What Is It You Think You Can't Do Because of Political Correctness?

OK.. because rappers use the term N!GG@R, we can assume they are not offended by it.. because we have heard homosexuals use the term 'queen' or 'queer', they must not be offended.. so I guess anyone can say those thing.. OOPS, nope, not according to the PC crowd.. because YOUR subjectivity takes precedence because you are IN the pc crowd

No, you're supposed to say you're offended by it. You're not supposed to buy the albums that use the word, you're supposed to speak out against the language you find offensive. Is that so hard?

No.. you CAN say you are offended by it all you want.. you don't get a right to suppress or punish others for saying what offended you... and if you find it offensive, you are indeed a hypocrite if you are actually using it yourself.. and when you call for the condemnation of another who uses it, you show how you are full of shit with your politically correct bullshit

Nobody is being punished or suppressed...except through the free market. I thought you liked that?
No consequence for speech, are you nuts? Of course there should be consequences...just not legislative ones.

Or judicial ones... and we have seen lawsuits for 'discrimination' or 'treatment' against personal choices, including sexual behavior

Only because there are laws that protect things like race, religion, gender...and in some places sexual orientation. If I can't fire you for your religion, why should you be able to fire me for my orientation?

Trying to legislate this crap is where the problem starts.
Have you stopped criticizing the president?

What do you want to say that you are prevented from saying because of Political Correctness.

Did you ever stop criticizing President Bush? Of course not, because he is white and your ilk can say all the bad things about whites with impunity.

But any criticism of President Obama's disastrous policies would automatically condemn one as a RACIST.

So PC hasn't stopped you from criticizing the President as I suspected. Thanks for clearing that up.

I am only offering my opinion as an outsider who can't help but see and contend with your never-ending discussion of domestic affairs on the international scene.
Wait...you want to call people names but not face the consequences because THEY are bigoted assholes? :confused:
Gee, Marsha, I don't know why people get so pissed when I call them vile fags and skanky bull-dykes. I shouldn't have to put up with such oppression!

The problem is you assholes lump the people who oppose gay marriage on religous grounds, or those who oppose it when it is erroneously judicually mandated, and do it civilly, with the people who go around screaming vile fags/skanky bull dykes.

Justification for the bigotry does not change the bigotry. Bigots of yore felt just as justified for their bigotry and used their religion. Same whore different dress.
No, you're supposed to say you're offended by it. You're not supposed to buy the albums that use the word, you're supposed to speak out against the language you find offensive. Is that so hard?

No.. you CAN say you are offended by it all you want.. you don't get a right to suppress or punish others for saying what offended you... and if you find it offensive, you are indeed a hypocrite if you are actually using it yourself.. and when you call for the condemnation of another who uses it, you show how you are full of shit with your politically correct bullshit

Nobody is being punished or suppressed...except through the free market. I thought you liked that?

Except they are.. and there have been lawsuits because of 'discrimination' against a choice.. as long as it is in your PC crowd's sphere...

And lest we not forget the PC standards of things like Affirmative Action, effectively punishing ones with equal qualification on the sole basis of minority status

Your PC world is indeed only a world of punishment and repercussion for what you deem offensive or 'fair'.. and it is indeed bullshit
Or judicial ones... and we have seen lawsuits for 'discrimination' or 'treatment' against personal choices, including sexual behavior

Only because there are laws that protect things like race, religion, gender...and in some places sexual orientation. If I can't fire you for your religion, why should you be able to fire me for my orientation?

Trying to legislate this crap is where the problem starts.

So the problem started in 1964 with the Civil Rights act?
There has been a lot of discussion about "Political Correctness" recently so I'd like to know what it is that you all feel political correctness is preventing you from doing. It has even been suggested that Political Correctness had done more harm than bigotry itself.

Somebody please explain how PC is "ruining our society" and what you think you can't do because of it.

Why don't you go and ask Phil Robertson?

Or how about the CEO of Chick Fil A?
Somebody loses their freedom if you allow the punch but don't allow the counterpunch.

The counterpunch is saying "you are wrong" or "i disagree with you." In your world the counterpunch is ruining the person economically and socially, and letting other people do it for you.

It shows what type of gutless cowards you really are.

If a man were out preaching every day against the Jews, claiming in all sorts of manner that Jews were evil, that Jews were not to be trusted, that the Jews killed Jesus, that the Jews were out to take over the world, and on and on and on and on, blah blah blah

and that man were exercising a protected right of free speech,

YOU are saying that it would be gutless and cowardly for others to try to use their own powers of persuasion to impact that person economically and socially?

Are you mad? Seriously, do you not realize how insane you are?

