What Happens When You Tax Billionaires At 90%

God is using socialism because those who are supposedly His people have become worldly mammon worshipers. God will use socialists if Christians don't fulfill their commission.
Marxism's Secret Appeal Is to Those Who Feel Entitled to Totalitariate

Even Christianity glorifies the Son. And the previous leadership was hereditary, from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob. All the genealogies reinforce the concept of birth over worth. No wonder Communism comes from that spoiled, "Born to Rule" class and makes Communist Party membership hereditary.
Society doesn't have to allow people to amass so many resources when there are so many people who are hungry and homeless.
Mixed Messages From a Mixed-Up Clique

Again your opposite of the rich is a mob of lazy or vicious druggie losers, which makes the rich look good in comparison. This is intentional, and reveals that your gurus are from the ruling class and instinctively have to make it look good, even though they are driven by an Oedipus Complex to also hate their greedy, nasty, and negligent fathers.
I ask you to show me where and how you can change the TAX code to "TAX the rich". I have tried other threads on this and one poster (Winston ) came up with raising Business Tax. The rest just howled because the rich have too much money. I simply ask....where do you find $2T to close existing over-spending problem.

How do you modify the Tax code (without killing the economy) to TAX the rich? I'll wait. Remember, Obiden has had 12 years to get it done. But they did not.
Thanks for the shoutout, but I want to make some points here. Not only can the tax code be modified without killing the economy, it can be modified to increase revenue and IMPROVE the economy. But first, let's clear up some myths. Higher taxes kill investment. Turning to Warren Buffet,

I have worked with investors for 60 years and I have yet to see anyone - not even when capital gains rates were 39.9 percent in 1976-77 - shy away from a sensible investment because of the tax rate on the potential gain.

The rich and powerful don't like paying taxes so they attempt to perpetuate that myth, that higher tax rates discourage investment. They know it is bullshit. Have you ever heard of someone refusing to cash in a winning lottery ticket because the tax rate was too high? Of course not, is a good investment any different?

First thing we do is tax all income the same, which was what was happening in 1976 as Buffet mentioned. Taxing unearned income less than earned income is stupid, and it is a drain on the economy. The example I like to use is the ditch diggers and the shovel owners. If you tax the income from renting out shovels less than you tax the income earned by actually using the shovels and digging ditches, well pretty soon everyone wants to rent out shovels and no one wants to dig ditches. Well hello howdy, have you seen the labor participation rate?

But look at it another way. Say you are a doctor, you invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in an education, sunk hundreds of thousands more into building a practice. Employ dozens of nurses and office staff. The income you earn from what you trained to do is taxed higher than the income you make playing the stock market. How does that make sense?

And then there is the corporate tax rate. A lower corporate tax rate doesn't encourage investment, it does the precise opposite. It encourages rent seeking and profit taking. It discourages risk-taking. We should have corporations putting money back into their business, not taking it out. Low tax rates encourage them to take it out. They don't encourage those corporations to make more pie, they encourage those corporations to attempt to garnish more of the pie that is already there. The former expands the frontier curve, expands the economy. The latter contracts the frontier curve and results in a misallocation of resources.
Buffett can go F himself. Hires a battery of lawyers and accountants to pay as little taxes as he can, then whines because he isn’t paying enough.

Nothing is stopping him from sending every last penny to the Govt.

Hypocritical asshat.
We Are Born in the Dugout. Those Born on Third Base Make Us Believe We've Been Benched.

Buffett's Daddy was a US Congressman. Nobody talks about that, but it is the main key to understanding him and his success (also why he was able to dodge the draft). That's why we are programmed to not post about it.

He was brought up to be a boss; his contemporaries were brought up to serve the bosses. The upbringing is the only difference explaining why his classmates didn't start businesses while in high school. The same goes for Bill Gates.
You certainly have the buzzwords down pat. Very little in the way of substantiating anything beyond insisting that it's true because you say so, but hey, who's counting?

Do you deny that the bottom line of capitalism is profits? Capitalism is a profit-driven system of production.

