Western Colonialist Israel...


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
The right wing Israelis are dooming Israel to constant warfare with the Arab and greater Islamic World...She does this with the sheer greed trying to convince the World that her un-recognized annexations are Israel's security needs and thumbs its collective nose at the World and allies alike.

The Arab League tried to save its collective regimes from the festering of the Arab Masses held down by US Hegemony in the ME along with its client regime Israel..

The Arab Spring is an effort for the masses to be unchained from the last vestige of Western Colonialism, Israel...Now her former generals implore the politicians to accept the 67 borders in a peace plan, because they know that when the Arab Spring dust settles Israel will be in grave danger...

Israel ex-officers urge PM to make peace with Palestinians - Yahoo News
Jerusalem (AFP) - Over 100 former high-ranking Israeli army members, police officers and spy chiefs have called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to pursue peace with the Palestinians, media reported Monday.
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"We, the undersigned, reserve IDF (army) commanders and retired police officers, who have fought in Israel's military campaigns, know first-hand of the heavy and painful price exacted by wars," 105 signatories said in a joint letter addressed to Netanyahu.
Excerpts of the letter were published by Ynet news website.
It called on Netanyahu to embark on a "courageous initiative" and make peace with the Palestinians and other Arab states.
"We fought bravely for the country in the hope that our children would live here in peace, but we got a sharp reality check, and here we are again sending our children out onto the battlefield," it said.
"This is not a question of left or right. What we have here is an alternative option for resolving the conflict that is not based solely on bilateral negotiations with the Palestinians, which have failed time and again.
"We expect a show of courageous initiative and leadership from you. Lead -- and we will stand behind you," said the letter.
The website said the letter was the brainchild of major general Amnon Reshef, a former armoured corps commander.
Ynet said that Reshef was "sick and tired of a reality of rounds of fighting every few years instead of a genuine effort to adopt the Saudi initiative."
It was referring to the Arab Peace Initiative drawn up in 2002 by oil kingpin Saudi Arabia
, which called on Israel to withdraw from occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, in exchange for a normalisation of ties with Arab countries.
"Western Colonialiast (sic) Israel..."


Best learn how to spell 'colonialist' before you start accusing folks of being such, little Arab-loving buddy...

I'm sure that the Israelis are just a shakin'-in-their-booties over the Arab Spring...

Last edited:
"Western Colonialiast (sic) Israel..."


Best learn how to spell 'colonialist' before you start accusing folks of being such, little Arab-loving buddy...

I'm sure that the Israelis are just a shakin'-in-their-booties over the Arab Spring...

Oh, thank you three ply, so sweet of you to correct the spelling, now go tattle!
"Western Colonialiast (sic) Israel..."


Best learn how to spell 'colonialist' before you start accusing folks of being such, little Arab-loving buddy...

I'm sure that the Israelis are just a shakin'-in-their-booties over the Arab Spring...


Oh, thank you three ply, so sweet of you to correct the spelling, now go tattle!

It can be said that Islam is simply Arab imperialism and colonialism, under the guise of religion. All the countries the Arabs invaded, raped and looted serve as proof of that.
It can be said that Islam is simply Arab imperialism and colonialism, under the guise of religion. All the countries the Arabs invaded, raped and looted serve as proof of that.
Arab Imperialism vanished long ago, yet you are correct...The Arab Culture and language along with Islam is the glue that holds together the Arab Nation...After the Arab Spring revolutions are over their Islamist Politicians will again take over governing...You and I may see it as a threat, Islam is expanding and not contracting like Judaism and Christianity...The world is changing, Israel better deal with it, because she will be alone...

The Palestinian Israeli conflict is a result of Western Colonialism. The people in the ME see this clearly a Western Invasion....They will never let up the pressure on Israel unless she meets their demands for peace and recognition...

I don't get it? Why don't they accept recognized existence by their enemies and end this madness?
Why is it that Pallywood cultists all indulge in the same, exact pattern of behavior -- just string together a bunch of hackneyed buzz terms and meaningless platitudes and hope it sticks.

