What is Mr. Romney's position on Illegal Immigration?


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
Anyone know what Romney's position is (today) on illegal immigration, illegal immigrants.... what are his solutions?
Do people that believe in a "free market" Where goods and the making of goods have no borders, believe that workers should have no borders as well?
Anyone know what Romney's position is (today) on illegal immigration, illegal immigrants.... what are his solutions?

I honestly don't have a clue what Romney's "position" is on anything. However, this much I do know - all his "positions" will favor the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class.
Anyone know what Romney's position is (today) on illegal immigration, illegal immigrants.... what are his solutions?

I honestly don't have a clue what Romney's "position" is on anything. However, this much I do know - all his "positions" will favor the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class.

Thanks for Admitting you are completely Ignorant, and are going solely on what you "think" Mr Romney would do.


Never mind about visiting his site, Found all sorts of stuff on the Economy, Defense, yada yada yada

but strangely I could not find a Damn thing about Immigration.

So good Question.

What we know from his past is he was pretty moderate on it, but is playing to the right now. He has shown support for things like the Dream Act in the Past.

My guess is once Elected he will return to a pretty Moderate Stance, Hopefully Combining Border Security with Real Immigration Reform.

But you never know. I know I am not buying this Further Right, More Conservative Romney. He is a Moderate, He will lead as one, and after all this time of Hyper Partisanship. That sounds ok to me.
Anyone know what Romney's position is (today) on illegal immigration, illegal immigrants.... what are his solutions?

Not hard to figure out.... just look for who the illegals support.
did that truly answer the question syrenn? And how do you know who illegals support? is there some poll on it that you could link to that I missed?
Anyone know what Romney's position is (today) on illegal immigration, illegal immigrants.... what are his solutions?

Not hard to figure out.... just look for who the illegals support.
did that truly answer the question syrenn? And how do you know who illegals support? is there some poll on it that you could link to that I missed?

Oh please man, Have you ever heard of an Educated Guess?
Romney said he is for Attrition Through Enforcement.

The open borders crowd constantly tell the American people that there are only two solutions to our nation's illegal alien crisis – give illegal aliens amnesty or round them up and deport them. This is a diversionary tactic to draw public attention away from the most effective and efficient solution – Attrition Through Enforcement.

The principle behind Attrition Through Enforcement is that living illegally in the United States will become more difficult and less satisfying over time when the government – at ALL LEVELS – enforces all of the laws already on the books. It is also imperative that the government with the full cooperation of the private sector, implements certain workplace enforcement measures. The goal is to make it extremely difficult for unauthorized persons to live and work in the United States. There is no need for taxpayers to watch the government spend billions of their dollars to round up and deport illegal aliens; they will buy their own bus or plane tickets back home if they can no longer earn a living here.

Attrition Through Enforcement will work because, until recently, it has been shown to work even with little or no enforcement. As it currently stands, almost 200,000 illegal aliens self-deport from the United States every year, but imagine how many more would leave if our government refused to award illegal aliens another amnesty, mandated all employers to verify a person’s eligibility to work here, cracked down on identity fraud, and enabled local police to easily transfer illegal aliens in their custody to the feds.
Anyone know what Romney's position is (today) on illegal immigration, illegal immigrants.... what are his solutions?

I honestly don't have a clue what Romney's "position" is on anything. However, this much I do know - all his "positions" will favor the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class.

Thanks for Admitting you are completely Ignorant, and are going solely on what you "think" Mr Romney would do.


Never mind about visiting his site, Found all sorts of stuff on the Economy, Defense, yada yada yada

but strangely I could not find a Damn thing about Immigration.

So good Question.

What we know from his past is he was pretty moderate on it, but is playing to the right now. He has shown support for things like the Dream Act in the Past.

My guess is once Elected he will return to a pretty Moderate Stance, Hopefully Combining Border Security with Real Immigration Reform.

But you never know. I know I am not buying this Further Right, More Conservative Romney. He is a Moderate, He will lead as one, and after all this time of Hyper Partisanship. That sounds ok to me.
With the congress being ruled by the right wing of the aisle, I'm not certain if they will have tons of influence on him?

