What have the poor done to deserve our support?

so the left are poor people who have tons of babies in order to soak up other peoples money, but also abort anything they can because they are murders?


I thought the "poor" was President Obama's brother living in a hut.

I think Bam Bam did send him an autographed picture which he has not sold on e bay yet.

His aunt a person of interest of I think in the Baltimore area. I think she gets poverty relief locally and not from him. For years.

I can't remember why her deportation to Kenya was stalled.

And his other uncle that was just got a DUI charge.

He's on the dole too I beleive.

Obama's a champ. His vision instead of helping any members of his family (it takes a village) or to help anyone else is to have a Johnny Depp party at the WH when Obama and Michelle could have fed thousands who need food and water.

What a champ!! And you go Michelle. Those hungry in Haiti tonight will really care that you can do push ups and jumping jacks.

She could invite them to harvest her vegetable garden!
deregulation killed the economy.

Its the rights baby

No, Free Trade did.

You bleed out 500 billion a year in trade deficits every year buying foreign crap, you are going to have problems.

Deregulation is an attempt to correct the initial problem of free trade. It doesn't work. Because you can't deregulate enough to really compete with a third world country in terms of labor and overhead costs.
For one thing, what's poor. To the billionaire, the mere millionaire is very poor. The poor in this country is beyond the wildest dreams wealthy of the poor in most of the world.

My step granddaughter is poor. She lives below the poverty line. Or does she? She is a single mother with four children from four different anonymous men. She lives in Section 8 housing, a nice three bedroom two bath apartment. Her utilities are all subsidized. She had benefit provided telephone service and a benefit provided cell phone. Her childen eat all three meals a day at school, but she still has a loaded EBT card. In addition, there are food banks and food pantries where she doesn't have to pay at all. My step granddaughter doesn't drive. When she wants to go someplace she has generously been provided a transit card to take the bus. If the bus doesn't go where she wants to go she can call for a car. There are a number of public benefit provided access cars. It would be unfair to say she doesn't work. She provides child care to her friend's three children. She gets a check every month for that. Her friend gets paid for providing child care to my step granddaughter's children. She gets her welfare check every month. She has never had to buy her children Christmas presents. They get dozens from any number of holiday giveaway programs. Two of her children have been diagnosed as having some form of hyper activity disorder. They get SSI.

All in all, her take home is in excess of $5,000 a month. She can afford to get her hair and nails done regularly. She can afford to pay for her medical marijuana which she needs for generalized stress. Getting this kind of medical care as a public benefit is something she is vitally interested in. She isn't rich, but she certainly is quite comfortable.

It wasn't always like this. She was going to join the Coast Guard and get job training. At one time she was considering culinary school and become a chef. She had dreams at one time but all that was leached away because being poor was just so easy and so comfortable.
For one thing, what's poor. To the billionaire, the mere millionaire is very poor. The poor in this country is beyond the wildest dreams wealthy of the poor in most of the world.

My step granddaughter is poor. She lives below the poverty line. Or does she? She is a single mother with four children from four different anonymous men. She lives in Section 8 housing, a nice three bedroom two bath apartment. Her utilities are all subsidized. She had benefit provided telephone service and a benefit provided cell phone. Her childen eat all three meals a day at school, but she still has a loaded EBT card. In addition, there are food banks and food pantries where she doesn't have to pay at all. My step granddaughter doesn't drive. When she wants to go someplace she has generously been provided a transit card to take the bus. If the bus doesn't go where she wants to go she can call for a car. There are a number of public benefit provided access cars. It would be unfair to say she doesn't work. She provides child care to her friend's three children. She gets a check every month for that. Her friend gets paid for providing child care to my step granddaughter's children. She gets her welfare check every month. She has never had to buy her children Christmas presents. They get dozens from any number of holiday giveaway programs. Two of her children have been diagnosed as having some form of hyper activity disorder. They get SSI.