Could it be that the little darlings have never experienced so much as a single original thought on their own, and so need to borrow this specialized language crafted just for their little useful idiot selves?
It can be said that Islam is simply Arab imperialism and colonialism, under the guise of religion. All the countries the Arabs invaded, raped and looted serve as proof of that.
Arab Imperialism vanished long ago, yet you are correct...The Arab Culture and language along with Islam is the glue that holds together the Arab Nation...After the Arab Spring revolutions are over their Islamist Politicians will again take over governing...You and I may see it as a threat, Islam is expanding and not contracting like Judaism and Christianity...The world is changing, Israel better deal with it, because she will be alone...

The Palestinian Israeli conflict is a result of Western Colonialism. The people in the ME see this clearly a Western Invasion....They will never let up the pressure on Israel unless she meets their demands for peace and recognition...

I don't get it? Why don't they accept recognized existence by their enemies and end this madness?

You are totally wrong. Review history. Islam is just another name for Arab Imperialism. Each of the nations that Arabs invaded, raped, and looted like a pack of wild savages, they forced their religion down the people's throats, the language of the country became Arabic or Arabic based, and they forced barbaric Islamic Shariah law to become the law of the land. The history, culture, and achievements of the countries became secondary to Islam, and nationalism and patriotism was essentially wiped out. They became ONE PEOPLE, THE ARAB NATION, as they call themselves today, with very little distinction between each other.

The Arab Israeli conflict has always been about Muslim intolerance and violence towards others. It has never been about land. If Muslims ruled that land this conflict would be non existent as was the case when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza from 48 to 67. Nobody talked about a "Palestine". They just wanted to destroy the Jewish state. And they still do. This newly invented identity of Palestinian is just another excuse.

And as far as "Islam on the march". Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show for the next 60 years. These guys have been at each other's throats and slaughtering for centuries and will continue to do so.
Why is it that Pallywood cultists all indulge in the same, exact pattern of behavior -- just string together a bunch of hackneyed buzz terms and meaningless platitudes and hope it sticks.

Could it be that the little darlings have never experienced so much as a single original thought on their own, and so need to borrow this specialized language crafted just for their little useful idiot selves?

They wake up every morning wondering what fantasy scenario they can create in their minds in order to jerk off to the "imminent destruction of Israel". This jerking off and premature disappointment has been going on for the last 65 years.
It can be said that Islam is simply Arab imperialism and colonialism, under the guise of religion. All the countries the Arabs invaded, raped and looted serve as proof of that.
Arab Imperialism vanished long ago, yet you are correct...The Arab Culture and language along with Islam is the glue that holds together the Arab Nation...After the Arab Spring revolutions are over their Islamist Politicians will again take over governing...You and I may see it as a threat, Islam is expanding and not contracting like Judaism and Christianity...The world is changing, Israel better deal with it, because she will be alone...

The Palestinian Israeli conflict is a result of Western Colonialism. The people in the ME see this clearly a Western Invasion....They will never let up the pressure on Israel unless she meets their demands for peace and recognition...

I don't get it? Why don't they accept recognized existence by their enemies and end this madness?

You are totally wrong. Review history. Islam is just another name for Arab Imperialism. Each of the nations that Arabs invaded, raped, and looted like a pack of wild savages, they forced their religion down the people's throats, the language of the country became Arabic or Arabic based, and they forced barbaric Islamic Shariah law to become the law of the land. The history, culture, and achievements of the countries became secondary to Islam, and nationalism and patriotism was essentially wiped out. They became ONE PEOPLE, THE ARAB NATION, as they call themselves today, with very little distinction between each other.

The Arab Israeli conflict has always been about Muslim intolerance and violence towards others. It has never been about land. If Muslims ruled that land this conflict would be non existent as was the case when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza from 48 to 67. Nobody talked about a "Palestine". They just wanted to destroy the Jewish state. And they still do. This newly invented identity of Palestinian is just another excuse.

