What has happened to white men in media and advertising?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I can't say whether any of the "facts" cited in the following essay are actually factual, but they seem true. If I took the time to say "Bullshit" every time I saw something on television that is BULLSHIT, I would go hoarse in a fairly short period of time. We have woman heads of architectural firms, women riding large motorcycles, Black & white couples all over the place, more mulatto kids than anyone could count...and all of this being portrayed as typical and/or normal, and not extraordinary. Not only is it all bullshit, but it is nauseating. It is the pretense of equality where none exists. And for what purpose?

What Happened to the White People in America

Of the 328.2 Million total citizens, there are 236.5 Million Whites in
the United States or 72% of the population!

A spreadsheet of TV commercials shows the following over a 4-month period:

White men have all but disappeared. When they are in commercials they
are either old, ugly and sick, or they are the partner of a black
woman and have no speaking part. In 3 of the commercials the white
men are doing laundry and always paired with a little girl to whom
they are delivering the clean clothes.

There were zero commercials of White fathers and sons. None!

Equally disturbing, young white boys and teens have also disappeared.
The study found a majority of the children were white girls with a
black "brother." Mostly TV commercial couples consist of a white
woman with a black man. Are they trying to program the young people of

Amazingly, in the month of December there was an uptick in good
looking white male models. Research determined that in each and every
case it was a cologne commercial and every one of those commercials
were made in Europe, where they still use muscular, masculine white

One insurance commercial featured a good-looking white guy in his
20's. He was so mind-numbingly stupid that he was incapable of
delivering his lines, and couldn't even say "Liberty Mutual," the
insurance company featured in the commercial.

Over a period of 4 months it concluded that while the African American
population in America is only 12%, they were in 94.3% of the
commercials. Black males are only 5% of our population, yet were in
89.7% of the ads.

White males make up the largest segment of our population, yet were
only in 4% of the TV commercials! In most of those cases they are in
their 60's to 80's, and were pushing medication for debilitating
diseases, reverse mortgages (Tom Selleck) or Medicare plans. While
the study had many, many more alarming facts, one that really stands
out is that each and every ad for new cars featured a woman driver,
except for Lincoln.

Only one ad included a white male passenger, and he is not behind the
wheel, a black woman is. In the commercials for automobiles, there
were more black women drivers than white women. Again, Europe was the
exception where Mercedes and BMW had NO VISIBLE DRIVERS!! They showed
the cars cruising highways with license plates that were obviously
European, but never allowed a view where the driver was visible. I
found that very interesting.

The questions:

Who casts these commercial shoots?

Who directs the directors to cast certain ‘types’?

How did this trend in commercials happen all at the same time? Was it
at federal government direction?

Can you say conspiracy?

What is going on here?

Looks like White Lives don’t matter, and Black Privilege has taken over!
I'm thinking as normal white guys we're just suppose to enjoy the ride, definitely pay our taxes, be pathetically misrepresented and shut the hell up as America devolves into a propagandized lefty fascist 3rd world swamp pot... :lol: ..

Oh well...

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I can't say whether any of the "facts" cited in the following essay are actually factual, but they seem true. If I took the time to say "Bullshit" every time I saw something on television that is BULLSHIT, I would go hoarse in a fairly short period of time. We have woman heads of architectural firms, women riding large motorcycles, Black & white couples all over the place, more mulatto kids than anyone could count...and all of this being portrayed as typical and/or normal, and not extraordinary. Not only is it all bullshit, but it is nauseating. It is the pretense of equality where none exists. And for what purpose?

It is pretty sad. If you believe TV, 95% of the population is black and 85% of that group is gay. It also seems that every new show or movie that comes out has a black, latino, female, gay or combination thereof in the lead. Thank god for all the older British TV on streaming services or my wife and I would just give up. It still amazes me when I hear various people talking about white privilege and systemic racism in America at the number of folks trying to get in from African and Latino governed countries. Why would anyone want to come to a country established by and run by a group of racist white men?

