What is the deal with Oliver North?

"No longer lean. No longer mean. But still a Marine"
"No better friend. No worse enemy"
During their fighting retreat back from the frozen Chosun Reservoir in Korea, the Marines dragged the bodies of their dead comrades out behind them on sleds.
Before Obama can seize control of the United States Government and overturn the Constitution, he will have to find a way to disband the Marine Corps.
Don't knock Ollie.

oohrah, no truer words have been written here in many moons


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Who knew that enlistment in the Marines confers instant revocation of sins and crimes?

That's probably why judges used to give convicted felons the choice of enlistment or prison.
Ronald Reagan had to deal with the mess that the Carter Administration had created.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iar_1OKOmc"]The Man Who Changed The World - P1/6[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxetu3PORCs&feature=relmfu"]The Man Who Changed The World - P2/6[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC4peQcGKQc"]The Man Who Changed The World - P3/6[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peZHwm7tm3E&feature=relmfu"]The Man Who Changed The World - P4/6[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H-yQoo-i5Y&feature=relmfu"]The Man Who Changed The World - P5/6[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apcE9-AC3IM&feature=relmfu"]The Man Who Changed The World - P6/6[/ame]
So Reagan's "solution" involved selling weapons to Iran, breaking the law and lying about it? What a swell guy! Sounds like the kind of guy any bone-head Conservative would admire.
He refused to tell Congress anything before the Congressional hearing and when he was questioned he made the democrats look like fools. The only law he broke was accepting a security system for his home.

Right right, except for his role in breaking the laws against arming the Contra Rebels. Except for his role in allowing the CIA to run huge amount of cocaine into the country to fund the Contras. Exept for his role in selling the Iranians missiles in exchange for help with the hostage situtation in Lebanon. Except for his role is diverting the profits from those illegal weapon sales to Iran to the Contra Rebels, again illegal.

Except for that he didn't break any other laws.......
MSNBC Morning Joe anchor Mika Brzezinski's father Zbigniew Brzezinski was National Security Advisor to President Carter. He is the one who made the arms for hostage deal with Iran. Reagan was stuck with carrying the plan out.

This was President Carter's Politics Of Revenge against Ayatollah Khomeini who lead to his electorial defeat. Carters change in the U.S. attitude toward Iraq was warmly welcomed in Baghdad. Saddam Hussein had an old score to settle with the Iranians over his southern border. Saddam was lead to believe by Brzezinski that his role as a counter to radical fundamentalist Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran would boost the United States acknowledgment of him as head of the Arab world.

Saddam Hussein made a visit to Amman in 1979, before the Iran–Iraq War, where he met with King Hussein and three agents of the Central Intelligence Agency. Records have American officials meeting only with King Hussein on precisely the same date, noting this "top-secret negotiating session was Brzezinski's idea." Brzezinski was "letting Saddam assume there was a U.S. green light for his invasion of Iran, because there was no explicit red light."

The U.S. acted in an attempt to prevent the confrontation from widening. As a result, the U.S. reacted to Soviet troop movements on the border of Iran by informing the Soviet Union that they would defend Iran in the event of Soviet invasion. The U.S. also acted to defend Saudi Arabia, and lobbied the surrounding states not to become involved in the war. Brzezinski characterizes this recognition of the Middle East as a vital strategic region on a par with Western Europe and the Far East as a fundamental shift in U.S. strategic policy. Carter used the Iran–Iraq War as leverage with which to resolve the Iranian Hostage Crisis. The Carter administration used both "carrots," by agreeing to supply military weapons to Iran upon release of the hostages, and "sticks," by discouraging Israeli military assistance to Iran and suggesting that they might offer military assistance to Iraq if the Iranians did not release the hostages.

The particular hostages in the Iran/Contra affair were in Lebanon. Not the ones taken in the Iranian revolution. But you are correct it was President Carter who negociated their release in 1980.
Back when Iran/Contra was in the news, I didn't pay as much attention to politics as I do now. I remember thinking that Col. North lied to Congress, and there was some question about wether Reagan knew about what was happening in Nicaragua. At the time, even though I was a conservative back then, I believed, that he deserved punsihment for the lies. So now I find out that he is a hero of the neocons and he also has a radio talk show.

I am willing to be educated on this issue, so if you have strong opinions on Oliver North, good or bad, I would like to hear them. Please exoplain your opinion.


He refused to tell Congress anything before the Congressional hearing and when he was questioned he made the democrats look like fools. The only law he broke was accepting a security system for his home.

"He's a jackass. He is so preposterous that there is a temptation to laugh at him. He's smarmy, a flatter, a brown-noser. He's also a twisted impostor, a drugstore Marine with an apparent compulsion to bullshit just about all the time. But while he tries to fool people with his fantasies, he is also very easy to fool. He boasts that he was an can-do guy when he was in the White House, but the record spells no-can-do. North did terrible damage to the U.S. until he was caught. One thread runs through his performance--getting conned. The Iranians conned him, the contras conned him, the crooked arms dealers conned him and even Manuel Antonio Noriega conned him."