And as far as "Islam on the march". Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show for the next 60 years. These guys have been at each other's throats and slaughtering for centuries and will continue to do so.
This is about Land not Religion...Jews have coexisted with Islam from its early beginnings...

Read your History!
"Western Colonialiast (sic) Israel..."


Best learn how to spell 'colonialist' before you start accusing folks of being such, little Arab-loving buddy...

I'm sure that the Israelis are just a shakin'-in-their-booties over the Arab Spring...

Oh, thank you three ply, so sweet of you to correct the spelling, now go tattle!

That is what they do when they can't refute what you wrote, they check your spelling for typing errors. :rolleyes:
It can be said that Islam is simply Arab imperialism and colonialism, under the guise of religion. All the countries the Arabs invaded, raped and looted serve as proof of that.
Arab Imperialism vanished long ago, yet you are correct...The Arab Culture and language along with Islam is the glue that holds together the Arab Nation...After the Arab Spring revolutions are over their Islamist Politicians will again take over governing...You and I may see it as a threat, Islam is expanding and not contracting like Judaism and Christianity...The world is changing, Israel better deal with it, because she will be alone...

The Palestinian Israeli conflict is a result of Western Colonialism. The people in the ME see this clearly a Western Invasion....They will never let up the pressure on Israel unless she meets their demands for peace and recognition...

I don't get it? Why don't they accept recognized existence by their enemies and end this madness?

You are totally wrong. Review history. Islam is just another name for Arab Imperialism. Each of the nations that Arabs invaded, raped, and looted like a pack of wild savages, they forced their religion down the people's throats, the language of the country became Arabic or Arabic based, and they forced barbaric Islamic Shariah law to become the law of the land. The history, culture, and achievements of the countries became secondary to Islam, and nationalism and patriotism was essentially wiped out. They became ONE PEOPLE, THE ARAB NATION, as they call themselves today, with very little distinction between each other.

The Arab Israeli conflict has always been about Muslim intolerance and violence towards others. It has never been about land. If Muslims ruled that land this conflict would be non existent as was the case when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza from 48 to 67. Nobody talked about a "Palestine". They just wanted to destroy the Jewish state. And they still do. This newly invented identity of Palestinian is just another excuse.

And as far as "Islam on the march". Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show for the next 60 years. These guys have been at each other's throats and slaughtering for centuries and will continue to do so.
This is about Land not Religion...Jews have coexisted with Islam from its early beginnings...

Read your History!

Read yours. Every country the Arabs invaded they changed its religion, language, laws, and culture.

If this is about land and Palestinian identity, why wasn't there any talk of creating this mythical state in the West Bank and Gaza when Jordan and Egypt controlled it for 20 years from 48 to 67?

The answer to that is obvious. Essentially what Islam demands is once a land at any point in history falls under Muslim control (Dar Al Islam) it cannot ever fall back under infidel hands. And Muslims must fight, kill, and slaughter anybody and everybody in order to regain said land. We are seeing this same scenario play out in many hotspots all across the world involving Muslims, and including in the Middle East with ISIS. No nation is immune to this. Islam is an intolerant inflexible violent religion that cannot coexist.
It can be said that Islam is simply Arab imperialism and colonialism, under the guise of religion. All the countries the Arabs invaded, raped and looted serve as proof of that.
Arab Imperialism vanished long ago, yet you are correct...The Arab Culture and language along with Islam is the glue that holds together the Arab Nation...After the Arab Spring revolutions are over their Islamist Politicians will again take over governing...You and I may see it as a threat, Islam is expanding and not contracting like Judaism and Christianity...The world is changing, Israel better deal with it, because she will be alone...

The Palestinian Israeli conflict is a result of Western Colonialism. The people in the ME see this clearly a Western Invasion....They will never let up the pressure on Israel unless she meets their demands for peace and recognition...

I don't get it? Why don't they accept recognized existence by their enemies and end this madness?