To assert that capitalists were supposedly compelled to close all of their factories here at home and move them to China, Mexico, and other third-world countries out of the goodness of their hearts, to provide cheap products to the American consumer (the American poor), is truly absurd. You're just making excuses for capitalists who want to make more money, at the expense of the American worker and economy.

Another ridiculous cop-out argument that you appealed to, is the one that proposes that American workers prefer to lose their good-paying, union jobs, in order to have cheap Chinese coffee mugs. That's essentially what you're saying. American manufacturers for over a century were making decent profits, even with unionized labor. Most Americans, if they had the opportunity to buy better quality, MADE IN THE USA production, they would do it, even if they have to pay more.

Of course, you're going to exaggerate and pretend that the better quality American products are going to be SO MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE, AND UNAFFORDABLE, but that's nonsense. Back in the 1980s, even into the 90s, there were plenty of American-made products, and people purchased those products, due to their better quality and simply because those products are AMERICAN. Americans like buying American, especially when they had good-paying union jobs. When you pay workers low wages, they don't have cash to buy products and may actually get into credit-card debt. That's why in the 1980s, so many working-class people fell into heavy credit card debt.

Haven't you noticed that jobs are plentiful right now? In fact, companies can't get enough GOOD workers. The ones they find don't do the job right anymore, so don't deserve high pay.

Why would anyone, especially among the youth, want to work under a totalitarian system that tries to extract as much labor-power from them as possible, while paying as little as possible, with few benefits, if any and without any representation or protection from a labor union?

These businesses are overworking their employees in order to recover as much money as possible, of what they lost during covid and don't care about the conditions their workers are working under (suck it up and get to work bucko!). They could care less. These capitalists share your cynical, indifferent elitist attitude, that always assumes that the workers are at fault for whatever occurs to them in the "labor market" or workplace. By default, it's never the employer-elites who are worthy of criticism, it's supposedly always those "lazy poor people", and "whinny workers".

However, the fact that there are a lot of jobs now is really irrelevant to the point I made in my last post. The point is that, whether there are or aren't enough jobs, the US government can ensure that every American that can work, has a job, in the public sector.

And bankrupt us all the faster. FDR didn't have 30 trillion in debt to deal with, we do.

You obviously don't know anything about economics or how our monetary system works. We have a GDP of 25 trillion dollars and a sovereign fiat currency, exclusively issued by our federal government. There's no way the US Gov, will ever go insolvent, much less bankrupt. Are you suggesting the US government is going to run out of dollars? How is that possible, when it is the exclusive issuer of the USD?

The so-called national debt is a political ploy perpetuated by capitalists and their Republican and Democrat cronies in government. They want Americans to believe that the so-called "national debt", is like a personal or household debt and that couldn't be further from the truth. The debt of currency users (we the people) and the debt of the currency issuer (the US Federal Government), are completely different. Not the same.

If the government spends money on infrastructural projects and putting people to work, that only increases production or our GDP, stimulating the economy. It has ZERO negative effect on our so-called "debt", which is more of a ledger or record of all of the money that is in the economy, in savings and treasuries. Watch this:

Where is that actually happening?

If we had a government that served the people (the American public) rather than the wealthy elites who bribe politicians with their army of lobbyists and their well-funded "think tanks" (stink tanks), they would fix the system, facilitating the creation of democratically-run worker-owned cooperatives, that are now practically always denied loans from the SBA (Small Business Administration) and private banks.

The US government should also provide the American people with a job guarantee in the public sector. That would put more money in worker's hands, that they can use to purchase goods and services and it would increase democracy. The wealthy elites wouldn't be so arrogant and dismissive of the needs of the American workforce. People would have more options than just working for capitalists who hate democracy.

More, as automation and artificial intelligence develop, there's eventually going to be a transition from for-profit production to a non-profit, publicly owned and run production system, hence it behooves us to begin the transition of the American workforce from working in privately owned capitalist dictatorships to democratically run and worker-owned cooperatives.

