Diamond Member
Americans in their 30s have never looked less like grown-ups.
Amid steep declines in homeownership, marriage and birth rates, economists have long been warning that young people are struggling to meet the milestones of adulthood. Although some 30-somethings are consciously choosing a less traditional path, many say these goals are simply out of reach.
"It feels like the instructions for how to live a good life don't apply anymore," says 38-year-old Cody Harding, who is single and lives with three roommates in Brooklyn. "And nobody has updated them."
Now, as a mix of social and economic factors holds back an entire generation, what researchers once called a lag is starting to look more like a permanent state of arrested development.
"We're moving from later to never," says Richard Reeves, president of the American Institute for Boys and Men. He notes that the longer people take to launch into a more conventional adulthood, the less likely they are to do it at all.
A third of today's young adults will never marry, projects conservative think tank the Institute for Family Studies, compared to less than a fifth of those born in previous decades. The share of childless adults under 50 who say they are unlikely to ever have kids, meanwhile, rose 10 percentage points between 2018 and 2023, from 37% to 47%, according to Pew Research Center.
Leftists destroyed the nuclear family.
Globalists offshored many good jobs.
Kids were railroaded into going to college for worthless degrees.
Unchecked illegal immigration and Corporate Oligarchy has combined to drive housing prices to insane levels.
That’s a start.
That said:
The current crop of them I blame on the parents half-raising them. You need to get your fucking kids out of the house so they can learn to function on their own. Yeah. you can give them a hand from time to time, but an uncomfortable life when starting out is good for them.
Your 20's should be kind of hard, that's when you learn how to function as an adult. I know that it was a damn steep learning curve for me with a young family to support and keep a roof over their heads.
The first thing I saved-up for was for a used chest freezer so I could fill it with meat, fish, and things you could freeze from the garden.