What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President?

What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?
It will THRIVE, Mr. Fudd. After Trump is re-elected this November, I don't see the Dim Dems having a chance at the White House until at least 2030. They've pretty much destroyed their party and if it isn't overhauled completely, it could die a slow death.
2030? Snicker! Typical clueless Trumpkin. :laugh2:
You would figure Progs would become humble. You do not learn lessons. This is what makes you dangerous beyond politics. Pelosi last night was the same as it was when Hillary uttered deplorables. You can't help yourselves. You must emote. Its in the species. You are like a bunch of ham actors. Then you met Trump. He is a much better at emoting then you. You underestimated him. Imagine that he is ten times better then any top notch Prog politician in the barbs game. He even sets you up and you do the dumb things back, constantly. Which gave him the route to the Repub nomination and the American presidency. Your still making snide jokes. Every day. Every night. Nasty ones about him and the Repubs and the voters. Without the deplorables you would not survive.
What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?

Good question, what's the next logical step for the Republicans after President Trump...

Nominate Darth Vader for the Presidency?
they can do what the democrats have been doing,..... just find another bottom of the barrel person to run.....
Republicans went to the very bottom of the barrel in 2016 but it worked out pretty well.
if you like bottom of the barrel people then you must be very happy....
What about immigration, the wall, using the Fed to finance deficits bloated by tax cuts? What about Trade? What about hc and preexisting conditions? … not to mention the fact the fundy xians have bought a Sup Ct to decide abortion and prayer they way they want it decided.

I'm not sure that actual issues matter to the Trump gop. Yes the senate refused to roll back Medicaid. But that was basic economic survival to even fly over states. But the gop today is, imo, a big tent with white working class people nursing greivances against the educated and elite. (And the grievances are not totally illegitimate, imo). Those folks are cobbled together with the Norquist .1 and 1% who just don't want to pay taxes. I'm not sure those interests can be held together without a showman like Trump pandering to the downtrodden whites.

And then what happens with the next recession? Will the gop sit back and just watch banks and mfrting fail?

But one thing is for sure, your father's gop no longer exists. The Sup Ct is all about expanding Trump's powers, and limiting a dem potus's powers. Fiscal restraint and the obligation of the wealthy have no place in the gop.
What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?
It will THRIVE, Mr. Fudd. After Trump is re-elected this November, I don't see the Dim Dems having a chance at the White House until at least 2030. They've pretty much destroyed their party and if it isn't overhauled completely, it could die a slow death.
The Republicans are sounding about Trump like the Democrats sounded about Hillary in 2016; cannot be beat.
I like it.
Over confidence results in defeat.
What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?
It will THRIVE, Mr. Fudd. After Trump is re-elected this November, I don't see the Dim Dems having a chance at the White House until at least 2030. They've pretty much destroyed their party and if it isn't overhauled completely, it could die a slow death.
2030? Snicker! Typical clueless Trumpkin. :laugh2:
He-he, what a brainless, loser liberal lunatic THIS one is! I.Q. MAYBE 70, but that's probably a high estimate. It must be horrific to be as dumb as this one obviously is. Very sad.
Obviously a low IQ which is in keeping with all Democrats today but if they don't sense their present peril, they must be deaf, dump and blind too.
What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?
I think trump has created standards that will have to be matched if someone is going to be president.. good luck
What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?
I think trump has created standards that will have to be matched if someone is going to be president.. good luck
To meet Trump standards you have to lie, cheat, have no ethics or morals, care about yourself above all others, 5 kids with 3 wives along with countless affairs, grab women by the pussy, think there are good people within the white supremacists, have a for profit University shut down for fraudulent business practices, have a charity shut down because of taking money for oneself, multiple bankruptcies, be in love with Putin and Kim Jong Un.
It will be tough to find someone with all of those qualifications.
What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?
I think trump has created standards that will have to be matched if someone is going to be president.. good luck
To meet Trump standards you have to lie, cheat, have no ethics or morals, care about yourself above all others, 5 kids with 3 wives along with countless affairs, grab women by the pussy, think there are good people within the white supremacists, have a for profit University shut down for fraudulent business practices, have a charity shut down because of taking money for oneself, multiple bankruptcies, be in love with Putin and Kim Jong Un.
It will be tough to find someone with all of those qualifications.
Sounds like you have some deep rooted hate, personal hate for you to lie and state fallacies.. grow up
What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?
I think trump has created standards that will have to be matched if someone is going to be president.. good luck
To meet Trump standards you have to lie, cheat, have no ethics or morals, care about yourself above all others, 5 kids with 3 wives along with countless affairs, grab women by the pussy, think there are good people within the white supremacists, have a for profit University shut down for fraudulent business practices, have a charity shut down because of taking money for oneself, multiple bankruptcies, be in love with Putin and Kim Jong Un.
It will be tough to find someone with all of those qualifications.
Sounds like you have some deep rooted hate, personal hate for you to lie and state fallacies.. grow up
I do not like Donald Trump at all. It is his personal values more than his politics.
I truly believe everything I described in my post is true. Can you point out anything I said that is not true?
What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?
I think trump has created standards that will have to be matched if someone is going to be president.. good luck
To meet Trump standards you have to lie, cheat, have no ethics or morals, care about yourself above all others, 5 kids with 3 wives along with countless affairs, grab women by the pussy, think there are good people within the white supremacists, have a for profit University shut down for fraudulent business practices, have a charity shut down because of taking money for oneself, multiple bankruptcies, be in love with Putin and Kim Jong Un.
It will be tough to find someone with all of those qualifications.