I absolutely believe the American consumer will pay the lowest price he can find to pay, even at lower quality, especially when it's a choice between cheap shoes and no shoes, cheap TV or no TV.

That's a false dichotomy. The American workforce, despite all of the difficulties and damage caused by supply-side Reaganomics (the trickle down that doesn't trickle), we're still not at a point where the choice is between a cheap Chinese pair of shoes and no shoes, or a cheap Chinese TV and no TV. That's a gross, groundless exaggeration. Most Americans would pay a bit more for a MADE IN THE USA product than continue buying lower-quality Chinese products and destroying America in the process. Gutting America of its manufacturing base and making us dependent upon China for crucial items like safety equipment for medical staff and countless consumer-goods is dangerous and irresponsible.

We should become energy independent and also as independent as possible for all of the consumer goods that we use, that way we can truly be free, no longer needing an adversary to supply us with what we need to live.

Click to expand...Wow, you actually think Americans want to spend more to have American made goods.

Maybe you won't but there are tens of millions of Americans right now, despite the negative, ignorant neo-liberal, capitalist propaganda that you spew, that wouldn't think twice, much less complain about spending a few bucks more to support the American economy and American patriot-employers, who love this country and keep Americans employed, with good wages. In a heartbeat. Maybe you've become nihilistic and don't care anymore, thinking everyone shares your condition.

No reason to read any further than that. Here's your homework assignment. Go stand outside your local Walmart and ask 100 people as they exit if they are, as you say, "itching, even desperate" to buy American, ESPECIALLY when it means they pay a lot more. Come back and tell us how it went.

You're late, I've already done that in my church and online, I've run several polls. Most Americans would opt to restore our manufacturing base, increase wages, improve work conditions, and buy MADE IN THE USA.

If you were a smart capitalist, you would open a factory here and emphasize the fact you sell GOOD QUALITY - MADE IN THE USA.


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I'm curious how you fund government without direct taxes ... Oregon roads are maintain by taxes collected at the fuel pump ... the more we use the roads, the more taxes we pay ... simple ...

Taxes aren't the problem ... the Tax Code is ... elect better congressmen ...
Correction, the more you use petroleum(gasoline), or diesel, the more you pay.
So far, EV's not using as much gasoline/petrol/diesel as ICs, pay less than their "fair share" of taxes for roads. Throw in the additional tax subsidies(write-offs) on purchase of EVs and they pay even less of their "fair-share". Throw in the tax-payer subsidized charging stations and even less still.
When it comes to taxes for transportation~roads; improvements, maintain, expand, etc.; best method would be a mileage (use) based tax.
No they won't, provided the people prevent that from happening by the law of the land, which protects the country's economy. There's no reason why the American people have to allow capitalists to rape their economy and the working class in pursuit of their private profits. Economic cannibalism should be illegal and that's what capitalists do when they close their factories here and move them to China or Mexico. They are practicing a form of economic cannabilism and terrorism.

When capitalists lay off thousands of American workers because they're not satisfied with making a decent profit running their business operations here in America, moving it to Mexico to make INSANE SHORT-TERM PROFITS, by selling those former MADE IN THE USA products to the same American people they fired, that is ECONOMIC CANNIBALISM. Last time I checked, the Word of God, our Bible, prohibits cannibalism. You accuse the working class of raping the rich, it's actually the rich who are raping and eating the working class.

When Donald Trump was running for office in 2016, he portrayed himself as a Republican populist or defender of the working class. He promised those American workers in the Carrier plant in Indiana, that the plant wouldn't close and move to Mexico. He told them that they wouldn't lose their jobs.

About a year after he entered office, Carrier closed the plant in Indiana and all of those hard-working American workers, lost their jobs. Trump did nothing. He didn't impose tariffs on Carrier's products, manufactured outside of the US. We wouldn't have become the super-power that we are today, if not for the US government protecting local manufacturing, back when the government often regulated and protected our economy. Today "free-market" neoliberalism rules, hence politicians allow the "invisible hand", the chaos of the market to determine the state of our economy. That's foolish and completely unnecessary. Our democratic government has a role and obligation to regulate and protect our economy.
The true American patriots and disciples of Jesus Christ, are those who understand that. The fake American patriots and disciples of Jesus are those who serve the greed and hubris of the rich at the expense of American workers and the long-term health of our economy.

