The Real Danger to Israel s Security Is Netanyahu


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
It seems like my feelings for the Israeli politicians is that of a flea circus or whose on first and Whats on second?
This Yahoo has destroyed Israel as a credible nation despised by all, even her former allies....

These wacked out right-wingers who refuse to listen are setting up Israel for future conflicts...How can this government think Israel can survive with constant war for generations and generations?

Bibbi has gone bonkers!

The Real Danger to Israel s Security Is Netanyahu Alon Ben-Meir
As prime minister, Netanyahu has consistently invoked his solemn duty to protect Israel's national security. Ironically, he has become the single most reckless individual who is imperiling the very security of the state. One need not look far and wide to discern Netanyahu's disingenuousness and misguided policies that have only undermined Israel's future security.
He uses his political skills to deceive and mislead in order to "protect himself from political defeat" while disregarding what is best for the future of the state. He surrounds himself with cronies blinded by their skewed ideological zeal with no morals or scruples to support his sinister political agenda.
To be sure, Israel under Netanyahu's stewardship is globally on the defensive, isolated, threatened from within and without, loathed and criticized by friends and foes alike, and with no prospect to achieve peace, which jeopardizes not only Israel's security but its very existence.
By what measure can Netanyahu claim that the occupation of the West Bank enhances Israel's national security? Nearly 50 years of occupation did nothing but poison the Palestinians, intensify their hatred and animosity toward Israel, and drive them to extremism, which gave birth to Hamas and an assortment of other jihadist groups
All Israel's most brilliant past politicians share the same political position of Netanyahu, when Netanyahu considered a somewhat moderated right wing in such equation and with all the respect I think we have quite fairly enough experience with Arabs over you, lets say - another one fooled by the radical left? uhmm...
OUTSTADING THREAD! Nutandyahoo should be tried & convicted for war crimes against his own Israeli citizens. Just look what Zionism has become under his leadership. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions to Palestinians. Face it you Zionists, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does. Want peace? Israel needs to dump Nutandyahoo & find a leader who will treat the Palestinians with the love, justice & respect of surrounding Arab country leaders like king Hussein of Jordan. LET THERE BE PEACCE ALREADY!
All Israel's most brilliant past politicians share the same political position of Netanyahu, when Netanyahu considered a somewhat moderated right wing in such equation and with all the respect I think we have quite fairly enough experience with Arabs over you, lets say - another one fooled by the radical left? uhmm...
Netanyahu policies are one of land grabs and using force to accomplish it...Sure Israel can hang on to these gains illegally it is one of constant war and isolation from the world...It Justifies for Muslims the reason to hate and fight to destroy her...A 1.4 billion horde vs. 6-7 million Jews, the eventual outcome is a forgone conclusion without a peace deal.

Israel is begging to be attacked.
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I agree, and that is what I think PM Netanyahu wants, and he can have a reason to blast Iran and become like a Messiah to Israel, and go down in history as the Savior of the State of Israel, land of the Jewish people. His time is running out, that is why I think things have really heated up, I mean its unreal how they are going ahead with taking over E. Jerusalem, they can care less what anyone thinks, they have an arsenal of weapons.
Oh looky looky! the thread title has changed from Nut&Yahoo to what it is now!

Hmm . . . . . . .now why or how or who or what . . . . .

I know, the CIA got a hold of Mossad and after checking with the Illuminati: poof! And there you have it.
All Israel's most brilliant past politicians share the same political position of Netanyahu, when Netanyahu considered a somewhat moderated right wing in such equation and with all the respect I think we have quite fairly enough experience with Arabs over you, lets say - another one fooled by the radical left? uhmm...
Netanyahu policies are one of land grabs and using force to accomplish it...Sure Israel can hang on to these gains illegally it is one of constant war and isolation from the world...It Justifies for Muslims the reason to hate and fight to destroy her...A 1.4 billion horde vs. 6-7 million Jews, the eventual outcome is a forgone conclusion without a peace deal.

Israel is begging to be attacked.
I Don't think you got it, I'll try again..for the sake of the debate lets put aside the legality/historic/religious issue we will discuss that later on.
Lets say you right, Israel is provoking for war time and again, you're saying that it is Arab(Islamic) tolerance that prevent a world scale conflict involving Israel?
Its Arab fear of Israel arsenal of nukes and willingness to use them, their weapons and their savagery is why the Arab nations are exerting patience. They know the Israel gov is full of loose canons, and trigger happy. I would venture to say Israel has people in every nation , incognito, and possibly nuke arsenals In their control, it obviously has control over the majority of the US , and I'm a firm believer that the neocons Zionist in our gov, (mainly jews who wrote PNAC) and Israel did 911 and are involved in the majority of terrorist attacks which are blamed on Muslims, hows that?
Its Arab fear of Israel arsenal of nukes and willingness to use them, their weapons and their savagery is why the Arab nations are exerting patience. They know the Israel gov is full of loose canons, and trigger happy. I would venture to say Israel has people in every nation , incognito, and possibly nuke arsenals In their control, it obviously has control over the majority of the US , and I'm a firm believer that the neocons Zionist in our gov, (mainly jews who wrote PNAC) and Israel did 911 and are involved in the majority of terrorist attacks which are blamed on Muslims, hows that?
Assuming you loony is correct, it means pbel's prophesy is doomed to the trash can, if what you're saying is correct it only justify every single bullet Israel possess, and willing to use against the united Arabs.
I Think your theory is funny, but face the facts - nobody care about the Palestinians, that's all.
Israel most firm line of defense is called 'Intimidation' and best keep it that way, we all know what the Arab Muslims capable of and the only way to communicate with them or at least handle the situation is by making them fear, or taking all the Jews and throwing them all to the sea.
but face the facts - nobody care about the Palestinians, that's all.

I think we are seeing this is not so. Has it ever occurred to you that the other Arab countries do not want to battle, and kill? just because you have some radical Arabs going around Syria and Iraq does not mean the rest of the Arabs and Muslims want to fight.

I also find it storage that these ISIS radicals are attacking Syria and not Israel. Don't you?
Its Arab fear of Israel arsenal of nukes and willingness to use them, their weapons and their savagery is why the Arab nations are exerting patience. They know the Israel gov is full of loose canons, and trigger happy. I would venture to say Israel has people in every nation , incognito, and possibly nuke arsenals In their control, it obviously has control over the majority of the US , and I'm a firm believer that the neocons Zionist in our gov, (mainly jews who wrote PNAC) and Israel did 911 and are involved in the majority of terrorist attacks which are blamed on Muslims, hows that?
Assuming you loony is correct, it means pbel's prophesy is doomed to the trash can, if what you're saying is correct it only justify every single bullet Israel possess, and willing to use against the united Arabs.
I Think your theory is funny, but face the facts - nobody care about the Palestinians, that's all.
Israel most firm line of defense is called 'Intimidation' and best keep it that way, we all know what the Arab Muslims capable of and the only way to communicate with them or at least handle the situation is by making them fear, or taking all the Jews and throwing them all to the sea.
Its not my prophesy that makes a war of attrition possible, it is already reality....Israel is intent on keeping E. Jerusalem because her religious fanatics are just Jewish Jihadists...

The War of attrition will ratchet up after Iran and a few others get nukes...Then the rockets will keep coming into Israel until the Israelis fold up and leave...

A history lesson, learned by the Crusaders, European Colonialists, Turks, Brits............

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