The list of people able to crawl on their belly low enough to meet Trump's standards is, relatively speaking, a short one...
What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?
I think trump has created standards that will have to be matched if someone is going to be president.. good luck
To meet Trump standards you have to lie, cheat, have no ethics or morals, care about yourself above all others, 5 kids with 3 wives along with countless affairs, grab women by the pussy, think there are good people within the white supremacists, have a for profit University shut down for fraudulent business practices, have a charity shut down because of taking money for oneself, multiple bankruptcies, be in love with Putin and Kim Jong Un.
It will be tough to find someone with all of those qualifications.
Sounds like you have some deep rooted hate, personal hate for you to lie and state fallacies.. grow up
I do not like Donald Trump at all. It is his personal values more than his politics.
I truly believe everything I described in my post is true. Can you point out anything I said that is not true?
I don’t choose to debate the deranged. You know what’s not true.. did you ever learn that it’s ok to lose?
What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?
I think trump has created standards that will have to be matched if someone is going to be president.. good luck
To meet Trump standards you have to lie, cheat, have no ethics or morals, care about yourself above all others, 5 kids with 3 wives along with countless affairs, grab women by the pussy, think there are good people within the white supremacists, have a for profit University shut down for fraudulent business practices, have a charity shut down because of taking money for oneself, multiple bankruptcies, be in love with Putin and Kim Jong Un.
It will be tough to find someone with all of those qualifications.
Sounds like you have some deep rooted hate, personal hate for you to lie and state fallacies.. grow up
I do not like Donald Trump at all. It is his personal values more than his politics.
I truly believe everything I described in my post is true. Can you point out anything I said that is not true?
I don’t choose to debate the deranged. You know what’s not true.. did you ever learn that it’s ok to lose?
This is not about winning or losing, it is about the truth.
If you like I can provide documentation for every action I summarized.
You cannot handle the truth.
I think trump has created standards that will have to be matched if someone is going to be president.. good luck
To meet Trump standards you have to lie, cheat, have no ethics or morals, care about yourself above all others, 5 kids with 3 wives along with countless affairs, grab women by the pussy, think there are good people within the white supremacists, have a for profit University shut down for fraudulent business practices, have a charity shut down because of taking money for oneself, multiple bankruptcies, be in love with Putin and Kim Jong Un.
It will be tough to find someone with all of those qualifications.
Sounds like you have some deep rooted hate, personal hate for you to lie and state fallacies.. grow up
I do not like Donald Trump at all. It is his personal values more than his politics.
I truly believe everything I described in my post is true. Can you point out anything I said that is not true?
I don’t choose to debate the deranged. You know what’s not true.. did you ever learn that it’s ok to lose?
This is not about winning or losing, it is about the truth.
If you like I can provide documentation for every action I summarized.
You cannot handle the truth.
You brought up his sex life get a life you made a lie about him supporting white supremacists you have absolutely no evidence of that.. and even so every other race is a supremacist..
I live in the inner city of Boston black people Spanish people Haitian people Asian people all think they are the supreme.. lol your whole hatefulness of yourself get some confidence in yourself.. your a good person! Be a proud American! Say it! I’m proud to be an American
What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?

