What is the opposite of wisdom?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019

Hatred is a frequent byproduct of atheism. Look at abuafreak, probably the most hateful poster at USMB, with his or her transcofreak, Hollie.
Always bitter, always hostile.

Oh but they pretend to be so very *smart*. If THAT is what *smart* is, you don't want any part of it.

Intellect has little to do with wisdom. Seek wisdom, which God's Word provides.

Dawkins hater.jpg

Hatred is a frequent byproduct of atheism. Look at abuafreak, probably the most hateful poster at USMB, with his or her transcofreak, Hollie.
Always bitter, always hostile.

Oh but they pretend to be so very *smart*. If THAT is what *smart* is, you don't want any part of it.

Intellect has little to do with wisdom. Seek wisdom, which God's Word provides.

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I dunno.

Christians are commanded to hate evil and wickedness.

According to the Bible, wisdom begins with the fear of God, and the fear of God is to hate sin, realizing its destructive capacity for all, including those who may be innocent.

So hate and intolerance is a good thing so long as it is directed towards evil.

Just look at how permissive and tolerant society is with such things and what it has led too.
Religious wisdom is only of value to those who buy into a particular belief system. Real wisdom is that which allows you to see where you are not yet wise.
Religious wisdom is only of value to those who buy into a particular belief system. Real wisdom is that which allows you to see where you are not yet wise.
Wisdom allows someone to use their knowledge for good.

Knowledge without wisdom brings death because you are empowering someone who is wicked to inflict great harm within society.

That is the message in Genesis, with Adam and Eve partaking from the tree of knowledge but apart from the wisdom of God.
Wisdom allows someone to use their knowledge for good.

Knowledge without wisdom brings death because you are empowering someone who is wicked to inflict great harm within society.

That is the message in Genesis, with Adam and Eve partaking from the tree of knowledge but apart from the wisdom of God.
Separating the world into good and evil with no ambiguity is folly, the actual opposite of wisdom.
The wisdom of the Proverbs are beneficial even to unbelievers.
There are certain nearly universal components to morality. The bible would only be three pages long if that was what religious people found important. Instead we have an unreadable brick full of moral escape hatches and a thousand denominations and cults all thinking they are favored in the sight of God.
Separating the world into good and evil with no ambiguity is folly, the actual opposite of wisdom.
After wondering what Woodnutz thought was "a fair observation" from a Far Leftist on my Ignore List, I clicked to see this "fair observation." It is anything but that.

Lefty cannot begin to explain any "ambiguity" between the love and compassion expressed by Mother Theresa as contrasted with the evil of Vladimir Putin. occupied's nonsense is the opposite of wisdom, clearly.
There are certain nearly universal components to morality. The bible would only be three pages long if that was what religious people found important. Instead we have an unreadable brick full of moral escape hatches and a thousand denominations and cults all thinking they are favored in the sight of God.

Why don't you follow the lead of atheist Ernest Hemingway then.
"Every thinking man is an atheist," he said before putting the barrel of his shotgun inside his mouth and blowing his atheist brains out. We have too many people on earth so ease the excess you Leftists always crow about.

Hatred is a frequent byproduct of atheism. Look at abuafreak, probably the most hateful poster at USMB, with his or her transcofreak, Hollie.
Always bitter, always hostile.

Oh but they pretend to be so very *smart*. If THAT is what *smart* is, you don't want any part of it.

Intellect has little to do with wisdom. Seek wisdom, which God's Word provides.

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Hatred is usually a product of ignorance, shame and envy... Have you ever been employed as a chemical engineer? You seem so preoccupied with putting people down with your religious superiority.
Why don't you follow the lead of atheist Ernest Hemingway then.
"Every thinking man is an atheist," he said before putting the barrel of his shotgun inside his mouth and blowing his atheist brains out. We have too many people on earth so ease the excess you Leftists always crow about.
You seem to have never heard of Jesus or his teachings. Did you just pick a religion out of a hat?
Why don't you follow the lead of atheist Ernest Hemingway then.
"Every thinking man is an atheist," he said before putting the barrel of his shotgun inside his mouth and blowing his atheist brains out. We have too many people on earth so ease the excess you Leftists always crow about.

Shame on you for mocking another man's pain. You're pretty disgusting. Your righteousness won't save you.
You seem to have never heard of Jesus or his teachings. Did you just pick a religion out of a hat?

Like scores of other atheists and Leftists on my Ignore List, you never post anything without subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge. At that, you are exceedingly adept.

Jesus whipped the money changers in the Temple.
Jesus said "I and my Father are one." (roughly. I won't look up the precise wording)
God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah over their sinfulness, most particularly their homosexual lusts, men for men.

You need to read books of wisdom, such as The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell.

Now this from your fellow atheist surada:

"Shame on you for mocking another man's pain. You're pretty disgusting. Your righteousness won't save you."

No Christian ever makes such an ignorant statement as you just did, feigning some kind of condescension based on your own feelings of superiority.

Christians universally confess that our salvation is based on forgiveness of all our sins by Jesus Christ. He paid for them with His Own Life.

Moreover, you atheists create your own pain and suffering, WHILE you mock Christians relentlessly for being:
1. Stupid
2. Ignorant
3. Anti-science
4. Sinful, and on and on and on. Your mocking is just fine. Our mocking you quite justifiably is upsetting to your indelicate non-sensibilities.

Class is over for you two and your hack atheist pals. Try to think things through before you mouth off yet again, hmmm? Many of us Christians are warriors. You obviously can't stand that, can you pumpkin.

"Christianity is a fighting religion." - C.S. Lewis, former atheist and distinguished professor, author of Mere Christianity

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