What has HIllary accomplished?

We often get carried away talking about the e-mail scandal and the endless lies surrounding it and the ineptitude of Hillary in allowing it, and we all know her track record as Secretary of State with Benghazi fiasco and the Syrian fiasco with endless immigrants flooding Europe, but does anyone ever question what her accomplishments were that qualify her for being President?

What are they?
What had Obama accomplished? WTF is a community organizer?

We now live in the age when most people are drawn towards evil like moths to a flame.
what are your accomplishments hacktard?
Thousand times that of Hussein.
Married Bill Clinton, if she hadn't you'd have never heard of the old hag

in fact, sassy----I believe that if HE has not married that
aggressive bitch----we would have never heard the name
of that disgusting lecher
Maybe Bill has been trying to tell us something the past 25 years and nobody has put 2 and 2 together. Hilliary has always been the brains and boss of that union. Bill has always been a tool for her and the Alinsky-Soros-Ayers cartel. All his indiscretions have been (to me) a method to keep Hillary out of the White House. All one has to do is examine their relationship over the years to see that he is a block in her path. The Monica incident, all the women who accuse him, the trips to Teen Fantasy Island and other escapades have him in a Vince Foster mode and he's getting desperate. Bill has been trapped in her web since college days and he's fighting back..
Well, she was a First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State.
Holding office is one thing. Doing something w/ it is another.

How do you measure the success of Sec of states and senators ?

Tuning Syria and Libya over to Jihadists is quite an accomplishment. The Islamists have been trying to gain control for decades and Hillary handed to them in a mater of months

Divide and conquer, it's been the US strategy since WWII..Notice how the Muslim terrorist didn't start hitting the US and US citizens till Reagan?

US Embassy in Tehran during Carter?
Well, she was a First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State.
Holding office is one thing. Doing something w/ it is another.

How do you measure the success of Sec of states and senators ?

Tuning Syria and Libya over to Jihadists is quite an accomplishment. The Islamists have been trying to gain control for decades and Hillary handed to them in a mater of months

Divide and conquer, it's been the US strategy since WWII..Notice how the Muslim terrorist didn't start hitting the US and US citizens till Reagan?

US Embassy in Tehran during Carter?

Bush's fault
Well, she was a First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State.
Holding office is one thing. Doing something w/ it is another.

How do you measure the success of Sec of states and senators ?

By the importance of their results in strengthening the nation, benefiting Americans, and putting hostile foreign powers in their place. On that last, the State Department has become nothing more than a shill for those hostile nations.

Also, I've begun assessing Congress by the number of bills they repeal, not bills passed. So far they all suck at it.

How about a sec of state objective criteria ?

It's so easy to say "she sucked , because I say so!"

Reread the first sentence. That is my objective criteria for SECSTATE, or any Executive Branch officer dealing with similar issues. To be specific would require my writing you a book.
We often get carried away talking about the e-mail scandal and the endless lies surrounding it and the ineptitude of Hillary in allowing it, and we all know her track record as Secretary of State with Benghazi fiasco and the Syrian fiasco with endless immigrants flooding Europe, but does anyone ever question what her accomplishments were that qualify her for being President?

What are they?

Let's see.....as a Senator she worked for healthcare reform, early childcare, compensation for 9-11 responders and victims

As Secretary of State, she restored previously fractured alliances and organized global economic sanctions against Iran

But I guess that pales in comparison to being a reality TV star

So far I've got

1. Became a Senator in a state that never elects the GOP
2. Worked for health care reform. Looks like that worked out well. (wink, wink)
3. Ended sanctions against a terrorist state? Really? Was it an accomplishment to give Iran a cash infusion so they can continue to spread terrorism throughout the Middle East?

Hillary organized a multinational embargo with China, Russia, EU, Japan, S Korea that brought Iran to the bargaining table

Too funny. Iran got exactly the bargain they wanted. What did we get?
that he is a block in her path


You DO REALIZE, don't you, that after failing the DC Bar Exam, Hillary got the job at Rose Law Firm right AFTER Bill won Arkansas AG, and then made partner right AFTER Bill won Gov.