A man like that probably doesnt care if he is ostrasized or can't get cetain jobs, because he probably wouldnt want to associate with people who disagree with him anyway. What he is doing is blatant and outright "hate"

Lets go with the example above, but make him a gay hater. The person doing the above probably doesnt care if people don't want to hang out with him, or work with him. He wouldnt want to work with "gay-lovers" either.

Now, lets take me. I oppose gay marriage when it is imposed via judicial fiat. I have no issue when it is allowed by the legislature of a state to occur, and would probably vote for it. So, in your opinion, when I espouse this view, I should be treated exactly the same as the "all gays are evil/all jews are evil" guy?
Only because there are laws that protect things like race, religion, gender...and in some places sexual orientation. If I can't fire you for your religion, why should you be able to fire me for my orientation?

Trying to legislate this crap is where the problem starts.

So the problem started in 1964 with the Civil Rights act?

I think religious choice protection is about as bullshit as sexual choice protection

Unlike you, I am consistent
Only because there are laws that protect things like race, religion, gender...and in some places sexual orientation. If I can't fire you for your religion, why should you be able to fire me for my orientation?

Trying to legislate this crap is where the problem starts.

So the problem started in 1964 with the Civil Rights act?

Yep. That's what turned PCism from a legitmate expression of social mores, to an abuse of government power. It's what continues to color the whole discussion.
Gee, Marsha, I don't know why people get so pissed when I call them vile fags and skanky bull-dykes. I shouldn't have to put up with such oppression!

The problem is you assholes lump the people who oppose gay marriage on religous grounds, or those who oppose it when it is erroneously judicually mandated, and do it civilly, with the people who go around screaming vile fags/skanky bull dykes.

Justification for the bigotry does not change the bigotry. Bigots of yore felt just as justified for their bigotry and used their religion. Same whore different dress.

No, its not. you just are too close-minded to realize it. You dont have the stones to accept others do not think like you do, and are forced to lump all opposition to your views into the "bigoted" catagory.
Only because there are laws that protect things like race, religion, gender...and in some places sexual orientation. If I can't fire you for your religion, why should you be able to fire me for my orientation?

Trying to legislate this crap is where the problem starts.

So the problem started in 1964 with the Civil Rights act?

The Civil Rights act should have stuck to government mandated discrimination bans. Government has to be color blind. Businesses should be able to employ and serve who they want to, and let the market figure out if they are to continue.

Off the top of my pointy head, I can't think of anything offhand that I "can't" do because of PC.

But that's not why I dislike it so much.

It's pretty much in my (current) signature. PC is leveraged as a strategy to gain advantage. Say the "wrong" thing and the PC Police will immediately jump at the opportunity to put you on the defensive with shouts of "racist" or "bigot" or any number of simplistic platitudes. While you're trying to defend yourself - something I no longer do - they have succeeded in diverting you from your point, in controlling the conversation by dishonestly putting you on the defensive. Simply by claiming to be "offended" by your comment, as if your words have caused them some kind psychological trauma.

It's, therefore, intellectually dishonest. A lie.

Now, PC manifests in so many ways, from the "racist" crap to participation medals to changing everyday words ("secretary" to "receptionist", as one of a zillion examples) and on and on. If you say that participation medals are a clear net negative to children, you hate children, and there you are on the defensive again. Well, fuck that.

I could go on forever, but I know everything I just wrote will be denied. The bottom line is, it has worked brilliantly for the Left for a long, long time, but they have overplayed their hand and the pushback has begun.

Very happy about that.

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Off the top of my pointy head, I can't think of anything offhand that I "can't" do because of PC.

But that's not why I dislike it so much.

It's pretty much in my (current) signature. PC is leveraged as a strategy to gain advantage. Say the "wrong" thing and the PC Police will immediately jump at the opportunity to put you on the defensive with shouts of "racist" or "bigot" or any number of simplistic platitudes. While you're trying to defend yourself - something I no longer do - they have succeeded in diverting you from your point. Simply by claiming to be "offended" by your comment, as if your words have caused them some kind psychological distress.

It's, therefore, intellectually dishonest. A lie.

Now, PC manifests in so many ways, from the "racist" crap to participation medals to changing everyday words ("secretary" to "receptionist", as one of a zillion examples) and on and on. If you say that participation medals are a clear net negative to children, you hate children, and there you are on the defensive again. Well, fuck that.

I could go on forever, but I know everything I just wrote will be denied. The bottom line is, it has worked brilliantly for the Left for a long, long time, but they have overplayed their hand and the pushback has begun.

Very happy about that.


Having a law against murder does not prevent you from murder either.. it just means you can be indeed punished for it.. kinda like going against the PC crowd

Off the top of my pointy head, I can't think of anything offhand that I "can't" do because of PC.

But that's not why I dislike it so much.