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unions had a place back in the 1930s but not today. We have laws that protect workers from being exploited. unions today are just the communist party in disquise.
You certainly have the buzzwords down pat. Very little in the way of substantiating anything beyond insisting that it's true because you say so, but hey, who's counting?

Do you deny that the bottom line of capitalism is profits? Capitalism is a profit-driven system of production.

To assert that capitalists were supposedly compelled to close all of their factories here at home and move them to China, Mexico, and other third-world countries out of the goodness of their hearts, to provide cheap products to the American consumer (the American poor), is truly absurd. You're just making excuses for capitalists who want to make more money, at the expense of the American worker and economy.

Another ridiculous cop-out argument that you appealed to, is the one that proposes that American workers prefer to lose their good-paying, union jobs, in order to have cheap Chinese coffee mugs. That's essentially what you're saying. American manufacturers for over a century were making decent profits, even with unionized labor. Most Americans, if they had the opportunity to buy better quality, MADE IN THE USA production, they would do it, even if they have to pay more.

Of course, you're going to exaggerate and pretend that the better quality American products are going to be SO MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE, AND UNAFFORDABLE, but that's nonsense. Back in the 1980s, even into the 90s, there were plenty of American-made products, and people purchased those products, due to their better quality and simply because those products are AMERICAN. Americans like buying American, especially when they had good-paying union jobs. When you pay workers low wages, they don't have cash to buy products and may actually get into credit-card debt. That's why in the 1980s, so many working-class people fell into heavy credit card debt.

Haven't you noticed that jobs are plentiful right now? In fact, companies can't get enough GOOD workers. The ones they find don't do the job right anymore, so don't deserve high pay.

Why would anyone, especially among the youth, want to work under a totalitarian system that tries to extract as much labor-power from them as possible, while paying as little as possible, with few benefits, if any and without any representation or protection from a labor union?

These businesses are overworking their employees in order to recover as much money as possible, of what they lost during covid and don't care about the conditions their workers are working under (suck it up and get to work bucko!). They could care less. These capitalists share your cynical, indifferent elitist attitude, that always assumes that the workers are at fault for whatever occurs to them in the "labor market" or workplace. By default, it's never the employer-elites who are worthy of criticism, it's supposedly always those "lazy poor people", and "whinny workers".

However, the fact that there are a lot of jobs now is really irrelevant to the point I made in my last post. The point is that, whether there are or aren't enough jobs, the US government can ensure that every American that can work, has a job, in the public sector.

And bankrupt us all the faster. FDR didn't have 30 trillion in debt to deal with, we do.

You obviously don't know anything about economics or how our monetary system works. We have a GDP of 25 trillion dollars and a sovereign fiat currency, exclusively issued by our federal government. There's no way the US Gov, will ever go insolvent, much less bankrupt. Are you suggesting the US government is going to run out of dollars? How is that possible, when it is the exclusive issuer of the USD?

The so-called national debt is a political ploy perpetuated by capitalists and their Republican and Democrat cronies in government. They want Americans to believe that the so-called "national debt", is like a personal or household debt and that couldn't be further from the truth. The debt of currency users (we the people) and the debt of the currency issuer (the US Federal Government), are completely different. Not the same.

If the government spends money on infrastructural projects and putting people to work, that only increases production or our GDP, stimulating the economy. It has ZERO negative effect on our so-called "debt", which is more of a ledger or record of all of the money that is in the economy, in savings and treasuries. Watch this:

Where is that actually happening?

If we had a government that served the people (the American public) rather than the wealthy elites who bribe politicians with their army of lobbyists and their well-funded "think tanks" (stink tanks), they would fix the system, facilitating the creation of democratically-run worker-owned cooperatives, that are now practically always denied loans from the SBA (Small Business Administration) and private banks.