You are totally wrong. Review history. Islam is just another name for Arab Imperialism. Each of the nations that Arabs invaded, raped, and looted like a pack of wild savages, they forced their religion down the people's throats, the language of the country became Arabic or Arabic based, and they forced barbaric Islamic Shariah law to become the law of the land. The history, culture, and achievements of the countries became secondary to Islam, and nationalism and patriotism was essentially wiped out. They became ONE PEOPLE, THE ARAB NATION, as they call themselves today, with very little distinction between each other.

The Arab Israeli conflict has always been about Muslim intolerance and violence towards others. It has never been about land. If Muslims ruled that land this conflict would be non existent as was the case when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza from 48 to 67. Nobody talked about a "Palestine". They just wanted to destroy the Jewish state. And they still do. This newly invented identity of Palestinian is just another excuse.

And as far as "Islam on the march". Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show for the next 60 years. These guys have been at each other's throats and slaughtering for centuries and will continue to do so.
This is about Land not Religion...Jews have coexisted with Islam from its early beginnings...

Read your History!

Read yours. Every country the Arabs invaded they changed its religion, language, laws, and culture.

If this is about land and Palestinian identity, why wasn't there any talk of creating this mythical state in the West Bank and Gaza when Jordan and Egypt controlled it for 20 years from 48 to 67?

The answer to that is obvious. Essentially what Islam demands is once a land at any point in history falls under Muslim control (Dar Al Islam) it cannot ever fall back under infidel hands. And Muslims must fight, kill, and slaughter anybody and everybody in order to regain said land. We are seeing this same scenario play out in many hotspots all across the world involving Muslims, and including in the Middle East with ISIS. No nation is immune to this. Islam is an intolerant inflexible violent religion that cannot coexist.
It seems to me that Saudi Arabia's proposal should be given a chance...Peace leaving Islam with the 67 borders are a godsend...Sure Israel gives up E. Jerusalem for a workable peace...But Peace with trade will change the dynamics of this political equation if Israel helps its neighbors harness its wealth and prosper.
It can be said that Islam is simply Arab imperialism and colonialism, under the guise of religion. All the countries the Arabs invaded, raped and looted serve as proof of that.
Arab Imperialism vanished long ago, yet you are correct...The Arab Culture and language along with Islam is the glue that holds together the Arab Nation...After the Arab Spring revolutions are over their Islamist Politicians will again take over governing...You and I may see it as a threat, Islam is expanding and not contracting like Judaism and Christianity...The world is changing, Israel better deal with it, because she will be alone...

The Palestinian Israeli conflict is a result of Western Colonialism. The people in the ME see this clearly a Western Invasion....They will never let up the pressure on Israel unless she meets their demands for peace and recognition...

I don't get it? Why don't they accept recognized existence by their enemies and end this madness?

You are totally wrong. Review history. Islam is just another name for Arab Imperialism. Each of the nations that Arabs invaded, raped, and looted like a pack of wild savages, they forced their religion down the people's throats, the language of the country became Arabic or Arabic based, and they forced barbaric Islamic Shariah law to become the law of the land. The history, culture, and achievements of the countries became secondary to Islam, and nationalism and patriotism was essentially wiped out. They became ONE PEOPLE, THE ARAB NATION, as they call themselves today, with very little distinction between each other.

The Arab Israeli conflict has always been about Muslim intolerance and violence towards others. It has never been about land. If Muslims ruled that land this conflict would be non existent as was the case when Jordan and Egypt controlled West Bank and Gaza from 48 to 67. Nobody talked about a "Palestine". They just wanted to destroy the Jewish state. And they still do. This newly invented identity of Palestinian is just another excuse.

And as far as "Islam on the march". Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show for the next 60 years. These guys have been at each other's throats and slaughtering for centuries and will continue to do so.
This is about Land not Religion...Jews have coexisted with Islam from its early beginnings...

Read your History!

Read yours. Every country the Arabs invaded they changed its religion, language, laws, and culture.

If this is about land and Palestinian identity, why wasn't there any talk of creating this mythical state in the West Bank and Gaza when Jordan and Egypt controlled it for 20 years from 48 to 67?