Hillary has no merit on her resume at all, She is not the "brains," she is the beneficiary of having a pseudo-husband who got her everything in life, and all it cost her was to attack the credibility of the victims of Bill's sexual predator instincts...

Hillary’s coattail career and her glass-ceiling myths | New York Post

But in truth, even then she was riding on Bill’s coattails. She got the law job in 1977 — surprise — just after he was sworn in as the state’s attorney general. Then, two years later when he was inaugurated as governor — bingo! — she was vaulted to partner.
We often get carried away talking about the e-mail scandal and the endless lies surrounding it and the ineptitude of Hillary in allowing it, and we all know her track record as Secretary of State with Benghazi fiasco and the Syrian fiasco with endless immigrants flooding Europe, but does anyone ever question what her accomplishments were that qualify her for being President?

What are they?

Let's see.....as a Senator she worked for healthcare reform, early childcare, compensation for 9-11 responders and victims

As Secretary of State, she restored previously fractured alliances and organized global economic sanctions against Iran

But I guess that pales in comparison to being a reality TV star

So far I've got

1. Became a Senator in a state that never elects the GOP
2. Worked for health care reform. Looks like that worked out well. (wink, wink)
3. Ended sanctions against a terrorist state? Really? Was it an accomplishment to give Iran a cash infusion so they can continue to spread terrorism throughout the Middle East?

Hillary organized a multinational embargo with China, Russia, EU, Japan, S Korea that brought Iran to the bargaining table

Too funny. Iran got exactly the bargain they wanted. What did we get?
We got Iran to give up their stockpiles of enriched uranium and agreed to dismantle centerfuges and put off their nuclear program for ten years

They got crippling sanctions lifted
Under Reagan, they hit the USMC barracks in Beirut killing 240 Marines

That's another big lie. When the Marines were killed, Israel shouted out Hezbo Hezbo Hezbo did it.

Reagan ended up ruling out Hezbo as a suspect. Israel then reached into the bag of the show "24" with 1000 bogus terror group names, and came up with Islamic Jihad.

ISRAEL murdered those Marines to provoke a US war with Hezbo.
We often get carried away talking about the e-mail scandal and the endless lies surrounding it and the ineptitude of Hillary in allowing it, and we all know her track record as Secretary of State with Benghazi fiasco and the Syrian fiasco with endless immigrants flooding Europe, but does anyone ever question what her accomplishments were that qualify her for being President?

What are they?

Let's see.....as a Senator she worked for healthcare reform, early childcare, compensation for 9-11 responders and victims

As Secretary of State, she restored previously fractured alliances and organized global economic sanctions against Iran

But I guess that pales in comparison to being a reality TV star

So far I've got

1. Became a Senator in a state that never elects the GOP
2. Worked for health care reform. Looks like that worked out well. (wink, wink)
3. Ended sanctions against a terrorist state? Really? Was it an accomplishment to give Iran a cash infusion so they can continue to spread terrorism throughout the Middle East?

Hillary organized a multinational embargo with China, Russia, EU, Japan, S Korea that brought Iran to the bargaining table

Too funny. Iran got exactly the bargain they wanted. What did we get?
We got Iran to give up their stockpiles of enriched uranium and agreed to dismantle centerfuges and put off their nuclear program for ten years

Under Reagan, they hit the USMC barracks in Beirut killing 240 Marines

That's another big lie. When the Marines were killed, Israel shouted out Hezbo Hezbo Hezbo did it.

Reagan ended up ruling out Hezbo as a suspect. Israel then reached into the bag of the show "24" with 1000 bogus terror group names, and came up with Islamic Jihad.

ISRAEL murdered those Marines to provoke a US war with Hezbo.

Only in Hillary's never never land. If you noticed Iran not fully cooperating, you are a "Hillary Hater" and you are "attacking" her like the sexist pig you are.... or something like that.