The US government should also provide the American people with a job guarantee in the public sector. That would put more money in worker's hands, that they can use to purchase goods and services and it would increase democracy. The wealthy elites wouldn't be so arrogant and dismissive of the needs of the American workforce. People would have more options than just working for capitalists who hate democracy.

More, as automation and artificial intelligence develop, there's eventually going to be a transition from for-profit production to a non-profit, publicly owned and run production system, hence it behooves us to begin the transition of the American workforce from working in privately owned capitalist dictatorships to democratically run and worker-owned cooperatives.

I absolutely believe the American consumer will pay the lowest price he can find to pay, even at lower quality, especially when it's a choice between cheap shoes and no shoes, cheap TV or no TV.

That's a false dichotomy. The American workforce, despite all of the difficulties and damage caused by supply-side Reaganomics (the trickle down that doesn't trickle), we're still not at a point where the choice is between a cheap Chinese pair of shoes and no shoes, or a cheap Chinese TV and no TV. That's a gross, groundless exaggeration. Most Americans would pay a bit more for a MADE IN THE USA product than continue buying lower-quality Chinese products and destroying America in the process. Gutting America of its manufacturing base and making us dependent upon China for crucial items like safety equipment for medical staff and countless consumer-goods is dangerous and irresponsible.

We should become energy independent and also as independent as possible for all of the consumer goods that we use, that way we can truly be free, no longer needing an adversary to supply us with what we need to live.

Click to expand...Wow, you actually think Americans want to spend more to have American made goods.

Maybe you won't but there are tens of millions of Americans right now, despite the negative, ignorant neo-liberal, capitalist propaganda that you spew, that wouldn't think twice, much less complain about spending a few bucks more to support the American economy and American patriot-employers, who love this country and keep Americans employed, with good wages. In a heartbeat. Maybe you've become nihilistic and don't care anymore, thinking everyone shares your condition.

No reason to read any further than that. Here's your homework assignment. Go stand outside your local Walmart and ask 100 people as they exit if they are, as you say, "itching, even desperate" to buy American, ESPECIALLY when it means they pay a lot more. Come back and tell us how it went.

You're late, I've already done that in my church and online, I've run several polls. Most Americans would opt to restore our manufacturing base, increase wages, improve work conditions, and buy MADE IN THE USA.

If you were a smart capitalist, you would open a factory here and emphasize the fact you sell GOOD QUALITY - MADE IN THE USA.

without the profit motive this country would never have existed and if it did it would be a large copy of failed european socialism.

screw you and screw all unions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unions had a place back in the 1930s but not today. We have laws that protect workers from being exploited. unions today are just the communist party in disquise.

What legal protections are you referring to? The workers have to negotiate with their powerful, wealthy employers, as one individual (one little average Joe)? Why would you assume that in the past it had a place, and it doesn't today when the relationship between employers and employees hasn't changed?

The reality is that union workers earn more money, have better benefits and creates a system of checks and balances between employees and their employers.

Why do you have such an aversion for the working-class unionizing but not the wealthy elites, doing the same? The capitalist-class knows the value of collectivizing their efforts to defend and advance their vested interests in the halls of government. This is why they have chambers of commerce, super-PACs, industry associations, armies of lobbyists, think tanks, guilds.etc. These wealthy elites, control the government, the media, essentially everything. Are you concerned with the unions or what Adam Smith identified as "the combinations of the masters" (masters = capitalists)? No, you're not. You're all for it. You will defend the rich, until the very end, but if the working-poor and the middle class unionize. You have a fit.

Why is that? Ask yourself that question. Only the rich can unionize, can combine, and can collectivize their efforts, to advance their financial interests, but not the working class. They can't do it, according to you because it's immoral when workers do exactly the same thing, that their employers do to advance their own interests. Amazing.
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You certainly have the buzzwords down pat. Very little in the way of substantiating anything beyond insisting that it's true because you say so, but hey, who's counting?

Do you deny that the bottom line of capitalism is profits? Capitalism is a profit-driven system of production.

