I have noticed that the majority of posts on this site are primarily reproduction of what others have said with little or no original content by the OP. Are we losing the ability to think for ourselves, or have we merely chosen which teams we support and act as their cheerleaders?
Personally, I assign little credibility to "facts" reported on the 24/7 news cycle and even less to their "analysis" by talking heads and measly scriveners. I appreciate different points of view on these forums, as long as they represent sincerely held opinions, but merely repeating the words of others tends to stifle honest debate. Could we please have more of the former and less of the latter?
Personally, I assign little credibility to "facts" reported on the 24/7 news cycle and even less to their "analysis" by talking heads and measly scriveners. I appreciate different points of view on these forums, as long as they represent sincerely held opinions, but merely repeating the words of others tends to stifle honest debate. Could we please have more of the former and less of the latter?