquered, colonized. And current understanding of indigenous peoples follows the culture.

Their ancestors were the indigenous people. What are you talking about. Zionist myth.

"Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin
In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted
Why do the words "forcibly converted" confuse you? The indigenous peoples (the Jewish peoples) of that land were forcibly converted to another culture through invasion, conquest and colonization.

Why should an indigenous culture be denied self-determination in their own homeland as a direct result of being forcibly converted to another culture?

I allow that a conquering, invading, colonizing culture should have rights based on long residence. Why shouldn't the original, indigenous culture -- the ones who evaded forcible conversion -- not also have rights?
It's a simple matter of tribal rights. The Judaic people are native to the lands of Judea Samaria and Israel. The Invention, by an Egyptian of so called palestinians in 1967 does not supersede that fact. End of subject

All else is a spurious attempts to marginalize the tribal rights of the Judaic people

Judaic people are no more native to Palestine than Christian people. Judaism is a religion. An Inuit can practice Judaism or Christianity and would not be native to Palestine. Ancestors of the Palestinians have been native to Palestine since it was called Canaan. That their ancestors adopted different religions through the ages doesn't change who their ancestors were.
Wrong as usual MOST of the Arabs in Palestine came from the neighboring areas and were NOT native to the empty desert.

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