:clap2: . :clap2: . :clap2: . :clap2: . :clap2: . :clap2: . :clap2:
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Back when Iran/Contra was in the news, I didn't pay as much attention to politics as I do now. I remember thinking that Col. North lied to Congress, and there was some question about wether Reagan knew about what was happening in Nicaragua. At the time, even though I was a conservative back then, I believed, that he deserved punsihment for the lies. So now I find out that he is a hero of the neocons and he also has a radio talk show.

I am willing to be educated on this issue, so if you have strong opinions on Oliver North, good or bad, I would like to hear them. Please exoplain your opinion.


Ollie did indeed lie to congress and a good many other people. He was given immunity from prosecution for that very same congressional testimony. A disgrace to the uniform.

These types do have a tendency to become right wing heroes.

i.e. Murdoch-employees.
Back when Iran/Contra was in the news, I didn't pay as much attention to politics as I do now. I remember thinking that Col. North lied to Congress, and there was some question about wether Reagan knew about what was happening in Nicaragua. At the time, even though I was a conservative back then, I believed, that he deserved punsihment for the lies. So now I find out that he is a hero of the neocons and he also has a radio talk show.

I am willing to be educated on this issue, so if you have strong opinions on Oliver North, good or bad, I would like to hear them. Please exoplain your opinion.


As he should have like the real man he was...Ollie is a good man and took his lumps...he's a patriot as Reagan.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R67CH-qhXJs"]President Ronald Reagan - Address on Iran-Contra - YouTube[/ame]

....IF you spell "patriot".....

MSNBC Morning Joe anchor Mika Brzezinski's father Zbigniew Brzezinski was National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter. Carter & Brzezinski are the ones who made the arms for hostage deal with Iran. Reagan was stuck with carrying the plan out.
.....All prompted by alien-intervention....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfejBpD_wm4]Reagan Comments on ET Alien Threat - YouTube[/ame]

:eek: .
Back when Iran/Contra was in the news, I didn't pay as much attention to politics as I do now. I remember thinking that Col. North lied to Congress, and there was some question about wether Reagan knew about what was happening in Nicaragua. At the time, even though I was a conservative back then, I believed, that he deserved punsihment for the lies. So now I find out that he is a hero of the neocons and he also has a radio talk show.

I am willing to be educated on this issue, so if you have strong opinions on Oliver North, good or bad, I would like to hear them. Please exoplain your opinion.


The Right wing love for North has always been a puzzle to me. If you are to take the word of the hero of the conservative movement, President Reagan, who claimed that he knew nothing of North's actions, you have to believe that North betrayed not only his country by orchestrating the sale of arms to Iran (they're the bad guys), but he also betrayed Reagan's trust. If you assume that Reagan either authorized or was privy to North's activities, then you have to believe that Reagan looked into the camera while addressing the nation and lied to the American people on a matter of state which resulted in arming our enemies against US law and then siphoning off the profits (which was also illegal) to arm the contras (also illegal).
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Back when Iran/Contra was in the news, I didn't pay as much attention to politics as I do now. I remember thinking that Col. North lied to Congress, and there was some question about wether Reagan knew about what was happening in Nicaragua. At the time, even though I was a conservative back then, I believed, that he deserved punsihment for the lies. So now I find out that he is a hero of the neocons and he also has a radio talk show.

I am willing to be educated on this issue, so if you have strong opinions on Oliver North, good or bad, I would like to hear them. Please exoplain your opinion.


As he should have like the real man he was...Ollie is a good man and took his lumps...he's a patriot as Reagan.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R67CH-qhXJs"]President Ronald Reagan - Address on Iran-Contra - YouTube[/ame]
And you are as meathead as Dubya. Another murkin idiot in total denial.
Back when Iran/Contra was in the news, I didn't pay as much attention to politics as I do now. I remember thinking that Col. North lied to Congress, and there was some question about wether Reagan knew about what was happening in Nicaragua. At the time, even though I was a conservative back then, I believed, that he deserved punsihment for the lies. So now I find out that he is a hero of the neocons and he also has a radio talk show.

I am willing to be educated on this issue, so if you have strong opinions on Oliver North, good or bad, I would like to hear them. Please exoplain your opinion.


As he should have like the real man he was...Ollie is a good man and took his lumps...he's a patriot as Reagan.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R67CH-qhXJs"]President Ronald Reagan - Address on Iran-Contra - YouTube[/ame]
And you are as meathead as Dubya. Another murkin idiot in total denial.

Son? YOU and that Nazi Flag should depart this site.
So now I find out that he is a hero of the neocons…

That pretty much sums North up: Nixonian contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution, purveyor of the ‘Bush doctrine,’ ‘nation-building,’ illegal invasions, and the covert overthrow of ‘unfriendly’ governments; in essence everything that was wrong about American foreign policy for the last 60 years.
Ronald Reagan had to deal with the mess that the Carter Administration had created.
Yeah.....that's what happened.....

President Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski admits he made the arms for hostages deal with Iran. Zbigniew Brzezinski says that in his book & the video I posted "The Man Who Changed The World".

So now I find out that he is a hero of the neocons…

That pretty much sums North up: Nixonian contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution, purveyor of the ‘Bush doctrine,’ ‘nation-building,’ illegal invasions, and the covert overthrow of ‘unfriendly’ governments; in essence everything that was wrong about American foreign policy for the last 60 years.

....Plus or minus....

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