What? Is he going to let some more air out of one of his tires?

Biden warns Russia will pay 'severe price' if it deploys chemical weapons

Biden warns Putin not to use chemical weapon or else. Or else what Biden, you have done nothing that has helped Ukraine, Putin does not care about your sanctions, and you have done little more than stand 5000 miles away and cheer Ukraine as they fight and die without the weapons they need to win, In fact biden, you feckless fool, you have even stopped other countries from sending the weapons' that Ukraine is begging for. Your insipidly incompetent VP laughs in the worlds face when she was asked if we will help take in the refugees you hep Putin create.

Biden will do nothing if Russia uses chemical weapons. and Putin knows this. The war is three weeks old and Russia is slowly grinding Ukraine to death, Rusia doesn't need to use chemical weapons. Likely, biden has said this so he can stand at a podium and claim he is the reason the WMDs were not used. My gawd biden is human flotsam for his betrayal of the Ukrainians, and our own nation.

The left will cry what about trump, what about trump,? He is flotsam too, but Biden is in office now and the incompetence on display is all about Biden, the betrayal on display is all about Biden.
You are hilarious.

America is repeatedly kicking Putin in the nuts. He's losing his war, his economy is in the gutter, and Ukraine, Finland, and Sweden will probably all end up in NATO because his idiocy.

Sanctions, Javelins, and Stingers are your idea of not doing anything, comrade? You are a special retard.
Biden warns Russia will pay 'severe price' if it deploys chemical weapons

Biden warns Putin not to use chemical weapon or else. Or else what Biden, you have done nothing that has helped Ukraine, Putin does not care about your sanctions, and you have done little more than stand 5000 miles away and cheer Ukraine as they fight and die without the weapons they need to win, In fact biden, you feckless fool, you have even stopped other countries from sending the weapons' that Ukraine is begging for. Your insipidly incompetent VP laughs in the worlds face when she was asked if we will help take in the refugees you hep Putin create.

Biden will do nothing if Russia uses chemical weapons. and Putin knows this. The war is three weeks old and Russia is slowly grinding Ukraine to death, Rusia doesn't need to use chemical weapons. Likely, biden has said this so he can stand at a podium and claim he is the reason the WMDs were not used. My gawd biden is human flotsam for his betrayal of the Ukrainians, and our own nation.
He has not betrayed the nation. The likes of you who support putin are the traitors. Youre not a pateiots arsehole.
The left will cry what about trump, what about trump,

Exactly. He is in a museum now.
He is flotsam too, but Biden is in office now and the incompetence on display is all about Biden, the betrayal on display is all about Biden.
What betrayal?
Name it specifically. I know you can't so apologise idiot.
When you use "science" and facts:" based on single study sources that are poorly designed and created to find your preconceived outcomes, you are not using facts and science. I am talking about the only livable place we'll ever know and the fact that the far left doesn't have a clue about the reality that exists on this little rock.
Single source? I think you’re projecting your own biased way of looking at the news on me.

The Pentagon will provide up to $300 million in military supplies to Ukraine, including drones, armored vehicles and machine guns, as part of a broader effort to boost Ukrainian forces fighting Russia’s invasion.


The latest package shows that the assistance for Ukraine is evolving after weeks of fighting, as the United States and its partners learn more about Moscow’s assault tactics and Kyiv’s capabilities. The Pentagon said it has committed more than $1.6 billion in security assistance since Russia’s invasion.


The new aid will include Puma unmanned aerial systems — hand-launched lightweight drones with a range of about a dozen miles that can fly for about two hours — providing Ukrainian infantry with extended reconnaissance capabilities. The Pentagon also intends to send Ukraine “nonstandard” machine guns, meaning the weapons aren’t regularly used by the U.S. military.

The United States will send armored Humvees, night-vision devices, thermal imagery systems, tactical secure communications systems, commercial satellite imagery services, medical supplies and Switchblade drones — small unmanned aircraft packed with explosives that crash into targets such as tanks in “kamikaze” fashion.

"Letting the air out of his tires". :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: What a maroon.