All in all, her take home is in excess of $5,000 a month. She can afford to get her hair and nails done regularly. She can afford to pay for her medical marijuana which she needs for generalized stress. Getting this kind of medical care as a public benefit is something she is vitally interested in. She isn't rich, but she certainly is quite comfortable.

It wasn't always like this. She was going to join the Coast Guard and get job training. At one time she was considering culinary school and become a chef. She had dreams at one time but all that was leached away because being poor was just so easy and so comfortable.

This sounds like someone who has learned how to game the system, and that is unfortunate. I'm sure there are a few people like that.

And there are people who are working poor taking some of these benefits to survive.

I do think that at least part of the problem is that the government makes it too easy to get benefits and doesn't do anything to hold people to account. What sounds devastating here is that there are four kids involved who are going to think that this is all perfectly normal and okay.

I would have no problem with a work requirement for welfare. And drug testing, which liberals scream bloody murder about if anyone suggests it.
I think he was talking about those on welfare that choose to sit on there asses on welfare and do not even bother to look for work. Not the poor who look for work and are just having a hard time finding it.
I'll answer the question, those who choose to sit on their asses and not help themselves do not deserve the help of others. Those that at least try to find work and do better for themselves deserve our help to get them on their feet.

then he should have said that......but he did not......

If you listen to his whole quote instead of just being a left wing prick here and I'm no Romney fan, Mitt was explaining how the poor had a safety net built in and the rich shouldn't worry but he was really concerned in this day and age the the middle class was losing everything they had gained slowly over all these decades.

But hey you want to lie because that's the drum beat over this or to remain ignorant of the truth.

Odds are if you are a Democrat you are just a blatant liar.
wasnt talking about what Romney said.....was talking about what the Rabbi said..........
then he should have said that......but he did not......

If you listen to his whole quote instead of just being a left wing prick here and I'm no Romney fan, Mitt was explaining how the poor had a safety net built in and the rich shouldn't worry but he was really concerned in this day and age the the middle class was losing everything they had gained slowly over all these decades.

But hey you want to lie because that's the drum beat over this or to remain ignorant of the truth.

Odds are if you are a Democrat you are just a blatant liar.

Don't think Harry is liberal or a democrat, but whatever.

i think these Quotes are getting all mixed up here......i was referring to what the Rabbi was saying about the poor....
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.

Fuck you bud, I am poor, and Conservative, and Work my ass off. I don't ask for hand outs. Other than the Retarded Amount of Money I get back in Tax Returns, Far more than I pay in, I don't Take welfare.

But to insinuate that everyone that is poor is undeserving because they don't do anything, Is pure horse shit.

You're "poor"? Just out of curiosity, how did you obtain a computer and internet connection? Are you at the library?
Fuck you bud, I am poor, and Conservative, and Work my ass off. I don't ask for hand outs. Other than the Retarded Amount of Money I get back in Tax Returns, Far more than I pay in, I don't Take welfare.

But to insinuate that everyone that is poor is undeserving because they don't do anything, Is pure horse shit.

Yep, a great point here Charles, and one that appears to be a bit too nuanced for both whacked-out ends of the political spectrum - folks who are too paralyzed by group-think and binary thought processes to actually take a moment to carefully analyze things. Of course, this makes it much easier for them to spew simplistic bumper-sticker slogans and then shake their fist in the air in some kind of "victory". Let's call them WOI's (Whacked Out Ideologues).

Anyway, you're right - this is far more complicated than just The Rich and The Poor. The opposing WOI's like to divide us into just those two groups to keep things nice and simple. Examples:

The right wing WOI's evidently think that anyone who is poor is so because they are lazy, drug-infested criminals who spend their days on the couch watching Jerry Springer and feasting on their government-provided Doritos. And that anyone with money received it via nothing but hard work, sacrifice and good decisions. No luck involved, they did it all themselves without help from anyone else, ever. They literally became rich by themselves, working out of their basement. And raising their marginal tax rates to Clinton-era levels would immediately stop them from spending money or "hiring" people, even if they don't own a business. <?>

The left wing WOI's evidently think that anyone who is poor is so because The Rich have conspired to keep them down and confiscate their Doritos. The Rich have kept secret from these poor souls the fact that it's entirely possible to improve your life even if yours is lousy right now, and the list of ways to do that is pretty much freakin' everywhere. They are always going to be poor, no matter what, and The Rich need to take care of them, starting pretty much now. And that anyone who is Rich became that way either because they inherited it or obtained it by victimizing The Poor via nefarious means (except for rappers and loud-mouthed entertainment figures who have self-identified as The People Who Have All The Answers).