Maybe Webb Hubbell will come forward again and say while Hillary was SofS, Webb actually did the Iran deal, so blame Chelsea's bio daddy again, not Hillary...
We often get carried away talking about the e-mail scandal and the endless lies surrounding it and the ineptitude of Hillary in allowing it, and we all know her track record as Secretary of State with Benghazi fiasco and the Syrian fiasco with endless immigrants flooding Europe, but does anyone ever question what her accomplishments were that qualify her for being President?

What are they?

Let's see.....as a Senator she worked for healthcare reform, early childcare, compensation for 9-11 responders and victims

As Secretary of State, she restored previously fractured alliances and organized global economic sanctions against Iran

But I guess that pales in comparison to being a reality TV star

So far I've got

1. Became a Senator in a state that never elects the GOP
2. Worked for health care reform. Looks like that worked out well. (wink, wink)
3. Ended sanctions against a terrorist state? Really? Was it an accomplishment to give Iran a cash infusion so they can continue to spread terrorism throughout the Middle East?

Hillary organized a multinational embargo with China, Russia, EU, Japan, S Korea that brought Iran to the bargaining table

Too funny. Iran got exactly the bargain they wanted. What did we get?
We got Iran to give up their stockpiles of enriched uranium and agreed to dismantle centerfuges and put off their nuclear program for ten years

They got crippling sanctions lifted
Plus they're violating sanctions already in place by testing missiles that can carry a nuclear payload, you yellow bellied terrorist supporter.
1983 Beirut barracks bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

" An obscure group calling itself 'Islamic Jihad' claimed responsibility"

"Secretary of Defense Weinberger, in a September 2001 FRONTLINE interview, reaffirmed that rift in White House counsel when he claimed that the U.S. still lacks "'actual knowledge of who did the bombing' of the Marine barracks."

Israel wanted a US war with Hezbollah. They didn't get one, because there was evidence of fraud.


Marines murdered
Israel fingers Hezbollah
Reagan rules out Hezbollah
Israel creates a bogus new terror group that claims responsibility, and never appears again until episode 15 of the "24" TV show
Under Reagan, they hit the USMC barracks in Beirut killing 240 Marines

That's another big lie. When the Marines were killed, Israel shouted out Hezbo Hezbo Hezbo did it.

Reagan ended up ruling out Hezbo as a suspect. Israel then reached into the bag of the show "24" with 1000 bogus terror group names, and came up with Islamic Jihad.

ISRAEL murdered those Marines to provoke a US war with Hezbo.
Your post smells like shit.........and tastes like shit..........sure glad someone didn't step in it.
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that he is a block in her path


You DO REALIZE, don't you, that after failing the DC Bar Exam, Hillary got the job at Rose Law Firm right AFTER Bill won Arkansas AG, and then made partner right AFTER Bill won Gov.

Hillary has no merit on her resume at all, She is not the "brains," she is the beneficiary of having a pseudo-husband who got her everything in life, and all it cost her was to attack the credibility of the victims of Bill's sexual predator instincts...

Hillary’s coattail career and her glass-ceiling myths | New York Post

But in truth, even then she was riding on Bill’s coattails. She got the law job in 1977 — surprise — just after he was sworn in as the state’s attorney general. Then, two years later when he was inaugurated as governor — bingo! — she was vaulted to partner.
Pfffffftt. Just goes t show how bad Kool Aid drinkers are bamboozled by Cankles and Friends.
It is amazing how huffy Hillary supporters get when truth is told about Hillary.