To this day, Trump has not said a single cross word about Putin. Not a fucking word.
Putin is acting perfectly rational as the president of his country.
He's been telling the leader's of every NATO country for 15 years that he would have to take action if Ukraine become a member of their organization. Because he wasn't going to allow Ukraine to have NATO nuclear missiles staged on its border pointed at Russia.
But they continually ignored Putin, and recently started hinting that Ukraine would become a NATO member in the near future.
Thereby, leaving Putin no choice but to invade Ukraine.
Why is it rational for Putin to dictate whether Ukraine can join NATO?
For the same rationality the U.S. used when they demand that Russia remove their missiles from Cuba or else the unthinkable is possibly going to happen.
Putin refuses to have NATO nuclear missiles in his backyard pointing at Russia.
That was 1961. Missiles have come a long way since then. Do civilized countries still invade the neighbors to take their land? Saddam Hussein said Kuwait was once a province of Iraq and they all speak Arabic. That was his justification. Sound familiar?
Biden isn't going to do anything, putin owns him.
Biden has already destroyed Putin's economy and provided arms to help Ukraine defeat Putin.

I'm only telling you this because this news obviously did not reach you in your cave.

Meanwhile, Trump has not said a single cross word about Putin. To this day. Not a fucking word.

He did say Putin is a genius, though.

It's obvious who is owned and who isn't to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Biden has already destroyed Putin's economy and provided arms to help Ukraine defeat Putin.

I'm only telling you this because this news obviously did not reach you in your cave.

Meanwhile, Trump has not said a single cross word about Putin. To this day. Not a fucking word.

He did say Putin is a genius, though.

It's obvious who is owned and who isn't to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Why hasn't Biden put sanctions on the pipeline he gave putin? That alone funds his war. Biden shuts down our oil and gives putin the green light.
Why hasn't Biden put sanctions on the pipeline he gave putin? That alone funds his war. Biden shuts down our oil and gives putin the green light.
Nordstream shut down six months ago. Nordstream2 was never operational. What pipeline are you talking about?
The world didn't care about chemical weapons in Syria, why would they now? Because of Biden?
Message From the Guillotine-Fodder: BE PROUD TO DIE TAKING A RICH KID'S PLACE

They save the lives of many of Putin's soldiers. Anti-chemicists prove they are cruel upper-class snobs who don't care about the Unfortunate Sons who are selectively drafted. Until we draft their unpatriotic sissyboy sons straight out of prep school graduation, this jealous and fearful hatred of real fighting men will continue to last.
He has not betrayed the nation. The likes of you who support putin are the traitors. Youre not a pateiots arsehole.

Exactly. He is in a museum now.

What betrayal?
Name it specifically. I know you can't so apologise idiot.
He has not betrayed the nation. The likes of you who support putin are the traitors. Youre not a pateiots arsehole.

Exactly. He is in a museum now.

What betrayal?
Name it specific

He has not betrayed the nation. The likes of you who support putin are the traitors. Youre not a pateiots arsehole.

Exactly. He is in a museum now.

What betrayal?
Name it specifically. I know you can't so apologise idiot.
Name calling is all you and your ilk have. You are not a true Democrat, even if you donate and work on behalf of the Democratic party, you couldn't be a Democrat if your life depended on it. You might be a socialist, you might just be an asshole who aligns with the other deviant fudge packing assholes who have stolen what used to be the Democratic party. But you are not a Democrat. Biden primaried as a centrist, then ran to the left of the squad 45 seconds after his nomination. He has betrayed the real Democrats and he has betrayed America.
You are hilarious.

America is repeatedly kicking Putin in the nuts. He's losing his war, his economy is in the gutter, and Ukraine, Finland, and Sweden will probably all end up in NATO because his idiocy.

Sanctions, Javelins, and Stingers are your idea of not doing anything, comrade? You are a special retard.
How long can Ukrine go this winter without power. Putin can forcibly keep recruiting hundreds of thousands of people and send them as cannon fodder to waste the wests expensive weaponry... Bidens own government is already asking Zelenski to negotiate a peace this winter even as Putin holds a lot of the ground that was taken and even as Crimea still lays firmly in Putins hands. Meanwhile iran, china, and north Korea help Russia both in the UN and on the ground. Russias economy has recovered much of what it lost after the first few months of war, and anyone who opposes the war in Russia falls out of hospital windows or off of their boats. Putin can keep this up for years, Ukraine cannot.

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