What is the Republican solution to stagnant wages in the face of increasing corporate profits?

Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

What data and analysis are you pointing to back up you claim that increased regulations “have an insignificant effect” on profits, wages, and job growth? I’ve seen some specious claims on this board but this one really stands out. This sounds like a claim from Liberal pundit that has never held a profit and loss role or revenue growth role.
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

It's sad, really, that you have to play "let's pretend" in order to bash Republicans. They're not in charge, the economy is squarely on the shoulders of democrats, and it's their actions that are going to either pull us out of the Biden doldrums or crash us head-on into disaster.

Let's ask the real question, what is the DEMOCRATS' plan for the economy?
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

When you say "let's pretend" that tells me you have no actual evidence. You're just trying to say you hate republicans and are making up stuff to support your biased and unfounded opinion piece.

And anything above minimum wage or entry level positions haven't stagnated at all. Someone who pours coffee at Starbucks or stocks shelves at Walmart shouldn't be paid skilled labor wages. If it's a job someone with no experience, and no work history can get hired for that job doesn't need wages they can support a family on.

You make real money by working your way up. Earning experience. Showing you have an aptitude, showing you have ambition, learning, showing your autonomous. Making good money is something you earn, it's not something you can show up with no resume and say "this is what I deserve".
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

Wages go up, cost of living goes up, so campaign for wages to go up, then cost of living goes up...........repeat for decades.
REAL Americans value freedom over either of those. And they don't hide behind walls. They welcome huddled masses yearning to breathe free. They aren't afraid of competition.
Hahaha…you silly globalist….I think you think Emma Lazarus, a shitty poet, wrote americas immigration policy right over the top of our Declaration Of Independence.
You are partly right….Americans do value AMERICANS freedom, they don’t value Mexico‘s freedom to fuck over Americans.
Real Americans believe in borders and sovereignty…..sorry Gustavo.
The man that came close to tripling the national debt did not really want a balanced budget Amendment, it was just talk

Term limits also would not help as long as people kept voting for the same two parties
Barry Hussein added almost as much in one year compared to Reagan's 8 years.

And Reagan was serious about a balanced budget amendment, but he never had a Republican Congress his entire 2 terms. He had to deal with the snake Tip O'Neill.
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

More tax-breaks for the rich, of course... doesn't that fix everything? :laugh: :cuckoo:
Tax breaks for the rich worked out great since most working people got them too. How did paying people more money to stay home than get a job work out for us?
That logic doesn’t make any sense. They wouldn’t be proof of working if the middle class and poor got cuts. Of course, the only thing that the poor and middle class get from republicans is temporary cuts. The tax law of 2018 made sure that those cuts expire in 2025. The wealthy though? That was permanent.
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

Profitable companies have funds to hire more workers and expand. This increasing demand for labor naturally raises wages to be commensurate with market conditions.

The converse is also true.

I'll tell you what, 3% raises with 2% inflation is much better for workers than 5% raises with 8% inflation.
That logic doesn’t make any sense. They wouldn’t be proof of working if the middle class and poor got cuts. Of course, the only thing that the poor and middle class get from republicans is temporary cuts. The tax law of 2018 made sure that those cuts expire in 2025. The wealthy though? That was permanent.

Nothing permanent about them. Every administration decides their own policies. So where is this new national MW of $15.00 an hour at? Where are those tax increases on our job creators at?

Your politicians play their follower like a fiddle. They tell you what you want to hear and you ask no questions. They know damn well what would happen to our economy if they had an increase in MW and tax hikes. We've been experiencing a similar outcome since industry had to compete with government to get workers. 8.5% inflation, the highest it's been in 40 years.
Profitable companies have funds to hire more workers and expand. This increasing demand for labor naturally raises wages to be commensurate with market conditions.

The converse is also true.

I'll tell you what, 3% raises with 2% inflation is much better for workers than 5% raises with 8% inflation.
Corporate profits are at an all high either way. When corporations decide a base wage they ask “how low can we make this wage while still getting enough people to apply for it?”

That’s how it has always been.
Corporate profits are at an all high either way. When corporations decide a base wage they ask “how low can we make this wage while still getting enough people to apply for it?”

That’s how it has always been.
Hey Billy000 your Dimwinger party controls the House, Senate and White House.

Show us WTF they have done for stagnant wages, other then make them worse.

What is the Republican solution to stagnant wages in the face of increasing corporate profits?​

The Republican plan for ANY issue is... nothing.

Well, that's not entirely accurate. Their plan is to bitch and whine about anyone else's solutions to our nation's problems.

They have ZERO ideas of their own. They are mentally, spiritually, and philosophically bankrupt.
The Republican plan for ANY issue is... nothing.

Well, that's not entirely accurate. Their plan is to bitch and whine about anyone else's solutions to our nation's problems.

They have ZERO ideas of their own. They are mentally, spiritually, and philosophically bankrupt.
What is your party's plan for wage stagnation g5000

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