To assert that capitalists were supposedly compelled to close all of their factories here at home and move them to China, Mexico, and other third-world countries out of the goodness of their hearts, to provide cheap products to the American consumer (the American poor), is truly absurd. You're just making excuses for capitalists who want to make more money, at the expense of the American worker and economy.

Another ridiculous cop-out argument that you appealed to, is the one that proposes that American workers prefer to lose their good-paying, union jobs, in order to have cheap Chinese coffee mugs. That's essentially what you're saying. American manufacturers for over a century were making decent profits, even with unionized labor. Most Americans, if they had the opportunity to buy better quality, MADE IN THE USA production, they would do it, even if they have to pay more.

Of course, you're going to exaggerate and pretend that the better quality American products are going to be SO MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE, AND UNAFFORDABLE, but that's nonsense. Back in the 1980s, even into the 90s, there were plenty of American-made products, and people purchased those products, due to their better quality and simply because those products are AMERICAN. Americans like buying American, especially when they had good-paying union jobs. When you pay workers low wages, they don't have cash to buy products and may actually get into credit-card debt. That's why in the 1980s, so many working-class people fell into heavy credit card debt.

Haven't you noticed that jobs are plentiful right now? In fact, companies can't get enough GOOD workers. The ones they find don't do the job right anymore, so don't deserve high pay.

Why would anyone, especially among the youth, want to work under a totalitarian system that tries to extract as much labor-power from them as possible, while paying as little as possible, with few benefits, if any and without any representation or protection from a labor union?

These businesses are overworking their employees in order to recover as much money as possible, of what they lost during covid and don't care about the conditions their workers are working under (suck it up and get to work bucko!). They could care less. These capitalists share your cynical, indifferent elitist attitude, that always assumes that the workers are at fault for whatever occurs to them in the "labor market" or workplace. By default, it's never the employer-elites who are worthy of criticism, it's supposedly always those "lazy poor people", and "whinny workers".

However, the fact that there are a lot of jobs now is really irrelevant to the point I made in my last post. The point is that, whether there are or aren't enough jobs, the US government can ensure that every American that can work, has a job, in the public sector.

And bankrupt us all the faster. FDR didn't have 30 trillion in debt to deal with, we do.

You obviously don't know anything about economics or how our monetary system works. We have a GDP of 25 trillion dollars and a sovereign fiat currency, exclusively issued by our federal government. There's no way the US Gov, will ever go insolvent, much less bankrupt. Are you suggesting the US government is going to run out of dollars? How is that possible, when it is the exclusive issuer of the USD?

The so-called national debt is a political ploy perpetuated by capitalists and their Republican and Democrat cronies in government. They want Americans to believe that the so-called "national debt", is like a personal or household debt and that couldn't be further from the truth. The debt of currency users (we the people) and the debt of the currency issuer (the US Federal Government), are completely different. Not the same.

If the government spends money on infrastructural projects and putting people to work, that only increases production or our GDP, stimulating the economy. It has ZERO negative effect on our so-called "debt", which is more of a ledger or record of all of the money that is in the economy, in savings and treasuries. Watch this:

Where is that actually happening?

If we had a government that served the people (the American public) rather than the wealthy elites who bribe politicians with their army of lobbyists and their well-funded "think tanks" (stink tanks), they would fix the system, facilitating the creation of democratically-run worker-owned cooperatives, that are now practically always denied loans from the SBA (Small Business Administration) and private banks.

The US government should also provide the American people with a job guarantee in the public sector. That would put more money in worker's hands, that they can use to purchase goods and services and it would increase democracy. The wealthy elites wouldn't be so arrogant and dismissive of the needs of the American workforce. People would have more options than just working for capitalists who hate democracy.

More, as automation and artificial intelligence develop, there's eventually going to be a transition from for-profit production to a non-profit, publicly owned and run production system, hence it behooves us to begin the transition of the American workforce from working in privately owned capitalist dictatorships to democratically run and worker-owned cooperatives.