My humble guess is that no one is considering your point - that there is a huge group in the middle who are busting their ass every day, playing by the rules and doing the best they can. This group is being ignored by both WOI groups because their stories are a little more complicated and don't support either WOI story. Meanwhile, this group deserves a little more attention, and it's not getting it. Why not?

Because it's not politically expedient.

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For one thing, what's poor. To the billionaire, the mere millionaire is very poor. The poor in this country is beyond the wildest dreams wealthy of the poor in most of the world.

My step granddaughter is poor. She lives below the poverty line. Or does she? She is a single mother with four children from four different anonymous men. She lives in Section 8 housing, a nice three bedroom two bath apartment. Her utilities are all subsidized. She had benefit provided telephone service and a benefit provided cell phone. Her childen eat all three meals a day at school, but she still has a loaded EBT card. In addition, there are food banks and food pantries where she doesn't have to pay at all. My step granddaughter doesn't drive. When she wants to go someplace she has generously been provided a transit card to take the bus. If the bus doesn't go where she wants to go she can call for a car. There are a number of public benefit provided access cars. It would be unfair to say she doesn't work. She provides child care to her friend's three children. She gets a check every month for that. Her friend gets paid for providing child care to my step granddaughter's children. She gets her welfare check every month. She has never had to buy her children Christmas presents. They get dozens from any number of holiday giveaway programs. Two of her children have been diagnosed as having some form of hyper activity disorder. They get SSI.

All in all, her take home is in excess of $5,000 a month. She can afford to get her hair and nails done regularly. She can afford to pay for her medical marijuana which she needs for generalized stress. Getting this kind of medical care as a public benefit is something she is vitally interested in. She isn't rich, but she certainly is quite comfortable.

It wasn't always like this. She was going to join the Coast Guard and get job training. At one time she was considering culinary school and become a chef. She had dreams at one time but all that was leached away because being poor was just so easy and so comfortable.

Bummer dude. I wish them well. I could tell you a similar story , with the biggest difference being intervention. I have the children now, now they have a real chance.
In frequent threads here the brain-dead leftists moan about how the "idle rich" (like there is such a thing) don't deserve their money. But look at the other side. The poor in this country enjoy a lifestyle envied by even middle class people in most of the world. What have they done to deserve this? The idlest of the idle rich invest money and help other hard working people get ahead. The poor simply absorb tax payer funding and have babies.

Are you going to make A Modest Proposal on what to do with our poor?
so the left are poor people who have tons of babies in order to soak up other peoples money, but also abort anything they can because they are murders?


I thought the "poor" was President Obama's brother living in a hut.

I think Bam Bam did send him an autographed picture which he has not sold on e bay yet.

His aunt a person of interest of I think in the Baltimore area. I think she gets poverty relief locally and not from him. For years.

I can't remember why her deportation to Kenya was stalled.

And his other uncle that was just got a DUI charge.

He's on the dole too I beleive.

Obama's a champ. His vision instead of helping any members of his family (it takes a village) or to help anyone else is to have a Johnny Depp party at the WH when Obama and Michelle could have fed thousands who need food and water.

What a champ!! And you go Michelle. Those hungry in Haiti tonight will really care that you can do push ups and jumping jacks.

Wow...if there were some kind of prize for crazy deflection....you'd get it.
Wow. Lots of neg reps and personal attacks. And not one person has answered the question.
If the left is so stuck on taxing the shit out of rich people because they dont work then why aren't they hep on cutting benefits for poor people who dont work?
Contumacious had it right: they vote. That's it.

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