The answer to that is obvious. Essentially what Islam demands is once a land at any point in history falls under Muslim control (Dar Al Islam) it cannot ever fall back under infidel hands. And Muslims must fight, kill, and slaughter anybody and everybody in order to regain said land. We are seeing this same scenario play out in many hotspots all across the world involving Muslims, and including in the Middle East with ISIS. No nation is immune to this. Islam is an intolerant inflexible violent religion that cannot coexist.
It seems to me that Saudi Arabia's proposal should be given a chance...Peace leaving Islam with the 67 borders are a godsend...Sure Israel gives up E. Jerusalem for a workable peace...But Peace with trade will change the dynamics of this political equation if Israel helps its neighbors harness its wealth and prosper.

Yeah, let's go back to the borders that Arabs already had for 20 years, from which they did not create this mythical Palestinian state, and instead choose to line up their armies and attempt to destroy the Jewish state.

Yup, why not? After all, if anything we know that they are "honorable" and we can take their "word" for it? They "promised" they will be nice this time, right? Ha ha ha.
...That is what they do when they can't refute what you wrote, they check your spelling for typing errors. :rolleyes:
Maybe... maybe...

It's also what 'they' do when they're running interference against Pallywood and Radical Militant Islamist propaganda from Hamas and ISIS apologists and fifth-columnists and over-eager jihadi-sympathizing Muslim converts and internationalist pissants and Jew Haters and rabid Israel-Haters and Arab Butt Buddies and the like...

And when the subject-matter is so far out in left field past the foul-line that it's best to simply sit back and poke fun at the propagandizing attempt...

Hope that helps to clear things up a bit...
It can be said that Islam is simply Arab imperialism and colonialism, under the guise of religion. All the countries the Arabs invaded, raped and looted serve as proof of that.
Arab Imperialism vanished long ago, yet you are correct...The Arab Culture and language along with Islam is the glue that holds together the Arab Nation...After the Arab Spring revolutions are over their Islamist Politicians will again take over governing...You and I may see it as a threat, Islam is expanding and not contracting like Judaism and Christianity...The world is changing, Israel better deal with it, because she will be alone...

The Palestinian Israeli conflict is a result of Western Colonialism. The people in the ME see this clearly a Western Invasion....They will never let up the pressure on Israel unless she meets their demands for peace and recognition...

I don't get it? Why don't they accept recognized existence by their enemies and end this madness?

They have but the arab imperialists want more, they want their sex slaves back
...That is what they do when they can't refute what you wrote, they check your spelling for typing errors. :rolleyes:
Maybe... maybe...

It's also what 'they' do when they're running interference against Pallywood and Radical Militant Islamist propaganda from Hamas and ISIS apologists and fifth-columnists and over-eager jihadi-sympathizing Muslim converts and internationalist pissants and Jew Haters and rabid Israel-Haters and Arab Butt Buddies and the like...

And when the subject-matter is so far out in left field past the foul-line that it's best to simply sit back and poke fun at the propagandizing attempt...

Hope that helps to clear things up a bit...

It sure does, your just plum full of adjectives today.:eek:
...That is what they do when they can't refute what you wrote, they check your spelling for typing errors. :rolleyes:
Maybe... maybe...

It's also what 'they' do when they're running interference against Pallywood and Radical Militant Islamist propaganda from Hamas and ISIS apologists and fifth-columnists and over-eager jihadi-sympathizing Muslim converts and internationalist pissants and Jew Haters and rabid Israel-Haters and Arab Butt Buddies and the like...

And when the subject-matter is so far out in left field past the foul-line that it's best to simply sit back and poke fun at the propagandizing attempt...

Hope that helps to clear things up a bit...

It sure does, your just plum full of adjectives today.:eek:
All part of the friendly service... no extra charge.
Its just unreal what the Israel Gov is doing , its like its saying, F---K you to everyone. I sure hope the US does not come to its aid, if all the Arab states get super pissed about this, this is all of their own doing. They must be going out of their minds, someone needs to rein them in, they have totally lost it.

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