What is a Real American

I judge him on his behavior. He is unrepentant. He continues to push hate and he can't open his mouth without lying or bearing false witness against others.

And again, I have NEVER heard any of you speak that way about Clinton.
What does he need to repent for? What progs mean by "hate" is telling the truth about Dims and progs. No prog is in a position to be accusing anyone of lying.
I'd ask you to demonstrate that I'm a progressive, but we both know you don't have the balls to try.

I think that Trump is a con man and that you're a rube. That has nothing to do with my politics, sheep.

Never mind. Too complicated for you.
Demonstrate that you aren't a progressive.

We already know you hate Trump. You're a notorious Trump hater. That's a clear indictor of your politics.
Demonstrate that you aren't a progressive.

We already know you hate Trump. You're a notorious Trump hater. That's a clear indictor of your politics.
I believe that you believe all that, from inside your insulated world, so defensive of the man you adore.

Out here in reality, I have disagreements with Dems and Progressives on virtually every issue, from immigration to trade to race to Single Payer to Identity Politics to corporate taxation to Political Correctness to energy. And I've said and explained many times that this isn't about Trump, nor do I hate anyone.

Better yet, it's easy to find those posts, if you had the balls to utilize the search function here. Which we both know you don't.

So when you rubes hump my leg and lie about me, here's what I'm seeing: Sheep like you hate those of us who can think for ourselves because we expose you for what you are.

Tough shit.
I believe that you believe all that, from inside your insulated world, so defensive of the man you adore.

Out here in reality, I have disagreements with Dems and Progressives on virtually every issue, from immigration to trade to race to Single Payer to Identity Politics to corporate taxation to Political Correctness to energy. And I've said and explained many times that this isn't about Trump, nor do I hate anyone.
Really? You certainly haven't posted any such disagreement.
Better yet, it's easy to find those posts, if you had the balls to utilize the search function here. Which we both know you don't.
You utilize the search function and produce them. That's not my job.

So when you rubes hump my leg and lie about me, here's what I'm seeing: Sheep like you hate those of us who can think for ourselves because we expose you for what you are.

Tough shit.
You? Think for yourself? Regurgitating Dim talking points is not "thinking for yourself."
As predicted, you continue to weasel and hide.

Deny, deny, deny.
I'll make it even easier for you. Let's see if you can back up YOUR OWN WORDS.

You say that I "regurgitate Dims talking points".

Tell me the issues and policies on which I do that. That should be easy enough for you. Let's find out on how many issues I side with the Dems.

I'll make it even easier for you. Let's see if you can back up YOUR OWN WORDS.

You say that I "regurgitate Dims talking points".

Tell me the issues and policies on which I do that. That should be easy enough for you. Let's find out on how many issues I side with the Dems.

Why do you suppose these exchanges always conclude with you giving me a homework assignment to support you sleazy dishonest claims?
What does he need to repent for?
Cheating on his wives. Stealing from the elderly at his fake university. Ripping off investors. Ripping off banks. Defrauding insurance companies and banks. Defrauding the government. Defrauding the rubes who donated $250 milllion to his non-existent election defense fund.

I could go on all day, retard. It is astounding you even need this explained to you.
Cheating on his wives. Stealing from the elderly at his fake university. Ripping off investors. Ripping off banks. Defrauding insurance companies and banks. Defrauding the government. Defrauding the rubes who donated $250 milllion to his non-existent election defense fund.

I could go on all day, retard. It is astounding you even need this explained to you.
In other words, a bunch of sleazy lies.

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