It's pretty much in my (current) signature. PC is leveraged as a strategy to gain advantage. Say the "wrong" thing and the PC Police will immediately jump at the opportunity to put you on the defensive with shouts of "racist" or "bigot" or any number of simplistic platitudes. While you're trying to defend yourself - something I no longer do - they have succeeded in diverting you from your point. Simply by claiming to be "offended" by your comment, as if your words have caused them some kind psychological distress.

It's, therefore, intellectually dishonest. A lie.

Now, PC manifests in so many ways, from the "racist" crap to participation medals to changing everyday words ("secretary" to "receptionist", as one of a zillion examples) and on and on. If you say that participation medals are a clear net negative to children, you hate children, and there you are on the defensive again. Well, fuck that.

I could go on forever, but I know everything I just wrote will be denied. The bottom line is, it has worked brilliantly for the Left for a long, long time, but they have overplayed their hand and the pushback has begun.
Very happy about that.


But they can call the pushback racist/sexist/eliteist/homophobic/whatever.
There has been a lot of discussion about "Political Correctness" recently so I'd like to know what it is that you all feel political correctness is preventing you from doing. It has even been suggested that Political Correctness had done more harm than bigotry itself.

Somebody please explain how PC is "ruining our society" and what you think you can't do because of it.

Here is the Texas A&M 2007 winner of a competition to best define a contemporary term ... That year it was "Political Correctness".

“Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority,
and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media,
which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.”
~ Chet Beates


Off the top of my pointy head, I can't think of anything offhand that I "can't" do because of PC.

But that's not why I dislike it so much.

It's pretty much in my (current) signature. PC is leveraged as a strategy to gain advantage. Say the "wrong" thing and the PC Police will immediately jump at the opportunity to put you on the defensive with shouts of "racist" or "bigot" or any number of simplistic platitudes. While you're trying to defend yourself - something I no longer do - they have succeeded in diverting you from your point. Simply by claiming to be "offended" by your comment, as if your words have caused them some kind psychological distress.

It's, therefore, intellectually dishonest. A lie.

Now, PC manifests in so many ways, from the "racist" crap to participation medals to changing everyday words ("secretary" to "receptionist", as one of a zillion examples) and on and on. If you say that participation medals are a clear net negative to children, you hate children, and there you are on the defensive again. Well, fuck that.

I could go on forever, but I know everything I just wrote will be denied. The bottom line is, it has worked brilliantly for the Left for a long, long time, but they have overplayed their hand and the pushback has begun.
Very happy about that.


But they can call the pushback racist/sexist/eliteist/homophobic/whatever.

Good. Let them.

My take on this Phil Robertson issue is, show me how anyone was actually harmed by what he said. Last time I checked, I was allowed to say anything I want. Doesn't mean anyone has to agree or disagree with me. Phil was asked questions, and he answered them honestly based on his moral principles. The journalist conducting the interview was fully aware of this and asked those questions with the full intent of soliciting the response provided, IMHO.

Now people want to "punish" him for his thoughts. I was under the assumption that it took actions to actually harm or deprive someone of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Guess we'll just throw out that "outdated" constitution of ours.
There has been a lot of discussion about "Political Correctness" recently so I'd like to know what it is that you all feel political correctness is preventing you from doing. It has even been suggested that Political Correctness had done more harm than bigotry itself.

Somebody please explain how PC is "ruining our society" and what you think you can't do because of it.

it keeps you from discussing problems and what to do to solve those problems
for example black violent crime in America cant discuss it with out being called a racist
so the problem gets swept under the rug and people burry their head in the sand and do their best just to ignore it out of fear of being called a racist for bringing the subject up
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The counterpunch is saying "you are wrong" or "i disagree with you." In your world the counterpunch is ruining the person economically and socially, and letting other people do it for you.

It shows what type of gutless cowards you really are.

If a man were out preaching every day against the Jews, claiming in all sorts of manner that Jews were evil, that Jews were not to be trusted, that the Jews killed Jesus, that the Jews were out to take over the world, and on and on and on and on, blah blah blah

and that man were exercising a protected right of free speech,

YOU are saying that it would be gutless and cowardly for others to try to use their own powers of persuasion to impact that person economically and socially?

Are you mad? Seriously, do you not realize how insane you are?

A man like that probably doesnt care if he is ostrasized or can't get cetain jobs, because he probably wouldnt want to associate with people who disagree with him anyway. What he is doing is blatant and outright "hate"

Lets go with the example above, but make him a gay hater. The person doing the above probably doesnt care if people don't want to hang out with him, or work with him. He wouldnt want to work with "gay-lovers" either.

Now, lets take me. I oppose gay marriage when it is imposed via judicial fiat. I have no issue when it is allowed by the legislature of a state to occur, and would probably vote for it. So, in your opinion, when I espouse this view, I should be treated exactly the same as the "all gays are evil/all jews are evil" guy?

Your dodge is noted. Carry on.

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