I absolutely believe the American consumer will pay the lowest price he can find to pay, even at lower quality, especially when it's a choice between cheap shoes and no shoes, cheap TV or no TV.

That's a false dichotomy. The American workforce, despite all of the difficulties and damage caused by supply-side Reaganomics (the trickle down that doesn't trickle), we're still not at a point where the choice is between a cheap Chinese pair of shoes and no shoes, or a cheap Chinese TV and no TV. That's a gross, groundless exaggeration. Most Americans would pay a bit more for a MADE IN THE USA product than continue buying lower-quality Chinese products and destroying America in the process. Gutting America of its manufacturing base and making us dependent upon China for crucial items like safety equipment for medical staff and countless consumer-goods is dangerous and irresponsible.

We should become energy independent and also as independent as possible for all of the consumer goods that we use, that way we can truly be free, no longer needing an adversary to supply us with what we need to live.

Click to expand...Wow, you actually think Americans want to spend more to have American made goods.

Maybe you won't but there are tens of millions of Americans right now, despite the negative, ignorant neo-liberal, capitalist propaganda that you spew, that wouldn't think twice, much less complain about spending a few bucks more to support the American economy and American patriot-employers, who love this country and keep Americans employed, with good wages. In a heartbeat. Maybe you've become nihilistic and don't care anymore, thinking everyone shares your condition.

No reason to read any further than that. Here's your homework assignment. Go stand outside your local Walmart and ask 100 people as they exit if they are, as you say, "itching, even desperate" to buy American, ESPECIALLY when it means they pay a lot more. Come back and tell us how it went.

You're late, I've already done that in my church and online, I've run several polls. Most Americans would opt to restore our manufacturing base, increase wages, improve work conditions, and buy MADE IN THE USA.

If you were a smart capitalist, you would open a factory here and emphasize the fact you sell GOOD QUALITY - MADE IN THE USA.

What a windbag.
without the profit motive this country would never have existed and if it did it would be a large copy of failed european socialism.

screw you and screw all unions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The profit motive will always be present as long as we have capitalism, and that's not what I am against. The capitalist pursuit of profits has to benefit, not just the wealthy elites, but their workers as well. It has to benefit everyone.

The EU would be much better off financially if it wasn't under the heel of the United States and neo-liberals, serving the interests of private industry, at the expense of its citizens. If the EU had a responsible government, its energy sector wouldn't be dependent upon foreign gas, but rather on modern, safe and clean, European nuclear plants, as it once was.

Despite all of the aforementioned problems, Europeans have a higher life expectancy and standard of living than we do.

"European countries offer shorter working weeks, longer holidays, and a greater focus on work-life balance. This emphasis on quality of life is one of the biggest advantages that Europe has over the US"....

Happy Index:

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Tell me that you don't understand how economies work without telling me you don't understand how economies work.

You just did. Milton, Friedman’s economic theories have been completely discredited and yet the USA continues to be one of the only nations in the world still running on them. The redo of the countries are second tier nations in South America.

USA has the highest rate of wealth and wage in equity in the first world. Wages as a percentage of costs are now at the same level. They were in the Gilded Age of the robber barons, prior to the rise of the unions movement.

Instead of raising wages, Republicans raised, earned income credit, shifting costs for low income, workers from the employer to the federal government. The programs are expensive, unwieldy, and completely unnecessary in countries where workers are paid a living wage.

But it has given US corporations, the highest profits in the world.
You just did. Milton, Friedman’s economic theories have been completely discredited and yet the USA continues to be one of the only nations in the world still running on them. The redo of the countries are second tier nations in South America.

USA has the highest rate of wealth and wage in equity in the first world. Wages as a percentage of costs are now at the same level. They were in the Gilded Age of the robber barons, prior to the rise of the unions movement.

Instead of raising wages, Republicans raised, earned income credit, shifting costs for low income, workers from the employer to the federal government. The programs are expensive, unwieldy, and completely unnecessary in countries where workers are paid a living wage.