I can't say whether any of the "facts" cited in the following essay are actually factual, but they seem true. If I took the time to say "Bullshit" every time I saw something on television that is BULLSHIT, I would go hoarse in a fairly short period of time. We have woman heads of architectural firms, women riding large motorcycles, Black & white couples all over the place, more mulatto kids than anyone could count...and all of this being portrayed as typical and/or normal, and not extraordinary. Not only is it all bullshit, but it is nauseating. It is the pretense of equality where none exists. And for what purpose?

This is 2021.

The powers-that-be (viz., the big corporations) have decided to push the narrative of diversity or even equity.

So TV advertising this year has seen diversity on steroids.

It is very effective, IMHO.

Like many other viewers, I now expect every commercial to show a diversity of people when it comes to ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, weight, etc. When I see a commercial with only all Caucasian people, I instinctively feel that something is missing.

This is the ideal United States of America that we all dream of: A place where people of all kinds live harmoniously together -- talking, laughing, playing, eating, etc. There is no crime. There are no problems. It is a beautiful and successful multicultural setting.
I can't say whether any of the "facts" cited in the following essay are actually factual, but they seem true. If I took the time to say "Bullshit" every time I saw something on television that is BULLSHIT, I would go hoarse in a fairly short period of time. We have woman heads of architectural firms, women riding large motorcycles, Black & white couples all over the place, more mulatto kids than anyone could count...and all of this being portrayed as typical and/or normal, and not extraordinary. Not only is it all bullshit, but it is nauseating. It is the pretense of equality where none exists. And for what purpose?
What the hell are you so afraid of?
Afraid? How about subjecting the coming generation to indoctrination into a false reality? Homosexuals are a tiny fraction of the population, not present in every household. While there are a few women who do, and can do, the shown activities, they are exceedingly rare...and there is a reason for that.

White (and Asian) MEN are almost exclusively responsible for the vast majority of the valuable, tangible components of our society - buildings, roads, mechanical devices, computers (etc), vehicles, houses, art (all forms), sports, etc., not to mention the COMPANIES/EMPLOYERS that make it all happen. To portray them as "incidental" is bullshit. And that is what is happening.

Would you be "afraid" of your children being taught phony math or science? False history? Same thing.
I can't say whether any of the "facts" cited in the following essay are actually factual, but they seem true. If I took the time to say "Bullshit" every time I saw something on television that is BULLSHIT, I would go hoarse in a fairly short period of time. We have woman heads of architectural firms, women riding large motorcycles, Black & white couples all over the place, more mulatto kids than anyone could count...and all of this being portrayed as typical and/or normal, and not extraordinary. Not only is it all bullshit, but it is nauseating. It is the pretense of equality where none exists. And for what purpose?
You didn’t realize that every American family has a black mom, white husband, Hispanic Trans daughter and an Asian bisexual they/them son?
....Homosexuals are a tiny fraction of the population, not present in every household. While there are a few women who do, and can do, the shown activities, they are exceedingly rare...and there is a reason for that.
And the reason is a dark conspiracy to turn you into a homosexual or a woman, or a homosexual woman? They are just TV commercials, snowflake.

White (and Asian) MEN are almost exclusively responsible for the vast majority of the valuable, tangible components of our society -....
Do you need Edith to fetch you another beer, Archie?

So are you worried all the kids are going to turn black, gay and trans?
That’s the goal of the DemonRat agenda. Look at the demographic change over the years

They don’t want black people. They’re shrinking too. Planned parenthood is taking care of them.

They want foreigners

That’s the goal of the DemonRat agenda. Look at the demographic change over the years

Is it possible that higher levels of acceptance of homosexuality accounts for more people being open about it? Maybe it's not as uncommon as you thought, but people didn't feel comfortable coming out about it.
I can't say whether any of the "facts" cited in the following essay are actually factual, but they seem true. If I took the time to say "Bullshit" every time I saw something on television that is BULLSHIT, I would go hoarse in a fairly short period of time. We have woman heads of architectural firms, women riding large motorcycles, Black & white couples all over the place, more mulatto kids than anyone could count...and all of this being portrayed as typical and/or normal, and not extraordinary. Not only is it all bullshit, but it is nauseating. It is the pretense of equality where none exists. And for what purpose?

This must be incredibly traumatizing for you, you poor thing.

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