When he was my governor of Massachusetts he was most certainly a moderate and not conservative, but congress was run by liberals....

will he just be the chameleon that he is known best for and "be for the moment" whatever congress wants him to be...a far right conservative?
Anyone know what Romney's position is (today) on illegal immigration, illegal immigrants.... what are his solutions?

I honestly don't have a clue what Romney's "position" is on anything. However, this much I do know - all his "positions" will favor the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class.

Wow, there is an open mind....you guys are CLOWNS.....I find it funny you buy all this global warming crap, and then want to buy carbon credits to feel good and make Al Gore rich....yeah OBama's never made his rich friend money, except the stiumulus bill and pretty much every other law he's passed.

Keep on crusading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've seen jihadists that arent as zealous as liberals.....WHACKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not hard to figure out.... just look for who the illegals support.
did that truly answer the question syrenn? And how do you know who illegals support? is there some poll on it that you could link to that I missed?

Oh please man, Have you ever heard of an Educated Guess?
I am not certain where you are coming from, since Obama has deported more illegal aliens per year than the previous president...I'm reading ALL kinds of stuff on how pissed they are at him on this issue....
I honestly don't have a clue what Romney's "position" is on anything. However, this much I do know - all his "positions" will favor the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class.

Thanks for Admitting you are completely Ignorant, and are going solely on what you "think" Mr Romney would do.


Never mind about visiting his site, Found all sorts of stuff on the Economy, Defense, yada yada yada

but strangely I could not find a Damn thing about Immigration.

So good Question.

What we know from his past is he was pretty moderate on it, but is playing to the right now. He has shown support for things like the Dream Act in the Past.

My guess is once Elected he will return to a pretty Moderate Stance, Hopefully Combining Border Security with Real Immigration Reform.

But you never know. I know I am not buying this Further Right, More Conservative Romney. He is a Moderate, He will lead as one, and after all this time of Hyper Partisanship. That sounds ok to me.
With the congress being ruled by the right wing of the aisle, I'm not certain if they will have tons of influence on him?

When he was my governor of Massachusetts he was most certainly a moderate and not conservative, but congress was run by liberals....

will he just be the chameleon that he is known best for and "be for the moment" whatever congress wants him to be...a far right conservative?

You over estimate the Power of the Right in the GOP Congress sorry. The GOP in Congress will be under Enormous Pressure to Deliver if they are handed Victories. But I am no Expert.

I just think there would be a better chance if the Congress stayed basically the same as it is now, to get Immigration Reform done with a Moderate Republican As President, than With Obama, who wants it his way or the High way. His insistence that we do Reform and amnesty First then Talk about the Border Is why Nothing has happened under Him.

Not saying Anything will under A Romney Admin, but it's Clear Obama isn't going to Budge, and will be even less likely 2 in a Second Term. so if the Congress stays the same or is even More GOP controlled NOTHING is going to happen with an Obama 2nd Term.

And I do Mean Nothing.
Anyone know what Romney's position is (today) on illegal immigration, illegal immigrants.... what are his solutions?

Not hard to figure out.... just look for who the illegals support.
did that truly answer the question syrenn? And how do you know who illegals support? is there some poll on it that you could link to that I missed?

Its not hard to figure out Care. We have a huge illegal population in this state... and they are 100% behind obama. No links... just observations. The dram act demonstrations were a good indication of which way they "vote" or will vote.

That is about all i need to know about Romney and his positions on immigration. The illegals in this state don't want him.

Not hard to figure out.... just look for who the illegals support.
did that truly answer the question syrenn? And how do you know who illegals support? is there some poll on it that you could link to that I missed?

Its not hard to figure out Care. We have a huge illegal population in this state... and they are 100% behind obama. No links... just observations. The dram act demonstrations were a good indication of which way they "vote" or will vote.

That is about all i need to know about Romney and his positions on immigration. The illegals in this state don't want him.

And even if he lays out a Plan they love, they still wont want him.
Romney could be forced to define his positions on this further, before the election I suppose?

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