What House Dems Should Do

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Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
So first, some Realpolitik.

There will not be 67 votes in the Senate to remove Racist Donnie. Even if there are millions and millions in the streets demanding his removal, remember that we had millions and millions in the streets to stop the illegal invasion of Iraq under false pretenses, but the ReThugliCons did it anyway. Come hell or high water, there will not be 20 ReThug Senators voting for impeachment.

After the judiciary committee votes out the articles of impeachment to send to the full House for a vote, Chairman Nadler should call one last witness, namely Aaron Zebley, Mueller's top aide. He can then publicly go down the list of federal crimes (as opposed to impeachable non-crimes) that Racist Donnie could be charged with if there were no DOJ ban on indicting a sitting president, including numerous instances of obstruction of justice, numerous instances of perjury, numerous instances of campaign finance violations, as well as extortion and bribery.

Then after the full House votes out the articles of impeachment, Speaker Pelosi should address the nation, and explain that because the congressional ReThugliCons are putting their party over the constitution, putting their party over the rule of law, putting their party over the country, putting their party over the American people, and Moscow Mitch has already related his intention to hold a kangaroo court and fast-track any trial to a not-guilty vote, the House will not be forwarding the articles of impeachment to the Senate (there is nothing in the constitution that requires the House to forward articles of impeachment to the Senate, only that the Senate must act if they receive them). This will deprive Racist Donnie of his 'not-guilty' exoneration, which could cripple him going into the election.

Pelosi will then explain that they will be following Mueller's lead and placing the articles of impeachment, all testimony, all documents, and all other evidence under seal, and allow Racist Donnie to be federally indicted for numerous federal crimes after he leaves office and no longer has the protection of the DOJ ban on indicting sitting presidents. As Neal Katyal has pointed out, all statute of limitations are tolled while a president is in office (he wrote the law).

Immediately afterward, Nadler can bring up a censure of Racist Donnie in the judiciary committee and send it to the full House for a vote. Then he can bring up a censure of Pooh Barr and send it to the full House for a vote.

This will allow the entire process to come to a rapid conclusion almost immediately after the several rounds of highly impactful, explosive, and damaging public testimony, instead of being drawn-out to the exhaustion of the American people.

I don't believe that Roberts will buy Racist Donnie's 'self-pardon' nonsense, which means the SCOTUS would not uphold any self-pardon by at least 5-4, and Racist Donnie will be facing indictment on a dozen or so federal crimes. His only remaining move after he loses in November, would be to resign in December and allow Pence to ascend to the office, with the proviso that he grants Racist Donnie a blanket federal pardon, and Pence would serve out the remaining month or so of the term.

So, in the end, Racist Donnie would have been impeached, censured, had to resign from office in disgrace, AND both he and the rest of the Trumpbino Crime Family would still be subject to prosecution of New York state felonies, without the benefit of any pardons, resulting in prison sentences.

What House Dems Should Do

Nancy Pelosi has played the magamites like a fiddle. Emails are being sent to her office, as well as Jerry Nadlers office, asking both of them to do it just this way. The melt down will be epic.
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