Debate Now What is worse for America, an openly hostile threat like China, or U.S "allies"?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I believe in the short term it is China. In the long term however, allied nations who smile in the face of the U.S and to which some American government officials and agencies foolishly look to emulate, it is the wolf in sheeps clothing that is a major threat to the U.S. Not just National Security and economic and social exploitation of the U.S, but in fact, the very fiber of what America is represented by as a nation of individualism, Due Process, Rule of Law, etc.
I believe in the short term it is China. In the long term however, allied nations who smile in the face of the U.S and to which some American government officials and agencies foolishly look to emulate, it is the wolf in sheeps clothing that is a major threat to the U.S. Not just National Security and economic and social exploitation of the U.S, but in fact, the very fiber of what America is represented by as a nation of individualism, Due Process, Rule of Law, etc.
"government officials foolishly look to emulate" what? Are you talking about single payer healthcare? Gun control?

I certainly can't think of any examples of our allies trying to undermine our rule of law. You need to give us some specifics here.
I believe in the short term it is China. In the long term however, allied nations who smile in the face of the U.S and to which some American government officials and agencies foolishly look to emulate, it is the wolf in sheeps clothing that is a major threat to the U.S. Not just National Security and economic and social exploitation of the U.S, but in fact, the very fiber of what America is represented by as a nation of individualism, Due Process, Rule of Law, etc.
"government officials foolishly look to emulate" what? Are you talking about single payer healthcare? Gun control?

I certainly can't think of any examples of our allies trying to undermine our rule of law. You need to give us some specifics here.

Yes, healthcare, gun control (there is a proposal being put forward by one of our provinces for a total ban to all guns btw) and your police agencies to a worrying and increasing level.

The entire "cross border" relationship, has to be put into the perspective that Canada is a socialist country, a monarchy satellite. What is true, fair, honest and transparent in America is NOT in Canada. Sadly, and I say this knowing the close relationship the NYPD and TPS have for instance, America is doing harm to itself, and far too many Americans don't understand this. Most dangerously so, the very U.S agencies embarking in these cross border exchanges. Do you think the RCMP or OPP have much in common with the FBI or sate police agencies? If we did, we wouldn't be low performing Canada, we would be booming, liberty loving America. Understand?

When you think of "socialist" places in America, what places do you think of? Then ask yourself, what countries do these locations have closest relationships with. Look at the differences between how certain states and cities operate based on their trade relationship and interactions with Canada, for example.
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The biggest threat to our country is the Democratic Party. They have gone full boat Socialist. They have corrupted or otherwise rendered useless the Media and the DOJ. And now they directly threaten the foundation of our justice system by using unproven accusations as a weapon to bring down a SCOTUS nominee. Today it's Brett Kavanaugh, tomorrow it can be WHOMEVER THEY WANT.
The biggest threat to our country is the Democratic Party. They have gone full boat Socialist. They have corrupted or otherwise rendered useless the Media and the DOJ. And now they directly threaten the foundation of our justice system by using unproven accusations as a weapon to bring down a SCOTUS nominee. Today it's Brett Kavanaugh, tomorrow it can be WHOMEVER THEY WANT.
I think there's a Democrat behind you RIGHT NOW!!! :eek:

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