What if there had been no slaves in America?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.

By "America" you mean North and South? Because slavery was of course used throughout both.

Or do you mean what if the US didn't have slaves but the rest of America did?
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
How? Who would have built it? The native Americans were killed by the invaders and the Europeans couldn't spare the manpower. The land would still exist but it would look entirely different.

They used indentured servants for a time, and then switched to slaves

Today they use illegal immigrants which is why neither party really wants to solve the illegal immigration issue nor do they want to secure the border.
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.
That is utter nonsense.

Slaves were not introduced into America until the practice became profitable for Arab, Dutch, and Portuguese slave traders who purchased them from Black African tribesmen to deliver and re-sell them in America where eventually they were employed mainly on Southern plantations. The Northern, Western, and Eastern sectors of developing America did not utilize slave labor to any significant degree. No European/Americans ever "went to the continent of Africa" to acquire slaves. The slaves were brought here and sold at auction -- during a time when slavery was an acceptable and rather common practice in most of the developed and developing world and it bore no substantial stigma. It should be noted that Africa was the birthplace of slavery, where the practice continues to this day. Slavery in contemporary Africa - Wikipedia

America would have grown economically without slaves. Perhaps not as quickly, but the absence of slave labor would not have annulled its economic viability and massive potential.
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What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.
That is utter nonsense.

Slaves were not introduced into America until the practice became profitable for Arab, Dutch, and Portuguese slave traders, who purchased them from Black African tribesmen, to deliver and re-sell them in America where they were employed mainly on southern plantations. No European/Americans ever "went to the continent of Africa" to acquire slaves. The slaves were brought here and sold at auction -- during a time when slavery was an acceptable and rather common practice in most of the developed and developing world. It should be noted that Africa was the birthplace of slavery and the practice continues there to this day. Slavery in contemporary Africa - Wikipedia

America would have grown economically without slaves. Perhaps not as quickly, but the absence of slave labor would not have annulled its economic viability and massive potential.

Oh bullshit. Slavery has existed, and sprang up independently, on every continent with the exception of Antarctica. To try to sell us "Africa invented slavery" is completely ludicrous.

And further, slavery is now illegal everywhere. Including Africa.
Oh bullshit. Slavery has existed, and sprang up independently, on every continent with the exception of Antarctica. To try to sell us "Africa invented slavery" is completely ludicrous.

And further, slavery is now illegal everywhere. Including Africa.
You are wrong on all points and anyone who is interested in the truth need only perform a basic Google search.

Slavery is to Africa what spaghetti and meatballs is to Italy -- and it continues there to this day, mainly in Sudan.
Oh bullshit. Slavery has existed, and sprang up independently, on every continent with the exception of Antarctica. To try to sell us "Africa invented slavery" is completely ludicrous.

And further, slavery is now illegal everywhere. Including Africa.
You are wrong on all points and anyone who is interested in the truth need only perform a basic Google search.

Slavery is to Africa what spaghetti and meatballs is to Italy -- and it continues there to this day, mainly in Sudan.

No I am sure as hell not wrong and Google will confirm.

>> Evidence of slavery predates written records, and has existed in many cultures.[11] However, slavery is rare among hunter-gatherer populations. Mass slavery requires economic surpluses and a high population density to be viable. Due to these factors, the practice of slavery would have only proliferated after the invention of agriculture during the Neolithic Revolution, about 11,000 years ago.[12]

Slavery was known in civilizations as old as Sumer, as well as in almost every other ancient civilization, including Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, Babylonia, Ancient Iran, Ancient Greece, India, the Roman Empire, the Arab Islamic Caliphate and Sultanate, Nubia and the pre-Columbian civilizations of the Americas.[13] Such institutions were a mixture of debt-slavery, punishment for crime, the enslavement of prisoners of war, child abandonment, and the birth of slave children to slaves.[14] << Wiki: History of Slavery

Not that I needed Google -- this is common knowledge by now. I think you're actually losing your mind. A few years ago your posts were lucid. They continue to deteriorate into abject incoherence. In any case, burping up this ridiculous revisionist history is grossly irresponsible.

More state-the-obvious:
>> The Sumerian Code of Ur-Nammu includes laws relating to slaves, written circa 2100 – 2050 BCE; it is the oldest known tablet containing a law code surviving today. The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, dating to c. 1700 BCE, also makes distinctions between the freeborn, freed and slave.

