What is Trump so afraid of?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

He is obviously petrified that documents may be made public that tie him firmly to the January 6th Insurrection that he approved and blessed (Go home, we love you, you're very special, remember this day forever.)

If, as he and his Cult members claim, he is innocent of any wrong doing, he should welcome the release of documents that would show his innocence. Common sense tells us that he has a lot to hide! Bigly!!!

He is obviously petrified that documents may be made public that tie him firmly to the January 6th Insurrection that he approved and blessed (Go home, we love you, you're very special, remember this day forever.)

If, as he and his Cult members claim, he is innocent of any wrong doing, he should welcome the release of documents that would show his innocence. Common sense tells us that he has a lot to hide! Bigly!!!
Always Trump with you, while your country is being sold to China, Citizens left for dead in Afghanistan, diseased illegals coming across our southern border, high gas and food prices, and all you can do is bitch about a guy who has been falsely removed from office, and put a dumbass like Joe in. Your guy must really suck balls if you still have to harp on someone not in office...


He is obviously petrified that documents may be made public that tie him firmly to the January 6th Insurrection that he approved and blessed (Go home, we love you, you're very special, remember this day forever.)

If, as he and his Cult members claim, he is innocent of any wrong doing, he should welcome the release of documents that would show his innocence. Common sense tells us that he has a lot to hide! Bigly!!!
He's afraid of exposure. Then everyone will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he's a whiney little bitch loser who lies like a cheap rug because he's such a fuckin' snowflake that he can't handle the truth.

He is obviously petrified that documents may be made public that tie him firmly to the January 6th Insurrection that he approved and blessed (Go home, we love you, you're very special, remember this day forever.)

If, as he and his Cult members claim, he is innocent of any wrong doing, he should welcome the release of documents that would show his innocence. Common sense tells us that he has a lot to hide! Bigly!!!
Cooperate as much as democrats cooperated with him. Fuck off.

He is obviously petrified that documents may be made public that tie him firmly to the January 6th Insurrection that he approved and blessed (Go home, we love you, you're very special, remember this day forever.)

If, as he and his Cult members claim, he is innocent of any wrong doing, he should welcome the release of documents that would show his innocence. Common sense tells us that he has a lot to hide! Bigly!!!

He is obviously petrified that documents may be made public that tie him firmly to the January 6th Insurrection that he approved and blessed (Go home, we love you, you're very special, remember this day forever.)

If, as he and his Cult members claim, he is innocent of any wrong doing, he should welcome the release of documents that would show his innocence. Common sense tells us that he has a lot to hide! Bigly!!!
how much dope did hunter give to poor old addled joe
If, as he and his Cult members claim, he is innocent of any wrong doing, he should welcome the release of documents that would show his innocence. Common sense tells us that he has a lot to hide! Bigly!!!
We know the reason Trump didn't want to release his income taxes. And why he fought so hard to keep them secret. I suspect the same applies here.
Funny how the left wants to focus on Trump and an incident that happend over nine months ago rather than the current President and the job he is doing.
That's because, according to Trump, we are talking about the current legitimate president.

He is obviously petrified that documents may be made public that tie him firmly to the January 6th Insurrection that he approved and blessed (Go home, we love you, you're very special, remember this day forever.)

If, as he and his Cult members claim, he is innocent of any wrong doing, he should welcome the release of documents that would show his innocence. Common sense tells us that he has a lot to hide! Bigly!!!
I agree...except this is politics, and that means that since the left is in charge of this investigation, they will release only any documents that damage Trump and suppress any that help him.

If we knew for a fact that ALL documents would be released, I'd agree, but you can be certain dems won't release anything that disproves their investigation.
I agree...except this is politics, and that means that since the left is in charge of this investigation, they will release only any documents that damage Trump and suppress any that help him.

If we knew for a fact that ALL documents would be released, I'd agree, but you can be certain dems won't release anything that disproves their investigation.
So there's likely evidence that shows he's guilty.. and then there's more that argues he didn't do it after all?
So there's likely evidence that shows he's guilty.. and then there's more that argues he didn't do it after all?
I've no idea, up til now it's all been accusations and speculations, but in releasing documents, you can selectively release documents with improper context and make anyone look guilty. I'm all for releasing the documents, as long as we can be 100% sure that ALL of them are released, not just the ones the left wants you to see.

Release them all and let the chips fall where they may. If someone is found guilty, then they should face consequence.

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