Don't know, don't care...but the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies will remain the same Marxists....that much is for certain.
What is going to happen to the Republican party when Trump is no longer President, whether that is 2020 or 2024?
Trump does not represent an ideology. He is a personality.You cannot replace the personality. His irreverence, lack of ethics, lack of morality make him what he is. Because of those traits he will do things most people will not.His supporters love it. That why the Republican party is the party of Trump. They can no longer be considered conservative across the board.
What will be next for the Republican party?
So, I do not agree that republicans are the party of trump. Republicans are the party of...Republicans, trump is just the current president of that party.

Had another republican won the presidency, then republicans would have thrown their support behind that person. I dont think people support trump because he is trump, I think they support trump because he ran as a republican, and he was the choice given over the democratic candidate.

What happens when trump leaves office? Republicans find another candidate to put their support behind.
To meet Trump standards you have to lie, cheat, have no ethics or morals, care about yourself above all others, 5 kids with 3 wives along with countless affairs, grab women by the pussy, think there are good people within the white supremacists, have a for profit University shut down for fraudulent business practices, have a charity shut down because of taking money for oneself, multiple bankruptcies, be in love with Putin and Kim Jong Un.
It will be tough to find someone with all of those qualifications.
Sounds like you have some deep rooted hate, personal hate for you to lie and state fallacies.. grow up
I do not like Donald Trump at all. It is his personal values more than his politics.
I truly believe everything I described in my post is true. Can you point out anything I said that is not true?
I don’t choose to debate the deranged. You know what’s not true.. did you ever learn that it’s ok to lose?
This is not about winning or losing, it is about the truth.
If you like I can provide documentation for every action I summarized.
You cannot handle the truth.
You brought up his sex life get a life you made a lie about him supporting white supremacists you have absolutely no evidence of that.. and even so every other race is a supremacist..
I live in the inner city of Boston black people Spanish people Haitian people Asian people all think they are the supreme.. lol your whole hatefulness of yourself get some confidence in yourself.. your a good person! Be a proud American! Say it! I’m proud to be an American
You seem very angry.
Donald Trump has put his own sex lie front and center many times. When it is thrown in your face through his own bragging, by law suits, cheating on wives, it is fair game. And it is one of many examples of his lack of morality. The Republicans impeached Clinton
on his sex life. He is a scum bag too, but not as bad as Trump.
Read the documentation of Trump saying there were good people in the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.
Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false

The lengths I go to educate you. I am a great person.
Sounds like you have some deep rooted hate, personal hate for you to lie and state fallacies.. grow up
I do not like Donald Trump at all. It is his personal values more than his politics.
I truly believe everything I described in my post is true. Can you point out anything I said that is not true?
I don’t choose to debate the deranged. You know what’s not true.. did you ever learn that it’s ok to lose?
This is not about winning or losing, it is about the truth.
If you like I can provide documentation for every action I summarized.
You cannot handle the truth.
You brought up his sex life get a life you made a lie about him supporting white supremacists you have absolutely no evidence of that.. and even so every other race is a supremacist..
I live in the inner city of Boston black people Spanish people Haitian people Asian people all think they are the supreme.. lol your whole hatefulness of yourself get some confidence in yourself.. your a good person! Be a proud American! Say it! I’m proud to be an American
You seem very angry.
Donald Trump has put his own sex lie front and center many times. When it is thrown in your face through his own bragging, by law suits, cheating on wives, it is fair game. And it is one of many examples of his lack of morality. The Republicans impeached Clinton
on his sex life. He is a scum bag too, but not as bad as Trump.
Read the documentation of Trump saying there were good people in the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.
Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false

The lengths I go to educate you. I am a great person.
So who were the people in Charlottesville?
And I’m not worried about this powerful mans sex life. I get jealous lol

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