..... The Bible contains several references to slavery, which was a common practice in antiquity. The Bible stipulates the treatment of slaves, especially in the Old Testament.[3][4][5] There are also references to slavery in the New Testament.[6][7] Male Israelite slaves were to be offered release after six to seven years of service, with some conditions.[8][9][10] Foreign slaves and their posterity became the perpetual property of the owner's family,[11] except in the case of certain injuries.[12]

The Bible was cited as justification for slavery by defenders.[13][14] Abolitionists have also used text from the New Testament to argue for the manumission of slaves.[15][16][17]

.... Most philosophers of classical antiquity defended slavery as a natural and necessary institution.[18] Aristotle believed that the practice of any manual or banausic job should disqualify the practitioner from citizenship. Quoting Euripides, Aristotle declared all non-Greeks slaves by birth, fit for nothing but obedience.

By the late 4th century BCE passages start to appear from other Greeks, especially in Athens, which opposed slavery and suggested that every person living in a city-state had the right to freedom subject to no one, except those laws decided using majoritarianism. Alcidamas, for example, said: "God has set everyone free. No one is made a slave by nature." Furthermore, a fragment of a poem of Philemon also shows that he opposed slavery. << Wiki: Slavery in Antiquity​

And again, slavery "continues" NOWHERE legally. Human trafficking continues everywhere, including here, but it's still illegal.

What was new about the slave trade to the Americas was the concept of transporting a people from one continent to a totally different world, where they would have no culture, no language, no knowledge of the flora and fauna. But slavery has been going on everywhere since literally before history began to be written down.
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What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Nonsense. Of course, there would still be America.
They would have called it New Australia instead of America.
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.
That is utter nonsense.

Slaves were not introduced into America until the practice became profitable for Arab, Dutch, and Portuguese slave traders who purchased them from Black African tribesmen to deliver and re-sell them in America where eventually they were employed mainly on Southern plantations. The Northern, Western, and Eastern sectors of developing America did not utilize slave labor to any significant degree. No European/Americans ever "went to the continent of Africa" to acquire slaves. The slaves were brought here and sold at auction -- during a time when slavery was an acceptable and rather common practice in most of the developed and developing world and it bore no substantial stigma. It should be noted that Africa was the birthplace of slavery, where the practice continues to this day. Slavery in contemporary Africa - Wikipedia

America would have grown economically without slaves. Perhaps not as quickly, but the absence of slave labor would not have annulled its economic viability and massive potential.
Thats a load of bullshit. Whites enslaved each other before they ever got the technology to go into Africa. The very word slave stems from the Slavic people.
What if there had been no slaves in America?

Would blacks still claim to be oppressed? Would we have race baiters?
If there had been no slaves in America, there would be no America because when Europeans wanted to build the country they did not have the labor force to do it and went to the continent of Africa to exploit them and enslave them to build America for them and their profit.

Whites didn't go into Africa to enslave them. African tribes fought each other and captured defeated tribes and made them slaves. They then sold those slaves, mainly to the Spanish.
By "America" you mean North and South? Because slavery was of course used throughout both.

Again you're bending the facts to conform with the White-haters' and race-pimps' version of history.

The vast majority of slaves in America were concentrated in the Southern states. The comparative number of slaves distributed in other states was miniscule. In fact the majority of Northern and Eastern states were free states wherein it was unlawful to own slaves.

Slave and free states - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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And further, slavery is now illegal everywhere. Including Africa.
Who told you that? Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? Obama?

Slavery in contemporary Africa - Wikipedia

PS: The word, contemporary, means now, today, presently. And based on recent news reports there is a mob of armed Nigerian marauders, called Boko Haram, who kidnapped twenty young girls and offered them for sale as slaves. I was expecting that some Black American organizations might collect money and attempt to buy the girls' freedom -- but I haven't heard anything yet.

Have you?
[...]Today they use illegal immigrants which is why neither party really wants to solve the illegal immigration issue nor do they want to secure the border.
True. And without illegal immigrants the same work would be done. It would take longer and would result in increased wages. Things would slow down but growth would continue. Illegal immigration benefits mainly the super-rich.

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