What is Not Told is Most Telling

So I gather this Pogo is every bit as stupid as she appears to be?

Why are you trying to make me female now? Doubling down on dishonest?

Poor baby. Busted on fallacies, falls to pieces. Pathetic.

You're still trying to avoid the thread's subject matter, Princess:

In the recent Gaza conflict, an Indian TV crew captured on tape the installation and execution of a Hamas rocket attack. It was located on the sidewalk outside their hotel room. The crew did not report the sordid affair live but quickly packed and left Gaza rather than expose themselves to what they surely believed to be their impending beheadings. The truth can be a vey painful thing in the Arab/Muslim World.

And now you're reposting your own failed OP expecting different results. And still with the female thing.

You're a loser. Ciao.

So after 7 pages you finally comment on the OP subject matter, deny it's validity and sign off? And you wonder why I believe you to be a 9 yr old girl?

No kidding! WTH was THAT all about? :rolleyes-41: The important thing is that these guys got them on film setting up for an attack in a populated civilian location.

Thing is, capturing that is tough enough but, generally speaking, foreign media is coerced or intimidated into reporting only Hamas's version of the news. Getting the truth out of the Arab/Muslim World is like pulling teeth from an angry hippo.

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