What If A Reporter Asked "Confused Hillary",What Is Aleppo"?. How Would She Answer?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:boobies: :dunno: :eusa_doh: Too bad Matt didn't ask Hillary anything pertaining to Aleppo. Odds are Hillary would of had another five second brain freeze and said something like,,,,,"Uh,,,Aleppo? Uhhhh,,,isn't that one of the seven dwarfs"?
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Now, how would you guys think Hillary would of answered any questions pertaining to Aleppo being her brain seems to be in the same state of a fried egg,,,or "I can't remember, my brain is in a blender.....it's Jelloooooo" :laugh::laugh:
I have no doubt Clinton knows more about Aleppo than Johnson and Trump and you combined.
I have no doubt Clinton knows more about Aleppo than Johnson and Trump and you combined.

Funny, she seems to have forgotten every thing else when the FBI was questioning her.

Let's be real, Trump can't even remember what he said yesterday. The forum they both attended was a perfect example of Clinton having a handle on the issues while Trump is reading body language and letting us know while not even realizing he told us that he doesn't have a secret plan for ISIS after all. Gee, not surprised.
"One of the Seven Dwarfs" would have given me a clue something was wrong with her. However if she'd answered Aleppo was one of the Marx Brothers then I would have bought it. I never cared for the Marx Brothers other than Groucho's You Bet Your Life show that I've watched on YouTube.
I have no doubt Clinton knows more about Aleppo than Johnson and Trump and you combined.

Funny, she seems to have forgotten every thing else when the FBI was questioning her.

Let's be real, Trump can't even remember what he said yesterday. The forum they both attended was a perfect example of Clinton having a handle on the issues while Trump is reading body language and letting us know while not even realizing he told us that he doesn't have a secret plan for ISIS after all. Gee, not surprised.

Hillary didn't even know we have troops in Iraq. And, telling the enemy what you are not going to do is beyond stupid.

"They are not going to get ground troops," she said at a prime-time NBC forum. "We are not putting ground troops into Iraq ever again. And we're not putting ground troops into Syria. We're going to defeat ISIS without committing American ground troops."
She said it four times. Clearly, this was a message she intended to deliver.
The first big problem with this premise is the fact that there are already arguably ground troops in Iraq and Syria. The second is that in recent months, generals have asked for even more. In other words: The potential need for a ramped-up effort is already evident, but Clinton is completely foreclosing that option in a way that doesn't allow for changing circumstances."
:boobies: :dunno: :eusa_doh: Too bad Matt didn't ask Hillary anything pertaining to Aleppo. Odds are Hillary would of had another five second brain freeze and said something like,,,,,"Uh,,,Aleppo? Uhhhh,,,isn't that one of the seven dwarfs"?
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Now, how would you guys think Hillary would of answered any questions pertaining to Aleppo being her brain seems to be in the same state of a fried egg,,,or "I can't remember, my brain is in a blender.....it's Jelloooooo" :laugh::laugh:

I hate her, but she was SOS and I bet she knows her geography.
:boobies: :dunno: :eusa_doh: Too bad Matt didn't ask Hillary anything pertaining to Aleppo. Odds are Hillary would of had another five second brain freeze and said something like,,,,,"Uh,,,Aleppo? Uhhhh,,,isn't that one of the seven dwarfs"?
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Now, how would you guys think Hillary would of answered any questions pertaining to Aleppo being her brain seems to be in the same state of a fried egg,,,or "I can't remember, my brain is in a blender.....it's Jelloooooo" :laugh::laugh:

I hate her, but she was SOS and I bet she knows her geography.
I always thought an Aleppo was one of the choices on the Taco Bell menu
:boobies: :dunno: :eusa_doh: Too bad Matt didn't ask Hillary anything pertaining to Aleppo. Odds are Hillary would of had another five second brain freeze and said something like,,,,,"Uh,,,Aleppo? Uhhhh,,,isn't that one of the seven dwarfs"?
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Now, how would you guys think Hillary would of answered any questions pertaining to Aleppo being her brain seems to be in the same state of a fried egg,,,or "I can't remember, my brain is in a blender.....it's Jelloooooo" :laugh::laugh:

I hate her, but she was SOS and I bet she knows her geography.
I always thought an Aleppo was one of the choices on the Taco Bell menu

No dummy, it's a type of dog food, geesh.
:boobies: :dunno: :eusa_doh: Too bad Matt didn't ask Hillary anything pertaining to Aleppo. Odds are Hillary would of had another five second brain freeze and said something like,,,,,"Uh,,,Aleppo? Uhhhh,,,isn't that one of the seven dwarfs"?
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Now, how would you guys think Hillary would of answered any questions pertaining to Aleppo being her brain seems to be in the same state of a fried egg,,,or "I can't remember, my brain is in a blender.....it's Jelloooooo" :laugh::laugh:

I hate her, but she was SOS and I bet she knows her geography.
I always thought an Aleppo was one of the choices on the Taco Bell menu

No dummy, it's a type of dog food, geesh.
does it come in chicken, tuna, or human?
I have no doubt Clinton knows more about Aleppo than Johnson and Trump and you combined.

Funny, she seems to have forgotten every thing else when the FBI was questioning her.

Let's be real, Trump can't even remember what he said yesterday. The forum they both attended was a perfect example of Clinton having a handle on the issues while Trump is reading body language and letting us know while not even realizing he told us that he doesn't have a secret plan for ISIS after all. Gee, not surprised.

Hillary didn't even know we have troops in Iraq. And, telling the enemy what you are not going to do is beyond stupid.

"They are not going to get ground troops," she said at a prime-time NBC forum. "We are not putting ground troops into Iraq ever again. And we're not putting ground troops into Syria. We're going to defeat ISIS without committing American ground troops."
She said it four times. Clearly, this was a message she intended to deliver.
The first big problem with this premise is the fact that there are already arguably ground troops in Iraq and Syria. The second is that in recent months, generals have asked for even more. In other words: The potential need for a ramped-up effort is already evident, but Clinton is completely foreclosing that option in a way that doesn't allow for changing circumstances."

I believe she was referring to an invading force in Iraq. That was apparent to me.
Ask Bill Clinton? Bill: Aleppo? oh yah, I remember her, I think she was about 18 when we met? well,, she told me she was 18. but she was sooo fine !!!!!

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