Hillary failed the DC Bar exam

Response - you HATER, you SEXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hillary made partner because Bill won the election for governor

Response - you pile of SHIT!!!!
Indeed, when Ronald Reagan failed to pull a W and go to war on command from Tel Aviv over fraud, lies, and deliberate Zionist murder of US Marines, THAT is when the "US Media" and Hollywood started a never ending attack against Reagan. Reagan proved a patriotic American President can stand up to Zionism and win elections. W proved that traitors even come from famous families, and that rewarding a child for lying produces a very low character adult.
We often get carried away talking about the e-mail scandal and the endless lies surrounding it and the ineptitude of Hillary in allowing it, and we all know her track record as Secretary of State with Benghazi fiasco and the Syrian fiasco with endless immigrants flooding Europe, but does anyone ever question what her accomplishments were that qualify her for being President?

What are they?

Let's see.....as a Senator she worked for healthcare reform, early childcare, compensation for 9-11 responders and victims

As Secretary of State, she restored previously fractured alliances and organized global economic sanctions against Iran

But I guess that pales in comparison to being a reality TV star

So far I've got

1. Became a Senator in a state that never elects the GOP
2. Worked for health care reform. Looks like that worked out well. (wink, wink)
3. Ended sanctions against a terrorist state? Really? Was it an accomplishment to give Iran a cash infusion so they can continue to spread terrorism throughout the Middle East?

Hillary organized a multinational embargo with China, Russia, EU, Japan, S Korea that brought Iran to the bargaining table

Imagine using economic warfare to gain objectives vs military invasions

Her foreign policy was a cluster fuck, enemy's don't fear us, allies don't trust us and hey north korea broke another resolution...

North Korea fires submarine-based ballistic missile: South Korea - CNN.com
We often get carried away talking about the e-mail scandal and the endless lies surrounding it and the ineptitude of Hillary in allowing it, and we all know her track record as Secretary of State with Benghazi fiasco and the Syrian fiasco with endless immigrants flooding Europe, but does anyone ever question what her accomplishments were that qualify her for being President?

What are they?

I've been asking Democrats that since 2007. They deflect the question by default, because there are no accomplishments to list.
. Here are just a few:

•First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College.
•President of the Wellesley Young Republicans
•Intern at the House Republican Conference
•Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School
•Editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action
•Appointed to Senator Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.
•Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
•Staff attorney for Children's Defense Fund
•Faculty member in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
•Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic.
•First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation
•First female partner at Rose Law Firm.
•Former civil litigation attorney.
•Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law.
•twice listed by The National Law Journal as one of the hundred most influential lawyers in America
•Former First Lady of Arkansas.
•Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1983
•Chair of the American Bar Association's Commission on Women in the Profession
•twice named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America
•created Arkansas's Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth
•led a task force that reformed Arkansas's education system
•Board of directors of Wal-Mart and several other corporations
•Instrumental in passage of the State Children's Health Insurance Program
•Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses
•Successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health
•Worked to investigate reports of an illness that affected veterans of the Gulf War (now recognized as Gulf War Syndrome)
•Helped create the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice
•Initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act
•First FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree
•Traveled to 79 countries during time as FLOTUS
•Helped create Vital Voices, an international initiative to promote the participation of women in the political processes of their countries.
•Served on five Senate committees:
-Committee on Budget (2001–2002)
-Committee on Armed Services (2003–2009)
-Committee on Environment and Public Works (2001–2009)
-Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (2001–2009)
-Special Committee on Aging.
•Member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
•Instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment
•Leading role in investigating the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders.
•In the aftermath of September 11th, she worked closely with her senior Senate counterpart from New York, Sen. Charles Schumer, on securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
• Middle East ceasefire. In November 2012, Secretary of State Clinton brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.
•Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act, intended to protect children from inappropriate content found in video games.
•First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate (and re-elected)
•Two-term New York Senator
-(senate stats here: https://www.govtrack.us/...)
-(voting record here: http://votesmart.org/...)
•Former US Secretary of State
•GRAMMY Award Winner

Now, list Donald Trumps accomplishments beyond stiffing his employees, scamming the elderly, inheriting $40,000,000.00, going to court for Fraud and Racketeering between the election and the inauguration and......well.......there's more.

Did Hillary Clinton win health care for 8 million children as first lady?

Just that fact alone makes her a better person than any Republican.

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