But it has given US corporations, the highest profits in the world.
You just did. Milton, Friedman’s economic theories have been completely discredited and yet the USA continues to be one of the only nations in the world still running on them. The redo of the countries are second tier nations in South America.

USA has the highest rate of wealth and wage in equity in the first world. Wages as a percentage of costs are now at the same level. They were in the Gilded Age of the robber barons, prior to the rise of the unions movement.

Instead of raising wages, Republicans raised, earned income credit, shifting costs for low income, workers from the employer to the federal government. The programs are expensive, unwieldy, and completely unnecessary in countries where workers are paid a living wage.

But it has given US corporations, the highest profits in the world.

Republican policies create such turmoil and suffering, among working people, that they ironically, ensure the destruction of capitalism and the adoption of socialism. They're the most effective promoters of socialism, the system that they hate the most. Amazing.

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American food pantry "breadlines": Anything is better than this.​
The profit motive will always be present as long as we have capitalism, and that's not what I am against, but that capitalist pursuit of profits, has to benefit, not just the wealthy elites, but their workers as well. It has to benefit everyone.

The EU would be much better off financially if it wasn't under the heel of the United States and neo-liberals, serving the interests of private industry, at the expense of its citizens. If the EU had a responsible government, its energy sector wouldn't be dependent upon foreign gas, but rather on modern, safe and clean, European nuclear plants, as it once was.

Despite all of the aforementioned problems, Europeans have a higher life expectancy and standard of living than we do.

"European countries offer shorter working weeks, longer holidays, and a greater focus on work-life balance. This emphasis on quality of life is one of the biggest advantages that Europe has over the US"....

Happy Index:

The profit motive will always be present as long as we have capitalism, and that's not what I am against, but that capitalist pursuit of profits, has to benefit, not just the wealthy elites, but their workers as well. It has to benefit everyone.

If you stopped using everything in your house that generated a profit and doesn't benefit you,
how many items would we be talking about?

Europeans have a higher life expectancy and standard of living than we do.

Which 10 European countries have the highest standards of living? How high are they?
You just did. Milton, Friedman’s economic theories have been completely discredited and yet the USA continues to be one of the only nations in the world still running on them.

Which of his theories? Who discredited them? When?

Post a list. As many as you can.
The profit motive will always be present as long as we have capitalism, and that's not what I am against, but that capitalist pursuit of profits, has to benefit, not just the wealthy elites, but their workers as well. It has to benefit everyone.

If you stopped using everything in your house that generated a profit and doesn't benefit you,
how many items would we be talking about?

Europeans have a higher life expectancy and standard of living than we do.

Which 10 European countries have the highest standards of living? How high are they?
Capitalism has to benefit everyone not just the rich. That entails that the workers who produce the goods and deliver the services must earn a living wage. Workers are also paying consumers. If capitalists hurt workers by paying them starvation wages, they hurt their customers. In other words, they hurt themselves. The economy is like an ecosystem. Everyone should benefit from capitalism, not just one group, at the expense of others.

As far as European countries with a higher standard of living, I provided some links in that post, showing the happy index and some other data. Anyone can google "Europe vs US standard of Living". You'll get many sources, showing how the standard of living in Western Europe is quite high.
Capitalism has to benefit everyone not just the rich. That entails that the workers who produce the goods and deliver the services must earn a living wage. Workers are also paying consumers. If capitalists hurt workers by paying them starvation wages, they hurt their customers. In other words, they hurt themselves. The economy is like an ecosystem. Everyone should benefit from capitalism, not just one group, at the expense of others.

As far as European countries with a higher standard of living, I provided some links in that post, showing the happy index and some other data. Anyone can google "Europe vs US standard of Living". You'll get many sources, showing how the standard of living in Western Europe is quite high.

As far as European countries with a higher standard of living, I provided some links in that post, showing the happy index and some other data.

Don't post the "happy index", post their GDP per capita.
As far as European countries with a higher standard of living, I provided some links in that post, showing the happy index and some other data.

Don't post the "happy index", post their GDP per capita.
GDP isn't the only metric to assess the standard of living of a country. So why the emphasis on GDP?

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